Not all promises can be kept...

By nightwalker

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Not all promises can be kept (Ryder's story)
Not all promises can be kept (Ryder's story) 2
Not all promises can be kept (3)
I want out
A whole new world

Friends.... No thanks

296 5 3
By nightwalker

My guard took me to the cafeteria and I wasn't grateful. It was hell what I just went through and now he wanted me to eat. "These people are demented" I said. Looking at the food just made me want to puke. "Hello" Then a girl was sitting next to me. She was pretty and looked friendly. At the moment I couldn't tell if it was a set up or if the poor thing was actually friendly. But I was ready to end it all by looking her in the eyes. Her smile grew even bigger when she saw my eyes. "So your the kid everyone is afraid of" I glared at her, it wasn't fair she was suppose to be afraid of me to. I sighed realizing that my glaring was doing anything to make her go away and my guard was just looking amused. "My name is Ryder and this is" I stopped just realizing that I didn't know his name, and I said I was going to be his friend. "Patrick" the guard finished for me seeing as I was stumped. " I'm Nala" I smiled at her a perfect name for her. "A pretty name for a pretty girl" I said, I was being sincere but Nala probably didn't believe me. "Ryder a perfect name for a player" she said. My mouth flew open, I wasn't trying to flirt. "No you got me wrong, I like some other girl" I quickly looked around to make sure there was no camera's. "Who" She asked leaning close to me. I knew that if I didn't tell her she'd keep pestering me until I did. "Her name is Kayla" A smile played on Nala's face "Is she pretty? does she love you? Are you two going to get marr.." She stopped probably realizing where we were. If I was to marry Kayla it would mean Nala would have to die. We both knew what the other was thinking. We can't become friends, one of us is going to die. "Let's not let the future bring us down" Nala said cheerily. "Nala" I said hesitantly not wanting her to get mad if I asked her this. She gave me a gesture to go on, so I did "Do you want to become friends?" She smiled "Of course Ryder, but I got to warn you if were put up against each other, I will kill you" It was weird to see her say that, she looked so pretty and innocent. I nodded like I was agreeing with her because I refuse to tell her that if were put up against each other I'm going to let her win. "So Nala what do you have waiting for you out of this hell hole" She laughed and took her time to consider what she wanted to tell me and what she wanted to keep a secret. "I have a family, huge and a boyfriend, my parents don't like him because he's not of royal blood, buthe's my mate" I looked at her. "Are you a werewolf?" I asked.

"Of course" I envied her, it was easier for werewolves to find their mates and it was easier for them to realize it. Other Immortals didn't feel as strong a connection, it must be because real wolves mate for life so it was only naturally for werewolves to be able to find their mate. "You a big one?" It was just a question to get her talking because normally royals were bigger when shifting and if they sent her instead of a brother than it means she is bigger than him. "You know the answer to that don't you? I think I'm the one who gets to ask questions. So what exactly are you? No one here knows they all just say your really powerful" Her eyes never left mine, and I smiled a sad smile but it was a smile. "I'm anything I want to be" She seem to catch on. "Anything even me?" She asked. I nodded she seemed so impress, I guess it was a harder trick for a shape shifter. "Do it" she said her eyes wide waiting for me to do it. "I don't think I can" I pointed to the bracelet, I couldn't do a simple trick without feeling exhausted, I highly doubt I can do a even harder one. "Try your suppose to be really powerful"I groaned even Patrick seemed interested to see if I could do it. "If I can't do it or I look funny don't you dare make fun of me" I growled, I wanted to see if I could do it, If I could it would mean that I can pretty much do anything with this bracelet on. I concentrated really hard thinking of Nala and all her features. It was harder than normal. This time I had to try so much harder. I opened my eyes when I believed I had successfully transformed. Nala gasped. "Do I not look anything like you?" Then I realize my question was stupid my voice sounded like Nala's. "Just you eyes" I closed my eyes and opened them, Patrick and her both gasped. "Do I look like you or not?" I growled. It sounded so weird it was in a girl voice, never have I tried to transform into a girl. "Your my twin" She grabbed me and hugged me. "Being a girl is kind of wrong" I said not knowing if wrong was the right word. "But your so cute as a girl" Nala said. I rolled my eyes. "Nala I'm in your body if I was a girl I'd look like this" this time it was easier to transform I was just myself with a few extra parts and a whole lot less muscle. My hair was longer and my face turned softer and smaller, my height went down and my framed was more curved. "How do I look?" my voice was high pitched and I shut my mouth as soon as I opened it. "Hot" Patrick said looking me up and down. I glared at him "Remember Patrick I'm still Ryder" As soon as he realized what he just did and to who he blushed. Nala started joking with Patrick when I started to feel pain. Not wanting to worry them I didn't tell them, It felt as if every last bit of me was being drained into the bracelet. "Ry?" Nala asked started to sense something was wrong. But before I could reassure her I was okay, the pain hit a whole new level and I fell to the floor. I knew Patrick and Nala were yelling but I couldn't comprehend the words. My body was shaking and all I wanted to do was rip off the damn bracelet. Nala saw me desperately clinging to it and trying to pull it off with all my strength. Nala came to my rescue and with her and my strength we got the bracelet off. Power flooded back into me and I turned back into myself. My arm where the bracelet was now had a huge bruise. The Queen and hundreds of her men ran in when I was still sitting on the floor staring with wonder at my arm. "What the hell just happen!" Patrick yelled at the Queen. The Queen didn't seem to mind though "He used to much power with the bracelet on, if he just turned back into himself it would have stopped hurting" I glared at her. All of this was her fault. "Now Patrick who are you to yell at me, guards grab him and kill him" She said it so calmly in such a nice voice. I stood up as they circled around him. "Your forgetting one thing" I said and everyone stopped to listen. "Patrick is my friend now" with that and a gleam in my eyes I snapped my fingers. All of the Queens body guards fell. "Finally my powers are back" It felt so good like a stretch after being confined to a small space. "Sorry I have to do this Queen" And with a small spell I got it to erase from everyone'smind that the Queen ever wanted Patrick. "Guards!" the Queen yelled. The stronger ones got up moaning in pain. "I want the weakest contestant killed" Everyone was shocked, normally a contestant was only killed for being the weakest because they either had to even the teams or there wasn't enough excitement. "Haven't we had enough excitement your majesty?" A bold guard asked, she glared at him. "There is no such thing as enough excitement" She growled. I knew though that she just wanted to show everyone that she was still in power and she could do whatever she wanted, of course she couldn't if I killed her.

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