Modern HTTYD - The Music With...

By GhostGod15

318 9 4

In The Music Within a 16 finna be 17 years old boy name Hiccup wants to be a music artist, but his own parent... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 (Finale)

Chapter 2

43 2 0
By GhostGod15

Scene 4 (Lunch room)

*Students eating and chatting*

*Hiccup gets his lunch to eat with his friends*

*Hiccup walks but then Heather boyfriend Snotlout knock his lunch on to him*

*Students start laughing*


Snotlout - *sarcasticly* Opps sorry loser

*Hiccup sits down with Astrid and Toothless*

Hiccup - I hate her boyfriend *looking at Snotlout sitting down next to Heather*

Heather - Nice one babe *kiss Snotlout*

Toothless - I know but it high school the popular kids prey on the weak

Astrid - One day they'll get what coming to them, cause what goes around

comes around, you ok

Hiccup - Yeah, but I'm just wondering what the big surprise Gobber is

hiding from us

Toothless - Who knows... it could be something that could benfit you

Hiccup - I hope it does because I just want to shut my dad up once and for


Toothless - Again huh

Hiccup - Yes, he doesn't support or believe that I can become a music artist

he never does he want to be like him working in stock marketing company,

but I don't want that I just want to be myself and him to be a father and

support my dream

Toothless - Your grandma do

Hiccup - Yeah she does *frowning*

Toothless - And she fine too *drinking his soda*

Hiccup - Screw you Toothless with your Justin Bieber looking ass

*Toothless spit up his soda a little*

*Hiccup and Astrid laugh*

Toothless - touche

Scene 5 (Ice Cream Shop and Hiccup's House after they got ice cream)

*Hiccup and Astrid tells Toothless what happened this morning*

Hiccup - Than all I hear is *sarcasticly* IF YOU DON'T STOP PLAYING THAT RIDICULOUS


Toothless - Wow, you're dad is a real douchbag

Hiccup - Yeah, he also a piece of ...

Ice Cream Shop Owner - LANGUAGE

*Hiccup and Toothless look at him then back at Astrid enjoying her ice cream*

Hiccup - You just love that ice cream don't you

Astrid - Ice cream

*Hiccup and Toothless laugh*

*Astrid finish hers and went for Hiccup's*

Hiccup - Oh no you don't

Astrid - Ice cream

*Toothless looks at them laughing*

Hiccup - You just finished your ice cream *laughing*

Astrid - Ice.....Cream

*They both realize how close they was to each other and started blushing*

Toothless - Love birds

Hiccup - You can go ...

Ice Cream Shop Owner - LANGUAGE

*All look at him while Astrid turns back quickly and got a small bit of

Hiccup's ice cream*

Hiccup - Hey

*Astrid laughs then Hiccup and Toothless*

(Hiccup Home)

Hiccup - We're home

Valka - Welcome back,oh and hello Toothless *smiling*

Toothless - Hey Valka

Astrid - Hello Valka *Hiccup and Nata. hugs her*

Valka - Oh, hello little kitty and just in time too I'm making cupcakes

Hiccup - Really

Valka - Yeah and I could use some help

Hiccup - Already ahead of you give us a minute to change

Valka - Alright

*Hiccup and Astrid head up stairs to change clothes*

Toothless - What flavor we're making

Valka - Vanilla and Chocolate, so how was school

Toothless - The usually boring we have better things to do, but you should have seen

Hiccup and Astrid today they killed it

Valka - What they do

Toothless - Ok, so today in class Gobber wanted the students to sing in duets

and she called them up, and they sang perfect by design, and the students loved it

Valka - Except Heather

Toothless - Except Heather

Valka - *chuckles* She just another mean girl jealous of their talent, but you

know I just don't get it yeah he sing better but what the point of degrading or

being rude to him if they both can sing and love to sing so what the point just

worry about yourself and your passion and nobody else's if she stop being so

jealous she can be just as good as him and every other singer out there and

that goes for everybody that have their own dream and passion

Toothless - I know right, ... I love you

Valka - What

Toothless - Nothing

*Hiccup and Astrid comes back down*

Astrid - Alright let's make some cupcakes

*Short montage of them goofing around making cupcakes*

*13min pass after putting the muffins in the oven, they're just chatting*

Valka - So, Toothless told me about you two duets today

Hiccup - Yeah and of course...

All of them - Heather is jealous *all start laugh*

Hiccup - But, yeah it was good today and I enjoyed it *looking at Astrid*

Astrid - Yeah me too *looking back at Hiccup*

Toothless - You know for a cat you can sing

Valka - Well then let's hear another one

*Hiccup and Astrid shrugged their shoulders*

Hiccup - Alright, Toothless can you pick one

Toothless - Yeah *thinking* how about black and white I already have the mixing of it

Astrid - From Pokemon

Valka - Yeah, y'all both know it, y'all sing some parts of it from time to time

plus it's one of everybody favorite childhood show, even I watched it a few times

Hiccup - Alright *stares at Astrid, Astrid stares back*

*Start singing Black and White cover by Natewantstobattle ft.AmaLee*

H - It's always hard, When the journey begins.

A - Hard to find your way; Hard to make amends.

H - But there's nothing you can't do,

Both - 'Cause you've got the power inside of you.

H - It's never easy, To make a choice:

A - To keep things inside, Or raise your voice.

H - But for everyone there comes a time

Both - When the light inside begins to shine.

It's not always right or wrong,

As long as your spirit's strong.

It's not always win or lose,

It's the road you choose;

The answer's within.

It's not always black and white,

But your heart always knows what's right.

But let the journey begin

H - So many choices; How do we know?

A - So many places; Where do we go?

H - What should I say?

A - What should I do?

Both - Still, we're together me and you!

It's not always right or wrong,

As long as your spirit's strong.

It's not always win or lose,

It's the road you choose;

The answer's within.

It's not always black and white,

But your heart always knows what's right.

But let the journey begin:


H - There's nothing you can't do,

Both - 'Cause you've got the power inside of you.

It's not always right or wrong,

As long as your spirit's strong.

It's not always win or lose,

It's the road you choose;

The answer's within.

It's not always black and white,

but your heart always knows what's right.

Let the journey begin:


*Hiccup and Astrid stare at each other smiling for 5sec*

Toothless - Love birds

Hiccup - Take your broke ass out coming over my house

*Valka and Astrid laugh*

Toothless - *looks at Valka and Astrid* Y'all not gonna defend me

Valka and Astrid - Nope

Astrid - Jinx

Valka - Damn it *gives her a dollar*

Toothless - Where our love go

*All of start laughing*

*Timer dings*

Valka - Muffins are done

Astrid - I get to taste the frosting first *running to the counter*

Hiccup - Oh, no you don't

Valka - It just cupcakes damn *scene fades*

*After enjoying cupcakes*

Hiccup - I forget you make the best cupcakes

Astrid - Yeah, we should make some next week

Valka - We're doing cookies next week Astrid

Toothless - That even better anyway it about time for me to go *get his bag* bye everybody

Hiccup - Bye man see you tomorrow

Toothless - you too, love you Valka

Valka - What

Toothless - Nothing *close the door*

Valka - What do that damn boy being saying

Hiccup - I don't know and I don't bother to ask

*All hears car get locked and Stoick and Rita walks in*

Stoick - You enjoyed your dinner

Rita - Yes I did *kissing Stoick*

Hiccup - Hey Mom, Hey Dad

*Walks pass ignoring him*

Hiccup - Hey

*Still ignoring him*

*Hiccup looks at a glass and knock it down*

Rita - Raccoon must have got into the trash again

Stoick - Yeah

*Astrid facepalm*

Valka - Boy if you don't say hey to your son

Stoick - Shut up mom *go to their room and close the door*

Valka - Hold on *getting her belt* this skin tone chicken bone ass boy got

me mess up *going up the stairs*

Hiccup and Astrid - Oh boy

Hiccup - Jinx

Astrid - Damn *hands him a dollar*

Hiccup - Ahhh revenge feels nice

Astrid - *chuckles* Shut up

Valka - What the hell you just said to me

Stoick - Hold on ma

*Hiccup and Astrid hears what going on*

*Valka starts whooping Stoick*


Rita - I'll call the police *Valka leaving the room*

Valka - Call the popo, I ain't scare of the popo ho

Hiccup - Well you handle that ass pretty well

Astrid - But seriously, they can't even say hey to their own child

Valka - Well maybe if he stayed in school longer he would understand the meaning

of hey, but his brain under developed

Hiccup and Astrid - Yep

Hiccup and Astrid - Jinx

Hiccup - No one win

Astrid - But now his butt is under developed *laughing*

*Cleans up the kitchen*

Scene 6 (Hiccup's bed room)

*Hiccup and Astrid looking at the night sky through his window*

Astrid - It look beautiful out there tonight

Hiccup - Yeah it does, I wish it could be like this everyday, I would just stare

at the sky until I fall asleep it peaceful and free

Astrid - It like...all of our problems are wished away

Hiccup - And we're away in our own universe together

Astrid - Where no one can bother us

*Hiccup and Astrid stare at each other*

Astrid - Huhhh what you think Gobber huge surprise is

Hiccup - Oh, I don't know what you think it is

Astrid - I think it a talent show

Hiccup - A talent show?

Astrid - Yeah

Hiccup - I...slightly doubt it a talent show, I mean don't get wrong

that would be great, but I just want prove to him that this is me without

having an entrie crowd showing him that, I want him to see it from me

Astrid - I know, but you don't need to prove anything to him you know

you can sing, and you don't need his approval because you already got it

Hiccup - From who

Astrid - From you

Hiccup - Thanks but I still doubt its a talent show

Scene 7 (Music Class)

Gobber - The surprise is that we're having a talent show with record

companys who can help you create your own record company

*Students get exticed*

Hiccup - *chuckles* I stand corrected

Astrid - told you *smiling*

Toothless - Dude this could be the chance that you were looking for

Gobber - However they want to see what everybody can do on their own ,

so you all have to it solo

Students - Awwwww

Hiccup - *looks at Astrid* you comfortable to sing by yourself

Astrid - Yeah besides I learn from the best *nudging Hiccup*

*One student raises his hand*

Gobber - Yes

Dagur - Do the companys know that some people sing in duets or are in a band

Gobber - Yes, however they want to see how well can one do on their own

Dagur - *quietly* You fat ass bitch

Heather - Easy, because we all know that I'm going to win

Dagur - *quietly* I'm gonna kill you

Gobber - Not so fast Heather it not just this class it also the entire


Heather - So, wait everybody have to do it

Gobber - No, but that on you if you want to do it or not, but don't forgot

opportunity like this come once in a life time, so don't waste it

*goes back to her desk*

Gobber - Oh and Toothless I already told them about you so you're good to


Toothless - Thanks

Toothless - Hiccup, you and Astrid have to do this

Hiccup - I know this is the chance we get to prove ourselves

Astrid - And for you to finally shut your dad up once and for all

Toothless - Exactly, Hiccup you have to do this

Hiccup - I don't know, what if my dad know that we're doing the talent


Astrid - Screw your dad it doesn't matter, Hiccup it about you doing what you love,

no matter what people say

Toothless - Yeah because your dad and Heather can go...

Ice Cream Shop Owner - LANGUAGE

*All 3 look at the window looking at him, then back at each other*

Toothless - How did he.... where was I.... this is your dream Hiccup not theirs

and only you can make that dream a reality

Hiccup - You're right...

*Heather with her 2 bestfriends comes slamming her hand on Hiccup's desk*

*Hiccup turns looking a her*

Hiccup - What the

Heather - Listen you little brat you are not going to get in my way

of the talent show, so don't even think about doing it

Hiccup - If I don't *looking at her up and down*

*Heather and Ruffnut poured their ice coffee onto Hiccup and Astrid*

Heather and Ruffnut - Opps

*Students start laughing except Toothless and Gobber*

*Astrid was about to get up to hit Heather, but stop by Hiccup*

Hiccup - relax I'm here with you *holding her hand*

Tuffnut - *bell rings* later losers *leaves with Ruffnut and Heather*

*Gobber and Toothless check on Hiccup and Astrid*

Gobber - Are you two okay

Hiccup - Yeah we're okay

Gobber - I'll just send you two home for the rest of the day

*goes back to her desk*

Toothless - This is going to far can't you tell the principal

Hiccup - Heather father is the principal

*Astrid look angry*

*Hiccup squeeze her hand* - I'm here with you calm down

Toothless - Breath

*Astrid start breathing*

Scene 8 (Walking to Hiccup's House/Hiccup's House)

Astrid - Uhhhhh I HATE HER

Hiccup - Me too *kicking a can*, I don't understand why she does it

Astrid - I swear I'm close to scratching her face with my claws, you

should have let me fight her

Hiccup - It wouldn't solve anything, trust me I can see you beating her in a fight,

but you know how girls be if you fight her all Ruffnut gonna do is jump in

and jump you, and I don't want nothing to happen to you

Astrid - Hiccup you know I can handle myself why won't let me fight her

Hiccup - Because I wouldn't know what to do without you *began to cry a little*

I wouldn't know what to do, if I lost you or if you got hurt I wouldn't be able

to find myself again

Astrid - *Calms down* *hugs him,and he hugs back* Thank you Hiccup and I'm sorry

I know you care about me I'm gald I have you,Toothless,and Valka but .....I just wish things

were a little different

Hiccup - I know and I'm gald that I have you and that I found you in that alley *smiling*

Astrid - I don't know why we're hugging when we're covered in coffee *laugh a bit*

Hiccup - Yeah *chuckles* she really done it this time

Astrid - Heather can really go...

Ice Cream Shop Owner - LANGUAGE

*Both see him driving pass them*

Hiccup - HOW

Astrid - I don't know

*Astrid started walking, Hiccup followed behind her then put his around her letteing her know

he's here with her*

*Astrid blush and smile then put her head on his shoulder causing Hiccup to blush and smile*

*Arrives at Hiccup House*

Hiccup - Hey grandma

Valka - Hey you two okay

Hiccup - Yeah we're good

Valka - I would hug you both, but y'all covered in coffee

Hiccup and Astrid - Yeah

Hiccup - Jinx, but you can keep the dollar

Astrid - Thanks, I smell like cinnamon

Hiccup - I don't even know what the hell I am, Heather must drink fish because that

what I smell like

*Astrid and Valka laugh*

Astrid - I'm gonna go take a shower first I'll be back *leaves*

Valka - So, despite it being solo are you and Astrid gonna do it

Hiccup - Do what

Valka - The talent show, Gobber told me about on the phone

Hiccup - Maybe, I'm just trying not to let Astrid suffer if we do it, you know

because of Heather

Valka - Hiccup, me,Astrid,and Toothless know you had this dream since you were 10

years old, you can't your Mom,Dad, or Heather and her friends stop you

from achieving something you want to do this is who you are

Hiccup - I know but... I wish that... I can just hit back at them you know

Valka - "It ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.

How much you can take and keep moving forward. If you know what you're worth then go out and get what

you're worth. But ya gotta be willing to take the hits, and not pointing fingers saying you ain't

where you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody! Cowards do that and that ain't you!"

Hiccup - Amazing words where you got it from

Valka- Rocky Balboa

Hiccup - Figures, but still nice quote

Valka - Listen, that guitar is just an instrument without it player, your songs are just words without

a voice, we all have a purpose in this world but we choose whether to embrace it. Life is always

going to hit you harder than anything, but it your choice to hit back. Don't stop being you

just because someone tell you you're no good, because in the end they'll be the one miserable

and if you don't start believeing in yourself I gonna smack the hell out you

Valka - Don't ever let somebody tell you you can't do something not even me, Heather,

your mom, or your dad. You got a dream you gotta protect it. If you want something go

get it period

Hiccup - You're right, I shouldn't let someone knock me,Astrid,Toothless, or anybody down because

we're doing something that we love doing and that making music and they can't stop us we're

going to peform in that talent show

Valka - Good, you know I was saving this for your birthday tomorrow but I'll give

it to you now *getting it from her pocket*

Hiccup - What this *getting the paper*

Hiccup - No way vip tickets to Fishlegs concert

Valka - Yep

Hiccup - Yes, Grandma I love you and I would hug you but I'm coverd in coffee

Valka - I love you too Hiccup

Astrid - *comes down stairs* what did I miss

Hiccup - *turns to her* we're entering the talent show and we're going to the Fishlegs

consert vip *shows her the tickets*

Astrid - No way, you're serious *grabbing the tickets*

Hiccup - Yes *scene fades with Hiccup happy*

Scene 9 (Hiccup's room)

*Hiccup and Astrid looking at the night sky through his window*

Astrid - Are we really entering the talent show

Hiccup - Yeah we are, I'm done with people pushing us down and holding us back this is who

we are and if they can't accept that they can go screw themselves nobody can't tell us

what we can and can't be

Astrid - It took you that long to realize that idiot

Hiccup - Shut up *both start laughing*

Hiccup - And you were right I don't need my father approval, I got my own approval

Astrid - *smiling* That good to hear *transform into cat and lay down on Hiccup lap*

Hiccup - *chuckles* Lazy cat *start stroking her,looking at the night sky through

his window* I was 10 when I found you in that alley

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