The Unfading : Origin

By Velnar_

278 22 3

When a normal innocent village girl gets her hands on the most powerful weapon possible, she uses it for the... More

Chapter 2: The guardian
Chapter 3: Details of the codex:
Chapter 4: The prayer
Chapter 5: The liar
Chapter 6: The meeting with the codex
Chapter 7:The angel of time & speed
Chapter 8: The final angels
Chapter 9: Summoning of the fire demon
Sequel Announcement

Chapter 1:The beginning

124 6 1
By Velnar_

1507 BC:
      In a spacious room with white walls and carpetted floor , a big chandelier hanging on top, there were 4 people sitting around a huge brown table out of 5 chairs, 4 were occupied by them. On one chair sat a male with black hair & eyes, wearing a black armor, black feathery wings on his back along with a two similar black swords. Beside him sat another male with white hair and eyes wearing a white armor with a lance on his back...he had white wings. On the other side sat a female in a sky blue dress with silver hair and blue eyes, with a dragon shaped bow on her back in between her blue wings. The 4th person was also a female with black hair and a crystal black dress and red eyes... she had huge black crystal wings with a scythe. There was silence all around as the blue themed angel finally spoke,"What's the reason of calling us here this suddenly?"she asked."Yes Ashlyn, I was thinking the same thing. Why did you summoned us so suddenly?" the white themed male asked. " It's about the codex that the 5th angel, Theo the angel of creation and prayer created...The chief God was furious about it" the crystal angel( Ashlyn) answered."What's wrong about creating a weapon for yourself ?",the black themed male angel asked. " That weapon, the codex of Amarantha, it requires a powerful negative emotion to work at it's full potential. Unlike our weapons which require positive things, it spreads negativity...."Ashlyn said. " Theo is the angel of creation...he don't need to fight, then why did he created such a weapon in the first place?" Stella ( the blue fem angel) said as she stood up from her chair and slammed her hands on the desk. " I am frustrated! I'm supposed to be the angel of emotions then why did he create a weapon which works from emotions for himself?" she added. "Calm down Stella... anyways where is Theo right now?" the white themed angel asked. " Definitely he went to meet the Cheif God " Ashlyn replied.

    A huge brown door opened and a male angel with silver hair, amethyst eyes , wearing a golden-white dress with huge gold wings entered a room.The room was beautiful. Glass walls and floor with a light blue light all around.Under the glass floor a whole world was visible. He walked upto the middle of the empty room as he spoke, " I heard you called for me My Lord!" he said. Out of nowhere an echoing voice came... it was the voice of the Chief God." Yes I called for you because I needed to ask you one thing.... Theo! According to power, what rank do you have in all my angels?"the voice asked. " T-the last one my Lord" Theo answered." Then why did you created the Codex of Amarantha? Don't you know that using black magic in my realm is forbidden?!" the voice said." My Lord, the codex is not going to be used in a negative way.... I created it to support and boost my powers. It will make me immortal, and also grant me powers in accordance with the number of enemies I defeat using it & the time I'll live due to it's immortality" Theo answered. " I see .... but who is possibly stronger than me? I created this world and every other world I am the creator of everything! Then fate is in my hands. I'm the only being that never makes a mistake! I always create everything perfectly! When I did not make you immortal then that means you don't need to be immortal!" the voice said angrily and violently the room's theme suddenly changed to red. Theo got scared he stepped back as the voice came again." Who do you think you are?! Going against me and my perfection for some immortality?! You want immortality then I'll give it to you, but I'll send you down to the human realm to spend your entire life imprisoned on a mountain in solitude!" the voice said. Theo was shocked as suddenly the ground beneath his feet started to glow with a light green colour. "Sorr-" Theo was cut off as the ground beneath his feet opened and he fell down....he could see the sky ... there were dark thunder clouds with blue sparks occuring in them... He could feel the cold wind striking his body through the armor... Not believing what was happening, he didn't spread his wings and watched the sky as he fell down. As the land came into sight, he opened his wings...his wings faded and burned and he was falling....falling to death on a mountain. He came in contact with the ground as rocks went off flying and huge cracks opened in the ground due to the impact... but he was alive..... 'how am I still alive?' he thought as suddenly that green light came into his mind....he was immortal...unable to die. It wasn't his dream, he realized ...he was thrown down alone for eternity. Realizing the situation, he panicked and finally he decided to pray. "Please Forgive me ..... " he said. No reply came. There was silence all around as suddenly a huge spark appeared with a loud noise. " I'm throwing your codex down too. I've decided to teach humans a lesson through this mistake of yours. The codex is out of your reach..... so you can't do anything..." the voice said.

    A girl was sleeping soundly on her wooden bed in a dark room as suddenly she woke up due to the voice of lightning . The flash filled her entire room. " That was a huge spark" she said while sitting on her bed facing her window...after a few minutes of pointless staring, she went back to sleep.
           The next morning
People in the town were doing their daily routine work...some were standing near stalls buying things some groups talking and laughing. Out of the door of a wooden house, came out the girl from previous night. She had black hair, a little curled at the ends down to her lower back, a streak of hair over her left eye hiding it the other red orb was visible, her skin was light and glowing. She was wearing a pink and white dress with a straw hat on her head. She walked upto the town entrance. Mountains were visible from the gate. She looked up at them and after taking a breath, stepped forward as suddenly a voice came from behind her. "Where are you going Warisha? Don't you know we've got patients to attend?" a man spoke from behind. She froze in her steps after a pause she turned back " oh dad.....I'll be back soon..." she said." We don't have a better healer mage than you...." her father said as he looked at her.She was making doll eyes." back till evening" he added."I sure will be " Warisha said as she ran away. Walking through the trees she started talking to herself "He's right, I'm God gifted in magecraft & the reason for that is so I can help time is not supposed to be wasted in watching the destruction caused by a spark...." she said. "I must hurry it up" she added as she started running. After a few minutes of running the trees ended...there was a huge area of the forest destroyed in the middle of the hole was something. She went down and looked at it. "A book?" she asked herself. She leaned down and picked it up. It was brownish-green coloured, with metal pieces at it's corners. She tried to open it but it didn't open. "Why doesn't it open?" she grunted as she tried to open it. "Fine then I'll do it the hard way." she said as she casted a spell giving out green light and the book levitated in the air."Open!" she shouted as the book suddenly opened " You seem to have enough power to use me..." a faint voice said. Warisha paid no attention to it, instead she grabbed the book & flipped a few pages." These....are...spells....amazing..." she said. She closed the book and opened it again . This time it opened easily. She gave a sigh of relief . She walked down to her town after placing the book in her bag.
        Evening time-town .
" Dad I'm back!" she said while running towards her dad who was standing with some men.His dad turned towards her as the men walked past him."Why do you look worried dad?" she asked him with concern."Leo, the chief's son and the town's guardian got injured while defending the village from some wolves. He has a wound on his back and some other minor injuries according to my reports.They're bringing him here for treatment.....", her dad replied. "what's the problem then?You can treat him, right?",she asked. "I have other patients to attend that were caught in a fire this morning. They are seriously burnt but the town's chief especially ordered me to treat his son and I haven't even taught you to treat burns yet",he answered quickly. 'This is the best time to test this book',she thought. She looked towards her dad . "Dad I have a solution if you allow me..."she said. Her dad thought for a moment. A long moment. "Fine...say it", he finally said."You go tell them that I'm the best medic around here and that I have a medicine to treat the wounds immideatly. Then you can go treat your patients and I can test my do we have a deal?" she said joyingly. "So you want me to believe in this magical medicine of yours and disobey the chief?", her father asked. "Exactly.....believe me I just created it, it works instantly like magic", she stated. "Do I have any other choice?", her father asked. "No...", she answered. "Fine then, they're on their way to here. You can go rest in your room. I'll inform you when they arrive", her father said as he walked off to the chief's house.Warisha entered her room and sat on her desk.She took the book out of her bag, opened it, and started reading " The codex of Amarantha  ,it means the codex of the Unfading.....strange name...", she read."...grants the user with immense power..." she continued reading as she flipped the pages of the codex. Every question she had in mind, the codex had the answer of it written on it's pages. 'I don't know the spells in this book...either these are new or sacred. If it fell into the wrong hands who knows what might happen. It'll be best if I keep it a s-' her thoughts were cut off as someone knocked at the door."Warisha! they're here hurry up now!", her father exclaimed from outside her room. She placed the codex in her bag and walked off to the door . "I'm coming!", she said as she got out. She entered the hospital room. There was a crowd of people near a bed. She couldn't see the patient as she walked in and placed her stuff on a desk which was a little away from the bed. "You all may leave this room", she said not even bothering to turn towards them. All of them turned towards her as one of them spoke, "I'm afraid that we can't leave Leo alone who knows if you may poison him or kill him". There was a moment of silence before she broke it."Excuse me? I'm a doctor and a healer. You brought him here to get him treated and now you're suspecting me that I may kill him?", she argued. 'I must make them leave...I can't use the book infront of them', she thought. "We still refuse", they said. Another moment of silence as the three of them stared at Warisha as a warm voice spoke."Get out of the room as the doctor says .I'll be fine", a male spoke. "My Lord you know we can't leave you, it's the chief's order", they said. "Just wait outside if anything happens, I'll call you. Besides,I protect the village by myself without you guys ,I can handle myself very well", he replied. The men moved away from the bed and went out of the room. As Warisha looked at them getting out of the room, her eyes landed on her patient's bed.On the bed was sitting a boy apparently in his mid 19's .He was wearing a dark purple metal armor which was damaged pretty badly at the back . His skin was light and his hair were silver and were waving in the wind coming from the window beside him . His blue eyes met her red ones and they both stared indefinitely at each other. For a moment she forgot what she was about to do and continued to stare at his perfect beauty. After a while she realized that she was there to treat his wounds. Impatient for the test of the book she said, "Take of your clothes ". It was a very awkward and blunt statement and Leo looked at her in pure confusion ."What did you say?I think I heard it wrong. Would you be so kind to repeat that?", he asked . She realized what she just said and in her mind she was panicking, but in reality she kept her tempo. She took a deep breath and spoke, "I am sorry I didn't meant to make it sound wierd,but the point is that I'm testing a new medicine and it is meant to treat wounds immideatly...soooo I want to see it's effects by myself. So please,would you be so kind to take of your armor so I can treat the wound on your back?".The explanation was clear. Leo went in a deep thought thinking about the right choice to make . "F-fine ... look away for a while...", he said hesitantly. She turned around and after a while he spoke again, "You can turn back now" . She turned around only to see a sight that took her attention away even more. He was sitting on the side of the bed but this time she didn't dive into his beauty and perfection instead, she stayed focused . She moved towards the bed along with the codex. She reached out a hand towards his wound and her finger finally made contact with his bare skin. He jerked on the impact as it was hurting him. "What are you doing you idiot? STOP stabbing my wound with your fingers! for your information, it hurts like hell!", he shouted in shock. She quickly brought her hand back ."Sorry", she said while doing so. She brought the codex up to his wound. "Close  your eyes. I'll start the treatment",she said. He obliged."Codex ..... heal him...", she said in a low tone hesitantly. She wasn't sure if this would work but she read in the book that the codex follow every order of its user so she had to at least try and ask the codex for help. While she was dwelled in her thoughts,the codex suddenly started to flip it's page all by itself and suddenly gave out a faint & light green light. The glow coming of the codex was soothing and warm and she could see the wound healing.
      Outside the hospital room the men were talking to Warisha's father."How long will it take for his treatment?",they asked. "Judging by the size & the depth of the wound....I think it'll take about a week for our best healer to heal him", Warisha's father replied."A week!?that's wa.....", the men replied but their voices fainted as he dwelled into his thoughts ' Please Warisha,don't let me down..',he thought. Suddenly the door of the hospital room opened and Leo came out of the room "Let's go..."he said walking past the men. All of them looked at him with utter surprise as he was unconscious moments ago and now he was walking perfectly fine. "My Lord! Are you really alright?", one of them asked. "Yes. I guess, I am", he answered. "We can't take the risk we must confirm that the wound has healed",  they said as they ran towards him. "Take off your armor!", they said. He protested but they took the armor off anyways. There was neither a scratch nor a scar on his back. Warisha was standing in the door, her head leaned over the side of the door, smiling at Leo. Her father came near her " Warisha! how did you do that?"he asked with utter surprise. "Father I... " she said 'the spells in this book are strong as I expected. It must be kept a secret', she thought "....just realized that I was a naturally strong mage", she finished her statement.
(A note from author:Thanks everyone for reading!...I'll be uploading a new chapter every Wednesday and Sunday.Hope you all enjoyed. )
Character information:
Warisha: Black hair ,red eyes white skin,wears a pink & golden dress with a bag on her left side.

Leo: Silver hair,blue eyes, white skin,wears a purple armor but changes clothes from time to time.
Warisha's dad: Black hair, Black eyes ,wears a grey dress usually
Codex: a dark green and black coloured book with a pelt to close it and have a huge white design on either sides of it's outer covering.

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