Batboys Smut, Fluff and Onesh...

By The_Draco_Defender

125K 1.4K 974

What does the title say?😏 P.S: Mature Content This is my first ever smut/oneshot kind of thing and I don't t... More

Because I can (Tim Drake)
EDITED Damian Wayne (SMUT)
Submissive! Jason Todd X Reader (SMUT)
Author's Note
Requests Anyone?
Who's The Boss? Tim Drake x Reader
Art Which Is Not Mine
Forgive me
Welcome Back (Dick Grayson X Reader SMUT)
I'm Here For You (Jason Todd x Ballerina Reader)
A/N: Smut Edits

Never Let You Go (Nightwing)

11.8K 189 60
By The_Draco_Defender

You and Dick are on the Gotham bridge chasing after a truck filled with bombs and radioactive matter and, you know, just basic stuff one would need to end the world. But seriously, how dumb could these guys be? They didn't even try to be covert with their operation and when they were caught, they panicked and tried to leave town? With all of that and in a vehicle that large? Amateurs.

You are on the back of Nightwing's motorcycle, clutching on to him tightly as you near the truck. You would be lying if you said you didn't enjoy holding on to him and he would occasionally tease you about it but you would not give him the pleasure of knowing that you did.

"Nightwing, get me close." You tell him as you two bob and weave through cars and other motorcycles on the bridge. "Are you sure, (Y/S/N)? Its pretty risky considering how fast that thing is moving." He says, focusing on the road while also trying to talk you out of it. "I'm sure, Nightwing. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine." You try reassuring him but he only mumbles "Okay, if you say so." in response. Dick has always been protective of you, kind of like an older brother. You sigh, wishing he thought of you as more than just a friend or a little sister, wishing he thought of you the way you thought of him.

"Okay, you ready?" He asks, snapping you out of your train of thought. Nodding, you push all the thoughts to the back of your mind. Using your arms to brace yourself, you push your body up and place your feet on the seat of his motorcycle. Standing up straight, you hold your arms out to maintain balance as Nightwing takes you as close as he can get without crashing into the truck.

You squat before jumping and propelling yourself onto the roof of the truck. Looking over the edge, you give Nightwing a reassuring nod and watch him speed off to the front of the truck. Soon enough, you are joined by two of the goons from inside the truck. One of them lunges at you and you simply step to the side and watch the goon go toppling off the side of the truck. You sigh. What an idiot. An idiot that will live but an idiot none the less.

The other one put up much more of a fight, which you were slightly grateful for. It would have just been too annoying otherwise. After battling the second goon and also throwing him off the side of the truck you walk up to the front of the speeding truck and, getting on your knees, you peep in through the window and see Nightwing trying to steer the moving truck while combating some more goons. Swooping in through the window, you help Nightwing fight them. Getting dragged further into the truck, you begin to wonder how big it really is.

Having knocked most of them out, you hear a distressed yelp and identify it as Nightwing's. Turning around, you see him being throw out of the speeding vehicle and rush to dive after him without a second thought. The bridge has been barred up at both ends by Red Hood and the Robins to make less people suffer from imminent danger. There is absolutely no escape route for that truck so you weren't really bothered about letting them go when you stopped to check on Nightwing.

"Hey, buddy. You alright?" You ask helping him up off the floor. "I'm fine, (Y/S/N)" He says, giving you his heart melting smile and you smile back. Your moment is interrupt when you notice a large disc-like object being thrown out of the side of the truck and catching onto one of the support pillars of the bridge. Your eyes widen when you register the device as a bomb. Before you could even move to disarm it, the bomb explodes, ripping the bridge apart as the ground crumbles beneath your feet.

You both fall and in a split second, you sight one of the cables that hold... well, used to hold the bridge up and grab on to it, your free hand holding on Nightwing's. Your free fall ends as the tug of gravity takes its toll on your arm and you hear a sickening crack. You resist the urge to scream out and release a pained grow instead.

"(Y/S/N)! Are you alright?" Nightwing asks, his tone laced with slight panic although he probably looked completed calm. "Mhmm. I'm f-fine" Lying through your teeth, you struggle to get the words out as the pain rages from your shoulder through your system but you refuse to let go, keeping a strong grip because both you and Nightwing's lives depended on it.

You planned on waiting for help or pulling Nightwing up so he could climb up the rope and probably bring you along with him. But all your plans crumble when you hear a snap. You look up quickly only to find the rope slowly unravelling and snapping. You look down at Nightwing and the expression on his face says it all.

"No." You tell him blunt because you already know what he wants to say. "(Y/S/N)..." He calls. "No." You cut him off, not even wanting to hear what he has to say. "You have to let me go." He tells you and you scoff. "No, Nightwing." You said, denying him his request but he doesn't back down. "The rope isn't strong enough to hold the both of us. But it might be strong enough to hold you." He says, trying to reason with you. "So you expect me to let you die on the slim chance that I might live?" You ask, wondering how he thought you would agree to that.

"Yes I do. (Y/N) please. " He pleads with you using your real name.
"Please, (Y/N). My life isn't worth losing yours." He says trying to get his hand our of your grip and you act quickly. Knowing he would pull a stunt like that you twist your hand and grab his wrist, holding him in place. Then with a sudden burst of strength you pull him up swiftly so your eyes meet, then you wrap your arm and legs around him tightly. "I'd rather die than lose you." You tell him and smash your lips on his, forgetting your current situation but still keeping a death grip on the cable.

At first he doesn't return your kiss and you start to feel slightly nervous but you knew you weren't gonna die without him knowing how you feel. After a beat, he wraps his hand around the cable and pulls you both up to relieve you of the strain on your arm and he returns your movements, kissing you as fierce as you are doing to him. His tongue swipes across your bottom lip, asking for access which you are about to grant. But your moment is interrupted by the cable snapping completely. You both hug each other tightly as you anticipation the fall and ultimately your death.

You free-fall about an inch before stopping mid-air. Looking up, you find Red Hood without his helmet smirking down at you. "Thought I'd let you two have your moment first." He says, pulling the cable upwards and lifting you both. "Well thanks for not ruining the moment until absolutely necessary, J-J." You say, smiling up at him. "No problem. Though I think you should take your PDA somewhere private. I almost barfed." Jason says and Dick smacks him upside the head.

"So, did you..." You begin to ask but he cut off by Jason. "Yeah, we got 'em. It was was enough. Amateur hour, really." He quips and Dick chuckles. "Tell me about it." He says and Jason turns around, walking away he says. "Well, I'll leave you to do whatever it is you were doing during the whole near death experience thing. Bye." Once he's gone, you turn to Dick with rose cheeks and notice the deep dusting in his own. "Um... Dick?" You ask, using his name since you two are alone. "Look, (Y/N), I want you to know that... I love you. I've been a love with you for years. I've loved you ever since you first showed up in Gotham as a vigilante. And I don't know if you feel the same way but... judging by that kiss, I think you do." He says and captures your chin in his hand, forcing you to look at him. You respond by planting a soft, passionate kiss on his lips which he returns with just as much passion.

Pulling away from him you rest your forehead against his and he pulls off your mask to see your eyes. And because you were alone and this was an intimate moment, you let him, pulling his own mask in return to look into the perfect blue orbs staring into your (E/C) ones. "I love you too, Dick." You whisper to him, hugging him tightly. "And I promise to never let you go."

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