By billieachess

296K 7.6K 17.2K

the rewrite is out; read it instead please :) ============================== "I want you and you want me, so... More



14.8K 350 3.8K
By billieachess

Hope's POV

Friday came faster than expected. It honestly felt like yesterday was Monday.

We was already almost done with first period. There was about twenty minutes left and Ms. Baker was explaining how to do some problem on the board. Nobody was paying attention though because everybody exhausted from the first week back to school.

There was a knock on the door and Ms. Baker groaned before going to the door and opening it.

"Oh, nice of you to finally decide to join us, Billie. Have a seat."

Billie walked in and looked around the classroom, unamused. She searched for a seat and groaned after realizing the only open seat was in the front of the classroom. Right next to me.

She dragged herself over to the seat. Once she got there, she threw her book bag to the ground and slouched in the seat.

I payed her no attention as I tried to pay attention to what Ms. Baker was teaching but struggled to stay awake. I didn't expect to be so drained after not even five full days of school.

The bell rang and I quickly grabbed my things and stuffed them into my bag. I told Lexi bye and walked out to the courtyard, where me and Kaiden now spent our off period.

"What's good?" Kaiden asked as I sat on the bench next to him.

"I'm tired as fuck. You?"

"Same." He chuckled, opening some app on his phone.

I turned around in my seat and rested my head on the table. I tried to sleep but after ten minutes gave up, with the sudden urge to piss.

"I'll be back, I gotta go piss." I laughed as I hit Kaiden's knee and walked back inside the school.

I pulled my phone out and walked to the bathroom. I wasn't really expecting anybody to be in the halls so I payed little to no attention to my surroundings. I quickly regretted that when I felt someone push into me. The sudden action caused the two of us to fall to the ground.

The other person was lucky enough to catch themselves, hovering over me and using their arms to support themselves. Myself, on the other hand, grunted as I fell onto my back, nearly hitting my head on the cold, hard ground.

I looked up to see blue hair and ocean blue eyes. Their eyes are like cobwebs; I keep getting caught in them.

I quickly noticed who the person was. It was Billie Eilish. I had heard stories of her breaking people's noses for just looking at her wrong, but she didn't seem mad or anything like it. She just kinda stared at my face.

"You're kinda hot." She smirked. "Anybody ever tell you that?"

I laid there for a second, just in shock. What did she just say? Did I hear that right?

"I-I m-mean I... w-what?" I stuttered and I wanted to die, right there on the spot.

She leaned in next to my ear and whispered lowly. "I didn't stutter, did I babygirl?"

I felt my cheeks go red at her action and her words. Babygirl?

I shook my head.

"That's what I thought." She smirked, her voice now back to its original volume, and pulled away from my ear. Her eyes seemed to flicker between my eyes and lips before she pushed herself up and pushed her hand out to me.

I stared at her for a second, still in complete shock.

"So you just gonna lay there and stare at me or are you gonna let me help you up, mamas?" She teased, the smirk never once leaving her face.

I grabbed her hand and she pulled me up.

"You're hot but do you even talk?"

My face was redder than a fucking cherry and I looked down, avoiding her oh so beautiful eyes. "I do t-talk, yes."

She hummed in amusement. "Do you always stutter?" She chuckled.


She reached her hand out, pulled my chin up so that I was facing her, and closed the somewhat wide gap between us. "Then why now, baby?" She said lowly, not breaking eye contact.

I didn't say anything, honestly not sure what to say. I definitely was not about to say it was because I was scared of her, even though deep down, a part of me was. But I don't think that's it.

Billie was beautiful, that I couldn't deny. She had beautiful blue hair. And her eyes, don't even get me started. I swear I could drown in the ocean she seemed to have in them.

"Well?" She asked, her voice still low.

"I-I don't... I-I'm not s-sure." I answered truthfully, but mentally punched myself. Why the fuck was I stuttering?

"Hmmm. I don't know either. We'll have to change this though, won't we angel?"

I just nodded.

"There's a party tonight at Drew's. You better be there." She winked and walked away, the smirk still plastered upon her face.

I let out a breath that I didn't realize that I was holding in. What the absolute fuck was that about?

I walked back to the courtyard, not having to piss anymore. I sat down beside Kaiden. He looked over to me and raised an eyebrow. "What took so long? Thought you just had to piss?" He laughed.

"Yeah, me too." I lied and joined him in laughing.

After our laughter died down, I faced towards Kaiden. "Have you heard about the party at Drew's tonight?"

"Yeah. You going?" He asked.

"Mmhm. Are you?"

"Fuck yes! Her parties are fucking lit as fuck!" He grinned.

"Okay, Kaiden. Chill out with all the 'fucks.'" I laughed.

"Alright, alright. I'm just excited, that's all. You never go to a party and the one you're going to is gonna be crazy as shit." He laughed as well.

I nodded in amusement. Truth be told, I never really was the party type. But, I did not want to get on Billie's bad side so I was going to it. Besides, after this week, I needed something to let off some steam and shit.


It was now about six o'clock as Kaiden, Lexi, and I walked into Drew's house. The smell of alcohol, weed, and loud music hit my ears and mouth. This was going to be a long night.

I followed Lexi to sit on one of the couches that nobody was on. Kaiden walked off to grab him and Lexi a drink. I had politely refused.

It was about five minutes before Kaiden walked over and sat beside Lexi, handing her a drink. We chatted for the next twenty or so minutes before I felt a pair of staring eyes on me. I looked up across the room and saw the ocean blue eyes from earlier. She smirked and motioned for me to come over to her.

"Hey, I'll be back, alright?" I told Lexi and Kaiden as I sat up. They both nodded and I walked over to where Billie stood.

Before I could even say anything, her hands were on my waist and she pulled me close to her, our faces mere centimeters apart. I could faintly smell alcohol on here breath.

"Hey, baby. Having fun?" She asked lowly. I was surprised I could still hear her over the loud music.

I felt my face heat up, but the different colored lights luckily hid that. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Why not?" She asked, bringing a hand up to my chin. She kept my face directed towards her own. I shrugged my shoulders once again.

"What am I going to have to do to get you to talk to me, babygirl?" She asked. Her eyes lit up. "How about we get you a drink?"

I shook my head. "I-I don't d-drink."

"Well tonight, you are. No way out of it." She smirked. She moved her hand away from my chin and moved it down to my hand. She also removed her hand from my waist as she began tugging me to the kitchen.

She grabbed a red solo cup and began mixing different alcoholic beverages in it. After mixing about three or four of them in the cup, she handed it to me and smirked. "Drink up."

I reluctantly took the cup from her and took a small sip. It tasted surprisingly good and I took a bigger sip, feeling Billie watching, the same smirk still on her face.


"I-it's fucking g-good." I stuttered. I ask a lot of questions, God, I know. But at least answer this one. Why the fuck do I stutter while I'm with Billie?

"Oh so she cusses?" She chuckles.

I sent a playful glare her way before chugging the rest of what was in the cup.

"And you said you don't drink? I don't believe that shit." She said as she took the cup and made another one. She took a sip of it herself and handed it to me.

"How about we go outside? So it's not as fucking loud." She asked and I nodded.

She took my hand once more and dragged me outside. I took in the scenery of Drew's backyard. It was beautiful and had a pool about thirty in front of the doors that led to the backyard. It was pretty obvious that Drew's parents were rich although she didn't really flaunt it.

Billie pulled me over to some chairs in the corner of the yard that nobody was in. She sat down and pulled me into her lap. I blushed heavily.

"Let me see your phone." Billie demanded, although her voice was soft.


"We've been over this, angel. Did I stutter?"

I shook my head and my phone out my pocket. I unlocked it and handed it to her. What the actual fuck was I doing?

She opened my contacts and clicked on the plus in the corner. I chugged the rest of my drink and set it to the side as she typed in, presumably her number, and then clicked on the name slot. I couldn't help but laugh when she put 'DADDY' as her contact.

"There's the laugh that I've been waiting to hear. It's cute." She chuckled. She opened my messages and sent herself a text that simply said 'hey' and handed me my phone back.

She leaned back into the chair and pulled me back to lean against her. She rested her head on my shoulder.

"So, Hope. When do you think you're gonna stop stuttering around me?" I could hear her smirk.

"I-I don't k-know. I u-usually d-d-don't stutter."

"Right." She said.

Without warning, she placed her lips on my neck and started sucking. I felt my whole body shutter.

"B-Billie... d-don't l-leave a-a m-mark." I stuttered. I was already stuttering enough but this was just... wow.

"Don't tell me what to do." She muttered against my neck. After about a minute of sucking, she ran her tongue over the spot to soothe it.

She pulled away, content. "Do you know how to swim?"

I nodded my head.

"Good." She smirked. She quickly pulled my phone out of pocket, as well as her own, and picked me up, running to the pool.

I started kicking around. "Billie, no, no, no! I don't have any extra clothes! Billie, I swear to-" I screamed but was cut off by being splashed into the water.

I popped up and glared at a laughing Billie.

She swam up to me, put both her hands on my shoulders, and pulled me close to her. She leaned her head next to my ear. "So yelling is what gets you to stop stuttering, huh? Well good, because I can't have you stuttering when you're moaning my name in bed." She whispered lowly before nibbling on my earlobe.

I swear my face was the darkest shade of red that you could imagine and then a million times darker than that.

She pulled away and smirked. "And don't worry about clothes. I brought extras in my car that you can wear. So just enjoy your time in the pool."

I nodded as I felt the alcohol finally setting in. I felt my head start buzzing. Definitely a new feeling.

Billie backed up and went underwater. Before I knew it, her hands were around my ankles and she pulled me down to meet her underwater.

She smirked as started tickling me. Billie Eilish, the big baddie of the school or whatever the fuck, started tickling me.

I held in my laughs so I wouldn't choke on fucking water and shot up to the surface when I couldn't take it any longer.

Billie popped up not to long after, her smirk still present. Does she ever not fucking smirk?

My head was now pounding. I held my hand up to my head and groaned.

"You okay, baby?" Billie dropped her smirk and had concern laced in her voice.

I shook my head.

"Alright, let's get you to the bathroom." She took me by hand and swam to the staircase and then pulled me inside. I hope Drew doesn't mind two soaking wet people running through her house.

Billie pulled me into a bathroom and sat me on top of the closed toilet seat.

"Stay in here and do not let anyone in unless it's me, okay?" She said as she searched through a cabinet before grabbing a towel and handing it to me. She wrapped the towel around me, drying me off a little.

She left the bathroom after locking the door. I sat there for a while, warming up. My head was hurting and pounding. I knew I shouldn't have drank anything.

I'm not sure how long it was before Billie came back. It felt like hours but in all actuality, it was probably only five to ten minutes later.

"Hope, baby? It's Billie." She said, loudly enough so I could hear her through the door and over the music.

I slowly got up and unlocked the door, falling to the ground after. I groaned as my ass hit the floor. Why the fuck do I keep falling today?

Billie rushed to pull me back up. "I got you some clothes to change into. Since you can barely stand," she chuckled as she sat me back on the toilet seat. "I guess I'll be changing you."

She shut the door and locked it. She walked back over to me and the towel off me, setting it on the counter. I noticed that she had my phone with with clothes that she brought it, so I stopped worrying about it. She took my shirt off, which usually I would protest about, but I wasn't really in the right state of mind to do so. She stared at my chest for a moment.

"My eyes a-are... up here... b-bozo." I slurred.

She laughed. "I know. But that's not where I wanted to look at the moment." She shrugged.

She went to remove my soaking wet bra but I stopped her. "T-turn the... fuuuuuck... around. I can d-do this."

"Okay, whatever you say, babe." She laughed, turning around.

I unclasped my bra and grabbed the towel, drying my chest and all that shit. I looked onto the counter and grabbed one of the big t-shirts that she had brought inside. I slipped it onto my body.

I took off my shorts and underwear, putting on the ones that she had brought. If I wasn't drunk, I would feel weird about putting on her underwear and clothes and shit, but I am drunk so... that's a different story.

"You almost done, mamas?" She asked.

"I-I am done."

She turned around and smirked. "You look hot in my clothes. Just saying."

She started taking her clothes off to change into some dry ones herself, but I looked away.

After a minute or two, she grabbed my hand and pulled my off the toilet seat.

"I don't know where you live, so you're crashing at my place. No one's there right now except my brother, so you'll be fine." She explained. I nodded in response.

She pulled me outside and sat me in her matte black, Dodge Challenger. I leaned against the seat and fell asleep before she even pulled out of the drive way.

A/N Ooouuu juicy chapter, huh? Lmao I hope you enjoyed it. This one was a long chapter and I honestly didn't expect it to be. Oh well ig


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