
Par RavenRoyal17

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The Others have 'ruled' over the world Fajr for eons, but their brother, Darkness, has grown jealous of the f... Plus

Character Intro
Chapter 1: The Problem
Chapter 2: Finding Help
Chapter 3: Hello, Vane Understone. You're now the Chosen One!
Chapter 4: We Conjure a Plan
Chapter 5: Everything Goes Very Wrong Very Quickly
Chapter 6: It Suddenly Gets Worse Than We Thought
Chapter 7: Insert Clever Title Here


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Par RavenRoyal17

In the emptiness of the heavens there existed four beings. The Sun, who was wise; The Moon, who was abstinent; The Earth, who was strong; and The Darkness, who was fair.

The beings, unique in their immortality, sought to create life in the mortal realm and it was for this reason that the beings created Fajr. The Earth, summoned a rock of immense size and carved great crevices into its surface. The Moon, let her liquid moonlight flow into the crevices and as such, moonwater covered most of the rock. The Sun, cast her brilliance unto the rock and allowed plantlife to grow and flourish. The Darkness, shaved a bit of his essence away and placed it on the far side of the rock and as such, night was created. And this was the first miracle.

Then the Earth took the clay from Fajr and moulded it into a form similar to his own and gave it to the Moon whose gentle breath turned the clay into flesh and bone. And the Earth did this many times, changing the shape of the clay to form creatures of all shapes and sizes, so they could run on land and swim in the sea and swarm in the sky. And this was the second miracle.

And the beings said to their creations, "We have made you and all that you see. We wish for nothing in return except that you praise all around you and rejoice in the lives you lead." The creatures loved their creators' words, and the creatures praised all that they saw and rejoiced in the lives that they led. And this was the third miracle.

And the Darkness noticed that no one rejoiced in the night, and grew jealous. None of the creatures relished in the darkness and calm brought by the night. So the Darkness betrayed his fellow Others and stole the virtues that the Others relied on. From the Sun, he stole her wisdom and made her foolish; From the Moon, he stole her abstinence and made her reckless; And from the Earth, he stole his bravery and made him cowardly. And the Darkness fled to Fajr, taking the stolen virtues with him. 

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