Barry and Iris OS

By Rauraflash2020

3.8K 67 7

So we know that because of the negative speed force Nora is erased from memory and so this story starts from... More

The time Barry almost died( the first time)
My version of how Barry feels when savitar almost kills iris
All Dolled up
Killer Frost
Elongated Journey into the night
Null and Annoyed
Enter Zoom
King Shark
License to Elongate
Cause and Effect
Luck Be a Lady
Legends of Today
Legends of Yesterday
News Flash
Dead or Alive
What's Past is Prolouge
Run, Iris Run
The Flash and The Furious
Dead Man Running

No Nora No.

1.4K 10 4
By Rauraflash2020

Hey Wattpad Fam,
So I've decided to write one shots on the recent American CW show the Flash I've started loving recently.
Anyways this is my first chapter so bare with me.

Barry POV
The last few days had been complicated and very confusing. I really didn't trust Nora because she was working closely  with Thawne.  I had grown to hate him over the years because of what he did to my mother. Iris and I had  trouble and she was some where and I didn't have any idea because we were having problems.
I was right now on my way home to talk to Joe when Cisco called.
" Hey Cisco, what's up? " I asked him.
" Multiple locations for Cicada are showing up, Bar. You gotta come back." He said and I rushed back.
As I got back to STAR Labs I entered the cortex and found Iris.
" Hey what are you doing here?" I asked her confused why Cisco had called me and there was no Cicada to be caught.
" Barry, we have come too far to let things dissappear. I don't want us to let go of each other. We love each other." Iris said.
" I don't disagree. I do love you and I do want to get back to how things were but Iris, Nora is dead because I said something."  I said.
" Yeah and we need to deal with this together not apart." Iris replied.
" Okay then I'm sorry, Iris. It was my fault for taking her into the future and leaving her there." I said.
We then made up and kissed.
" I  love you, Iris. I always will." I said as we started making out.

Just as we were kissing, Cisco came into the cortex.
" Woah, you guys get a room." He said.
We pulled apart as I asked him,
" Hey So Cicada is gone and Nora is dead, so why exactly did you call me here?" I asked Cisco.
" For exactly this reason. Team Flash is much better when Barry and Iris are together not apart." He said.
" Yeah so we're fine and together. Anything else you want to tell us?"   I asked.
" Nothing. Just this." He replied.
" Cisco, I was on my way to talk to Joe." I said.
" Sorry man but you know what they said, A  team that is not together is not together at all." Cisco said.
" Uh-huh. No one says that." I clarified.
" Hey by the way, where's Cait? Iris asked suddenly.
" She's actually taking a couple days off is what she wanted to tell me to you guys." I said as Cisco sat down.
" At home?" Cisco asked.
" Presumably." I said.
" I'm gonna call her." Cisco said as he walked to his workshop.
" Hey So I realized ever since Nora and taking care of her, we actually haven't had a proper date night." I said.
" Oh really? Iris questioned.
" Yeah. Not that I got this idea from Cecile or anything." I responded.
" You asked Cecile for relationship advice?"Iris asked.
" Well, I was looking for Joe and instead I found Cecile." I said.
" You know at some point, I didn't actually realise we had a relationship with our daughter from the future." Iris said.
"Yeah sometimes it feels sureal." I said.
" Yeah."  Iris said.
Just while we were talking Caitlin came  in.
" Hey Cait, what's wrong?" Iris had asked her as she came in.
" Well, my friend Bloodwork is coming out of hiding." Cait said looking worried.
I got up and directly went to comfort her.
" Hey don't worry. Is he dangerous?" I asked her.
" Yeah maybe. He could be." Cait told me.
" Hey don't worry. We've had to defeat much crazier villains  before. We can defeat this guy too." I said.
" Yeah, Barry has defeated Reverse - Flash, Zoom, Savitar, Devoe,   both the cicadas. He can defeat this person." Iris pointed out.
" No, Barry this guy is much more fierce and crazy than any of the any ones we've encountered. It'll take forever to defeat him. Caitlin said.
" Cait, whatever happens we are a team and will always be with you." Iris said.
" Cait, speedster's promise. I will defeat this guy also.
Just then Cisco came in with Kamilla.
" Hey Kamilla, how have you been?" I asked getting up.
" Hi Barry, so you're the Flash? She asked curious.
" Hey Barry secret identity?" Cisco asked me.
" No for a girl you're dating.No." I replied.
" Okay." Cisco said.
" Well you've already met Iris who you work for and this is Caitlin/Killer Frost." Cisco said.
As Cisco said that, Caitlin turned into Killer Frost.
" So I'm Killer Frost, the bad side of Caitlin."Cait said as she turned  back.
" Wow, so you have cold powers." Kamilla said.
"Yeah, I do." Caitlin said.
" So  who else has meta-human powers here?" Kamilla asked.
" Babe, you know I don't because I  gave it up to be a normal human being with you." Cisco said.
" I know." Kamilla replied.
" So, Barry can I see your speed?" Kamilla asked me.
" Sure. Babe, I'll be back." I said as I ran to the speed lab and back.
" Hey So it's true. You  do have lightening speed." Kamilla said.
" I sure do." I said.
" So Kamilla, come on, I'll take you to my workshop. " Cisco said and left with Kamilla.

" So can I go to Joe's now?" I asked Iris.
" Yeah. Actually we can leave  together because I gotta get back to my office." Iris said as we held hands and I  ran us back to her office.
" Wow. This is impressive." I said.
" Yeah.  I had to do a lot of rearranging when Cicada entered my office and trashed it." Iris said.
" Oh that was when I went into the speed force and cooked the meta human cure and Nora ran back in time 52 times." I said ashamed of what happened.
I then sat on the couch and suddenly relaxed not wanting to get up.
" You look comfortable there, don't you?" Iris asked.
" Oh yeah. I don't feel like not getting  up and I hope you don't get disturbed by your husband." I said.
" Oh Barry. I always love getting disturbed by you." Iris said.
"  Really? Well then I'll see you later." I said and got up and kissed her.

I rushed over to CCPD thinking Joe would be at work but when I got there, I asked around and I found Jonesy.
" Hey Jonesy, what are you doing here?  I asked him.
" Oh Hey Barry." He replied.
" So why exactly are you back in central city for?" I asked him.
"Oh Joe got me back." He replied.
" What? That can't be right.  He couldn't have just re hired you based on all the things you did." I said puzzled.
" Yeah and he did and I'm back." Jonesy said.
" Fine. I'm going up to my lab." I said as I went up.

I was just relaxing, catching up on Netflix when I got a call from Iris.
" Hey what's up, my  pretty wife?" I asked knowing I'll regret it the next second.
" What has gotten into you?" Iris asked over the phone.
" Ok guess since Nora's death, I've just gotten more protective over you." I said.
" Awww. That's so sweet." Iris said.
" So  since nothing is happening in the city and I'm also currently out of work with the team, what articles are you writing? "I asked Iris.
" Actually nothing." Iris said.
" So you want me to come pick you up, go home together or go to STAR Labs together? " I asked me wife.
" Home. Definitely." Iris replied as I disconnected the call and rushed over to her office.
I got there to see Joe and Cecile with Jenna.
" What's happening? What are you doing here, Joe? I asked super confused.
" Oh Dad and Cecile came to hangout with me." Iris said.
" What about Jenna?" I  asked wanting to hold her.
" Here you go." Cecile said as I held the baby.
" Wow. I've never held a baby before. " I said kind of sadly.
" Really?" Joe asked.
" Yeah. I mean Oliver and Felicity got to have that. Her first smile, first steps, first day of school with Mia but here we met our daughter from the future and missed all those little things." I said.
" Hey at some point we'll have it. Don't worry. Iris said.

Iris POV
We were  so busy defeating Cicada 2.0 and getting the meta  human cure out to all the meta humans out there that we had literally no time for ourselves.
We finally defeated Reverse flash again and he disappeared and Nora was erased from existence.
It had been a couple weeks since all that had happen and Barry and I were truly taking it easy.
We were just hanging out at Star Labs or at my office or Barry would be at his lab at CCPD.
Currently Cecile, Dad and Jenna had come to visit me at my office and I had called Barry and he had come.
He suddenly had an inkling to carry Jenna so he asked Cecile if he could.
" Of course you can carry her." Cecile said.
Slowly Barry carried the baby and he was doing an incredible job. It was as if he was ready to become a father to his own daughter or son.
I went up to him and sat next to him on the couch where he was sitting.
" Hey Barry, it's okay. Don't worry." I said."
" I don't  know  Oliver and Felicity would have already had this with Mia. I mean a married couple like us have to try but instead we had to get to know our daughter from  the future." Barry told me.
" You still have your speed and nothing else of you has changed so what are you worried about, Barry?" I asked him.
" The future. " He replied sadly.
" Hey this is something you don't worry about. I mean you remember you saved me from Savitar, right?" I asked him.
" I know Iris, still. I'm afraid that we won't have what Oliver and Felicity had."  Barry said.
" I know, Babe but there's nothing we can do." I told him.
" Okay. I guess we don't have a normal life. I mean we're the Flash." Barry told me.
" Yeah we are and it's going to be hard and we have to wait 9 months but if you want we can have a baby?" I asked Barry.
" Oh sure." Barry  said as he started kissing me.
" Hey not here  in front of dad and Cecile." I told him.
Barry gave Jenna back to Cecile and they left.
" Can we continue with what we were going to do?" Barry asked me as he started kissing me and pushed me on the couch.
" Hey you're handsome." I said.
" Yeah you're sweet too."  He said as he continued to kiss me.
" Barry, you really want to do this?"I asked him.
" Iris, we've discussed all the logistics and we've come to a conclusion that yes we got to know our daughter from the future but I feel like we need to have our own child and it doesn't matter if we conceive now or in a month, we'll still be Barry and Iris." Barry told me.
" Okay then." I said as he continued to kiss me.

One month later
We had sex over a month ago and two weeks ago I found out I was pregnant.
Of course the first thing I wanted to do was tell the team and we did.
I told Barry the night before and he  was excited and happy for both of us.
The next day we drove to STAR Labs and everyone was already there and very confused.
We did almost the  same thing we did when we told them we were engaged. We got bagels and Coffee from jitters.
I quietly asked Barry.
" Hey can we tell them together?" I asked Barry.
" No Iris. This is all you." Barry said and kept quiet.
" Hey Guys I have an announcement." I said.
" Go ahead." Cisco and Caitlin said.
" Okay. I'm pregnant." I said.
" Oh wow. Iris.  I'm so happy for you." Caitlin said.
"Congrats man." Cisco said hugging Barry.
" How many weeks along are you?"Cait asked.
" Just over 2." I  told her.

A/N: Want to skip the rest of her pregnancy and continue in the beginning of her eighth month
So let's Continue

Barry had been so completely sweet and considerate the entire time. He would get me things I needed,things I craved, things I wanted from the past, present and future.
" Hey Barry you know you've done way too much for me right?" I asked him.
" Iris, I love you. You're pregnant with my baby." He said.
" Yeah I  am. I am proud of that for some reason."  I said.
  " Okay. So you're good. Don't need anything?" Barry asked me.
" No. Hey So question. Is there any way we can  get Harry back?" I asked.
" I don't know but we can try." Barry said to reassure me.
" Thanks babe."I  said and relaxed into the bed.
"  So I'm leaving for Star Labs. Do you really not need anything?" Barry asked me.
" Yeah actually. Can I  come with you?" I asked him.
" Honey, you're eight months pregnant. Don't you think it's  a little dangerous for me to be running you anywhere?" Barry said.
" Barry, I have always told you that I trust you right? Here also I know you will make the right choice." I told him.
" Iris, I think it's too risky. But if you promise to lie down the minute we get there,I'll take you."  Barry warned.
" Barry, I'm eight months pregnant. I think the only thing I can do right now is lie down." I said.
" Okay." He said and picked me up and took me.

We reached there in under 5 minutes because of Barry's super speed.
" Hey." Caitlin said as soon as she saw me.
" Iris, you need to rest." Barry said.
" Let's go to the media bay." Caitlin said.
As Barry and Cait helped me to the bed in the med bay, I thought I felt a contraction.
" Ahhh! " I screamed.
" Was that a contraction? " Barry asked Cait.
" I don't know. I have to check. " Cait said as I lay down on the bed.
I screamed again.
" Barry, if I go into labor this minute, you'll be there right?" I asked him.
" Iris, as your husband and partner I think it is my responsibility to be with you." Barry said.
Caitlin then checked and Iris didn't scream for 2 hours which means it was a Brackston Hicks.
"  It was false labor. It was not real." Caitlin said.
" Oh thank God." Barry said.
" Barry!"Iris looked at me. 
" What?" Barry asked.
" You are going to be in the med bay when this baby is born, right?" Iris asked me again.
"Iris, honey of course. I will. Don't worry." I told her.
" Oh Barry, we will get another Particle Accelerator to explode if you don't come into this room while I'm in labor."  I said.
" Okay. Whatever you say." Barry said.
" Um Caitlin, Cisco can I talk to you two for a minute?" I asked and Cisco came in.
" What is it, Iris?" Cisco asked.
"  Um there is a way to turn on the Particle Accelerator, right?" Iris asked.
" Iris,  what ever idea you have is a terrible one. Barry is  sweet and loyal to you, if he doesn't come in here during labor, I will convince him." Cisco said.
" Thanks Cisco. Caitlin, I was thinking, I actually don't want to go to a hospital." I told her.
"Iris, why? You're  not  a meta human like Cecile. Why do you not want to go to a hospital?" Caitlin asked.
" Because you have got the method of changing between Caitlin and Killer Frost and I want you to be the doctor for our baby." I explained.
" Oh Iris,I'll be  honored." Caitlin said.

20 days later
  Barry POV
We had been  coming to STAR Labs everyday to hangout and patiently waiting for our daughter or son  to be born.
Finally it was 30th December, one say before 1st Jan 2020.
It was New Years eve and Iris felt a pain in her stomach.
" Ah!" Iris screamed.
As soon as I heard her scream I rushed upstairs.
" Iris, are you okay?" She asked me.
" Does it look like I'm okay? Time the contractions. If it is every 4 minutes, we rush to STAR Labs." Iris said.
" Okay."
The next few minutes everything was normal and she started screaming again.
" Now."She said in between screams.

I picked her up and rushed her to the med bay in STAR Labs.
As I set her down, Caitlin and Cisco came in.
" Is she going into labor?"Cait asked me.
" Yeah. She is." I told Cait as Cisco left the room.
" Barry, don't worry. Its just labor. I'll be fine." Iris told me.
" Yeah. I'll be back in a minute." I said and left the room.
" Where are you going?" Iris asked as she stopped screaming.
" You'll be alright." Caitlin said.
I ran to the cortex and confronted Cisco.
" Hey, what's the problem?" I asked him.
" Dude, Iris asked me if I don't convince you to be with her during labor and if  you don't,I have to   put the Particle Accelerator on again."Cisco said.
" Why?" I asked him utterly confused.
I went back into the med bay and Iris had already started pushing.
" Okay,Iris start pushing." Caitlin said.
Joe came in and was holding Iris's  hand.
" Hey Dad." Iris said.
" We are all very proud of you. Now push." Joe told her.
Then 10 minutes later a baby boy was born.
" Oh Barry.  This is an adorable baby."
Iris said.
" Yeah. He is." I replied.
" Oh my. " Caitlin said as she removed all her perphelia.
" Hey Cait, do you want to hold him?" Iris asked.
" Sure." Caitlin replied.
"So Iris, we need to settle on a name." I asked her.
" Barry my sweetie,that's what I was just thinking about." Iris replied.
" So I was thinking Henry after my dad."  I said.
" Oh Barry, that's a perfect name. I love it." Iris said.

Just then Cisco came in.
" Oh that is one cute baby, right there." Cisco said.
" Thanks Cisco." We said together.
" Iris, since you had him here and not at a hospital, you can definitely stay here as long as you want." Caitlin said.
Cait, Cisco come over here for a minute." I asked them.

We walked back into the cortex and I told them.
" Thank you Cait. Thank you so much. This means a lot to me and Iris. Cisco to be fair, I was in the labor room." I told them.
" Yeah you were." Cisco said.
Once I went back, I saw Joe looking at the baby.
" Hey, so you've met Henry?"I asked.
" Henry?" Joe asked.
" Dad, we've  named our baby boy Henry.
" Henry West Allen." Barry said.
" I like it." Joe said.

Hey everyone,
So this is my first one shot in my Westallen book. Even if you guys don't know the shoe you should definitely watch it. Its incredible. I love it and if you watch it you'll love it too
So anyways
Signing off
Varia westallen2019

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