The Definition of Love

By welcometostorybrooke

4.6K 261 80

Killian Jones and Emma Swan are victims of yet another curse. With Emma recently separated from her boyfriend... More

Chapter One ~ A Rude Awakening {Emma Swan}
Chapter Two ~ Before And After {Killian Jones}
Chapter Four ~ In the Clouds {Killian Jones}
Chapter Five ~ Emerging from the Pages {Henry Mills}
Chapter Six ~ Always a Gentleman {Emma Swan}
Chapter Seven ~ Forget {Killian Jones}
Chapter Eight ~ Quite Right {Emma Swan}
Chapter Nine ~ Strangers {Killian Jones}
Chapter Ten ~ Why? {Neal Cassidy}
Chapter Eleven ~ Wedding {Emma Swan}
Chapter Twelve ~ Pillage and Plunder {Killian Jones}
Chapter Thirteen ~ Is It Time? {Emma Swan}
Chapter Fourteen ~ Putting You First {Killian Jones}
Chapter Fifteen ~ New Hope {Emma Swan}
Chapter Sixteen ~ Meet my Son {Killian Jones}
Chapter Seventeen ~ It's You {Emma Swan}
Chapter Eighteen ~ The Lonely {Killian Jones}

Chapter Three ~ Memories From a Mysterious Past {Emma Swan}

296 18 2
By welcometostorybrooke

As the man's lips locked onto mine my eyes were thrust open, as if by a supernatural force. But when my eyes opened I was no longer in my Storybrooke apartment.

I staggered backwards as I took in my surroundings. There was a woman sitting alone on a chair, crying silently. Her shoulders shook as she rocked a small child in her arms. I took a small step forward and began to stretch out my arm to comfort the woman when a figure arrived in the doorway.

"It's time." I gasped. This man, this man in my dream is the same man who has his lips plastered to mine at this exact moment.

But is this actually a dream? It seems too real, almost as if this moment is a memory, a memory lost in time - my memory.

As the man walked into the room another figure, a woman, arrived in the doorway. I nearly collapse as I realize who it is; Mary Margaret - my mother.

The man helped the young woman up and she fell into his arms. Tears escaped his eyes, a waterfall of emotion. The infant child was handed to Mary - Margaret as the man pulled the woman into a soft, but passionate, kiss.

"I will find my way back to you, love," he whispered through a torrent of tears. He began to lead her out the door, but I couldn't take this anymore, I had to know who they were.

"HEY!" I yelled. "HEY! Can't you hear me?" Nobody moved. "Really," I muttered. I picked myself up and, still shaking, made my way over to the couple. I placed my hand on the woman's shoulder and gasped in pain.

The woman was me.

*How did you like it? This chapter was quite hard to write. I know where I want to go with the story, but I'm having a hard time with these "filler" paragraphs. Please remember to follow me on Instagram*

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