The Witcher: Different Worlds

By VioletsGamerSmulator

212K 5.8K 2.1K

It all started with a cup of tea, suddenly a young woman is thrown into a strange world of monsters, magic, a... More

The Adventure Begins
Bathing and Training
I'm Mistaken For A Boy
The Temple Of Melitele
Prophetic Dreams
The Truth Breaks Hearts
Hearts Are Mended
Sirens Dance
Lovers Finally Become Lovers
Good Morning
Travel And Kidnap
Terrible Rescue Plan
Sent Home
Do We Have A Deal?
Patched Up
Let's Call The Whole Thing Off
The Princess and The Silver-Tongue
Another Rescue
Alone In The Dark
Author Note
Something Stiring
The Chaos That Is Magic
A Past Uncovered
The Road To Kaer Morhen
Authors Note
A Summer Festival
Oh, It's You Again
Support this BEAN!!
Novigrad: City State Shithole
Authors Rant
Face Of The Past
A Wasted Wish
No Family. No Home.
Skellige And The House Of an Craite
The World Burns
High Queen Cerys an Craite
That Haunting Feeling

Dreams and Dandelion

13.6K 360 239
By VioletsGamerSmulator

I was standing in Whiterun... a dragon circling overhead, I could see people running and screaming.

"DRAGON!!" A guard shouted and I ran towards Dragonsreach I could see someone enter the keep and I felt someone holding me from going after them.

"The Dragonborn can handle this!" Someone said and I shouted at them

"No! They'll die!" I fought against the hands holding me back

"Athena!!" I screamed and I saw Alduin land on top of Dragonsreach I shook my head tears streaming down my face.

"She'll die..." I whimpered and then I saw it, the dragon fire, and the screams grew louder. I broke free of the hands holding me and I flung myself forward. I scrambled up the stairs and made it to the door, as I flung it open I saw the body of the Dragonborn burned and bloody. I sank to my knees and cried

"You ignorant fools..." rumbled Alduin, I looked up at the dragon and it came close to me.

"You think a fool of a Dragonborn could possibly defeat me?!" He roared and I glared at him.

"I will not let you get away with this dragon..." I growled as I got up. I stood tall, I opened my mouth, and screamed. I felt the walls of the building crumbling around me as the dragon was blown away. I felt something cutting into me and I stopped screaming as the dream faded.


I woke breathing hard and sitting up quickly. The sun was just starting to rise over the hills,

"Nightmare?" Asked Geralt and I turned to look at him.

"Yeah..." I replied quietly.

"Was it the werewolf?" He asked and I shook my head.

"No, it was the day I left Whiterun, why I left and never looked back..." I said even I couldn't believe that I actually remembered everything from that day. Maybe this world was making my make-believe a reality...

"Are you hungry?" He asked and I nodded

"Yeah." I crawled out of the bedroll and sat next to him. He handed me a bit of skewered rabbit and I ate it willingly. It was gamy and a bit tough but I ate it, I wasn't about to complain about what we had.

"We leave as soon as the sun crests over the hills if not sooner. Pack up the bedroll and I'll take care of the fire." I nodded and started to roll up the bedroll and blanket tying it onto the back of the horse. I saw Geralt slip my robe and nightgown into one of the saddlebags as I finished tying the bedroll off.

Before I could try to get on by myself I felt hands around my waist and Geralt lifting me onto his horse. He untied it and walked it towards the road, leading it towards only he knew where.

"Geralt, where are we going?" I asked and he looked up at me for a moment

"To the next town, there's a tavern I like to visit. I have some good friends there." He said and I nodded. We traveled in silence for a while he only looked back at me every few minutes to see if I was alright. To be honest, I was a little terrified, he was taking me somewhere I had never been, and honestly we were still strangers to each other, but I felt this magnetic pull towards him. If I had no common sense I would have begged him to take me right there that night.

"Something on your mind?" He asked and I snapped out of my thoughts.

"No, nothing." I said and he gave me a suspicious look.

"You're blushing." He said and I covered my cheeks.

"J-just a bit of a fever m-must be from yesterday..." I said and he stopped the horse he pulled one of his gloves off and put it to my cheek, his hand was warm and rough. He moved his hand to my forehead and I felt my heartbeat quicken.

"Hmmm, you do feel a little warm. Might be a little feverish..." he said as he pulled his glove back on. I nodded and he got on the horse behind me.

"I'll keep you from falling this way, in case you pass out on me." He teased and I blushed deeper. I felt one arm wrap around my waist as the other grabbed the reins and urged the horse a little faster.

"You're a jumpy little one aren't you?" He asked as he pulled me close to his chest.

"Y-you're imagining things..." I said and he chuckled

"Oh I don't think so, you get tense every time I lay a finger on you." At those words, he gripped my waist hard and I whimpered

"You can't fool me, Vivianna." He said and I bit my lip.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about." I said firmly but he pulled me up against him closer.

"I'm sure you know exactly what I'm talking about." He whispered into my ear. His breath was hot and I was blushing deeply already.

"Geralt..." I whimpered and he chuckled

"Then again," He said pulling away from me but not loosening his grip on my hip.

"I could be mistaken." He said and he let his hand drop right next to my thigh. I felt my breath catch in my throat

"P-please don't tease me...." I muttered and he urged the horse a little faster.

"Oh, you'll know when the real teasing begins Little Witch..." He growled in my ear and I blushed trying to hide my face. We rode on in silence for a few more hours, my blushes had faded and I was getting tired again.

"Can we just walk for a bit?" I asked and he gave me a sound of confirmation, nodding his head curtly.

He got off of the horse and helped me down. As we walked I kicked a few pebbles out of the road.

"Why did you leave Whiterun?" He asked, I kept my eyes on the ground, feeling a frown pull at my face.

"A dragon attacked, and burned everything in sight, including my friend." I looked up at the road and sighed.

"I couldn't stay there, I couldn't stay in Skyrim, everywhere was overrun with dragons and trolls and monsters of every kind. We don't have Witchers in Skyrim. We have plenty of mages and sorcerers and warriors, but they are a proud people who don't believe in needing any assistance from others." I said and finally looked at him

"Their stubbornness will lead to their end." I muttered and he nodded. As the sun was dipping behind the horizon we came up to the tavern that Geralt had spoken of.

"I'm not surprised you have friends here, this place is..." I stopped myself from saying anything rude

"Kinda charming..." I finished and he smirked

"Nice save...." I sighed and followed him as he held open the door for me. As soon as we walked in all chatter had ceased. All eyes were on Geralt and me.

"Geralt!" Shouted a man in a very bright purple costume, a minstrel costume. He came towards us and I eased myself behind Geralt

"If he touches me, I'm gonna kill you." I hissed and Geralt smirked.

"Dandelion..." He said simply and the purple man made to hug Geralt but he stepped away and the man hugged thin air.

"Good to see you too old friend." The purple man, Dandelion, said and I kept my distance. He saw me and I froze.

"And who is the ravishing young dear?" He asked reaching for me. I took his outstretched hand and gave it a strong handshake. Not dainty, or ladylike at all.

"Vivianna...." I said giving his hand a sharp squeeze and he chuckled pulling his hand away and rubbing it nervously.

"This one is more your type Geralt, she's got a nice fire." He looked as if he had been wounded, I caught Geralt's amused smirk as we weaved our way through tables. Geralt kept his hand on the small of my back, both pushing me forward and as a warning to the men in the tavern to just try and touch me. As we sat down Dandelion brought us drinks and sat down with us kicking his feet up onto the chair beside him.

"Beer for you Geralt, and a wine for the lovely lady." I gave him a small smile but didn't drink.

"I'm no lady but thank you." I said and he chuckled

"Perhaps then you would allow me to compose a ballad in honor of your beauty?" He strummed his lute and I shook my head.

"That's really not-"  too late.

Skin like snow

The gods all know

She's a piece of art!

He hair like golden earth,

She wal-

I stopped him

"Please, no more... you clearly don't know how to serenade someone..." I sighed and he looked offended, Geralt raised his brows at me.

"Enlighten me then." He said crossing his arms, I sighed looking at the wine in front of me.

"If you want to impress someone make the song before coming up with it on the spot, it's sloppy songwriting." I replied curtly.

"Well, perhaps you will serenade us then, teach us how to properly sing to someone!" He said loudly and the tavern got quiet. I felt a blush of embarrassment creeping into my face.

"Go on then! Sing little canary!!" Shouted one of the patrons. I stood up rapidly, knocking over my chair and chucking my wine tankard at the offending patron, hitting him right between the eyes and effectively knocking him out of his chair.

"I AM NO ONES 'LITTLE CANARY'!!" I shouted and stormed out of the tavern. I paced around outside fuming and grumbling.

"You can't just walk up to someone and demand that they sing, it's rude, and pompous, and completely condescending!" I said angrily. Geralt's horse trotted up to me and nuzzled my hair.

"I'm fine. It's just men like that..." I whispered and hugged the horse around the neck.

"'Men like' what?" I heard Geralt ask and I sighed.

"Men like that!" I said gesturing towards the tavern.

"I'm not a bird or, or a some kind of wind-up doll that plays a tune. I'm a person, I don't sing on command... especially not to men who call me 'little canary!'" He sighed

"Dandelion does tend to overstep his bounds." I looked out at the darkened landscape crossing my arms over my chest.

"I noticed..." I grumbled and I saw Geralt stand next to me out of the corner of my eye, looking out into the darkness with me. I let out a soft sigh.

"I'm sorry, I'm not used to, well, any of this. I'm tired and I feel sick, and I just want to punch something." I said and he chuckled at me.

"You can punch me." He said and I looked at him

"I'm not punching you. I'd break my hand." He laughed at that.

"You're probably right." He said and put his arm around my shoulders.

"I'll take you in through the back, get you up to the room and we'll eat in there." He said and I nodded

"That sounds good." I replied and he lead me to the back entrance. As we went inside the man I had hit in the face with my wine tankard stormed toward me

"Look here you little trolop! I should have you beaten in the middle of the road and left sobbing in a puddle of your own blood after that little stunt you little whore!" He roared and he was about to reach for my throat. Geralt drew his iron sword so fast I didn't even see it until it flashed under the man's chin.

"You'd watch your tongue if you intended on keeping it." Geralt said calmly and the man glared at him backing away slowly. Geralt sheathed his sword and pushed me gently up the stairs.

We walked up the stairs to the rooms and Geralt opened the first door we came to. It was a nice-looking room, with a window, a small fireplace in the middle of the wall, and a bed in the corner on the opposite side. Beside the window was a table with two chairs. I followed Geralt in and he closed the door behind us.

"Dandelion will send something up, I suggest you get comfortable." He said and I nodded taking off my boots and laying back on the bed. I let out a soft sigh and closed my eyes for a moment. I heard Geralt taking off his armor and I peeked out of curiosity. As the bulky leather came off I could see lean muscle through his tunic. I quickly shut my eyes again before they could wander.

This man just might be the death of me.

"Comfortable?" He asked and I hummed in response.

"Nice bed..." I replied and I felt the mattress dip a little.

"It is." He said and I felt a body beside me I cracked open one eye and saw him laying beside me.

"This bed isn't big enough for the both of us..." I said and he shifted

"Well, you might just have to sleep on top of me then..." he said quietly and I looked at him

"Or, I could sleep on the floor. That's a viable option." I said and he chuckled

"How can you sleep on the floor, if you can't leave the bed?" He asked and pulled me close to him. I felt his muscles under his tunic, he was a lot stronger than he looked.

"Geralt..." I gasped and he smirked. He leaned in and dragged the tip of his nose against my neck, his lips just barely touching my skin. There was a knock on the door and I heard him sigh in frustration.

"Don't move." He said and got up from the bed to open the door.

"Here's the food you ordered." Said the barmaid at the door. Geralt nodded taking the food from her.

"Thank you," He said and shut the door. He walked over and set the food on the table.

"Come over here and eat before it's cold." He said and rolled up his sleeves as he started to eat. I got up and pulled my plate towards me as I sat down at the table. It was some kind of beef stew with bread. I started eating, I hadn't had a home-cooked meal in days, and the stew was pretty good. I felt a hand on my knee and I looked up at Geralt he wasn't looking at me, but I knew he saw me look up. He squeezed my thigh and I jumped a little, he chuckled and I sat back in my chair.

"How am I to finish my supper when you have your hand on my thigh?" I asked and he stood releasing my leg.

"Apologies, I should let you finish." He said and moved behind me.

"But I won't." He grabbed my shoulders and started to massage them.

"There's just no rest for the wicked is there?" I sighed and he scooped me up.

"Afraid not." He replied his breath hot on my neck. I shivered and he started to kiss at my neck, he pulled me closer to him and I felt my breath catch in my throat.

"G-Geralt..." I whimpered and he lay me on the bed still kissing at my neck. I wrapped my arms around his neck, he started to bite at my skin and I let out a soft whine as I grabbed fistfuls of his shirt. He pulled away and looked down at me, I felt his eyes wandering up and down on my body. They had changed to a bright yellow, like pure sunlight shining down on me.

"I'd hate to ruin this tunic, you only have one."  He smirked and I slowly pulled it off, I felt his hands on my skin. I arched my back as he ran his callused fingers over my stomach, to the tops of my breasts, to my throat, he kept his eyes on me watching my face as I reacted to his touch.

"You look beautiful..." he whispered and I shook my head he leaned in close

"Yes, you do..." he leaned forward and bit down on the top of my left breast. I whimpered as he rolled the skin between his teeth, his hands drifted over my skin and grabbed onto my hips tightly.

"Geralt!" I moaned and he released the spot he had been biting down on. He kissed it softly before looking up at me. He crawled a little closer as he looked down at me.

"Where have you been hiding all this time?" He breathed as he leaned down close our lips almost touching.

"G-Geralt..." I breathed and he pressed his lips against mine, his tongue taking over my mouth, he moved one of his hands to the back of my head pressing me closer. I felt his need in that kiss, his pure desire. And I wanted to give everything to him. He pulled away from me and looked down at my waist,

"W-wait! G-Geralt... we shouldn't be..." He looked up at me and placed a finger to my lips.

"And why not? You have nothing to hide from me..." He whispered and he pulled my leather pants down taking a look at his prize. He looked up at me before slipping his hand between my legs, letting his fingers find my core. I let out a whimpering moan and he watched as my face flickered with pleasure and ecstasy.

"You're already that needy? You truly have been deprived..." he kissed me again his hand gripping my hair tightly as he pistoned his fingers in and out of me. I felt my body reacting to his every action, his body above mine felt like it was always meant to be that way like we just fit. I was gasping into his mouth when he stopped, he hadn't let me release. But we kept kissing, he held my face with one hand as he rolled us over so that I was laying on top of him. As we kissed his hand wandered up my body and squeezed a few places. He broke away from me and tucked a few strands of hair behind my ear.

"Now that I know what I've got to work with, you can bet that I will be ravaging it. But I want to make it a place where no one can stop us from having our fun, so I'm taking you home. You'll like it there..." he said as he brushed his fingers through my hair.

"The trees stand like spires of emerald rising out of the mist of the morning, and when the sun crests over the mountains it's like magic has finally found its order." He said and I smiled

"I remember living in our farmhouse right beneath the Throat Of The World... I couldn't see the top of the mountain, always covered by clouds and every morning before the sun came up, I'd sneak out of the house and look up at the stars, more colors than I could name were in the lights that danced across the sky. It never lost its luster..." I said and yawned, Geralt looked at me and smiled.

"Rest, I'll be here when you wake up." He said and I gave him a sleepy smile.

"As long as you rest too..." I said and he nodded.

"You have my word..." he said and stroked my hair until we both fell asleep.

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