October to October

By ellepatrick

8K 550 62

Lauren is nineteen in a conservative, college town in the bible belt. Her older sister Ruth is newly engaged... More

{Chapter One}
{Chapter Two}
{Chapter Three}
{Chapter Four}
{Chapter Five}
{Chapter Six}
{Chapter Seven}
{Chapter Eight}
{Chapter Ten}
{Chapter Eleven}
{Chapter Twelve}
{Chapter Thirteen}
{Chapter Fourteen}
{Chapter Fifteen}
{Chapter Sixteen}
{Chapter Seventeen}
{Chapter Eighteen}
{Chapter Nineteen}
{Chapter Twenty}
{Chapter Twenty-One}
{Chapter Twenty-Two}
{Chapter Twenty-Three}
{Chapter Twenty-Four}
{Chapter Twenty-Five}
{Chapter Twenty-Six}
{Chapter Twenty-Seven}
{Chapter Twenty-Eight}
{Chapter Twenty-Nine}
{Chapter Thirty}
{Chapter Thirty-One}
{Chapter Thirty-Two}
{Chapter Thirty-Three}
{Chapter Thirty-Four}
{Chapter Thirty-Five}
{Chapter Thirty-Six}
{Chapter Thirty-Seven}
{Chapter Thirty-Eight}
{Chapter Thirty-Nine}

{Chapter Nine}

210 14 0
By ellepatrick

  "So what are you doing for Thanksgiving?" Jake asked as the two of them sat in the den of Lauren's house playing scrabble, and Lauren tried to stay awake because she spent all day shopping for duvets with Joan to go in her bedroom that she was finishing with Lauren's help.

   Since their lunch they started to hang out almost every afternoon before and after their classes when they weren't working. Jake usually stopped in around ten to spend a few hours together, but tonight she wished he would call it a day sooner than later.

  "Uh, I don't know," Lauren said as she realized this would be her and Jake's first Thanksgiving together as a couple. "I guess I'll just go to my grandparents like we always do. What about you?"

  "My Mom is cooking a big dinner," Jake said as he waited for Lauren to make her move on the board, but she was too tired to think. He was already fifty points ahead.

  "I think she was hoping you and Ruth would both come to dinner," said Jake as Lauren rested her head against her arm as they sat on the floor by the coffee table. "You know, since you're both going to be a part of the family..."

  Lauren felt awake now. "Oh really?"

 "Yeah," Jake said, and he seemed surprised. "I know you probably want to see your family, but this is our first Thanksgiving."

  "That's true," Lauren said slowly. "My grandparents really look forward to seeing us though. They live three hours away, and we hardly get up there anymore thanks to school and work."

  "Okay," Jake said after a long moment of staring at her while she pretended to be concentrating on her letters. "Maybe Christmas..."

  "We usually spend that at home too since our other grandparents and cousins from Orlando fly in," Lauren said apologetically.

  ".... Well, maybe you can come over and open gifts afterwards," Jake said, but she could tell he wasn't happy. 

"Of course and Ruth too," Lauren said with forced cheerfulness. "Or you can come over to our house? All of the family is going to be here, and I know you haven't met everyone."

  "Sure," Jake said as she spelled the word 'glow' on the board. "It'll be nice when we're married, and we can invite everyone over to our house."

   Lauren wasn't sure what to say to that, but Jake didn't seem to notice.

  "Alex and Ruth are looking at houses next week," Jake said suddenly.

  "I know," Lauren said quickly; grateful for the change of subject. "It's all she's talking about. She's probably going to drag me around to see some of them soon."

  "I can't wait until it's us picking out houses together... or apartments probably."

  "Mhmm... Oh, it's your turn Jake."

  He looked at the board. "I'm beating you still."

  "I know," she said and sighed. "I'm really tired though so I don't think it's an honest victory."

  "Do you want to finish another time?" He asked after taking a sip of his coffee.

  "If you don't mind," she said with sleepy smile. "I'm about to fall asleep on you, and I don't think I'm being very entertaining."

  "So what are you up to tomorrow?"

  "Oh, I'm having coffee with Joan and Henry. Wren is going to casually drop by. She's been calling me all day with plans."

   "You've, uh, been hanging out with Joan a lot."

  "She's really cool," Lauren said as she walked to the entrance with Jake as he put on his coat. "If you're not doing anything tomorrow you should come to coffee with us. It's going to be fun, and you can see how completely goofy Wren gets around Henry."

  "Nah, I'm working, but I hope you have a good time," he said and kissed her. "Watch out for Wren. Don't let this Henry guy break her heart."

  "Will do," she promised. "He's really nice though."

  "Hope says he isn't a Christian. She says Joan isn't either."

  "A lot of people aren't."

  "Well, it's important for us Christians to be careful who you surround yourself with is all I'm saying."

  "Don't get high and mighty please. I get enough of that from Ruth."

  "I'm your boyfriend, and I'm just concerned," Jake said, and he looked hurt. "And my faith is important to me."

  "Mine is too, but  there isn't anything to be worried about. I'm just having coffee with a few kids from school!" Lauren said with a scoff. "I'm sorry that I don't drill people on their religious beliefs before I hang out with them."

  "I know, but you have been hanging out a lot with Joan. I worry."

  "I know you do, but there is no reason to," she said quietly. "I don't want to fight. I'm tired, and I didn't mean to sound so harsh. I'm sorry."

  "I'm sorry too," Jake said; looking tired himself. "I'll call you when I get home."

  "Okay, night."

  "I love you."

  "I love you too."

  "I'm wearing my hair up. Do you think it looks nice up?"

  "It does," Lauren said as she talked to Wren on her cell phone as she walked towards the coffee place after class. 

  "Or do you think it looks better down? Do guys like it better like that?"

  "I'm sure he'll like it either way."

  "I wish I had red hair like yours. I'm cursed with this average brown. I'm so boring!"

  "Your hair is fine. It has really nice golden streaks in it from the summer too. Plus you don't get all the ginger jokes."

  "So you think it looks fine up? Should I send you a quick picture?"

  "I'm at the coffee shop, and I see them sitting inside so no. Your hair is fine, I'm sure. Don't worry about it. From what I can see Henry has a bowler hat on so I'm thinking appearances aren't all that important to him."

  "Oh my Gosh, he's wearing a bowler hat? He is so adorable."

  "He's something."

  Lauren finally got Wren off the phone as she went into the coffee shop, and Joan spotted her and waved. They were sitting in the back, and they were already sipping their coffees. Henry was wearing the bowler hat plus a blue and pink Hawaiian print shirt, jeans covered in paint, and a yellow sweater tied around his neck. Joan was more demure in a purple sweater and a black skirt with purple tights and sneakers. Her hair was pinned up, but it was falling down and curling in the heat of the coffee shop. 

   She smiled at Lauren as the other girl approached, and Lauren noticed Joan had on no makeup in place of her usual heavy eyeliner and dark eye shadow. Lauren liked it better this way. She thought Joan looked stunning.

  "Hey Ginger," Henry said as he pulled out a seat so Lauren could sit.

  "Oh please don't call me that."

  "Why not?" Henry demanded. "Isn't it cute? It's a mark of friendship to have cutesy nicknames for one another."

  "Oh are we friends?" She shared a smirk with Joan.

  "Of course we are! We spent a night in a barn together. If that isn't true friendship..."

  "Shut up, and let Lauren order her coffee," Joan said as the waitress hovered impatiently by their table. 

  Lauren ordered her usual, and she felt peaceful as Henry rambled on about possible nicknames for each of them and made them laugh. She made sure to casually glance around now and then to look for Wren. She was supposed to show up any minute. Finally Lauren saw Wren walk in with a few girls from her American Lit class, but before Lauren could say anything Henry was on his feet and waving his arms in the air.

  "Hey Wren! Over here! Hey!"

  Never had Lauren seen such a bright smile on Wren's face as she said goodbye to her friends, and she started over towards their table. She was dressed in her favorite yellow dress with a bright blue cardigan over it. Lauren noticed she had no books with her even though she was supposed to have come from class, but it didn't matter now. Henry didn't care why she was there.

  "How cool is it that we run into you?" Henry gave her a big hug. "Look at you in yellow. You're so beautiful! Like sunshine on a rainy day!"

  Wren's face was bright red as he continued complimenting her, and he stole a chair from the table next to them so she could sit beside him. Joan looked incredibly amused as Henry ordered Wren a coffee, and he put his arm around the back of her chair. Lauren didn't know how someone could be so easily confident. His forwardness would scare her, but Wren seemed to like it, and she definitely liked the attention he was giving her.

  "I was just about to ask Lauren for your number!" Henry was telling Wren. "When I got home from the Halloween party I realized I hadn't asked you! I'm such an idiot. I'm really glad we ran into each other though. It's a lot more fun this way. I was just telling Joan before Lauren got here how I was hoping to see you."

  "You're seriously all he's talked about lately," Joan said which made Wren's face turn even redder.

  Lauren was about to joke that Henry was all Wren talked about, but she figured her friend might not like that, and she kept quiet as Henry dominated the conversation as he asked Wren about her day and about all her classes. 

  He did seem to like her although Lauren hoped Wren wasn't just one of a crowd. She noticed he definitely received a lot of female attention as girls passed the table, and said hello to him. A lot of very pretty girls too, she saw. Wren didn't seem to notice though, and Henry hardly took his eyes off her. He didn't seem interested in any of the women passing by.

  "It's getting rather sickening in here," Joan said to Lauren as they finished their second coffees. "Want to catch a movie or something?"

  "You read my mind," Lauren grinned as she stood up to put on her coat. "Hey Wren... Joan and I are going to a movie. Are you okay here with Henry?"

  "She's fine," Henry said before Wren could say a word.

   Wren's face was pink from the heat of the coffee shop and from being around Henry.

   "Yeah, I'm fine," Wren said with an assuring smile.

   "Unless you guys want to come," Lauren said, and Joan gave her a look.

  "No, we're good here," Wren said with a glance at Henry. "We're going to have another coffee, and then we're going to go back to Henry's so he can show me some of his work."

  "You will be amazed," Henry said jokingly. "I'm an artistic genius."

   "Sure you are," Joan said and playfully smacked him on the back of the head, and he swatted her back.

   "Get out of here," Henry ordered with a dramatic wave of his hand. "Begone. You're being very annoying."

  "Alright, we'll see you later," Joan said as she put on her gray and white checkered coat.

  Lauren wasn't sure about Wren going back to Henry's house, but she knew it wasn't any of her business. Wren was a grown woman after all, and Henry was a nice enough guy. Joan seemed to realize Lauren was worried as they walked towards the movie theater at the end of the block. Lauren hadn't said much, and she kept glancing back at the coffee shop.

  "It's alright Lauren."

  Lauren felt her face grown warm. "I wasn't..."

  "Yes you are. You can trust Henry though, and Wren's a big girl."

  "I know," Lauren said automatically.

 "Then why do you keep glancing back at the coffee shop like you're dying to go back and chaperon?"

  Lauren sighed. "... I am a little worried about her, I admit. She doesn't have any experience with guys at all, and after you told me that stuff about Henry..."

  "He's a really good guy," Joan promised her. "He does date a lot, but I've never known any girl who said he treated her badly. If anything they get sick of his devoted attention, and how he wants to be 'just friends' with most of them."

  "Most of them are friends? What about the others?"

  "Well, he does like some of them."

  "... And what happens then?"

  "It usually fizzles after a few weeks, and he decides to be 'just friends' with them too. He's actually friends with all of them after he breaks up with them too. It's kind of sickening. I'm not friends with any of my exes. Well, there aren't that many of them, but you know..."

  "Me either," Lauren said and made a face. "I don't even like to see them."

  "Ah, you're nice and bitter. You're my kind of person."

   Lauren grinned, and she felt better as they reached the movie theater. They caught two movies before they decided it was safe to go back to Joan's. They picked up burritos from the gas station, and they set off for Joan's. Lauren caught a ride from Ruth to school that morning so she didn't have her car, and Henry had Joan's van so they decided to walk home. 

  Lauren was happy to walk though even if it was cold. It was a bright night with a full moon, and the leaves crackling under their feet as they headed down the sidewalk. They were laughing as they reached Joan's house; they spent most of the walk dancing, and showing off moves they both copied from Britney Spears videos as kids. Lauren couldn't believe Joan had been into the same thing. She figured Joan would have been too busy listening to obscure hipster music.

   "No, I have terrible taste in music," Joan said proudly. "Pop music all the way!"

    "Me too," Lauren grinned.

  Joan got out her keys as they walked up the sidewalk towards the door, and the lights were off. Joan was wondering where Henry and Wren were as they went into the kitchen to heat up the burritos that were a favorite of both Lauren and Joan's.

  "My sister hates these things," Lauren said to Joan when they were buying them at the gas station. "She says they're an abomination."

   "Of course they are. That's what is great about them! They're a mess of burrito deliciousness."

  After they heated up their burritos; they went into the living room to watch TV when Joan and Lauren suddenly heard a noise. It was coming from upstairs. Joan glanced up, and then back at Lauren.

   "What was that?" Lauren asked slowly.

  "Maybe Henry and Wren are here after all..." Joan said, and she looked uneasy.

  Another noise, and this time there was no mistaking it. It was the loud squeaking from a bed. It started to get louder and louder. Lauren felt a sinking feeling in her stomach as she realized what was going on upstairs. Joan made a face and turned off the TV. Their burritos were untouched on the coffee table.

  "Maybe we should leave..."

  "No way," Lauren said as she walked towards the stairs. "There is no way."

  "Lauren, it's none of our business!"

  But Lauren was going up the stairs, and Joan started after her. The second floor was dark, and the door to Henry's room was closed. Lauren had glanced inside it when Joan had given her a tour of the house, and there hadn't been much to see except a mattress on the floor, a dresser with stickers all over it, clothes on the floor, and a mess of paint and canvasses in the corner.

  Now Wren was inside, and there was no doubt in Lauren's mind about what was going on inside. There was music playing that Lauren didn't recognize, and she could definitely hear them now. Wren and Henry were having sex.

  "I cannot believe it," Lauren said; she felt like she couldn't breath as she turned to go downstairs with Joan following and looking as if she didn't know what to say. "I seriously cannot believe it."

  "Lauren... she's nineteen," Joan said finally with a sigh; speaking quietly.

  "And member and secretary of our 'It Can Wait' club in high school," Lauren whispered as she stood by the bottom of the stair case.

  "Well, when people are allowed to change their minds," Joan whispered back. "C'mon. Let's just get out of here."

  Lauren felt slightly ill. "She just met him."

  "I'm sorry," Joan said after a moment. "I told him to take things slow with her if he was interested in her, but it isn't our decision. It's their business."

  "...I'm going to go home now."

  Joan looked stricken, and as if she didn't know what to say as she went to get Lauren's coat, and she wrapped up the burrito for her. Lauren didn't say anything as she went out the door, and she walked away from the purple house as fast as she could. She wasn't sure what she was feeling. 

  There was anger, betrayal, and a little jealously even. Was Lauren the immature one? She and Jake were so far behind.

   And Wren even hadn't told her friends she was ready to start having sex. They talked about everything. What was Wren thinking? Did she not trust Lauren enough to tell her?

     Lauren's house was quiet as she approached it. Everyone was asleep. She gratefully jogged up to her bedroom, and she crawled into bed. Her phone buzzed as she laid down, and she glanced at it. Joan was calling her.


   "Are you okay?" Joan asked; her voice full of concern.

   "I'm just kind... of unsettled. That's all. I'm fine."

   "I get it. I'm going to hang out with some friends for a few hours. Are you sure you don't want to come with me? We're just going out to eat and probably to a movie."

   "No thanks. I'll talk to you later."

   "Okay. Goodnight."


   Lauren shut off her phone, and she tried to close her eyes, but she felt too strange. Her stomach was hurting, and she couldn't help but wonder if maybe Jake and Hope had been right about choosing your friends more wisely. 

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