By BabeLoRegui

22.5K 855 437

Be careful what you wish for... More

part one
part two

part three

5.6K 272 70
By BabeLoRegui

"Back in London. How does it feel?" Roger asks Camila as her eyes haven't left the window of the plane for the past eight or so hours.

Finally dropping her eyes and looking at him, "Feels just like the first time," she answers softly. Because to her, it is her first time.

"The first time was like... what? Five years ago?" he chuckles. "You've come so far since then."

"I bet I have," she mutters but to herself this time.

It officially marks the third week since Camila's woken up to this alternate reality. Three weeks far too long but although it makes her sick every time she opens her eyes to it each morning, she still accepts it. This is her life now and she has to deal with it.

She also has to deal with the fact that she's about to perform one of her new hit songs "Liar." She's done all that she could to prepare. Run through it a billion times, look back at how she previously performed it and whatnot. Now, all she can do is give it her best.

She smiles in the photos she takes with fans but her eyes tell a different story. She wants to shield them with the sunglasses she has, especially when the paparazzi appear but finds she doesn't want to be "that" celebrity.

Too many thoughts run through Camila's mind the minute she steps out from her car to when she enters her hotel suite. All of them about one person in particular. What was she doing? What was she thinking? Seeing? Feeling? Was it about her, too?

Lauren did have some things to say about the whole "cheating" scandal to the public. Of course, in a very poise and classy way since she is a high-esteemed supermodel after all. She won't dare to surround herself with controversy that makes her look like a lying, cheating whore. She's about to become the new face of Gucci, after having walked the show during Milan fashion week, and that would never do for her image.

"I can't even fathom the idea of ever doing something like that," she tells a Hollywood gossip source. "Ariana and I are very much still together and in love. Nothing will ever come between that." No comment on the Camila aspect of it but let's just say her unfollowing the singer on Instagram made some things pretty clear.

Just to further prove her point, a recent influx of pictures of Lauriana out and about together in NYC (as well at a Knicks game), showing more PDA than usual, had speculation die down even quicker. Photos of them holding hands, kissing and touching posted as a big "fuck you" to every skeptical eye.

Obviously Ariana was going to believe her girlfriend of five years over anybody else. They have trust, loyalty, honesty and healthy communication in their relationship. The key to any long-lasting relationship. They were each other's soulmates till the day they die and no silly cheating or breakup rumors were going to ruin that. But that's what it took time and time again... honesty and communication. They have to be the ones to talk about it, learn from it and move on together. Even if that took a bit more trying each time.

"So, I first met Ariana at the 2014 Victoria's Secret Fashion Show in London. Before, I was just starting out, being a PINK spokesmodel and only just getting recognized by big brands. Basically a nobody at the time..."

Camila sat alone in bed, with a bucket of ice cream and a spoon, watching yet again, an abundance of Lauren Jauregui videos. Most were interviews from Prada, Balmain, Calvin Klein, and other high-end fashion campaigns but for some reason, a whole lot of videos about Lauren and Ariana's relationship. Just for some self-sabotage.

"...And it's funny because we kept looking at each other a lot on and off stage, but didn't have the courage to talk until the very, very end of the show. I finally got the confidence and approached her to say how cute she looked in her little pink robe and then... I don't know, we just sort of went on a date and hit it off from there." Lauren couldn't help the blush and light giggle in the video from June 2016, a year and a half into their relationship yet still in that honeymoon stage.

"Ugh, why am I doing this to myself?" Camila grumbles as she watches how much Lauren is beaming. How in love she really is.

"I'm super proud of her and all that she's accomplished this early in her career. I can't stop listening to her new album. I... I play it when I miss her most and yeah... she just makes me really happy-"

Camila then shuts her computer, unable to take it anymore. And it's pathetic since she's not exactly jealous of their relationship (at least not entirely) but the fact that she didn't even get a chance with Lauren herself. At least in her old life, where her Lauren had been single for all four years of college, she didn't need to worry about losing her best friend to some other girl.

Except for that one time when Lauren was kind of dating a girl named Madison Beer and Camila had slight jealousy, but only because the two of them planned to have a movie night and Lauren canceled last minute to go over to Madison's apartment. Now looking back on it, Lauren had actually sensed Camila feeling a little replaced and decided to just be friends with her almost girlfriend. She didn't want her best friend to ever feel like she was a second thought.

*knock knock knock*

"...Lauren?" Camila rolls over on her bed to face the pair of innocent green eyes looking back at her from the door. "Aren't you supposed to be having dinner with Madison?"

"Yeah, but... I told her I got sick," she takes off her sweatshirt and sits on the edge of the bed in the dim-lit room.

"Oh, are you?" Camila frowns.

"No," she shakes her head and moves closer so they lay side by side. "I just wanted to be with you tonight."

Camila, although wanting to be sympathetic, showed a slight smirk because it was just too darn cute. "How come?"

"Because I love you, Camz," Lauren says, causing Camila's smirk to grow into a wider smile. "You're my best friend."

"Aww, Lo." It almost makes the younger girl shed a tear as she's been missing some one on one time with her best friend since she's been with Madison a lot more lately. "I love you, too. And I missed you. A lot." Brown and green eyes get lost into each other for what seems like a million years. Just staring like they couldn't do anything else.

"I missed you a lot too, Camz," Lauren whispers and scoots closer to wrap her arms around Camila so that the smaller girl is nuzzled perfectly at her side, laying a chaste kiss on her forehead before combing through the silky, dark brunette hair -- one of Camila's favorite feelings. In return, the brown-eyed girl sneaks her hand under Lauren's shirt and rubs/scratches at the soft skin -- one of Lauren's favorite feelings. "How about we take the rest of the weekend and do something you wanna do or go somewhere you wanna go?"

Camila rolls her eyes with a smile, "C'mon, babe, it's always something I wanna do or somewhere I wanna go. How about we do something you want for a change? Please?"

She pouts adorably, "But I just wanna do whatever makes you happy, baby."

Camila can't help but lean up and kiss Lauren's precious little nose. "You have to stop being so sweet all the time. It's too adorable."

"I try to be a badass sometimes," she says in a serious tone.

"Yes, but a very cute badass," Camila chuckles as she would always laugh whenever Lauren attempts to be all cool and tough. In all honesty, the girl is a soft puppy and the only thing she'd be arrested for would be for being too sweet.

"I can have my moments," Lauren tries again.

"Keep telling yourself that, little dork."

"Fine, we aren't gonna do what you want. We'll just sit here and do nothing but enjoy each other's presence," Lauren smirks.

"Jokes on you. That's all that I wanna do this weekend," Camila laughs. "That's all I ever wanna do on weekends. You should know that by now."

"I know... I kinda just said that on purpose," Lauren shyly smiles.

"Ugh, come here, you cutie pie!" Camila's lips crash all over Lauren's cheeks and nose, eliciting laughter from the older girl. Her favorite girl.

And that's just the kind of person Lauren was.

The kind who would drop anything and everything to be there for someone she cares for. The kind who puts her friend's needs before her own without a second thought. The kind who is brutally honest yet sweet at the same time and has the best advice on all things. The one person you can trust with your entire life. Camila can wholeheartedly admit that she could trust Lauren with literally anything.

One time, when Camila was sick with the flu, Lauren took the whole day off from class and work just to take care of her. She loaded Camila up on all the right kinds of drugs and remedies, rented all of her favorite movies to watch together, and even purchased a warm, cozy cow onesie that she wore almost every night since.

There was another time during the summer, and the girls were just too tired from work, where Lauren bought them day passes to Disneyland. She surprised Camila early in the morning so they could catch a flight to Anaheim and back in just over 24 hours. Not once did she ask for anything in return. Although Camila did take Lauren to see Lana Del Rey in Los Angeles two weeks after.

But that was Lauren in a nutshell. Always giving and never expecting anything back. It wasn't even about gifts either. It was time spent together. One year for Christmas, she gave each of her best friends coupons to choose wherever they wanted to go in California and spend the day/night there. Camila chose a day in San Diego, Dinah chose a beach day in Malibu, Normani chose a National Park, and Ally chose to tour Hollywood. Again, it wasn't about where they were but the time together that made it the best. She just loved people and life. After all, it doesn't last forever so she cherished it to the fullest.

And now, Camila is crying again, thinking of how good of a soul her Lauren has. And how poor of a soul she has herself. How could she ever want her best friend to be different? She was perfect just the way she was. Kind, good, sweet, absolutely beautiful. And how could she say nobody liked her either? God, Camila loves her. She loves her above anything else. More than she loves herself most of the time.

Lauren was only being honest when expressing how she felt about Noah. One of the things Camila also loves about her-- unapologetically speaking her mind because it was just so... right. Lauren was right about a lot of things and the fact that she knew Noah only wanted to use Camila that night proved that yet again.

Camila knew it deep down as well. She didn't really like that guy. She just liked the attention of a popular frat boy because it was new, hot... dangerous. She liked going out of her comfort zone to finally "be somebody." But now she's realizing that it meant absolutely nothing. Only Lauren has ever made her feel important. Because Camila's always been that somebody in her eyes. When no one else saw her, when she was invisible to almost everyone... Lauren was there, looking, watching, and seeing someone nobody else saw. She was given her own special nickname "Camz" for crying out loud.

She can't help but now think or... believe that Lauren's been the one this whole time. The signs are so clear, she feels like the world's biggest dumbass for not seeing it before.


Camila has never been to a fashion show and after one of the biggest, craziest ones there is, she doesn't think she'll go to one again. Not that it was bad but there were so many things happening at once which overwhelmed her even after performing. She may have hyperventilated a few minutes before hitting the stage in which her team had to frantically calm her down, but other than that, she performed to the best of her ability.

Lauren also walked during Camila's song which the former wasn't too thrilled about. She made sure to not even look at the singer during her strut but out to the crowd, wearing a vibrant, joyful, yet fake smile. Especially toward Ariana who was busy cheering and clapping for her girlfriend. Camila also made sure to not confront her backstage even when Ariana was following her around everywhere. At least not yet.

There was still nothing going to stop Camila from giving it her one last shot to make things right. Sure, she failed miserably her past two attempts but this was it. One last chance to get her old life back. To get her old Lauren back. And she might know how she's gonna do it even if it'll take some more embarrassment.

*knock knock knock*

Camila knocks on the couple's door which she knew to be Lauren and Ariana's due to her detective skills. In the meantime, Lauren was busy in preparation for the big proposal to her potential soon-to-be wife. It was simply just getting down on one knee and opening up the box with the dazzling diamond ring inside. There were also dozens of rose petals covering the floor as well as a dozen lit candles, but that was enough for them. Contrary to popular belief, they weren't that extra.

Lauren opens up the door to reveal a vulnerable looking Camila, desperate to say at least something to the model. "What are you doing here?" she rolls her eyes and lets the singer in.

"You haven't let me explain, Lauren. Don't you think you owe me that?" Camila follows after.

"I don't think I owe you anything, Camila," she stares her down. "Not after you come along and try to stir up shit that I really don't need right now. No one needs right now and not ever."

"It wasn't my intention to stir anything up, okay?" she says, "I just wanted to.... just-"

"Just what?" Lauren shrugs. "What can you possibly say to justify trying to get me alone and close to you while not trying to come between me and my girlfriend?"

"Listen," Camila steps closer, only for Lauren to step back. "Hear me out for just one minute..."

Lauren chooses to take a seat on the bed and folds her arms protectively. "Go ahead."

Camila sighs, "Alright, I'm gonna sound crazy. I'm fully aware of that-"

"We all are," Lauren scoffs until Camila gives her a glare, signaling that she's not listening. "Sorry, I'm listening now."

"So... let's just say I had lived in this imaginary world where you and I were best friends," Camila begins and Lauren furrows her brows. "We were students at Stanford and were super close for all four years."

"Okay...?" Lauren slowly nods.

"And one day, I... I say some things," Camila turns her head, avoiding eye contact, "about you."

"...What kind of things?"

"I, well, really liked this guy, you know, Noah, who you weren't the biggest fan of and I didn't necessarily like what you said about him and sort of ditched you at a party to be with him for the night."

Lauren just rolls her eyes and shakes her head.

"Then, I wished on a shooting star that things were different and you were different and just a bunch of bullshit I didn't really mean." At this point, the model was lost and growing even more frustrated. "That's the last thing I remember from that 'imaginary' life. So, the next day, I wake up and am sleeping with Noah Centineo but he's actually a famous actor, I'm a famous singer and you're a famous model."

"Which happens to be real life," Lauren clarifies. "You just woke up from a really weird dream."

"See, the thing is it's real life for you, but not for me. This life we're currently in is the imaginary life... and the dream, I guess. I actually live in the life of an ordinary college student. You get what I'm saying here?"

Lauren bites her lip and concludes, "Yeah, no, I think you need to seek serious help."

"No, you don't get it," Camila groans. "We're supposed to be best friends but after I wished on a shooting star, we aren't anymore. But we need to be again," Camila pleads. "That's why I tried to get close to you. Not at all trying to come between you and Ariana but, I feel like if I talked it out and expressed how I really feel about my best friend Lauren to... you know, imaginary Lauren," she gestures toward her, "I could get out of this horrible nightmare and go back to my real life. The life that is not this glamorous celebrity fantasy I must have in the back of my mind."

As Lauren rubs her temples and practices deep breathing, she finally relents and decides to just go along with whatever the hell this lunatic was talking about. "Okay... so... how do you really feel about your 'best friend' Lauren?"

For once, Camila didn't know what to say now. She's thought long and hard about how she was going to try to fix whatever's happened but the words didn't flow anymore. It was just her heart that knew what she truly felt for the green-eyed girl for that past four years.

"How I feel about Lauren?" she turns around and looks out at the scenery of the city of London. "How I honestly, truly feel?" Has anyone ever really asked her that before? Has she even asked herself?

"It seems to be something more than just a love for a friend," the model claims.

"You see, that's all I thought it was before. But if we're actually being honest..." she turns back and looks at the woman on the bed. "When I look at you and see a resemblance of a girl I know and trust and love, but she in return doesn't even know me..." Lauren swallows hard, "I just want her that much more." And that's when Lauren's breath hitches. "You really just remind me of what I missed out on and what I could have had for the past four years of college. When you look at Ariana here, I know that's how you look at me there... in my world. And I want that. I love that. I couldn't see or guess, wanted to see it before, but I do now. I know now that I'm falling head over heels in love with my best friend."

Lauren's eyes widen and she whispers, "You're sure about that?"

Camila's heart flutters as her insides warm up as much as her cheeks. "Actually... I've already fallen head over heels for her and I've never been so sure about anything in my life. Especially when it comes to Lauren."

"Oh damn," the older woman lets out a breath. "No, you really do love her. I can tell because that's exactly how I felt when I first started falling in love with Ariana."

Camila finally sits down next to her. "I guess all I really want to say to her is that I never ever want to change anything about her. Not a single thing. I love her for exactly who she is." Lauren smiles at that. "I love how she's not afraid and doesn't try to mold herself to fit in with what anyone else wants her to be. She's true to who she is. I mean, after not being in my 'real-life' after three weeks or so, I learned that I don't want anything in my life to change either. I love who I am, where I am and where I'm going to be. And if it's with Lauren, I couldn't ask for anything more."

"That's... that's really beautiful, Camila. That whole thing," Lauren grins genuinely, causing for Camila to do the same and giggle a little. "I'm sure your Lauren would be over the moon hearing that."

"So I should tell her that?"

"Exactly that," she nods. "I would want the girl I love to say something like that to me."

"Well, she's the girl I love. I'm not actually sure she loves me in that way. I mean, I think she likes me of course but-"

"Hey, don't stress about it. I'm sure she does love you," the model assures. It's not until after she finishes that sentence that they realize just how close they are in proximity. So close that they are mere inches from touching lips.

"You are?" Camila can't help but get lost in the eyes she's absolutely crazy for. And although this Lauren wasn't hers, she still can't resist the feeling of wanting to know how she tastes.

"Hundred percent," Lauren gives her a smile and begins to tense up the second Camila's eyes drop to her lips as she leans in.

"What.. the hell?!" Seemingly out of nowhere, Ariana steps in to stumble upon the two on the bed far, far too close for her liking.

"Oh, shit, Ari!" Lauren hisses, immediately standing up from the mattress.

"Fuck," Camila trembles, pale in the face.

"So, this is why you wanted to head back early, huh? To sneak off with her behind my fucking back?" Ariana questions assertively, arms in a fold.

"No no no no, this is not at all what it looks like," Lauren assures. "Honest to God."

"Yeah, heard that before," the popstar scowls. That high ponytail never looked so intimidating until now.

Lauren tries her best to comfort her. "I swear, baby, nothing was going on-"

"Don't you dare 'baby' me, you liar," she nudges away from the model. "Just how long has this been going on?"

"Nothing has happened. That's the thing. Lauren and I were just having a conversation," Camila also tries to explain and Lauren nods.

"I really don't wanna hear anything from you, Cabello. Like, how am I supposed to trust you when you've been getting Lauren all alone and tempting her into getting into bed with you," Ariana states.

"No! Never!" she says frantically. "I know it looks like that but it isn't. And I'm sorry. To both of you." Lauren looks over to her in confusion. "I've just been having a really hard time lately in my personal life and I honestly don't mean to come in-between anyone. I just- I don't know. I-"

"What Camila is trying to say," Lauren begins, "is that she's been having relationship issues of her own." Camila's eyes widen at Lauren finally coming to her defense. "She just confided in me and wanted my advice on the matter because she... looks up to our relationship." Lauren smiles in hopes of making amends with her suspicious girlfriend.

Ariana takes a deep breath, turning her head away and rubbing at her temples. "And I'm seriously just supposed to believe that?"

"I've never lied to you before, babe, and I'm not gonna start now. Not ever," she lifts Ariana's chin up to meet her eyes again. "And, well, I was kinda talking to Camila about the same thing-"

"Relationship problems?" the popstar squints.

"No, not problems," Lauren holds her hands. "About ways we can make our relationship even stronger. Like, how I wanna make you my wife."

Ariana looks to Camila again as the latter nods. "It's true. We just wanted each other's advice on how we can perfect our love for our one true loves. That's why Lauren and I got close. It was just a very personal topic," the Latina assures. "For what it's worth, she loves you to no end. There's nothing she would do to change or break that."

"You jerk!" the smaller woman jabs Lauren's shoulder. Not too hard but just enough. "Why did you have to scare me like that?"

"Ow," Lauren fakes pain and giggles because she finds it adorable coming from her cute, tiny girlfriend. "I didn't mean to, babe. I'm sorry."

"And to think I was suspicious of you hanging out with Grace, Barbara, Sara and now Camila a little more than usual."

"You know I only have eyes for you, sweetheart," Lauren clarifies innocently.

"Do you know how much I fucking love you?" Lauren didn't notice it at first but until Ariana said that, she could see tears pooling in her girl's eyes. "We're supposed to be forever, Lauren. Married. In a house with two kids and eighty dogs."

"And a pig," Lauren adds, jokingly (but not really).

Ari also laughs and trails her hand up and down Lauren's arm. "This was the night I wanted to make that promise to you. And to ask you to make that promise to me, too."

Lauren frowns and Camila gasps. "Wait... really? Tonight?"

"If you want to. If you don't think we're ready or you don't want to get-"

"Woah, woah, woah. The only thing I'm thinking about is making that promise as well." Finally, Ariana could breathe a sigh of relief. "I was going to propose to you tonight, too."

"No!" the older woman now squeezes her girlfriend's arm. "You were?!"

"Baby, look around. The flowers, candles... I was setting it up to look special when I got down on one knee to ask you to spend the rest of my life with me."

"Dammit, Lauren, I was going to do the exact same," Ariana was now laughing and crying simultaneously.

"Allow me," Lauren pulls back to get down on her knee and pull out the Tiffany blue box she's been hiding this whole time.

"Oh my God," the singer's hands cover her mouth at the sight of the diamond while Camila remains watching from afar with a small smile. For a dream, this still looked insanely real.

"There's no one. Absolutely no one I can see myself being with till the day I die," Lauren speaks from the heart. "And there's nothing more that I want than getting to grow old with you and having a family we built together from our love. I want everything with you, Ariana. Please, will you marry me?"

"You already know it's a yes. Always will be," Ariana answers as Lauren stands up again and captures her lips, not even caring about how much her own tears were running down.

"God, I love you," Lauren whispers in-between kisses as she squeezes her sides.

"I love you so much, my future wife." It's then that Ariana also gets down on one knee to propose to her new fiancée. Thankfully the rings they got for each other weren't exactly the same but pretty similar. Best of all, they both fit perfectly.

"Alright, well, I guess I'll be going now," Camila finally makes her way to leave the room when a heated make-out session suddenly begins and the couple has climbed onto the bed. Awkward would've been an understatement with the younger singer in the room. It was also pretty bothersome with her rapidly growing feelings for the green-eyed model.

"Wait, Camila," Lauren detaches herself from on top of Ariana for a moment. Camila stands by the door as she approaches her. "Thank you for helping me clear the air with her."

"Hey, you were really the savior here. I hope you guys have a long, happy marriage. You're amazing for each other," Camila grins.

"I really hope you can get back to your real life and let your Lauren know how you feel for her, too."

"I can only hope and pray," Camila sighs. "I wish I can just have her with me again so I can apologize for how I fucked up I was and how it's taken me way too long to realize she's the one. Hopefully, she understands."

"Don't worry too much. I have a feeling she will," Lauren winks and Camila frowns. "She most likely feels the same way."

"How are you so sure?"

"Well, I am her after all, right? Just a different version deep inside that little imagination of yours," she shrugs.

"You really believe she's into me just as much?" Camila chews at her bottom lip.

"If she wasn't, would she do this?" Lauren grabs Camila by the sides of her face and crashes her lips into hers.

"Oh my god!" Camila jolts awake from Noah's bed on the exact same day she last fell asleep on. March 4, 2019.

"Bad dream?" Noah also stirs awake from the outburst.

She takes a few moments to compose herself, looking around the room to what appears to be an actual college guy's bedroom. Not some luxurious house she could never see herself affording any time soon, but a normal 22-year-old's living quarters.

"What's today?" Camila asks Noah who's surprisingly wearing a shirt for once.

"Uhh, March 4th? The day after your birthday and my party?" he says so obvious.

"And we're in your room?"

"...Yeah? I don't get-"

"Oh, thank you, Jesus!" Camila suddenly scrambles out of the sheets and pulls on her pants that she finds on the floor. "You know how long I was trapped inside that alternate universe?!"

"Alternate... what?" Noah sits up as he rubs the sleep out of his eyes.

"I was a famous pop star... so was Ariana... and you were a big so-called movie star when you really just starred in Netflix movies no one cared about, and Lauren was a supermodel! Isn't that crazy?!"

"It is, Camila. It really is," he nods, finding it strange. "That dream must've been long."

"It was so long it felt like I was really living it in real life." She didn't want to mention the fact that they were also a couple in the bizarre dream. It was weird enough.

"And now... I gotta go find Lauren," she begins on her way out.

"Wait, so... you're just leaving now?" Noah frowns at how excited she is.

"Um, yeah, sorry, Noah... we... wait. We didn't do anything last night.... right?" Camila questions quietly, silently praying they didn't go further than making out.

He sighs glumly, "No we didn't. You fell asleep before we could take it to the next level. And don't worry, I didn't try to pull any moves on you while you were asleep," he clarifies innocently.

"Wow, thanks for not doing something illegal?" Camila shakes her head at the headassery and Noah shrugs.

"Do you think that we can... maybe go out some other time? You know, on a real date?"

Camila sinks into a frown. "Look, Noah, although that sounds really great, I think I need some time to figure my feelings out for someone else right now."

"There's another guy?" he squints.

"Another girl," Camila smiles with an eye roll.

"Are you bi?"

"Yeah, what's it to you?" she shrugs.

"Nothing.. I just-I didn't know," he looks down in defeat. "Who is it, if I may ask?"

"A beautiful, green-eyed girl who happens to be my best friend."

"Lauren Jauregui?" he asks in disbelief. "You like her? ...More than me?"

"You don't understand, Noah. By the end of my dream, she kissed me," she recalls back to the magical moment of Lauren's soft, gentle lips on her own. "She kissed me and it was the most amazing feeling I've ever experienced." She subconsciously reaches up to feel her lips, wanting to feel that same thing once more.

"I can't believe I lost to another lesbian. What the hell is wrong with me?!" Noah curses at himself, throwing a pillow across the room.

"Don't worry. You'll find the right one eventually. I think," Camila attempts to comfort. "Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta make up with my best friend."

The being said, Camila walks out of the room and into the hallway in hopes to find just where Lauren could be. If she even stayed in this filthy pit of a frat house that is. She didn't dare check the bathroom that is absolutely disgusting nor any of the other bedrooms, knowing Lauren wouldn't want to step foot in there either. 

"Lauren?" she heads downstairs to the living room and sees a few sorority girls passed out on two of the couches.

She checks the kitchen and no one in sight there either. The dining room is empty of people as well with just a million and one red solo cups covering the floor. Did she really just leave? Camila thinks and assumes so. With the fight they had last night, Lauren probably couldn't stand to stay at the house any longer. 

While getting ready to just walk out of the house herself, she opens the front door only to be greeted by those same pair of green eyes she could never resist. 

"Lauren," Camila breathes in relief. "It's really you."

"Yeah, I left earlier but I came back... you know, for you," she says as Camila's heart melts that much more and at the two Starbucks coffees in each of her hands.

"Oh my god, I love you!" Camila can't help but throw herself into the arms she finds peace in at most. "And I'm so sorry for acting like a total bitch to you last night. Ugh, it feels so good to wrap my arms around you again and hug your not so tall self."

Lauren chuckles, "At least I'm taller than you."

"True, but not a five-foot-eight supermodel. You're just my cute, dorky, sci-fi movie and comic book-loving, little Lauren," Camila hugs again.

"Dorky?" Lauren frowns. 

"The best kind of dorky that I would never want any other way. And that I thought I'd never see again," she sighs in worry.

"What do you mean, Camz?" Lauren shakes her head, finding that ridiculous when it's only been one night since they saw each other last. Indeed, after a fight but they always worked it out in the end.

"Well, I had this crazy dream that I met a completely different version of you who wasn't my best friend. Who didn't even know me at all and who I didn't know myself. And it felt way too real and... it broke me. It made me realize how much I didn't want you to not be my friend and not know me at all. Hell, just you being in my life is such a blessing that I will never take for granted ever again," Camila goes on. "I maybe sorta thought that I wanted you to be different in certain ways-"

"What kind of ways?"

"I don't know. Just ways that were opposite of you trying to protect me and care for me like the sweetheart you've always been," Camila sighs, "I was stupid, drunk and only just wanted to get into Noah's bed because I liked the attention he was giving me."

"Well, you accomplished that, didn't you?" Lauren scoffs bitterly, walking past her, setting the cups down.

"I did but... I didn't really do anything more than kiss him a little," the younger one admits, scratching the back of her neck guiltily.

Lauren stares at the passed out girls on the couch and takes a deep breath. "That's all?"

"He said I was too tired and upset to want to do anything more. But honestly, I think it was the gay in me coming out. Kissing men is just so blah compared to what a woman can make me feel. I didn't realize it fully until I... started having feelings for... one in particular," she confesses, biting her lip. That and especially when she got to kiss Lauren in her dream.

"You're in love with a woman?" Lauren's face falls and she turns around to face her again.

"I... I'm pretty sure, yeah," she lets out in a shaky tone. More so as Lauren gets closer to her. It didn't dawn on her until now that she was about to finally confess her love to her best friend of four years.

"Who is it?" the taller girl asks, both defeated and jealous that it's probably not her. I mean, how could it be? They've always been just friends, nothing more. "Do I know her? She's probably really pretty if you got your eyes on her." 

"She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen and... you two are closer than you think," Camila begins to smile and hold Lauren's hands. "She's also the sweetest person I know, the smartest person I know, the funniest, bravest and I'm even luckier that she's been my best friend for this long 'cause she already knows me and loves me so much herself. At least I hope she loves me in that way."

Lauren nods still thinking, "Is it Melissa from 171? I can see how she hits on you a lot."

"What? No, dummy, I'm talking about you," she holds the taller girl's face in her hands, once again losing herself in the love of her life's... everything. God, she could marry her right now.

"....Me?" Her bottom lip shakes. "R-really?" After what felt like a fantasy that Lauren could only dream of becoming a reality, she can't even begin to believe that Camila actually reciprocates the same feelings Lauren's had for years.

"Yes, you," Camila answers. "It's always been you, Lauren. I was too naïve for not seeing it before. I can't believe I didn't see that I love you. Like, really, really love you. And that I've longed to kiss your lips ever since it happened in my dreams," her eyes glue themselves to Lauren's lips that still tremble, but the latter takes that as her cue to finally make her own dream come true.

Lauren's hand encloses around the side of Camila's neck as she presses a gentle kiss to her lips. And hands down was the best kiss she's ever had. It only gets better when Camila deepens it, eventually licking Lauren's bottom lip so that their tongues begin to collide. They stay like that for what seems like hours, exploring each other in their most intimate moment yet. Lauren even opens her eyes a few times to make sure this was still real life. It was even better than the dream.

"I love you," Lauren admits herself between kisses. "I've loved you ever since I first saw you in Psych 101 'cause I thought you were the most beautiful person I'd ever laid eyes on. But I was too scared to tell you since you know, we're best friends."

Camila smiles as that is music to her ears. "We were best friends."

"Huh?" Lauren frowns.

"We're more than that now, aren't we?" Camila giggles before kissing her again. "At least... I want to be more than that. If you do, too."

"O-oh. Y-yeah, of course," Lauren's slow to catch on yet again but feels better about her hands being rested on Camila's lower waist longer than usual. "Of course, I want to be more than that after four years of yearning to be yours." 

"You've always been mine," the younger girl scrunches her nose which Lauren finds adorable. "And you could've just told me how you felt all this time, you know?"

"I know, but if I told you and you didn't feel the same way, our friendship would've been ruined," Lauren pouts.

"I promise no matter what happens in the end, we will remain friends. Always," Camila assures her with another kiss before her head rests on Lauren's shoulder. "Oh, sorry about the coffee," she looks down at the coffee table where the older one put the two cups that were probably cold by now.

"It's okay. This moment is way better than any caramel latte," Lauren jokes, being just the most precious thing in Camila's eyes. "But I can get you another one if you want."

"Don't worry about it. I only want you," she throws her arms around the neck of Lauren's as she rests her forehead against her new girlfriend's... or someone who she's more than friends with now. But 'girlfriend' sounds much better. "Your one true self that I love with all of me and never want to see changed. Again, I'm sorry for having those terrible thoughts before. I really didn't mean it."

"It's alright, Camz, I know you didn't. Maybe I should've just let you figure out you never actually liked Noah on your own. I just always felt like I needed to protect your heart from all the other jerks who were never worthy of it. I'm sorry as well for being overbearing," she apologizes, sulking into pity and regret.

"No, no, it's not your fault whatsoever. You just wanted the best for me," Camila holds her hand. "And I'm so appreciative of you for that."

"And I really just loved you," Lauren shrugs. "I was jealous of Noah getting you into his room... and into his bed," she gritted out the last part between her teeth.

"That's totally understandable and honestly okay now because you have me. He doesn't," Camila smirks which makes Lauren's heart flutter even more. "I'm so happy to have not lost that special part of me to him last night. I can still save it for the one who truly deserves it."

Now Lauren's eyes widen as that was probably implying her taking Camila back to their house... and into her bedroom. "Well, in that case, we shouldn't waste any more time in this loser's house," she begins to pick Camila up bridal style, eliciting laughter from the latter at her cute corniness. "Shall we, my lady?"

"We shall," Camila responds, allowing a kiss from Lauren before they both exit the frat house.


Three months later...

"Looks like Mani and I aren't the only two lesbians being annoyingly affectionate," Dinah teases at Lauren and Camila having a 'small' makeout session in the middle of the dance floor during Norminah's wedding reception.

"Have you seen her? Who can blame me?" Lauren remarks which makes Camila crack up. 

"Aww, my disgustingly cute best friends are finally together out and proud," Normani joins in on the teasing of the bridesmaids who can't keep their hands off each other. But Camila decides that she very much prefers to be that 'handsy kind of couple' with Lauren rather than Lauren and Ariana in her dreams.

"Hey, we've had to watch you and Dinah be all lovey and mushy for four years. Give us a break," Camila says with a grin. 

"Fine, but just this once," Dinah rolls her eyes and leaves them to finish their dance.

"I guess we have come a long way, haven't we?" Camila mentions to her girlfriend as her body is pressed against hers with hands around her waist.

"That we have, mi armor," Lauren says, swaying with her to the slow music. "Kinda wish it happened sooner but better late than never, I guess."

"Yeah," Camila rests her head on her girlfriend's chest, snug underneath Lauren's chin which was very comfortable. "God, I'm gonna miss you so fucking much," she whispers.

They both hate remembering the fact that at the end of the summer, they're going to be moving out of their house and away from each other. For the first time in four years, they won't be living together. They won't even be in the same state anymore. Camila was going to Columbia while Lauren wasn't. She did get into Harvard but she didn't exactly decide if that's where she wants to go although everyone else around her thought Harvard would be a no brainer. It's Harvard for crying out loud. 

But to Lauren... Harvard wasn't where Camila would be.

"Okay, I can't hold it in any longer," Lauren bites back her smile which her girlfriend frowns at. 


"I got into NYU's grad program," Lauren finally tells, causing Camila's eyes to pop open wide.



"Baby!" Camila grabs her face to kiss her hard. 

"I was gonna wait until we were back in our hotel suite, but I didn't want to see that cute face of yours in a pout anymore," Lauren comforts.

"Aww, so is that where you're going? Like, officially?" Camila grins excitedly.

"Starting in August, it will be. If... that's okay with you," she hesitantly says.

"Why wouldn't it be?" the shorter brunette beams at the love of her life. "Oh my god! Wait, but I thought you didn't want to move to New York?"

"At first, no, but it doesn't matter where it is. If it's where the girl I love is going to be, then that's where I'll be," Lauren lifts Camila's chin up to hers before she kisses her back... even harder. "I just got you, I don't want to lose you so quick."

"You'll always have me," Camila finds it the most romantic and endearing thing someone's done for her. And she has to admit herself, she would go anywhere Lauren would go, too. 

"Forever. Happily ever after," Lauren smiles at the fact that they weren't going to be apart but in yet another house... or well, apartment together. Even sharing a room and bed this time. "Plus, NYU's a good school. I'd be a dumbass to pass it up."

"Hell yeah, it is," Camila giggles as she takes her hand so they can fetch another drink at the bar to celebrate the good news.

"Maybe I can break into the modeling business while I'm there," Laure jokingly winks.

"Oh, I don't think so," Camila scolds. "You cannot make that hellish nightmare a reality on my watch. You know how traumatic that was for me."

"If I work on my abs some more and try to grow a little taller, I bet I could make it," Lauren continues to tease.

"Yeah right," the younger Latina scoffs and tickles Lauren's lovable tummy that she loves just the way it is. "How many times do I have to stress that I don't want you to change?" Although it wouldn't be the worse thing in the world to see her girlfriend model lingerie. There were some pleasant parts of the dream such as that. But no, she loves her life and her Lauren as is.

"Fine, fine. But just because you'd get too jealous of all the other hot models around me," the green eyes suggest, earning a shove in the shoulder.

"You just cost yourself celebratory sex tonight."

"Okay, I take it back." Panic hits Lauren like a truck that Camila cackles at. 

"Good," she smirks. "'Cause you're in for a hell of a ride later."

And with that, Lauren's back to her giddy self, grateful and over the moon that she gets to be with the woman who has always had not just a little bit of her heart, but all of it. 

~The End~

A/N: Sorry I literally didn't update for 84 years but here you go. Sorry if it sounds rushed a little. Might write something else, might not. Being an adult in the real world sucks do not recommend :) 

Thanks for reading!!!

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