
By AmberTaylor444

2.6M 58.1K 23.9K

When it comes to crowds or even a small group of people, Aurora Price, is shy, very reserved and doesn't talk... More

1 - Cold Hearted Bastard
2 - "Hello there little one."
3 - Initiation
4 - "Make her cry, you die."
5 - Rajah
6 - Nightmares
7 - Make Things So Hard....
8 - Movie Night
9 - Tempting To The Ghost
10 - "Don't Let Go."
11 - Just A Taste
12 - Predator Mode
13 - Enzo
14 - Another Sadistic Monster
15 - Archealia
16 - Girl Talk
17 - Gala
18 - Demons Want To Play
19 - Play With Me
20 - You Make Me Feel Loved
21 - "He's got nothing... now he does."
22 - Hypocrisy, Jealousy, Bait... Oh My!
23 - "Please Don't Become Like Him."
24 - No More
26 - My Heart Beats
27 - Unknown Number
28 - Magical Little Things
29 - I Warned You
30 - Bitter
31 - Crestview Mental Hospital
32 - Get Out!
33 - Starting Over
34 - Come Home
35 - "I'll be alright baby."
36 - Lingchi

25 - Unconditionally

53.4K 1.3K 420
By AmberTaylor444

*I want to thank and give a shout out to Michaela camgrif_ for giving me an idea that inspired this chapter. Thank you girly!*

- Oliver's POV -

I groaned and rolled over, expecting to feel my angel next to me but instead her side was cold and empty. I get up and check the bathroom. I open the door...... nothing. I head downstairs. Charlie and Archie were making breakfast and the guys were all sitting at the table quietly talking amongst themselves. She's not here? A small wave of panic set it but I shake it off as I remembered Juniper. Maybe she went to see her. I walk into the guest bedroom and see Juniper asleep and no sign of Aurora. Where is she!? Panic now seeped into my skin. A cold wave washed over me and my chest felt tight. There's no way it could be Michael. Fucker is locked in the pit and his back is torn to shreds!....The pit! The one place I haven't checked. But, why would she be down there? I ran downstairs in a hurry. I hear everyone yell for me but I ignore them and keep going.

I get to the end of the tunnel and see the door is open. I walk in to the sight of my angel sitting on her knees in a pool of blood next to Michael's lifeless body. What the fuck!? I see the knife lying next to her. Did she? I hear the frantic footsteps of everyone else behind me. When they finally caught up, they were just as stunned as I was at the sight before us. Griffin put his hand on my shoulder, pointing his finger at himself then to Aurora, telling me he'll go first. Please be okay angel. I nod and he proceeds.

"Sissy?" Griffin softly called out to her. She didn't respond. He slowly approached her and when he saw that she was okay, he looked back at me and nodded. All that panic fled my body. I felt as though I was floating. As soon as he touched her shoulder, she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I'm sorry." She faintly whispered.

"Sissy what happened?" Griffin asked as he rubbed her back and looked down at Michael.

"I had to do it Griff." She pulled away from him. "I know you guys wanted to make him suffer but, I needed to do this." She said placing a hand on his cheek. "I had to do this for me." I was in shock by what I was hearing. She snuck down here and killed Michael herself!? She put her hand on his shoulder, using him to push herself to her feet. Once up, she turned and walked to me. Her face was stained with dried tears. Her knees were caked with blood and dirt. She took my hand and placed it on her cheek. Rubbing her face into my plam. "I'm sorry Ollie, but I had to. I know you wanted to torture and kill him for what he did to me but, you didn't need this closure. I did." She looked up at me with those doe eyes. Taking a life is no easy task on the mind. Some people can't handle it and have a mental breakdown they can't recover from. Their brains can't comprehend what happened and it short circuits. Some get a feeling of euphoria and become addicted to the rush. Wanting and needing to feel that rush again and again. The worst is, some become shells of their former selves. The vessel is functioning but the driver has permanently exited the vehicle. But she seems completely fine... I have never once felt this confused in my life. "Can you forgive me?" She asked, jolting me out of my thoughts. I picked her up and held her to my chest.

"Of course angel but, why did you do it?" I asked putting her back down.

"When you were talking about your father, I got angry. When you killed him, you took back control of your life. I needed to do the same." She paused. "I was tired of the constant fear he had over me. So I decided enough was enough. I took the keys and came down here to face my fears." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My shy, timid little angel now seems confident and sure of herself. Not that I wasn't happy but, the sudden change in her attitude was hard to adjust to. Suddenly she covered her mouth and panic filled her eyes. She quickly turned to the side and puked into the dirt. I gently pulled her hair away from her face and rubbed her back.


"I'm okay..." She stopped puking and took a few deep breaths. She wiped her mouth and straightened herself back up. "I'm okay. I just felt a little nauseous." Without warning she collapsed at my feet unconscious.

"Call Regina, now!" I shouted and picked up my angel. I rushed back inside the house, everyone following behind me. I run into the living room and place her onto the couch. "Get me a cold compress!" Archie ran into the kitchen, returning with a cold damp cloth. I lightly patted and cleaned her face, then placed it on her forehead.

"Regina's on her way!" Happy yelled and looked down at Aurora. Is he panicking?  It's  extremely rare that Happy shows any other emotion other than happiness and content. Even when I gave him an order to torture and kill someone, he did it with a smile. I looked at him and saw nothing but worry and pure panic. The front door swung open and Regina rushed into the living room.

"You're lucky I was close by." She eyed Aurora lying on the couch. "Everyone back up! Give me some room." We all took a step back as Regina examined her. "Okay Im gonna need a few minutes with her. Everyone clear the room." She looked up at me. "That means you too. I can't work with you hovering over me."


Sitting outside in the enclosure with Rajah, I couldn't ignore this feeling in my stomach. The after effects of killing somone differs from person to person. When I took my father's life, I too spewed my guts up. I guess it was my body's way of catching up with my mind. I knew Rajah could sense my worry. He kept chuffling and rubbing his head against me. I chuffled back and he layed down. Resting his ever growing head into my lap, mooing at me.

"Momma's okay buddy." I assured him and scratched his head. I hope. Seconds felt like minutes.... minutes felt like hours. Its been two fucking hours! What the hell is happening! Someone better tell me something soon or I'm gonna go insane! I hear the back door open and Regina appeared. I gently moved out from under Rajah's head and rushed to her. Rajah awoke and followed, so I stayed behind the fence. "Is she okay!? What happened!?" I panic again and feel Rajah push against my leg. I take a deep breath to calm myself.

"She's awake now. She is very dehydrated and the combination of that and a lack of sleep didn't agree with her body. That's why she collapsed." Regina explained, periodically looking between me and Rajah.

"And her puking?"

"When was the last time you two had sex?" I froze... as if every muscle in my body was layered in ice. Oh my god.

"Is she?" Regina nodded.

"She was experiencing morning sickness. Its pretty common. From what I could tell, its still fairly early, maybe three or four weeks along... but yes, she's pregnant." It never once crossed my mind to have kids. Granted I knew it could happen since I never used condoms but I always made sure the girls would take the morning after pill. To hear that my angel was pregnant with my child sent me over the edge with happiness and utter fear. I was definitely not father material. I had a shitty excuse for a father growing up, and look how I turned out to be. Haunted with demons, tormented and consumed by their constant nagging and taste for blood and death. But for her..... for my angel, I would do anything. I will give this baby a better life than what either of us went through. My child will never experience the pain we were forced to endure. He or she will never know anything but pure joy and safety. I will be a better father than mine ever was... and I will love this child like I love my angel. Unconditionally.


I walk into the living room and hear the sound of my angel's laughter. My skin tingled and bristled with goosebumps. God I missed that sound. I see everyone surrounding her, touching her stomach and discussing names for the baby. When she sees me, her smile faded.

"Everyone out, I want a moment alone with my angel." Everyone nodded and cleared the room. My angel sat there and nervously fiddled with her fingers.

"Are you mad?" She asked looking up at me and placing her hand on her stomach. I got down on my knees between her legs and kissed her stomach. Looking back up at her, she smiled.

"No baby, I'm not mad. If anything I'm freaking out." I confessed. She scrunched her eyebrows, confused.


"Well, for one, I don't see myself as father material. I didn't exactly grow up with a good example. Two, I'm worried that he or she will grow up to be just like me. Normally it would be a good thing for a child to turn out like their parents, but seeing as Im one of those parents now... it doesnt exactly inspire much confidence." I sighed. I hear a giggle as she placed her hands on the side of my face.

"Im scared too but, we can do this together." She leaned over and kissed me. Her lips melted away any shred of doubt, fear, anxiety, and guilt I was feeling. "Everyone promised they would help. We aren't alone in this Ollie. We have our family standing right outside." I was shocked at the realization that momentarily our rolls had been reversed. Usually she was the scared one and I was the one comforting and soothing her. Now I find myself being comforted and soothed by my angel. "I love this baby already Ollie." She smiled and rubbed her belly. I put my hand on hers and she stopped to look at me.

"I will do anything for you angel, you know that right?" She nodded. "I promise, that I will love this baby just as much as I love you... unconditionally." A tear ran down her cheek. Using the knuckle of my index finger, I gently wiped it away. "You are my world angel, and now this baby will be too."  Her smile set my body on fire. I leaned over and kisses her hard. When I pulled away she began laughing. "What's so funny?"

"Derek suggested that if it's a boy we name him Darth, like Darth Vader from Star Wars. If it's girl we name her Fannie." She giggles when I roll my eyes.

"We are not letting Derek name our child." I said glaring at the front door hoping he could feel my stare.

"I already thought of some names." She says confidently.

"Oh yeah?" I raise an eyebrow. "Tell me."

"If its a boy, Remo... and if its a girl, Rilee." She smiled and looked down at her stomach. "Remo is an Italian name, meaning strong, because he will be like you in that aspect. Rilee is an Irish name meaning brave, like the new me." I chuckled.

"I love them." I kissed her again and rested my forehead against hers. "Just like I love you."


Hey guys!!!

Hope you like reading this chapter just as much as I loved writing it!
Thank uou all for your patience and support! I know I can be a pain in the ass with updating but Im thrilled to see you are are still sticking with me! It means the world to me!

Dont be afraid to leave a comment! I love hearing your thoughts and opinions! It really helps me to know what you guys are hoping for or looking forward to!

Love you guys!! ✌

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