Under The Lamp-Post Back On S...

By baecon__

262 57 41

What happens when a guy catches your eye in the first day of college but ends up literally like 'crushing-on... More

Under the lamp-post back on Sixth Street
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7

Episode 3

29 6 4
By baecon__


"Hey guys, I think we should get going. It is already 7:55. Like exactly 5 minutes left".  I said. I had to okay. I couldn't just stand there and see them getting all lovey-dovey with each other. 

They both jerked away from each other. 

"Shit! I didn't see that. Anyway girls will you mind if I just hang out with you guys? As my dearest jerkish friend ditched me today and now I don't know a single person here". Theo asked. Ofcourse you can. 

And before I can even speak the BWB beat me. Okay! the next conquest is here. How disgusting.  "Hey! you don't have to ask. We are already a gang".  She said slightly nudging him. How touchy barbie. More like you got your own gang to bang. Excluding me obviously. But still Ew! I am already hating it. "Right Rose?" She asked me.

"Uh...What?" I asked. I was not paying any attention okay. I am busy hating the barbie. Can you blame me?

"What what? I asked that Theo is already a friend and part of our gang. Isn't it?" The BWB asked winking at him.

"Oh we have a gang?" I asked raising my eyebrows. How I love messing with her.

"Ofcourse we are. You and me, we make a great gang. And now Theo is also a part of our great gang". She said. Yeah 'You and me, we make a great gang' my ass.

"Oh yeah ofcourse. Welcome to our gang Theo". I said with a smile. Not my best one I tell you. 

"Great! Thank you so much guys". He said still smiling. Cut the smiling already. It is killing me. 

"Let's go then". I don't know who said. But someone did. I couldn't move. I was lost. I know, this whatever I am feeling in my tummy-bummy it is going to end bad. I will get hurt real bad.

"Rose! you coming?" Viv nudged me. "You okay babe?" she asked. Oh stop babe-ing me. 

I jerked up from my misery-dreaming. I am such a negative person. I always opt for the negative thoughts. Whatever be the circumstances. I will always go for my 'overthinking negative' phase.

"Uh..yeah I am fine. Let's go". I said walking ahead. I can't take this shit anymore. I already feel like running away. To my home. To my bed. To my mom. 

"She is fine right?" I heard Theo asking. How sweet of him.

"Actually, she is nervous. First day and all".  Viv answered. Yeah! he is yours. I get it. I am the psycho. You are the hero. Happy?

Then we entered the auditorium. And it left me a little shaky. Supper-dupper chilled room. "Are we in Antarctica or what? Why the hell it is so cold here? Dude it is freaking freezing here". I said in my super irritated tone giving my super irritated expression and while shivering supper bad. That's a lot of 'super' in one sentence. Damn!

Theo chuckled. "I know right. Come on let's go to the middle of the room. One, there is no AC and two, once the room fills up it will warm up a bit". He said. How smart. 

"I thought I am the smartest one here. Guess what? You just broke my heart". I said with my puppy dog eyes. How lame. How drama-queen of me. I am just trying to ignore the first of, this freezing room and second of, all my overthinking-negative thoughts. So you can't blame me. Now can you?

"No no. How can I do that? You are the one and only smartest in this whole room. I've just read out your thought. You know, your thoughts and my voice. We are going to be the greatest partners. I tell you". He said pulling me with him. And guess what? He sat at the corner and me right beside him and Viv next to me. I am in the freaking middle seat which is right next to the big-round-glasses-guy-who-wants-to-be-my-partner. My heart will explode. Help me Good God. 

"You read thoughts? Damn! I have to stop thinking around you then". Did I just flirt with him? 

"Why? You thinking about me missy?" He winked. Oh! Surely I did. Screw me. "Now, I have that affect. Not your fault". How cocky. Wait! Did he just flirt with me too? No, ofcourse not obviously my overthinking.

"Yeah in your dreams" I said looking at my left. The BWB is awfully quite. Then I saw her texting someone that 'I think I got someone. And I like him already'. Yeah, BWB-and-Theo-kissing-under-a-tree. Gross! No. 

"By the way, which department? Please say CSE (computer science engineering)?" He asked.

"Sorry! to burst your bubble" His face started to fall. "CSE indeed" I said laughing.

"You little notorious missy. For a timing I thought you are in some different stream like Vivian. That's not how you treat your partner Eve". He said. Did he just gave me a nickname? Ofcourse he did. "Hey! can I call you Eve?" He asked with excitement dancing in his eyes. Kill me already. How cute. But again how did he know about Viv's stream? When did they even talk about that?

"No!" His face again started to fall. "ofcourse, you can" I started laughing again.

"You missy! Not fair. Stop messing with me". He said with his puppy dog eyes. How drama-queen of him.

"What? It is hella entertaining" I said laughing. "You should have seen your face Theo". 

"Yeah! very funny hahaha..". He said rolling his eyes playfully. How cute.

"So, I was asking is that can I get my partner's number?". Did he just asked my freaking number? Oh-My-God he just did.

"Okay! Who is your partner now? Let me ask him or her then? Just tell me the name already I will figure out what the he or she department is". I asked with my oh-so-innocent-face.

"Yeah sure. It is definitely 'she'. And she is siting right beside me. And she is just messing with me". He said smiling innocently. How copy-cat. 

"Hey! first of, I am sitting right beside you, second of, I am not messing with you. I mean just see my face. I am such an innocent living and breathing girl, third of, there is also a huge wall right beside you. So, if you are hallucinating someone being there just tell me I will take you to the medical unit and fourth of, why should I give my number to a stranger like you?" I asked with my oh-so-serious-face. Damn! I couldn't control anymore. And so I laughed.

"Yeah yeah, keep on messing with me missy. You know, you are the craziest person I've ever met". He said smiling. Yeah! Everyone says that. But still how sweet is this guy.

"Okay! enough of messing around. Sure here give me your phone, I will save it. And yes I am hella crazy. So, you still want to be my partner? Just think about it carefully. Once you sign up for this you can't withdraw. You are stuck with me for this whole 4 years". I asked with my again oh-so-serious-face. 

"Oh! come on Eve. And by the way, for your kind information I am not leaving you anytime soon" Please don't leave me ever. He took both of my hands "Well I am signing up for this and I am not letting you go anywhere anytime soon. We are going to be some hella partners. That's a promise". He said squeezing my hands. You better mean that boy. Promises are meant to be broken. You better not joke.

"Whatever you say Theo boy. Now give me your phone". I said trying my best to hide my tomato-red-cheecks. I am blushing. Hell! I am. Hard. Cheers-to-the-hella-partners though. Hope you don't back out. Fingers crossed. May be there will be a happy ending this time. Fingers crossed again.

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