Journey to the center of the...

By YeetusFeetus06

22.1K 510 21

When Trevor looks after Madi for a week, she meets Trevor's 13 year old nephew, Shawn. But when Trevor finds... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 5

2.1K 50 1
By YeetusFeetus06

Shawn and I turned a corner.

"Guys, what's this?" I shouted. It was dark so I couldn't see.

"That looks like a abandoned mine tunnel to me." Trevor said

"The old blowgest mine, it shut down 60 years ago after the big disaster." Hannah explained.

"How big?" Shawn asked.

"81 dead."

"That's pretty big," I said.

"Hey Madi, was there a mine like this in the book?" Shawn asked.

"Uh no I don't think so."

"Shawn?" I asked

"Yeah." He turned around to me.

"Do you think we'll get out?" I asked, he smiled.

"Well, with the combination of our brains put together, probably." I smiled at him, and I hugged him.

"I'm just scared," He hugged me back.

"Hey we will get out, I'll promise you that," He said, pulling away from the hug, I smiled and so did he.

"Hannah?" I asked, "What's that?"

"This is the old generator for the mine."

"Hey you don't wanna touch that, there might be some serious generation involved! Hey that thing could blow any minute!"

"Serious generator." Hannah flipped a large lever and the lights came on.

"Okay I take it back!"

"This is it right I mean the miners they had to get there stuff out somewhere right?" I asked.

"Quick question, should me and Madi go in the same cart because there's only to and there's gonna be a thing to push the carts back there and me and Madi can fit in one?"

"Hey Hannah how many people got out?" Trevor asked.

"Um 1."

"That's a start we call front!" Shawn said, he grabbed my hand and jumped into the cart. I blushed a little.

"What? No no no! We don't know if these things work, the tracks might not be safe."

"Track ahead looks good, get it!" We started to move. Shawn stood up.

"Hey Shawn doesn't look safe, I wouldn't do that!" I said.

"I think I see something!" He shouted.

"Please tell me it's daylight otherwise I don't wanna know!" Trevor shouted.

"Uh no it's not daylight so not worthy of interest," Shawn said and sat back down. He grabbed the sides really tight.  We started to go down.

"How come they didn't put seatbelts on this thing!" Shawn shouted.


We were coming up to a gap in the track.


"I know!"


"No don't! We won't make it!" Hannah shouted. We got to the hole. The carts connected again. We got to the edge. Shawn's hand reached for mine. I closed my eyes, waited and waited and... we hit the track.

"YEAH!" Shawn shouted. All our carts separated onto different tracks.

"Guys!" I shouted.

"Stay put guys!" Trevor said.



"When do you think we'll get out?!"

"I don't know!"

"Oh, like never!"

"No! We'll get out soon! I promise!"


"Yes, I promise you that we will get out soon and when we do, we can live our lives like everything has always been normal," He said and turned round to me, he held my hands "I promise you that we will live and we get out."

"Okay," I smiled and he hugged me.

We got to the end of the track.

"That was awesome," Shawn said, I looked down at Trevor and Hannah who were lying next to each other.

"What happened to you guys?"

"Don't ask," Trevor said in a broken tone.

"What that?" Shawn said as I got out of the cart, he high-fived me and we walked towards the hole in the wall.

"Where you going, don't go in there," Trevor said, I looked inside.

"What are you guys talking about this could be our way out!" Shawn said.

"Wow, Rubys!"




"Uh Guys there's more," Shawn said while walking towards a shining light in the wall.

"Diamonds" Trevor said, Shawn started to put diamonds in his backpack.

"When we get out I'm getting a Maserati," Shawn said, I laughed.

"Maserati isn't the only thing that matters Shawn, people matter too you know."

"Not if you have Maserati." The floor cracked, I got a horrible feeling that I knew what it was.

"Please don't tell me what I think it is?" I said.

"Muscovite." Trevor said

"Muscovite." I said

"What's Muscovite?" Shawn asked

"Well Muscovite is a thin type of rock." Trevor said

"How thin?" Shawn asked

"So thin that the slight change of weight or pressure could cause it to shatter, and we're standing on a lot of it," I said, "Just stop." I put my hand in stop formation, "Shawn what I want you to do is walk exactly back the way you came, walk to me okay?"

Shawn started to walk towards us and he slowly picked up his backpack, a diamond fell out his bag, "NO!" It hit the floor and went through the rock. The floor didn't break.

"It's actually thicker than I- ahhh!" I started before I was interrupted by the fall breaking. We screamed as we fell, we kept falling.

"WE'RE STILL FALLING!" Trevor shouted.


"Trevor what's at the bottom?" Shawn asked.

"Well, if Verne was right these tunnels could go from 100s to up 1000s of miles!" Trevor shouted

"Verne was not right!" Shouted Hannah.

"Trevor finish what's at the bottom?"

"Well the most likely theory that it probably just ends!"

"Ends got any other theories?"

"Well the walls of this tunnel are gently eroded by water that would cause a afranct to our fall, kinda like a water slide!"

"But Trevor, the water of our legs will be pointed straight up at us we'll be skewed!" I shouted.

"That is also possible!"


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