Journey to the center of the...

By YeetusFeetus06

22.1K 510 21

When Trevor looks after Madi for a week, she meets Trevor's 13 year old nephew, Shawn. But when Trevor finds... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 1

4.3K 78 1
By YeetusFeetus06

"Okay we'll see you in a week, dear. Thank you Trevor so much," My mom said.

"Oh it's no problem Julia, I would take Madi in any time," Trevor said, he looked down at me and put an arm round my shoulder.

"Thank you Trevor, it's much better being with you instead of being in my house alone," I said. I was very grateful that he was doing this, plus I did like spending time with him since I'm home schooled and I don't have any friends around my age. Trevor took the week off to babysit me instead of going to work. My parents are quite superstitious, so they don't like anyone random babysitting me. They trusted Trevor.

"So do you wanna order in, um there's Thai food, Chinese,  subs, I don't know," He said.

"Oh I was thinking about if I could cook?" I asked, he looked shocked, "I can cook a mean lasagne." Trevor laughed.

"You do you Madi," He said, I walked into the kitchen and tried to find some ingredients.

"Hey Trevor, I'm gonna go out and get some groceries, if that's okay?" I said.

"Okay," He said, "Do you want me to come with you?"

"No I think I'll be fine."

I walked into the grocery store and started looking for the ingredients. I grabbed:

And lots of other ingredients.

I got back to the house and and I saw Trevor talking to a lady. I didn't know who she was but she looked very familiar. I walked inside and there was a boy walking around looking at Trevor's stuff. Jesus this place is a mess, I thought.

"Oh hi, I didn't know Trevor had a daughter, I'm Shawn," He said.

"Hi, I'm not Trevor's daughter I'm his neighbors daughter, I'm Madi," I said and held out my hand, he shook it. "Well I'm making lasagne, I could make you a dish if you like?"

"Thank you I am quite hungry," He said, I chuckled and walked into the kitchen.

I finished cooking, and took the food into the living room. I saw Trevor flicking through the book, Journey to the center of the earth, I love that book.

"You know I think that was on my summer reading list one, never got to it," Shawn said, I put a plate of lasagne on the table and I handed a plate to Shawn.

"To bad it's a good read," I said.

"To him it wasn't just science fiction it was inspiration, he used to read this to me when I was a really little kid," Trevor said and started eating while flicking through it, "Hello, what are these notes?"

Trevor started mumbling and I had no idea what he was saying.

"Hey Guys lets go check out my lab," Trevor said.

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