The Queen of Darkness

By AuralKill

49.4K 1.6K 334

With Zeus' death, Samira and Hades continue to rule the Underworld, as well as their new kingdom by default... More

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3.4K 117 22
By AuralKill

•c h a p t e r~f i v e•

     "Rayna, I'm not going to speak to you about my sex life."

We were back in the palace, and the Underworld was bustling like Walmart in Black Friday. Hades got back to work, and it was similar to the times before my birthday.

She makes a 'tsk' sound with her teeth, handing a woman an apple wrapped in cloth.

"Prude." She comments.

I gape at her, smacking the small piece of cloth I had in my hand at her arm. "Hey, I am not."

"Your majesty!" A young woman runs up to me, and the guards around me step forward, their height and gazes intimidating the poor girl.

She retreats quickly, taking a few steps backward.

I wave them off, maneuvering around their large bodies as I offer my hand. "Yes?"

She glances up at me with shy eyes, her lips forming a small smile.

She had to be at least sixteen, which was unusual for those around here. Although there were no children or infants, there was a small group of ages ranging from sixteen to eighteen that were considered the youngest.

She had this childlike aura about her, one of an innocent child.

"My brother was too shy, but he wanted to give you this." She reaches in her pocket quickly.

I feel the men behind me tense and I hold my hand up to them, "No worries," I turn to her, "What is it?"

She pulls out a small note, handing it to me. "He insisted about not reading it now, probably later on," her voice lowers as she glances around us, "He'd be upset if he knew I was giving this to you."

I take it gently, "Why would he be upset?"

She shrugs before taking off, meeting up with a group of people who also looked around her age.

Rayna walks up to me, "Strange girl."

"Do you know her brother?"

"Eh, I see him around sometimes. But I don't know why he was so shy. He's a grown man," she scoffs, "Not in the mind though."

I shake my head, amusement growing within me as I stuff the letter in my pocket, returning back to assist with Rayna.

Later that day, Aly had met up with me to ask if I'd like to train. Initially, I had no clue what she was speaking about until she lead me into a clearing.

Men and women alike were battling, practicing with weaponry and some not.

And, in one section people who Aly considered 'gifted' were practicing connecting to the earth in order to harness some of their powers.

This was actually pretty awesome...and I didn't even know about it.

Heads turn and bow as I walk through the clearing, and I wave and nod my head back at them as I pass by.

Flavian, Ezio and Dru turn to me as I walk up to them.

"Hey! It's her majesty," Flavian smiles, his eyes brightening.

I flip my hair behind my shoulder playfully, "You know it."

Dru watches me intently, a sparkle in his eye as Ezio barely looks at me.

He felt ashamed that he couldn't protect me, and that he wasn't assigned to me anymore. No matter how many times I told him everything was fine, he wouldn't bring himself out of the hole he dug himself in.

"How come I never heard about training around here?"

Dru raises an eyebrow, "The Queen of the Underworld missing out on an opportunity like this?"

Flavian and Ezio glance at him confusedly before looking at one another. 

I shrug, "I suppose," I glance around at the fighting styles, recognizing a few. "But, it's a good thing I took some form of karate in my human life."

A smile grows on his face, "Oh? Would you like to showcase those moves then?" His voice rings mischievously, and I narrow my eyes at him.

Ezio shakes his head, "Dru-"

A shimmer runs through me, standing at attention. It was my body sensing a challenge, and I was about to let him make a fool of me.

"Challenge accepted." I interrupt.

Dru smirks at me, his dark eyes lighting with excitement.

We turn a away from him and Aly grabs my arm, a hesitant look on her face. "I get really bad vibes from him, Sam. Maybe you shouldn't do this."

I slide off my jacket, revealing a tank top underneath. "What's going to happen? It's a little spar. I mean I might get my neck broken.."

She glares at me, crossing her arms.

I laugh, "I'm joking. But you know how I am.."

She purses her lips, unconvinced.

Here it goes.

"Plus my best friend has my back." I nudge her, smiling deviously.

She rolls her eyes, mumbling about playing 'that particular card' as she walks away, standing near Dru, Flavian and Ezio.

I walk over to the black mat that appeared in the middle of the area, throwing my hair up in a low bun.

Dru steps up, and for a moment we stand there in our stances, waiting for the other to begin.

"Am I gonna have to stand here all day or-"

I'm cut off as he lunges at me, catching me off guard. I twist my body, moving out of the way before he could reach me.

He wastes no time, lunging at me again. And this time, he knocks me off balance.

I grunt as my body hits the mat, the air rushing out of my lungs.

I see people around me step forward, that being of Flavian, Ezio and the guards.

Dru offers me a hand and I reach out, grasping a hold before using all of my strength to yank him down.

He grunts, and I roll out of the way as he face plants into the mat.

I hop to my feet quickly, placing my foot to the back of his neck.

"Caught off guard. I thought you were experienced?"

He chuckles, the sound muffled slightly as his cheek presses into the surface. "You've cheated, your majesty."

I scoff, "How?"

Suddenly, I'm being flipped and thrown onto the mat once more, with a weight on top of me.

"That's how you've cheated, your majesty." Dru straddles me, using his weight and his hands to hold me down.

I laugh, "Okay, okay. You got me."

He remains there for a few seconds longer than usual, which makes me uncomfortable. But before I could say anything, Aly runs over to me not so subtly.

"You might want to move!" She whispers harshly, her eyes widened.

Dru stands, helping me up as the crowd that unbeknownst to me, gathered around to watch. It parts, everyone returning to their exercises. They bow, scattering away like frightened animals.

He backs away from me, bowing his head.

I turn, only to see Hades a few feet away..and he did not look happy.

His eyes were black, covering the whites of his eyes as his jaw remained clenched.

I bite my lip, beginning my steps towards him. He watches me closely, his dark eyes piercing me.

I clear my throat as I reach him, grabbing his hands. "Hey, babe." I say quietly, a shy smile growing on my face.

He says nothing, his eyes flicking up to something behind me. "Ten minutes."

I turn around to see Dru nod, his eyes avoiding me. Aly glances at me worriedly, mouthing 'You're fucked.'

I roll my eyes at her before turning back to Hades to see him walking away. I narrow my eyes at his back before following, picking up my speed to match his long strides.

I finally catch up to him at the palace doors, but he doesn't stop his stride.

When we reach the room, I slam the door behind us, my anger flaring.

"What is wrong with you?" I throw my arms up, annoyance ringing in my voice.

He ignores me, instead throwing off his shirt to change into a new one.

I walk deeper into the room, placing my hand to his naked back. "Hades, what's wrong? I did nothing wrong."

He sighs, pulling away before pulling his shirt over his head.

"Fine," I whirl around, walking back over to the door.

"Where are you going?" His voice was calm, but I could always sense the undercurrent of emotion.

"Back out there. Since you don't want to speak to me."

The door slams as I open it, and I stare at where the knob was once in my hand before glancing back at Hades.


He walks to me slowly, the darkness in his eyes never disappearing. My back hits the door as I attempt to escape, instead trapping myself.

His hands come up to either side of my head as he glares down at me.

I can't help but feel a rush of excitement and a twinge of fear.

Damn it, that's great. Now you almost get off on a murderous look.

"I don't ever," He pauses, leaning down closer to me as his body presses into mine. "...want to walk into an area again and see another man on top of you." He growls, his lips coming closer to mine as he stares into my eyes. I lick my lips, my eyes falling to his pink ones before nodding.

"Okay," I whisper, my voice coming out huskier than intended.

His gaze changes from my eyes to my parted lips, and as I lean closer for a kiss, he pulls away.

"I have a meeting." He stands there for a second, waiting for me to move.

I regain my breathing, moving to the side. He leaves, slamming the door behind him.


After a long shower, and explaining to Alyssa everything that had happened, I lay in bed with a book in my hand.

A shiver runs through me as the breeze from the open balcony travels in, sliding over my scantily clad body.

I place the book down, tugging at the hem of the black silk nightgown.

It had been hours since Hades had left, and I was beginning to grow tired of waiting for him.

Just as I put the book on the nightstand, the door opens.

Hades walks in, not even sending a glance my way as he walks into the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

I almost groan out loud.

Of course he was still upset. Ridiculous.

Well how would you feel if you walked in to see a girl sitting on top of him? A snarky voice says in the back of my head, most likely my shitty subconscious.

A territorial feeling spreads throughout my body and I roll my eyes at myself, standing up to close the balcony doors slightly.

The shower stops, and Hades comes out with a towel wrapped around his waist. My mouth goes dry as a water droplets follow his happy trail, disappearing when it hit the cloth.

I sigh, walking over to him. "Are you going to do this for the rest of the night?"

He doesn't answer me, instead he steps towards me. His eyes shone darkly, and an unknown emotion brewed behind the shadows.

I gulp, my heart racing.

We walk backwards until my legs hit the bed, and I fall back. Hades stands over me, his dark wet hair hanging into his eyes.

He then leans over me, climbing on top. His eyes flick down to my lips and I breathe deeply as I become aroused, trying to focus on something else than his muscular body on top of mine.

He then crashes his lips against mine roughly, not giving me to the time to fight back. He completely dominates my mouth, slowly moving us up to the top of the bed. My head hits the pillows and I lift my arms to wrap them around his neck, only for them to be slammed down into the bed.

I moan, my body arching to press against him.

He bites my lip, sucking it into his mouth before releasing it.

"Hades," I whimper, my eyes following his movements as he sits up, spreading my legs.

"Quiet." He commands, his dark eyes never once turning into the blue it usually melted into.

I bite my lip, watching as he bent my legs by the knee before kissing up my thighs.

My breathing becomes heavier and I try my best to keep quiet, bringing my fist up to my mouth.

He pushes my nightgown up to my waist to reveal my black lacy panties before leaning down, his lips running over my inner thighs.

His tongue then presses over my most sensitive area, and I lift my hips as a moan escapes me.

"Stay still."

I almost roll my eyes, desperation eating at me.

Grabbing my thighs, he sets my legs over his shoulders before ripping my underwear off. I gasp in shock as he throws them to the ground, the poor shreds sitting limp on the black carpet.

But I didn't have much time to think about it, as Hades presses a long lick to my lower lips.

I arch my back, a small moan leaving my mouth.

His hands grip my hips as he pushes them down into the bed, his tongue flicking over my sensitive bud.

I cry out as he suckles, my legs tightening around his shoulders. He continues, moving his tongue in slow circles. A slow torture.

I feel a tightening deep within me, and I grip the sheets between my hands as loud moans leave my mouth.

My eyes begin to water as my third orgasm rips through me, and I press my thighs against his head to escape the ongoing assault of his expert tongue. He growls, holding my thighs open.

My heart rate quickens as the tension grows again, waves after waves of pleasure building once more.

"Stop," I whimper, my teeth digging into my bottom lip as the pleasure begins to become too much.

He pulls away before it could take ahold of me, but my relief is short lived as he plunges into me deeply. He lifts my wrists above my head, holding them tightly.

Then, he begins to move. Roughly.

He used one hand to hold my wrists, while using the other to widen my legs. He pushes in deeper, his hips slamming into mine.

I cry out his name as an orgasm rips through me for the fourth time, my nails digging into the palms of my hands as my breath leaves me.

I gasp as he pulls out quickly before flipping me onto my stomach, his large hands grabbing my hips before yanking them up. My face presses into the pillows as he slams into me from behind, a loud cry leaving my mouth.

I grip the pillows around me, closing my eyes tightly as he pushes into me. Waves and waves of pleasure hit me and I groan, my legs becoming weak.

He slaps my ass, leaving a slight sting that spread pleasurably down my legs. He moves his hips in circles deeply before pulling out and slamming back into me

"You're mine." His fingers dig into my hips as he growls, his voice coming out deep. "Say it." His hips slam into me repeatedly, skin to skin.

I clench the pillows between my hands, focusing all my energy on withholding as I become a shaky, sweaty mess.

I gasp as he lands another slap, tears gathering in my eyes as the painful sting spreads through my legs.

"Say it," he snarls, pushing into me deeper.

I could feel myself crumble, my back arching into him as I cry out loudly. "I'm yours!" I almost sob, my body coming undone.

The headboard hits the wall repeatedly as he drills into me roughly. After a few more thrusts he groans loudly, stilling inside me.

My eyes remain closed as he releases my hips, his hands moving up to maneuver my body gently.

He runs his fingers lightly over my head, and I open my eyes to be met with blue orbs. His gaze dances over my face as guilt washes over his, before it disappears quickly.

"Are you alright?" His voice was wary, filled with uncertainty.

I hum, my eyelids slowly drooping. A slight sigh leaves his mouth, his warm hand massaging my hip.

"Sleep, my love." He kisses my forehead, his lips lingering as my body succumbs to the exhaustion.

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