Gods, Demigods, and Facebook

By windswept-

394K 7.5K 6.6K

Hey, hey you. Yeah you. No, you, the one over there. You know what? All of you. You want to read something to... More

Gods Demigods and Facebook
Author's Note | New Update Schedule and Other Info
Welcome to Facebook
Join the Club and a New Girl?
Leo(na)'s New Ships
Breaking Leo
Because Magic-8 Balls Are Totally Magic
Percabeth Overload and Siblings Making Up
Story Time with Annie
Story Time with Annie Part Two
Come to the Dark Side... We Have Kylo Ren
Facebook Games and Ego Checks
The Stuffed Panda Told Me So
You Smirk More Than Draco Malfoy
Reading the Books and All the Drama From That
Disney, Questions, and an OOC Zeus
More Questions, Fanfictions, and Immortality
Riptide, Cribs, and Ratings
Just a Series of Percabeth Moments and Maybe Some Harry Potter
When Boredom Strikes
Baby Stories with Sally
McDonald's With Nico
Life Lessons for the Demigods of Camp Half-Blood
A Dog Named Spot, Annoying Habits, and Call Me Maybe Renditions
More Awkward Moments with Nico
5SOS and Problems With Frazel
Delete the Underlined Portion
Accidental Turkey Pardons, Not So Great Memories, and Finger Painting
Perluke: A New Slash Ship Due to Zero Sleep
Coffee, Cake Pops, and Nico
This Is A Pen
Nico and Starbucks, A Sequel
Valentine's Day Special: The Beginning
Valentine's Day Special: The Return of Perluke
Breaking Handles and Game Night Grudges
We Will Now Interrupt The Games For A Much More Interesting Discussion
Note: Nico and Game Nights Do Not Mix
Those Dam Headcanons
Song References, Relationship Meddling, and Sneezes
Percy Being Stalked, Blue Food or Annabeth, and Craving Lettuce
Of Kit Kats and Pink Cupcakes (and Sass)
Leo's Pick-Up Line Failures
Another Update After A Night Of No Sleep
Stress, Jokes, and Flying: The Usual
Of Cults And Religions
The Last Author's Note

Because This Is What Happens When An Author Has Writer's Block

3.5K 137 114
By windswept-

Edited: August 4, 2016

Percy posted a status
Well... I'm bored...

Thalia: *rolls eyes* Are the monsters scared of you again?

Nico: Ha, when was the last time a monster was stupid enough to go up to him?

Leo: He's probably literally on their 'Stay Away From' list...

Hazel: Is that why those empousi ran away from him screaming?

Frank: I think it is

Annabeth: *facepalms* Well what do you want us to do?

Percy: Easy, rid the author of her writer's block


Leo posted a status
Wait... what do you mean author?

Annabeth: ...

Thalia: It's time, isn't it?

Nico: I think it is

Percy: Guys, there's something you need to know...

Leo: Yeah...?

Piper: What is it?

Hazel: I'm going to honest... I'm kinda scared...

Thalia: It's nothing really...

Nico: Just the fact that you guys are really doing the things that an author is having you do

Thalia: Nico!

Nico: What?

Thalia: You could've broken the news more gently!

Nico: Oh please, I doubt they even understood what that meant

Leo: Hey!

Nico: Well? You didn't, did you?

Piper: No... But still!

Leo: *pouts*

Jason: So what are you trying to say?

Percy: What we're trying to say...

Annabeth: Is that our world is connected to an alternate universe where our world is decided by the hand of a person.

Percy: Okay, Wise Girl? I only understood that because I actually knew what you were talking about

Annabeth: *rolls eyes* Fine, you explain

Percy: Okay... It's kind of complicated, but I'll try...


Percy posted a status
So basically there's an alternate universe where there is only mortals. And an extremely long time ago (I'm talking about when language was created guys), there were these story-telling times, right? Where they would sit around a campfire and stuff? Like... Uh, oral stories I think they were called? But what they didn't know was that as they told those stories, alternate universes were formed based on those stories.

Percy: So basically when the Greeks came up with those 'myths', an alternate universe was formed based on those myths, and it became reality in that universe.

Percy: And one day, an author in that 'normal' world created our universe while telling a bedtime story to his son. He ended up writing books about it, and what he wrote, happened.

Percy: But then in that world, people loved those books, and they were called 'fans', and depending on their gender, they would be a fangirl or fanboy or maybe they stick to "fan" because there's also genderqueer, gender fluid, agender, etc. so... Anyway

Percy: Now these fans started writing something called 'fanfiction', and those stories created alternate universes in those alternate universe.

Percy: And we're in one of those 'alternate universes', which a girl created when writing something called, "Gods, Demigods, and Facebook."

Leo: ...

Piper: What.

Hazel: The.

Jason: Hades!?

Frank: You're

Leo: Kidding...

Annabeth: No, no we are not.

Leo: I- But- You- So- Then- Like- WHAAAT!?!?

Leo: But I feel so...

Leo: Real...

Leo: o.o

Leo: I-I can't

Leo has logged off

Nico: I think we broke Leo...



(A/N): Hehe, I think my explanation's pretty good. Next chapter will be going back to the Coneona thing in a Thanksgiving Special (kinda weird for me to rewrite it because it's August) and Leo's probably going to be broken even more when I appear... Mwahaha. After all, he logged off before I could surprise him.

Well, until next time!

Current Stats: 2.6K reads, 109 votes
Sneak Peek Title: A Very Thankful- And A Little Hateful- Thanksgiving

Also, I just wanted to say that I will be aiming to publish a new chapter or two every day until I'm caught up


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