Seriously, WHAT'S HOT? [√]

By CompulsiveWriter

317K 6.5K 1.4K

Written when Wattpad had a 'What's Hot' list - a satire of all the cliche plots woven into one story line - W... More

Chapter 1 - Watt Was I Thinking?
Chapter 2 - Watt the Fudge Cake?
Chapter 3 - Ohh Brother!
Chapter 4 - Squishy Bits
Chapter 5 - Cruel and Unusual Punishment
Chapter 6 - Sparks Fly
Chapter 7 - Hazardous Sleeping Arrangements
Chapter 8 - Please Explain...
Chapter 9 - Can't Fight this Feeling
Chapter 10 - Top Dog
Chapter 11 - How to wedge a large object in a small hole
Chapter 12 - Laying the Bet
Chapter 13 - Watt romantic bone are you referring to?
Chapter 14 - Lucifer wears Levis
Chapter 15 - Taking Care of the Junk
Chapter 16 - The Kissing Booth
Chapter 17 - Passing Infatuations
Chapter 18 - Can't think of a chapter name...
Chapter 19 - Frightening Stuff
Chapter 20 - OMG The boy without a Dog's Name is in Love with Me!
Chapter 21 - What Ifs
Chapter 22 - Up the Duff Without a Paddle
Chapter 24 - Ripping the Heads off Small, Fluffy, Cute Creatures
Chapter 25 - Fifty Shades of Gay
Chapter 26 - F=Freaking, B=Bloody, I=Inconvenient
Chapter 27 - Handcuffs are soo last season!
Chapter 28 - The Bad Guys Wear Pink...
Chapter 29 - Always Check the Expiry Date

Chapter 23 - Seriously, There is No R-Rated Chapter

6.3K 180 56
By CompulsiveWriter

Chapter 23 -  Seriously, There is No R-Rated Chapter

The sunlight filtered through Patience’s eyelids.  Josh’s breathing pulled at her hair and she couldn’t resist nestling closer.  Without opening her eyes she wiggled her bottom backwards towards the warmth that radiated off his skin.  An arm snaked over her and wrapped around her dragging her the final distance.  Josh moaned in his sleep as his body reacted to having her moulded into his curled up form.  His legs nudged hers until they were tangled together and that wasn’t the only thing nudging her.  He was still breathing deeply but his hips began a gentle rhythm. 

She couldn't suppress the soft giggle any longer.

He groaned and without even looking, she knew he was screwing up his face, trying to prolong the dream he was having just a little longer.  His hands tightened on her hips.   Then he released a long exhale and in a voice heavy with sleep swore a mumbled expletive.

He rolled onto his back and pulled his arms away from her to cover his eyes as he grumbled.

Patience turned over to admire her handiwork.  There was something very satisfying about seeing the bedcovers tent like that.  She beamed with pride.

“I hope you are enjoying this,” Josh lifted an arm and half opened an eye to see her smirking.

“I think that is fairly safe to say,” Patience laughed.

With that Josh launched at her, throwing her onto her back and pinning her arms above her head.  His weight rested firmly between her legs, “Maybe I should give you some of your own medicine.”

He began kissing her down her neck.  She felt her breathing hitch.  There was something in his eyes that she hadn’t seen before, something raw and dangerous.  When his kisses reached the top of her pyjamas he used his nose to trail down to her breasts then very carefully he bit her nipple, not hard, just enough to squeeze it through the fabric.

“Josh,” her voice came out sounding a little desperate, “What are you doing?”

“Guess,” he mumbled around the fabric in his mouth.

His hands moved down her body as her breathing became more rapid.  He ran his finger tips around her thighs to stroke the sensitive skin on the inside.  She stiffened and tried to move away but he held her tight and continued his journey towards her panties.

All it took was the pressure of his thumb applied with a gentle circular motion, and a long moan of pleasure escaped her lips.

He groaned and she felt him moving his weight to roll off her.  She quickly wrapped her legs around him so as he rolled he took her with him and she ended up straddling him.  

“That backfired on me,” he closed his eyes as he tried to control himself.  “I wanted to tease you but it only ended up making matters worse for me.  You are going to have to move Patience.  Do you think there is any ice in the freezer?”

Patience instead lowered herself downwards, sweeping her hair across his chest until she was kissing his neck like he was kissing hers a moment ago.

“It’s my birthday today, my eighteenth birthday,” her breath on his skin had Josh gripping the sheets.

“This is taking the teasing too far.  I know it’s your birthday but I’m close to giving you an unexpected gift,” he closed his eyes as his head rolled back.

One of her hands swept down to the elastic on his boxers, “Maybe that’s exactly what I want for my Birthday.”

Josh’s eyes opened wide and he twisted again to hover over her.  The lust was still in his eyes but his face was serious, “Patience you know we can’t.  You don’t want to and I can’t.”

“Josh, I was saving myself for someone who would make this special, who I wanted to share this with, I want you to do this.  I want to do this with you.”

Josh swore as he grit his teeth and moved off her to sit on the side of the bed, “You aren’t making this easy on me.  I can’t.  I want to, hell it’s all I’ve dreamed about for the last four years, but I can’t.”

Patience didn’t move, “Your father said that I had to stay a virgin until I was eighteen. Eighteen, not until I was eighteen and one day, just until my eighteenth birthday.  It’s my birthday today.  I’m eighteen.  He can’t say that I didn’t turn eighteen a virgin and, if we do this, then he can't say we didn't consummate our marriage.”

“Our fake marriage?  What happens if he still makes me go ahead with the arranged marriage Patience?  What happens then?”

“I want to have this experience with you Josh.  If that happens, then we will always have this moment together.  You will always be the one.”

Josh groaned into his hands again, “but...”

“Please Josh, please,” her voice was just a little louder than a whisper.

He groaned again.  He couldn’t remember the reasons why he shouldn’t do this.  He couldn’t remember his name.  His dreams were coming true and, before what was left of his brain tried to formulate another excuse, he was back in bed.  He wrapped himself around her and breathed in her soft scent.

“If this is you teasing me Patience, then should know that I will be crippled for the rest of day.”

She smiled and let her kiss be his answer.  With that what was left of his brain evaporated and the head on his shoulders functioned solely to pepper her skin with kisses.

<3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3

Cue elevator music....

Dim lights....

Fidget with a pen...

Read the erotic R-rated chapter in the separate ‘Seriously, What’s R-rated?’

<3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3

Josh collapsed onto the mattress.  He couldn’t form words.  His whole body was disintegrating, fireworks were going off in his skull and he couldn’t feel his extremities anymore.

“Is it always like that?” Patience rolled over to rest her head on his chest.

“Shit,” was all he could say.   He swallowed.  He knew she was looking at him, “Holy shit.”

Her forehead crinkled, did that mean it was good or not good?

Before she could ask anything else he pulled her back into his arms and kissed her.  Surprised by the sudden action her fingers dug into the flesh on his back and they rolled so that she was now straddling him.  This almost immediately had an effect on him.  He deepened the kiss and his hands went to her hips encouraging a gentle movement.  But as she moaned into his mouth his hands gripped tighter but she no longer needed his guidance. 

 <3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3

Whistle while cringing...

Strum fingers...

Shuffle uncomfortably....

Read the Hot and Heavy R-rated chapter in the separate ‘Seriously, What’s R-Rated?’

<3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3

“I think we need a shower,” she breathed a soft laugh as she clung to his sweaty skin.  He was collapsed on top of her and they were both wet, very wet. 

“Good idea,” his eyes twinkled as he picked her up and carried her to the shower.

<3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3

Clear throat...

Pull a lemony face...

Scratch a non-existent itch...

Read the Steamy blow by blow R-rated chapter in the separate ‘Seriously, What’s R-Rated?’

<3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3

He moved the big fluffy white towel over her naked body.  He couldn’t take his eyes off her skin.  He couldn’t believe he was ready again.  He cupped her bottom and pushed her against the wall.

<3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3

Roll eyes...

Exhale with a scoff...

Look at the clock...

Read the thrust by thrust R-rated chapter in the separate ‘Seriously, What’s R-rated?’

<3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3

She was dressed, finally.  It had taken several failed attempts but at last they were ready to...

<3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3

Narrow eyes...

Raise an eyebrow...

Look at the TV programme for today...

Read the squelchy R-rated chapter in the separate ‘Seriously, What’s R-rated?’

<3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3

Patience smiled, Josh keep sneaking glances at her as he drove.  She could tell by the way his jeans formed a taut ridge down the zip line what those glances meant. 

They were about a block away from the storage facility where the computers were stored, when Josh swerved the car into a deserted car park.

<3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3

Sigh deeply...

Look out the window...

Remove the wax from your ears...

Read the awkward, handbrake-in-the-wrong-place R-rated chapter in the....

<3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3

(Author’s Note - THERE IS NO ‘Seriously, What’s R-Rated?’ - Sorry - that was cruel.  But the separate book of R-Rated chapters is so wattpad cliché!  I had to include that!)

<3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3... <3...<3

Josh was exhausted and walking like a cowboy by the time they got back from getting Patience’s shipment ready to be picked up.  He collapsed onto the sofa spreading his knees wide.  He suspected that he had unleashed a demon.  Patience had taken to sex like a duck to water. 

“Excuse me,” The voice had Josh flinch and twist at the same time which produced an excruciating pain from his nether regions.  Carlos stood in the living room like this was the natural place for him to be, “Mr Camerota is expecting you.  Dress for dinner and I will wait in the car outside.”

Josh blinked in confusion as he left the room.  Surely it wasn’t that time already?  His gaze went to the window and found the sun to be setting.  He just hoped that this wasn’t an omen.   

Josh took Patience’s hand as they entered the restaurant.  She turned and gave him a small smile as she walked in the door.  Sal’s Fish Grotto was usually fully booked on a Friday night but tonight it was empty.  One table was occupied in the middle of the restaurant.

“Father,” Josh said as he warily lowered himself into the chair opposite his father.  He wasn’t only concerned as to what his father had to say but sitting quickly wasn’t something he could do at the moment.

Marcus Camerota raised an eyebrow as noticed his son holding Patience’s hand, “How are you my son?”

Josh glanced at Patience, who was fighting a smile, before he answered, “Fine, I’m fine.”

Marcus nodded before his attention went back to the menu.       

“So...” Josh drew the word out but his father didn’t look up from the plastic pages.  “We’ve done what you wanted.”

Marcus lifted both eyebrows this time as he looked up at his son.  He shook his head as he exhaled a short breath. “We’ll have the grilled snapper, with new potatoes and green vegetables,” he said to the waiter. 

“Yes, sir,” the waiter stuttered before making a hasty retreat to the kitchen.

“So Petal, how was your week?” He spoke directly to Patience.

“Good  Mr C.  Great actually,” she smiled nervously and blushed a little.

“Was my son a good boyfriend? Was he... adequate?” Mr C waved a hand in the air like he couldn’t think of another word to describe what he was asking.

“Yes, yes, he was more than adequate,” Patience’s face flushed with colour.  “He was very good...” She glanced at Josh and bit her lip, “As a boyfriend.”

“Is he now a man?  Or is he a selfish boy who cannot handle the responsibility of having another to care for?”

“I now don’t doubt that he is a man and I know for certain that he can handle himself and take care of me,” Patience sent a sideways glance at Josh as she remembered how often and how well he had taken care of her needs today.

“So have you changed your opinion of him?” 

Patience looked at Josh and with his eyes on him she felt a blanket of sadness descend on her, the question was loaded, she couldn’t say no but if she answered yes she was admitting to his father that all her previous reasons for him not marrying were no longer applicable.   She would be telling him that Josh was ready to do what Mr Camerota was asking of him.  She took a deep breath, “Yes, he was the perfect boyfriend.”

“Really?  Interesting.  So if he was so perfect then why did you find the need to run to your other man so often?” Mr C didn’t look up as he polished his cutlery with his linen napkin.

“Other man?” Josh asked with a growl.

“The dark haired boy who shared your bed, don’t tell me that you were thinking of my son when you kissed him.” Patience gasped but Mr C remained focused on removing the dishwasher spots from his fork.

“You kissed him?” Josh swung to look at Patience as he ripped his hand from hers. “You said that you’d never kissed him.”

“You did not tell your perfect boyfriend that you had a romantic liaison with another?” Marcus Camerota could have been asking about the weather, so calm was his question.

 “It wasn’t like that!” Patience spluttered as she turned to Josh.  “Josh it... I...”

“So you aren’t denying it?” his voice shook as he interrupted her,  “You did hook up with Jake this week?  You were off with him behind my back?”

“No!  I had to kiss him.  We had to pretend that we were together or Spike would have set me up with the DEDMAD man!”

“What?  Who’s the dead-mad man?  Spike?”

“She didn’t tell you that she was at the cage fighting to watch her other love interest?  She didn’t tell you that she and the one you call Jake gave quite a show for the crowd?  Did she tell you that my man Carlos had to step in to protect her from becoming one of Spike’s party games?  No?  Hmm, interesting.”

“It wasn’t like that!  I was there for Serenity not Jake and then the situation got out of control!”

“But that was the same night that you... in the cupboard... did you mean what you said Patience or did the situation get out of control?” Josh glared at her.

“Of course I meant what I said!  I thought that would be obvious to you given what happened today,” Patience shut her mouth quickly and cringed.  She didn’t mean to say that.  Mr C was smiling.

“You kissed him and then you lied to me!” Josh looked away from her his eyes heavy with betrayal.

“I didn’t lie!  I just didn’t tell you!”

“Didn’t tell me, lie, it’s all the same.” He sniffed without looking at her.

“I knew you would over react and it meant nothing!  That’s why I didn’t tell you.” Patience reached for his hand but he wrenched it away.

“You didn’t tell me.  It was fine for you to have a hissy-fit when you caught me and Jessica but this meant nothing, that’s great, just fabulous,” The sarcasm weighed heavy on his words.

“Well son, it seems that you have had a busy week.” Mr C was leaning back in his chair.

“No, I didn’t cheat on her... It was a big misunderstanding...” Josh words were harsh and laden with annoyance.

“Yes, where have I heard that before?  This was a good idea.  Look at you son.   You are a better man for it.”

“For what?  She’s been mad with me half the week, didn’t listen to me, accused me of stuff I didn’t do and then I find she’s been kissing him!  How am I a better man for it?”

“Ahh, Joshua the woman is a complex creature, she can make a man soar to great heights then bring him to his knees the next moment.  She is your greatest ally and worse nightmare in one beautiful package.  You will never have a more challenging adversary. I am glad you have learnt this before your nuptials.”

“Nuptials?  But the bet?”

“Ahh the bet, you still believe that you have won our little wager then?  Alright, let’s recap on what this bet entailed, shall we?  You were tasked with being Petal’s boyfriend, to protect her, to treat her as if you were her lover, to have all your peers believe you relationship is genuine and to return her to me a virgin.”

“Actually,” Patience lifted her hand, “Actually Mr C, you said - turn eighteen a virgin.”

“Yes, that is correct, thank you Petal.  So Joshua, do you think you have ‘ticked all the boxes’?”  Marcus Camerota showed no emotion as he looked at Josh who was scowling into his lap.

“Yeah, of course I did.  I did everything you said after all I had a good reason to, didn’t I?”

“Good reason to?” Patience blinked back the tears.

“Ahh, I smell a fish,” Marcus smiled as Josh and Patience couldn’t stop from looking into his humourless eyes.  “The snapper here is exquisite.” 

He ignored the waiter who fumbled as he placed the three plates down on the table then withdrew as quickly as humanly possible.

“I did what you asked,” Josh said again, “You can’t marry me off now.”

“Can’t I?  So, you are telling me what I can and can’t do now Joshua?”

“I’m just saying that you can’t change the rules now that I won.”

 “Eat children.  Don’t let your fish go cold.  There is nothing worse than a cold fish.”

Patience was sure she saw a flash of something in his eyes but then Mr C took a bite of the fish.

“The fish here are freshly caught.  They bait their hooks well then they wait.  When the fish takes the bait the hook lodges deep in its flesh but the fish still fights.   The fish runs, the fish tries to escape, it does all in its power to dislodge the hook.  All the while the fisherman plays the fish, yes, that’s what they call it.  Only when the fish tires do they reel it in.  And that is why freshly caught fish taste so good.”

Patience swallowed the lump of fish in her mouth, she looked down at the fillet and her appetite disappeared as her sympathy went out for the morsel on her plate.

“You always did love your antidotes didn’t you Dad.  Is the hook firmly in my mouth?  Is it time to reel me in?”  Josh pushed his plate away.

“I was referring to the snapper son.  Eat, eat, don’t let the fish’s fight go in vain.”  Mr C ate the final mouthful of snapper on his plate as Patience forced another forkful down.

  “Now where were we?” Mr C dabbed this mouth with the linen napkin. “That’s right you were telling me about your week.”

“I did what you asked,” Josh mumbled without looking up from his examination of his cutlery.

“You were her boyfriend - that is true.  However you allowed yourself to be caught with another woman, had it not been for the bet I suspect that Petal would have not given you a second chance, but she did.  So yes you remained her boyfriend.  But did you protect her?”

Josh shrugged without meeting his father’s eyes.

“It wasn’t Josh’s fault that I ended up getting myself in trouble.  It was my fault.”  Patience felt like kicking Josh in the shins, he was behaving like a morose child.  A good kick might wake him up and if she missed the shins and hit somewhat higher up, that would be fine too.

“When is it ever a man’s fault that a woman attracts trouble?  Yet it is always our role to save them, Joshua didn’t save you - he let his rival save you.  If the other man had played his cards you would have swooned into his arms but instead he took a step back. That was the only reason why you remained true to my son Petal.”

“That’s not true!”

“A woman cannot resist the arms of her saviour,” Marcus nodded like this was some ancient fact.

“No!  That’s not true,” Patience swung around to face Josh, “I meant what I said to you.”

“Ahh yes, you might have,” Mr C continued when Josh remained silent, “But can you say that you do not love the one you call Jake.  Can you tell my son you have no feelings at all for this boy?”

“I... I...” Patience stuttered as she felt the panic rising inside her. 

Josh sniffed a hard laugh as his head moved from side to side. 

“I do love you Josh.  I love you and I don’t care what your father says and if you loved me you shouldn’t either!” Patience blurted the words out, “And if you don’t believe me then I don’t know why I am here!”

“Sit down Petal,” Mr C’s voice was quiet but commanding. 

Patience sunk back into her chair.

“You love my son? Earlier this week you questioned if he could even dress himself and now you claim to love him?”

“I was wrong.  I was jealous and I was afraid of what I felt.”

“It is probably just as well that you sit in silence as Petal declares her love for you,” He said to Josh who now looking at Patience but his expression was blank.

“It was you, wasn’t it?” Josh finally turned to his father.  “You set her up!  You made it so I would have to choose between my team-mates, the football game that meant so much to me, and her.  It was you who put her in danger.”

“It was a trial Joshua.  It was meant to test you.  You made your choice.  And I made provisions to make sure Petal was safe.”

“That’s not fair!” Josh gripped his chair.

“Fair?  When is anything in this world fair?”

“You had Serenity get me there?  You...”  Patience couldn’t believe that Mr C would do that to her.

“And the final request, what of that?” he asked without answering Patience’s spluttered question.

“She turned eighteen a virgin,” Josh growled.

 “Really?  Did my son deflower you Petal?” his cold eyes settled on Patience.

“I turned eighteen a virgin,” Patience squirmed. “That was your stipulation.”

Marcus Camerota’s jaw tightened, he turned and clicked his fingers and the man standing in the shadows stepped forward, “Carlos, tell the kitchen we are ready for desert.  We will have the cherry pie with whipped cream.  I am in the mood for something sour.”

“When were you born Petal?” He asked as Carlos returned from relaying the order to the kitchen.

“Today, today is my birthday.”

“Technically that is true but I was there on the day of your birth.  I held you in my arms as you opened your eyes for the first time and so I know when you were born.”

“I don’t understand?”

“You were born in the late afternoon, not in the morning.  So I ask you again - did my son deflower you Petal?”

Patience swallowed as she realised what he was saying, she swung around and looked into Josh’s eyes knowing he would see her panic.  If she was born in the late afternoon then she wasn’t officially eighteen when they had sex.  He had lost the bet.  He would have to go through with the arranged marriage.  From the look in Josh’s eyes he was coming to the same conclusion.

Three plates of cherry pie landed on the table as Josh turned to his father, “We are married!”

“Married?” Marcus nodded slowly, “So you are working on the ‘You break it - You buy it’ principal.  You, my son, might be a bull in a china shop, but Petal here was never for sale.”  Then without looking up from his pie he added, “I am very disappointed in you, son.” 

“That doesn’t change the fact we are married and the marriage is consummated so there is nothing you can do about it.”

“Nothing I can do about it?” Marcus’ fist came down on the table sending the plates clattering.  “Clean up this mess!” He said glaring at his son who froze in place.  The waiter ran out and picked up the plates but Patience wasn’t sure that was the mess that Mr C was referring to.

“We are married,” Josh’s voice was low but calm.

Marcus’s jaw didn’t relax but he leant back in his chair, “My son cannot tell the difference between a diamond and a lump of broken windscreen glass.  The ring is a fake.”

Patience fiddled with her napkin as Josh pulled the piece of folded A4 paper from his pocket.  His hands were shaking as he looked at her for a brief second before handing the paper to his father.

Marcus unfolded the paper and laughed, “Who am I Joshua?”

Josh looked at him confused, “What do you mean?”

“You do know who I am, don’t you son?  You do know what I do for a living?”

“I’m told you are the devil.”

Marcus laughed, “If I am the devil then don’t you think I would recognise a piece of forgery when I see it?  I am shocked and a little insulted that you thought this,” he threw the paper onto the table, “Would fool me.”

“It doesn’t matter.  Patience has agreed to marry me and we will get married.  I am not going to marry some stranger.”

“You lost the bet, you couldn’t keep you dick in your pants and now you will sit down, shut up and take your punishment like a man,”

“You can’t force me to do this!” Josh yelled back.

“No, but you promised that if you lost this bet you would face your responsibilities without question.  You are a Camerota and you will not go back on your word!”

Josh slumped into his chair and closed his eyes.  He knew his father and he knew that there was no arguing out of this.  He opened his eyes and turned to look at Patience who had tears streaming down her face.

“I made a promise to Patience’s father and now, thanks for my son, my own flesh and blood, I have failed to do what was asked of me!  You have made me look bad and you have disgraced yourself.”

“I love her.  I love Patience.”

“So now you love her!  That is convenient.” Carlos stepped forward and Marcus turned to hear what he had to say, he nodded before he turned back to Josh, “She is here.  I will not hear another word of this foolishness.  I expect you to act like a Camerota.  You will treat your fiancé with dignity and you will not disrespect her or me.  You will accept her like a man.”

“You can’t...” Josh stuttered but stopped when he saw the look on his face.

“You can and you will,” Marcus said firmly. “When I introduce you to this woman you will do as promised and you will be the perfect fiancé.”

“I should go,” Patience managed to say as she swallowed a sob.

“Stay Petal.  I want you to meet Holly.  She will need your help.”

Patience shook her head as a small cry left her, “I couldn’t, I love him, I can’t help her.”

Marcus pulled a large white cotton handkerchief from his suit coat pocket, “You took on this task knowing that this would be the probably outcome.  You must see it through to the end.”  Then he turned back to Carlos and nodded with a short sharp movement.

Carlos opened the door and in walked the most beautiful girl Patience had ever seen.   Brown silken hair hung in a shiny curtain down her back, her skin was a perfect unblemished olive hue covering her stunning model like figure and her face was just as stunning as the rest of her.  She leaned in to accept Mr C as he kissed her cheeks then she smiled at Josh and her whole face lit up like an angel. 

Patience sank further into her chair, she didn’t bother flattening the frizz out of her hair, straightening her shirt or fixing the small amount of makeup she had on.  It wouldn’t make a difference. There was no way she could compete with this girl.

“Holly Bellini I would like to introduce you to my son, Joshua Camerota.  Joshua this is Holly she is the one who will be marrying you.”

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