Hellsing : Vampire Uprise

Autorstwa The_Hakuna_Matata

134 54 0

"moviefan_92" Millennium has been defeated, but Iscariot and Hellsing have fallen as well. A group of Millenn... Wiฤ™cej

Chapter 1: Towards Destiny
Chapter 2: Hellsing's Fallen
Chapter 3: Indestructible
Chapter 4: Bloody Mary
Chapter 5: To Be A Proper Vampire
Chapter 6: The Enemy Reveals Itself
Chapter 7: Acceptance
Chapter 9: The End, Or The Beginning
Chapter 10: Insanity and Rage
Chapter 11: Last Stand
Epilogue (The End)

Chapter 8: Massacre

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Autorstwa The_Hakuna_Matata

(A/N: I am so sorry this took so long, but I've been busy lately, and it is a long chapter. Now, when you read this, it may seem that Sears is a little out of character. Just let me say that she's letting her vampire instincts take over her, but she's conscious of what's going; so she's not a mindless killer like she sometimes becomes. Ok, I'm done talking. Enjoy.)

Bullets flew from Alucard's guns, but Romasanta dodged them quite easily. It would take much more than mere silver bullets to stop him. Romasanta was as different from other werewolves as Alucard was from other vampires. This was a battle long anticipated, and Junior was loving every moment of it. Two immortal creatures of darkness battling it out in a never-ending fight. What more could he ask for?

'Who will be victorious?' he wondered, smirking evilly. It was a very close match. Werewolves were physically stronger and faster than vampires, but vampires had powers that werewolves did not. And these two, they had power beyond that of their own kind.

Romasanta continued dodging the bullets as he got closer and closer to Alucard. Weapons were fine and dandy, but nothing could compete with tearing apart your victim with your bare hands.

"Time for payback!" he exclaimed.

His fingernails turned into long sharp claws. He slashed Alucard across the chest, splitting him open. Alucard stumbled back and Romasanta slashed him again, this time across the face, causing the vampire king to collapse.

Romasanta sneered down at the fallen vampire. "Funny, you seemed so much stronger the last time we fought."

Alucard sat up, a sadistic smile on his face, and fired. The bullet went straight through Romasanta's chest, and he jumped back snarling.

"My strength has only increased since we last met." Alucard told his rival. "But why would I use my fullest strength and end what is sure to be a beautiful battle so quickly."

Romasanta glared at Alucard, clutching his wound. When he moved his hand away, the bullet hole was completely healed. "You're so cocky. I will truly enjoy the look on your face when you fall." Alucard fired several more rounds. Romasanta all but disappeared as he moved at speeds too fast to see. "You and your guns. Just what are you going to do when you run out of ammo?"

Alucard just smirked. "Why then I'll simply resort to hand to hand combat. I also have a few familiars I want you to meet. You've never met my good friend Walter."

Romasanta laughed. "Ah yes, your familiars. I'm sure you've increased you collection since we last fought. Tell me, how does it feel to have all those voices in your head."

Alucard's grin widened. "Invigorating."

More bullets flew through the air. Romasanta jumped over them, transforming as he did so into one of his wolf forms. Being the king of werewolves, he had more than one wolf form. If Alucard recalled correctly, he had five forms total, his human form, and four wolf ones.

Romasanta was now in his weakest, yet fastest form. A simple common four-legged wolf with the mind of a human, and the killer instinct of a wolf. Alucard fired at the wolf, but Romasanta vanished again, moving too fast for even Alucard to see.

Detecting movement behind him, Alucard spun around to see Romasanta leaping at him. The wolf's teeth closed over Alucard's wrist and refused to let go.

"A simple canine can't beat me." he told the wolf.

Sticking his gun into the wolf's side, he fired several times. But Romasanta refused to let him go. Growling, Alucard pointed his gun at his own arm and fired. He tore free from Romasanta, leaving the limb in the wolf's jaws.

Romasanta gave Alucard an annoyed look as the vampire regenerated his arm. He open fired again, hitting his target several times before the wolf took off. He jumped through the air, changing form again. This time he took on the form of the common two-legged werewolf. His claws buried into the wall, allowing him to hang there like a spider.

Alucard chuckled. "Not feeling so confident in that last form, were you?"

Romasanta roared and began crawling along the wall, dodging Alucard's flying bullets. His sensitive ears finally picked up the click that indicated that the vampire was out of ammo.

Seizing the opportunity, he jumped off the wall, tackling his long time rival. His jaws closed over Alucard's neck and he tore his throat out. Alucard stepped backwards, reloading his guns as his throat healed. He was really enjoying this. He was glad that Romasanta was still alive to provide him with this challenge, and he knew that Romasanta was enjoying this just as much as he was.

His gaze shifted over to Junior, noticing the excited look on the clone's face. If he wanted a show, then he was going to get a show. One he would never forget.

Romasanta's roar brought his attention back towards the werewolf. He was on two legs, charging at the vampire with his five-inch claws ready to tear him apart.

"Yes, that's it, come to me, Romasanta!"

Romasanta pounced. Alucard anticipated this and jumped up. Bullets slammed into Romasanta's back as the werewolf passed underneath him. Romasanta crashed to the ground, growling angrily. As he started to get up, he changed forms again. This time he became a four-legged demonic wolf-like creature, one that resembled the Hell Hounds that Alucard possessed. Alucard knew that in this form, Romasanta was at his physically strongest, yet he was slower, and somewhat clumsy.

Romasanta roared and charged at the ancient vampire. Alucard walked backwards, just out of Romasanta's reach, firing his guns. Romasanta merely winced as bullets slammed into him, several hitting his head, and kept up the chase. When Alucard reached the wall, he jumped over the werewolf. Romasanta merely jumped up onto the wall and clung there with his claws. He roared and pounced, covering great distance, and tackled Alucard.

The two crashed to the ground, Alucard beneath the large wolf. Regardless of the position, be grinned up at Romasanta. "Well, well, it seems you still manage to surprise me."

Romasanta growled, but the yelped in pain as Alucard lunged forward, clamping his jaws on the werewolf's nose. Romasanta jumped back, leaving a piece of his nose in Alucard's mouth. He shifted to his two-legged wolf form, his face already healed.

Alucard got to his feet, blood running down his chin. "Don't look so angry. You're enjoying this as much as I am."

Romasanta charged. Alucard smirked and summoned up Rip Van Winkle. The Huntress fired a single magic bullet before vanishing. The flying piece of metal flew around and through Romasanta, tearing through flesh and bone.

"Do you like it?" Alucard asked. "Are you enjoying the exquisite pain of being torn to pieces?"

Romasanta stumbled back as the bullet pierced his flesh again and again. Finally, as the bullet exited his chest, he managed to snatch it out of the air and crush it into dust. He grinned at Alucard, if werewolves were capable of grinning, and the vampire grinned back.

"Impressive." He told the werewolf. "But nothing I haven't seen before. Ready for round two?"

Romasanta response was to howl loudly and charge.


Sinclair, Iniquitous, and Diabolique spun around when they heard the sound of chains snapping. To their shock, Seras was no longer on the slab, the chains having been broken through.

"Impossible!" Sinclair gasped. He grabbed one of the chains and gasped in pain as the blessed metal burned him. "The chains were blessed. How could she break through them?"

Diabolique rested a hand on his shoulder. "We can worry about the how later. Right now we need to find where she is."

Sinclair's fists clenched together so tightly that his nails drew blood as they bit into his palms. "She can't have gotten far. If she's hiding, we'll find her."

"Who's hiding?"

Again they spun around to find Seras standing behind them. There was something different about her, and it wasn't that her eyes had permanently turned red. It was in the way she held herself, the expression on her face, the hungry look in her eyes.

Sinclair narrowed his own red eyes at her, but grinned. "Impressive, but stupid. You should have fled."

"Wait." Iniquitous said, studying the young vampire. "We sense something different about her."

Seras grinned as her eyes started glowing. "There issomething different about me. I need to tell my master. But first… you're in my way!"

Seras was consumed by shadows, and the darkness exploded around her as she summoned up her familiars. Having drank from so few people, her amount of familiars were far less than Alucard's, but she still had a few, along with the ones she inherited from her master.

"Time for me to do some experimenting of my own." She hissed.

A tendril of darkness burst from her body, piercing Sinclair's chest. The vampire gasped as Seras forced more and more darkness into him, tearing him up from the inside.

"Something tells me," said Seras, grinning in spite of herself, "that you don't have your sister's special regenerating ability."

Sinclair's body was torn to pieces, showering them all in blood. Iniquitous merely watched the scene play out with a blank expression while Diabolique looked stunned. She turned to Seras and shifted to incubus form, having a stronger influence when he was the opposite sex of his victims.

"Seras, stop this." he ordered, working his hypnosis on her. "Power down and go back to sleep."

Seras felt him pushing at her mind, but this time it felt like nothing more than a mere irritation.

"Get out of my head!" she snapped. "I feel insulted that I let you get to me before. But now, YOU'RE NOTHING BUT A HEADACHE!"

Another tendril lashed out, striking Diabolique over the head, cutting him right down the middle. The incubus remained standing for a moment before his left side shifted to succubus form and the two halves fell away from each other.

Seras' grinned widened. Had she looked in a mirror, she would have seen a look on her face very similar to the one Alucard had when he was caught up in the heat of battle. This felt good. She was enjoying ripping these bastards to pieces. And the best part was that she didn't feel guilty about it. If she was honest, she was somewhat afraid of this, but she put her fears aside and just let her instincts guide her.

Iniquitous stepped forward, nudging the two halves of the succubus/incubus with his foot. "We liked Diabolique. We will make you suffer for this."

Seras just chuckled. "Sounds like fun. I would like to stay and play, but I have people to kill before I return to my master."

Iniquitous began to change as his demons surfaced. They burst from his body as Seras summoned up the Hell Hound familiars she had inherited from Alucard. The demonic spirits practically froze in midair as the large dogs flew at them, snaring one after another in their jaws.

The demons retreated back into Iniquitous' body, right before one of the Hell Hounds' jaws closed around him. It crashed into the wall with Inquitinous clenched between its teeth as it tore him to shreds.

With their host destroyed, the evil entities fled, flying around the room like insects trying to escape from a jar. The Hell Hounds grabbed one after the other until the final one was crushed in its jaws.

Seras grinned as she looked at the mess she created. "I should have listened to you earlier, Master. It doesn't hurt anymore." She bent down and licked at the blood on the floor. "I'll be with you soon. First I have some scum to kill."


Junior's red eyes shined with excitement as he watched Alucard and Romasanta fight. This was turning out to be better than he dreamed. Romasanta was strong, and was doing an excellent job at holding his own against Alucard, but Junior wondered if he could really beat him. Junior could care less either way. Even if Alucard was victorious, he still had his trump card that would take down the vampire king.

'Enjoy yourself while you can, Alucard. Whether you defeat Romasanta or not, you will die this night.'

Alucard's fist collided with Romasanta's jaws. The werewolf responded by slashing Alucard across the face, tearing his cheek open. Alucard lunged forward, sinking his teeth into Romasanta's arm. The werewolf king howled and clamped his own jaws down on Alucard's shoulders, taking a much bigger bite out of the vampire than what Alucard had done to him.

Alucard's knee collided with Romasanta's stomach, causing the werewolf to gasp in pain, releasing the vampire. Alucard grinned and bit down harder, taking a chunk out Romasanta's arm. He stepped backwards and raised his guns, open firing on his nemesis.

Romasanta stumbled backwards as his body was filled with hot lead. With a snarl he charged forward, regardless of the bullets, his clawed hands reaching for Alucard's throat. Alucard dropped his guns and caught the werewolf's arms. This was where he was at a disadvantage. He knew that werewolves were physically stronger than vampires, and Romasanta was no ordinary werewolf. However, he was no ordinary vampire.

Grinning like a maniac, Alucard said, "I must admit, I'm disappointed. We could be having a lot more fun than we are."

He crossed his arms and pulled Romasanta forward, slamming his knee into the werewolf's chin. Romasanta yelped as Alucard kicked forward, sending the werewolf flying.

Romasanta got to his feet, shifting to his human form. He rubbed his chin, glaring at the vampire. "You bastard."

Alucard just grinned. "Oh give it a rest." He growled. "I know you're holding back. You thought you could handle me without unleashing your true power, and then coming at me with everything you've got. I know you better than this, Romasanta. Stop sandbagging and get serious."

The werewolf king stared at Alucard for a moment before smirking. "I should have known better. You enjoy facing your opponents at their full power and then breaking their spirit. Very well, Alucard. I'll come at you with everything I have. Prepare yourself, because here I come!"

He shifted to his final and most powerful form. He resembled a more demonic version of the original 1940's Wolfman; appearing more human than wolf, but more demon than human.

Alucard's grin widened. "Yes, that's what I'm looking for."

Romasanta chuckled. "I won't show you any mercy." He said, his voice having gone unbelievably deep.

He charged forward, burying his hand into Alucard's chest. It burst out of his back, covered in blood, entrails hanging from his long claws. Romasanta grinned and looked up into Alucard's surprised face. But his grin faded as Alucard smirked right back at him.

"No mercer?" Alucard repeated. "Good, because you'll receive none from me!"

His fist flew through the air. Romasanta turned his head and caught Alucard's fist in his mouth, his long sharp teeth crunching through flesh and bone.

Tearing his arm out of the vampire's torso, he slashed at Alucard, his claws ripping the vampire's throat open. Alucard stumbled back as his blood spilled.

Romasanta grinned and licked his claws clean. "Is this more to your expectations?"

Alucard looked up, injuries healed and a large smile on his face. "Much more. Now we can really have some fun!"

The two came together, fits and claws flying. The blows Romasanta delivered were indeed much more powerful, and they hurt a lot more… and Alucard loved it.

From his throne, Junior leaned forward, watching the battle with great interest. With Romasanta at his best, he was now wondering if he should change his vote on who the winner would be.

"Ha!" Romasanta cried as his claws buried into Alucard's eyes. "How's that feel, bloodsucker?"

Alucard remained bent over, blood running down his face. His body started trembling, and Romasanta smiled, thinking the vampire was suffering. But then a soft chuckle came from Alucard's lips before it erupted into full insane laughter.

"How's it feel?" he asked, standing up straight, his eyes already healed. "It felt very refreshing. Come on, Romasanta, don't stop now. Do you worst."

Romasanta looked stunned for a moment, but then he smiled. "Do my worst?" He repeated, cracking his hairy knuckles. "As you wish. And I'll enjoy it too."


"It's coming!" one of the scientists cried.

The it he was referring to was the mass of darkness that had been tearing the place apart. Seras had been moving through the facility, destroying all in her path. Bodies littered the floor and equipment was destroyed as a river of blood flowed down the hall.

"It can't come in here!" another scientist cried. "This is where all our experiments are!"

"Don't worry." another reassured him. "Without the access code, nothing can get in here."

"Guess again." came Seras' voice from the other side of the door.

Shadows began slipping under the cracks of the door. A moment later, Seras' Hell Hounds burst through, barking and snapping their jaws. The black mass that was Seras entered soon after. What could be seen of her body before it became darkness was barley visible within the black aura.

Red eyes scanned the room, and Seras was disgusted by what she saw. What the hell were these people working on? What were these creatures? Is this where the freaks were made? Her gaze settled on one particular creature in a test tube. Whatever this demonic creature was, it was severally deformed and mutated, limbs and other parts growing in places that they shouldn't be in.

"So," Seras hissed, "these are the kinds of things you're working on. It's disgusting." She turned to the scientists. "You disgust me!"

Her Hell Hounds attacked. Screams and the sound of tearing flesh filled the room as Seras slaughtered them all without mercy. These people were the real monsters. They were the ones that enjoyed the torture and death of innocents, and the creation of more vicious and more evil creatures. Well, if that's the kind of thing they wanted to involve themselves in, then she would give them what they were looking for.

As Seras drank from one of the scientists, she heard a terrified whimper. Turning around, she saw another scientist crouched in the corner, trembling.

Seras dropped the body and turned to the scientist, grinning manically. "Did you think you could hide from me?"

The scientist pressed himself against the wall as much as he could. "Please, don't hurt me."

Seras' eyes widened. "What? What did you say?" she demanded furiously. "Say that again. Say it!"

The scientist shook with fear. "P-Please, don't h-hurt me."

Seras hissed angrily. She suddenly wanted to tear the man to pieces. "Don't hurt you? Don't hurt you? You destroy our home, kill and kidnap our friends, unleash evil creatures upon the innocent, hold us captive, intend to do sick experiments on me, and try to kill us, then you have the nerve to ask me not to hurt you." Her eyes flashed with a violent red light. "What kind of fucking fantasy world do you think this is?"

Her Hell Hounds attacked. The two beasts fought over the screaming scientist, splattering blood everywhere as they tore their prey to pieces.

Seras stared at the scientists' bloody remains in disgust. "You take pleasure in darkness and decay, and you don't feel guilty about it in the least. I won't allow myself to feel guilty for giving you the same treatment that you give the rest of the world."

A gun fired, and Seras felt several bullets pass through her, one straight through her forehead.

"Got you, bitch!" one of the security guards cried.

Seras' head, completely healed, did a complete 180, glaring the guard with eyes filled with demented excitement. "Shooting someone while their back is turned," she hissed, while the rest of her body turned until her head was no longer turned around, "that's is such a cowardly thing to do." She grinned at the frightened guard. "I would like you to meet an old friend of mine. Allow me to introduce Pip Bernadotte."

One of the few red eyes swimming around in the dark mass came forward and grew until it had become a person. Pip smirked at the startled look on the guard's face.

"It's party time." he said, and shot the guard, more than what was necessary. He turned to Seras and smiled. "I'm proud of you." he told her before disappearing back inside her body.

Seras grinned. "Thank you, Pip. But I really want to hear that from Master." She looked at the sick experiments in the room. "I think I'll go see him after I dispose of this garbage."


Alucard slammed against the wall, his body covered in multiple wounds. He slid to the ground as Romasanta slowly approached him, blood dripping from his claws.

"Give up yet?" he asked, giving the vampire a victorious look. He wanted Alucard to admit that he was beaten.

Alucard just chuckled. "Why on earth would I give up?" He got to his feet. "I've having a blast!"

He lunged forward, mouth open wide as he aimed for Romasanta's neck. The werewolf reacted quickly. Using his arm like a spear, he thrust forward, his hand going into Alucard's open mouth and bursting through the back of his head.

Alucard blinked in surprise, but then he grinned and bit down on Romasanta's arm. He could very easily bite the limb off, but he bit down slowly, wanting to prolong his prey's torment.

Romasanta growled and tore his arm out of Alucard's mouth, practically skinning his limb. Alucard smirked as his fist collided with Romasanta's face. The werewolf snarled and dug his claws into Alucard's chest, tearing it open.

"Give it up!" He shouted, taking hold of the vampire's exposed ribcage and throwing him across the room. The moment he hit the ground, Romasanta pounced on him, pinning him down. "Admit your defeat, or I'll tear you up until there's nothing left!"

Alucard's insane grin widened and he laughed like a maniac. "Then start tearing! I look forward to it!"

Romasanta growled angrily. He knew that Alucard would never admit defeat. Hell, the guy was probably getting off on all this. Well if Alucard wouldn't admit it, then he would just have to live with the satisfaction that he had killed the vampire king.

"Very well then! DIE!"

He tore into Alucard with his razor sharp claws. He tore out anything solid his hands came in contact with, and shredded the vampire's body to get to these parts.

"Is this what you want, Alucard?" Romasanta asked as he quite literally tore the vampire to pieces. "Are you enjoying this, having your body mutilated? I'm certainly enjoying it! Are you?"

Though his body was a bloody mess, Alucard couldn't help but to grin. "Immensely."

That single word enraged the werewolf king. He would never get what he wanted from the vampire. In a state of rage, he resumed his mutilation of Alucard's body, ripping and crushing the vampire into nothing. He only stopped when Alucard had been reduced to a pool of blood and chunks of flesh.

Breathing heavily, Romasanta stepped away from the bloody mess. He dragged his tongue over his blood-drenched claws with a victorious look on his face. "That's it, then. The great vampire king has finally fallen. It's all over."

Junior just grinned. 'Oh no, my friend. It's not over yet. Now we're about to see what the vampire king can really do.'

It started as a soft chuckle. Bubbles rose from the pool of blood as the laughter got louder and more psychotic.

"Did you really think you had won?" came Alucard's voice. "It really has been too long since our last battle."

The blood came together and began to take a solid form. A blood covered skeleton rose up from the ground. Slowly his body regenerated, looking very much like he was melting in reverse. First his organs regrew on his skeletal structure, followed by his other entrails and then his skin. In no time at all, Alucard was back, looking as good as new.

Romasanta glared at Alucard with the utmost hatred, his anger going through the roof. "You fucking blood sucking son of a bitch." He snarled. "Why the hell won't you just fucking die?"

Alucard laughed. "You really want to know? It's because I can't be killed by vermin like you." The symbols on the back of his gloves began glowing with bright red light. "Releasing control on restrictions systems three… two… ONE!"

Darkness exploded from his body as his familiars erupted from within him. Darkness filled the room, with centipedes crawling in the blackness as hundreds of blood red eyes floated within the dark mass. Within the center of this darkness was Alucard, his clothes changing from blood red to black leather, a giant red eye appearing on his chest.

Romasanta took a step backwards, looking hesitant, but then he grinned excitedly. "Yes, this is what I've been waiting for. Now I can beat you at your best."

Alucard laughed. "I hear excitement in your voice, Romasanta, but I also detect fear."

Romasanta clenched and unclenched his hands. "Fear you say? Yes, there is fear. Fear that I'll never get another opportunity to face an opponent like you again."

Alucard gave him an insane grin. "THEN COME FOR ME ROMASANTA!"

Romasanta took the invitation and charged at Alucard. Several arms made of darkness flew at the werewolf to grab him. Romasanta dodged left and right, avoiding each one of the arms, his sights set on the physical part of Alucard.

Two red eyes flew forward and turned into Alucard's Hell Hounds. Romasanta jumped over the first one and kicked the second one in the side of its head, sending it crashing into the wall.

The first one spun around, opening its mouth. Dandy Man crawled halfway out of its mouth, throwing his magic playing cards. Romasanta lashed out, striking each card before they struck him. He charged towards Dandy Man and the Hell Hound. His fist collided with Dandy Man, knocking him back inside the Hell Hound's mouth. Then he kicked upward, his foot colliding with the Hell Hound's bottom jaw.

By this time, the other Hell Hound had recovered and was attacking from behind. Romasanta knew it was coming and did a back flip over it, making sure to stomp down hard on the beast's head. Then he went after Alucard again.

Another familiar appeared in his path. Luke Valentine appeared and open fired on the werewolf. Romasanta dodged the bullets before sliding under the vampire's legs and going after his target again.

"And now you die!" he declared, ignoring the bullets Luke shot into his back.

He lashed forward, burrowing his claw into the large red eye located on Alucard's chest and tearing it open.

Romasanta grinned victoriously, looking up at Alucard. "How'd you like that?"

Alucard's expression didn't change in the least. "What the hell was that?" he asked, sounding amused. "Did you really think that pathetic attack could kill me?"

He summoned up one of his newest familiars. Father Anderson appeared in front of Romasanta, a blessed blade in each hand. He plunged these blades into Romasanta's chest, surprising the werewolf.

"Amen." He said.

Anderson's body changed as Alucard swapped him out for another familiar. Anderson became Walter, and the former Hellsing butler attacked. Before Romasanta even realized it, he was surrounded by the wires that Walter was so fond of using. He wasn't even aware of them until they cut into his skin.

Romasanta's eyes widened as they trailed along the wires. He looked at Alucard, his expression showing that he knew that he was caught. But there was nothing in his eyes except hatred and defiance.

"God damn you." he hissed, feeling the wires dig into his skin.

This only made Alucard's grin widen. "He already has, my friend. He already has!"

As Romasanta was diced to cubes, Alucard's black mass of a body seemed to implode, taking in everything within it. And from his thrown, Junior smiled at the victor.

"Game, set, match."

(A/N: Quite a battle, huh? And you gotta love Seras' dark side. And with Romasanta gone, it's just Alucard and Junior, and his secret weapon. But will Junior keep his word and let Alucard see Integra again. And if he does, hat will be left of her. And just what is Junior's secret weapon. Just wait and see.)

Czytaj Dalej

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