Treading Water

By deniseangelwrites

144K 6.1K 1.5K

Mature Content and Sex scenes, recommended for R18+ audiences. Emerson Roy is focused on one goal, nail her... More

1 - Crashing Waves
2 - Shifting of the Tides
3 - Into the Deep
4 - Bubbling beneath the Surface
5 - Uncharted Waters
6 - Ice Breaker
7 - Tip of the Iceberg
8 - White Waters
9 - Smooth Sailing
10 - Distant Shores
11 - Impassioned Voyage
12 - Bleeding Rivers
13 - Ethereal Reflections
14 - Rip Tide
15 - Treacherous Storms
16 - Lost at Sea
17 - Ebbing Waters
18 - Crossing Streams
19 - Resplendent Waterfalls
20 - Ripples in Motion
21 - Deep Oasis
22 - Dreamy Mist
23 - Blissful Currents
24 - Sparkling Pools
25 - Tempestuous Whirlpool
26 - Swept Away
27 - Captivating pools
28 - Intense Downpour
29 - Dormant Seas
30 - Desolate Horizons
31 - Becalmed
32 - A Splash of Sass
33 - Dangerous Rapids
34 - Shimmering Shower
35 - Turbulent Waters
36 - Pool of Tranquility
37 - Deflections in the Stream
38 - Treading Water
39 - Spectacular Springs

40 - Wishing Well

2.7K 119 35
By deniseangelwrites

Arden's POV

"Oh my god Arden, I'm going to cum, oh god," she screamed, no longer concerned with how much noise we were making or the fact our guests are all waiting for us downstairs.

I am fucking my wife.  I am fucking her during our wedding, over the back of a couch in the room I'd stayed in last night.  Sue me, but I couldn't keep my hands off her any longer.  I didn't hear her complaining as I pushed her face first over the back of the couch, pulling that stunning fitted gown up over her perfect bare ass.  If my cock was any harder right now, it would have burst, I just had to feel her tight walls grip me as I thrust into her with a new found intensity and passion.  Taking my right hand, I grab her hair, loving the style she had chosen to wear it in, as it's given me something to wrap around my wrist, pulling her head back, forcing her to arch her back, allowing me deeper into her wet opening.

"That's right my sweet cailín álainn, cum for your husband," I growl, leaning over her to take  a nip at her ear, "feel me deep love, let go for me."

Slipping my left hand around her hip, I press firmly against her highly sensitive nub, feeling all her muscles tighten as her orgasm explodes, rolling through her aroused body, her knuckles white as she grips the cushions of the couch, riding through the violent vibrations.  Speeding up my assault, pushing my cock into her with short, sharp thrusts, finally I release with a loud, deep groan.

"Fuck, Emerson...," I whisper, as I pull away from her, careful to not splash any of my excess seed on her gown.

"Holy shit, Arden.  Will it always be like this?" she asked, a spark in her eye. She'd readjusted her dress and was tidying up her hair as best she could.

"Love, you know that it will only keep getting better.  I will never be done with you, cailín álainn.  That being said, love, I just fucked my wife, later I plan to make love to her."

"As will I, dearest husband," she smiled, turning to leave the room. Grabbing her hand, I pull her back into me, hard up against my chest and grabbing her chin to lift her face to my own.

"Say it again, cailín álainn," I whisper, my lips so close to hers they brush them as I speak.

"As will I?," she repeated smiling coyly.  I press my hips into her, my hard member rubbing up against, her showing her where this could lead if she continues to play with me.

"Don't toy with me, Emerson, say it again," I whisper again, a more low rumble forming in my throat.  She gazes at me, taking a deep breath as she decides is she'll comply to my demand, or continue to playfully challenge me. 

"Husband," she complied.

"Fuck that sounds incredible from your sweet lips, bean chéile (Wife)," I purr into ear, nuzzling at her neck before groaning, "Okay love, lets go face the music."


Emerson's POV

To say I was feeling a little flushed and embarrassed to be returning to the reception after what we had just done would be an understatement.  All eyes would be on us as soon as we walk in that room.  What would we tell them? I took some comfort in knowing Arden would be at my side though, so feeling his hand tug at my arm, I make moves to enter.  I hear our MC call for everyone's attention, followed by the announcement for Mr & Mrs Quinn.

As everyone stands, claps and cheers, we enter the large banquet room, Arden's left arm tucked around my waist to hold me close at his side.  We receive a few cheeky all knowing smiles from one or two people, thankfully most of the guests are either unaware or discreet enough not to let on.

Arden is quick to whisk me out, onto the dance floor to share in an intimate slow dance, the bridal party following suit directly after.  Malachi and Abigail making a most adorable couple, their relationship has definitely blossomed since we left Canada... perhaps she will be next to wed? Tomas and Jillian, of course already married are still very much in love, not at all shy about showing their passion for each other anywhere and everywhere, clearly a family trait with the Quinn Brothers.

Arden had asked long term friends and business partners, Silas Moretti and Thackery James to be his other two groomsman, it was so great to finally meet them in person.  Sam took a natural interest in Thackery and made some joke about his pre-ordered 'wedding sex' arriving and going by the obvious chemistry between them, he could be in luck for a great night.  Silas, happily married to Milani, who couldn't attend the wedding is kindly filling in for Ashling, who currently is still trying to find her Prince Charming.  He's such a flirt, but a terribly sweet man and so obvious why he and Arden are close.  They share their same passion for family values and respect for their inner circles.

Swaying across the floor in Arden's arms, I have an overwhelming sense of love and family, wondering how the hell did I end up here?  How am I so lucky?


"Yes, love," he murmured next to my ear, goosebumps raising on the back of my neck.

"You should ask your mother to dance, remember she's all alone now."

"Are you sure, love? I don't want to leave you," he stated, puling back to look into my eyes.

"Relax, I'm yours, I won't be going anywhere. Now go," I say, giving Arden a slight push in the right direction.

"Okay love.... you know, you're hot when you're bossy." he says backing away smirking, I can't help but giggle. 

I decide to grab a champagne and take a quick rest at our table while I watch him dance with Siobhan, her face of pure joy and elation.  She's a very special woman and I'm so glad to have her as a mother figure.

"You are far too beautiful to left sitting alone, may I?," a sexy, cheeky voice asked from behind me.  I smile, fully aware of exactly who's behind me, having come to know them well in a short time.

"Oh, I don't know, my husband can be a very jealous man," I tease, still not looking away from the dance floor.

"Don't worry, I promise to behave if you do, Emerson," he whispers in my ear.

"Oh stop, Silas," I giggle as he takes a seat next to me.

"Congratulations, Emerson.  It's good to see you both so happy.  Milani sends her love."

"Thank you, that means a lot to us Silas, we are extremely happy together.  We are very lucky to have met," I say, the smile still plastered on my face.

"I don't believe in luck, Em.  I believe you and Arden were always destined to meet, soul mates if you will.  He's a good man, you're in good hands."

"I think so too, but how about my Sam, hmmm.  Is he in good hands?" I gesture to where the two men are quite publicly groping one another.

"If it's a bit of wedding fun he's after then there's no better hands than Thackery, Em.  He'll handle him with care, well if that's what he wants anyway." Silas laughed, standing to make way for Arden who was returning after his dance with Siobhan.

"Not making moves on my wife are you there, mate?" Arden joked, slapping an arm across his back.

"Always, mate," he grinned back, making the trademark flirting gesture he does.

"Can I have everyone's attention please?" Arden calls out, tapping cutlery on his champagne flute. 

"Firstly, I'd like to take a moment to thank all you wonderful people for joining us today.  My stunning wife and I have had the most wonderful day, all thanks to the people we were able to share it with.  Next, I'd like to thank the bridal party, Abigail, Ashling, Jillian and Sam, you guys did an incredible job taking care of my sweet, cailín álainn and an even better job of delivering her, so thanks for that!  Malachi, Tomas, Silas and Thackery, again, without you here a few things may not have been taken care of, I can't thank you enough.  Mum, you look absolutely beautiful and it gave me great joy to have you escort my angel to me, I love you Mum."

He takes a breath, turning to look down at me.

"And most importantly, to you my love, my life.  There's an old irish blessing, one I will share with you now.

May you never Steal, Lie or Cheat

But, if you must Steal, then Steal away my sorrows,

and if you must Lie,

Lie with me all the nights of my life

and if you must Cheat,

then please

Cheat death because I couldn't

live a day without you."


12 months later

Arden's POV

"Well love, we've had dinner.  What would you like to do now?"

"It's such a lovely night tonight, shall we walk for awhile?" she smiled up at me, still as gorgeous as the day we first met.  I loved her then, I love her even more now.

"Then it's a walk we shall have, love," I answered, taking her hand in my own for an evening stroll.  We are out celebrating, life is perfect.  Business is going great, the expansions being exactly what it needed to make it's mark in Dublin.  Our marriage is fantastic, I mean literally amazing, I couldn't ask for more in a woman.  The icing on the cake is Emerson has been dancing.  Not just teaching dance either, a company here in Dublin saw a performance she did at the club and instantly sought her out.  I'm not sure who was more happy, Emerson - because she was finally recognized for her dancing, which of course was only going to lift the profile of the studio she ran too, or me, as I got to be here, as her dream becomes a reality, not sidelined but an active participant as we continue to move together in perfect harmony.

"Oh wow, Arden, look over there.  There's a group of people gathered around, there must be something worth seeing.  Let's go check it out."

I chuckle, her childlike excitement constantly surprising me in the best way imaginable.  Emerson, now skipping towards the crowd looks back over her shoulder at me.

"Having trouble keeping up old man?" she sung out.

Oh my sweet cailín álainn, when will she learn?

"Playing with fire aren't you, love?" I smirk, closing the distance between us.  As I reach her, I wrap my arms low around her legs and throw her over my shoulder.  She lets out a girlish squeal out and slaps my backside, only causing me to laugh.

"What were you trying to achieve their love?"

"Oh I don't know, a distraction perhaps. Look, can you put me down now? I still need to see what they're watching."

"Okay, but this isn't over, love," I whisper, as I slide her down my front, placing a kiss on her forehead, "we'll pick up where we left off later, cailín álainn."

"I have no doubt," she giggled, making it clear she'd been playing all along.  My cailín álainn knows how to get exactly what she's after, I'll give her that.

We made our way through the crowd, finding there on the paved area, a young lady, I'd say 21 or 22 maybe, dancing for change.  I'm not sure the type of dance, but she seemed to have Emerson's attention, she hadn't taken her eyes off her since she we walked up.  It kind of looked almost street dance but not.  Like I said, not an expert.

"Arden, she's incredible.  Look at her technique, she's had proper training.  I wonder why she's dancing here like this?"

She spoke with so much interest, not once tearing her eyes away from the young lady.  I'm curios to know what she's thinking, I can see the cogs turning from where I'm standing.  The girl is talented and an attractive wee thing, young though.  Her clothes looked worn and she was on the thin side.

Emerson must have been thinking similar thoughts, as next thing I know she's dropping several large notes and her business card in the young ladies tin, much like placing money in a wishing well.  The girl falters in her routine as she sees Emerson's generosity, tears welling up in her eyes almost instantly but she shakes it off and continues her routine.

"What have we told you young lady, no busking in the park!!!"

A couple of security men come barreling up, spooking her.  She stops instantly, grabbing a tatty looking bag and throwing her container and phone inside. Taking a quick glance at Emerson again, she turns and runs off toward the car park.  Jumping on a motorcycle, she rides away, the crowd she'd earned instantly dispersing. 

"What was that, Arden?" Em asked, looking quite upset.

"Rules sadly love, most public areas won't allow busking anymore."

"I can't explain it babe, but I need to find her.  I feel like I can see myself in her, if you hadn't saved me I could have ended up as her.  She looks like she could use the same."

"You're an angel, love.  Did you know that?" I pull her into my arms, a place I'll keep her for all eternity, "You gave her your card, I'm sure she will reach out if she wants too."

"What if she doesn't?" she asked, anxiety obvious in her voice.

"Destiny, love.  It brought us together, if she needs you, you will meet again.  I believe that with all my heart, just as I love you with all that I am."

Running my hands into her long brown hair, I pull her head back to look into her bright blue eyes, full of wonder and hope, love and lust.  Placing my lips over hers, I kiss her like it's our first and last kiss, I kiss her with everything I have in me.  I will spend my life kissing her like this. 

"Now let's go home, love. I believe I have a punishment to enforce."

"You'll have to catch me first," she giggled, dashing off quickly before I'd realized what was happening.  Breaking out into a run myself, I begin the chase, hunting her down like my wild prey, hungry to sink my teeth into that soft, supple skin.

The Irish really do have all the luck.

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