Off Script

By _SweetLie_

3.4K 159 124

Legally selling your mind, body, and talent would offer you up as a personal puppet to the hands of the gover... More

Part 1: Pregame Entree
Part 2: Injection
Part 4: Chapter 1
Part 5: First Blood Perk

Part 3: Programming Complete

467 25 3
By _SweetLie_

Sadly, personality changes don't happen overnight like he once thought.

Again and again, they sat in that chair and asked him questions, even questions they already asked, and drilled them into his mind. Now he understands what programming means.

"Do you have a family?" They asked one time. They were already 20 questions in, and he had already gotten them half wrong. His arm was stiff and his muscles were hard from the hot injections. With every new dose went most of his energy. Fighting to bite back the groans, to keep awake. Since he learned the hard way that electric shocks are on standby in case anyone does pass out.

And he has lost it, three times yesterday, and once already today. "...yes." He muttered. Only getting a small jolt in response. He needed to be specific. "What are your family to you?"

He grimaced at the thought of another hot injection searing into his flesh. Making his heart beat faster for an answer. He swallowed hard. Trying to open his throat and keep it from closing. "...I-I don't have any siblings and I..." he hesitated. Thinking. Who were they to him.

He flinched when his time ran out. Forcing his yelp into a soft whine. It hurt and every limb seemed to respond to the ache by being sore for hours after. He took another breath as they repeated the question. "...A-Ah...I never, had a great relationship with my parents...I-I don't like talking about it."

They clipped their pen to their clipboard and got up to leave. Not even bothering to undo his restraints.

Akamatsu was getting the same treatment, except she reacted a lot easier than he did. When they both weren't drugged to high heaven, she was... kind. How he faintly remembers her brute personality is all a fog now. Though he is sure it existed at some point.

"...Saihara-kun?" He heard her voice gently from her bed. From what he assumes, they do her first, she gets knocked out, and then move onto him. Today wasn't as bad since it was day three into their programming. So much has changed, and he knows it.

She knows he's listening, so she continues. " it just me, or you hear the other participants, I don't know, screaming? From the other rooms?"

Saihara has to think about it. He's spent so much time muddled in his own pains and confusion that he never paid attention to the other patients. In fact, he kinda forgot about them. "Um.. I haven't really heard anything. But I w-wouldn't be surprised..."

She nodded. Falling back into silence until another question took the air. "...have you always had a stutter?" She asked. Saihara felt a tightness in his chest. As if the question embarrassed him. "" He nearly whispered. "...I don't mean t-to. They said it w-would be an effect t-to programming..."

"Oh," she said. "They said I would have migraines. Since as the first Protagonist, I would think too much for my own good... kinda like a curse and a blessing as a character."

He bit his lip. Speaking was frustrating now, as much as he doesn't want to stumble and trip over his words miserably, he can't help it. He would tell her, but he figures she already knows. His character has anxiety. With depression peppered in there for fun. He's supposed to be shy, and has a lot of room for his character to have growth.

"You t-told me you hated me, before this." It was because his nerves were practically hijacked, sputtering into fits of nervousness that bubble up into his speaking.

"Did I? ...Oh yeah. Forget about it. You're not that bad."

But it hurt. Now. Not a couple days ago. It made his face burn at her words that still sat heavy on his mind. Reminding him he is that someone who willingly signed up for this. Someone who got off on violence. One with society that made her lose faith in humanity. "...Oh, K-Kay."

Eventually he faded into sleep again. Sleep now has been very uncomfortable. With restrains pressing into his skin, only to wake up to see them removed. With the red marks adored in his flesh from them.

He rubbed his eyes and stretched his awfully sore arms. They shot back a sense of uneasiness. Even his bones cracked in displeasure. He sat up, seeing Akamatsu was awake too. "It's been three days since day one right?" She asked, not sounding tired as he felt. He nodded. "...If you c-count day one and today, with the three days of programming in between, then today is the fifth day..."

Her eyes widened. Almost with nervous excitement. Though she seemed more pale. "They'll be doing memory altering today... by nightfall we'll be put in the game for the first time."

Nerves seemed to jump the gun at that sentence because it swells in his chest and suddenly he doesn't feel that well. "...Oh." He had forgotten that.

As if on cue, the door to their room opened. Two doctors came in and took sides next to him and Akamatsu. First putting a fresh new hospital outfit at the foot of their bed. Since both had to start wearing one by day two of programming. This one was darker in color, but same design. With Danganronpa Subject 6.16 embroidered on the shoulders and over the chest pocket.

Short sleeved, and pants that came down to his knees. Slightly different from what he had on now, since currently it was a grayish teal. Now, he got updated to grayish black. "Put these on and freshen up, you have an hour and a half. Your headsets will be here after and we'll be getting straight to work." His doctor said. Leaving as soon as his message was delivered. Same thing went for Akamatsu's doctor.

So he did. Assuming Freshen up meant getting a shower in. His hair already felt grimy to an uncomfortable level. Still, he let Akamatsu clean up first. Only taking a fair 30 minutes before his turn. He didn't take as long, saving an extra 40 minutes to question everything they've done in their lives leading up to this moment.

Right up until the doctors came back in, wheeling in a cart carrying two headsets. Not much more words were exchanged. Besides quiet mutters of being told to stay still, and this will only hurt a little bit.

With hands on his head, brushing away his hair and planting little readers onto his scalp. Settling one larger piece of equipment on his head. Lastly, injecting some drug into his arm.

He had read on the schedule, that all the lines that they shoved into his brain would enhance as they get put to sleep. So what they say in game will only feel natural. One statement bolded in mind, told him strictly to follow the plan. Since the last two seasons have been a flunk. If anything falls out of line, steps out of bounds, interferes by crossing a red line, sending up major red flags.

Then someone's going to be seriously hurt.

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