Rosario + Vampire: Undying: S...

By BloodCxmpass

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The school life of a British-American student gets turned upside down when he enrolls into Yokai Academy. Joi... More

Last author's note on this story. (Published Dec. 19, 2023, 5:16PM EST)
Welcome to Yokai Academy | 妖怪アカデミーへようこそ
Sculptures and a Vampire | 彫刻と吸血鬼
Student Police (Part 1) | 学生警察 (パート1)
Student Police (Part 2) (Burning Resolution) | 学生警察 (パート2)(燃焼解像度)
Belligerence & A Vampire | ベリゲレンスと吸血鬼
A Thank You before the next chapter.
Immortal Killer - 不滅のキラー (Friday the 13th special (9/13/2019)
Festivals and Confessions | 祭りと告白
Visitors and Siblings | ビスタと兄弟
Smoke and Ancient Mirrors | 煙と古代の鏡
Home surprises and Dates | ホームサプライズとデート
Suicide notes and Near Death Experiences | 自殺記録と臨死体験
Showers and Succubi | シャワーとスクッビ
Loyalty and False Claims | 忠誠心と虚偽の主張 [Season I End]
Thank you all for the views, votes, and reading! We love you.
Summer Kisses [Epilogue] | 夏のキス[エピローグ]

Planning and an Immortal | 計画と不滅

121 1 3
By BloodCxmpass


I had a dream about yesterday, with what happened with me, Moka, Gideon, and Chopper. When I woke up, I walked to my door to see a note. Reading it slowly and carefully, I realized that it was a summoning from the headmaster. "Oh come on, mate! Really!?!" I could hear Gideon's grievance through the wall, so I walked out and knocked on his door. When he opened he looked at me and noticed what was in my hand.

"You got one, too." Gideon said this before he walked out. He was already dressed and ready. It was four thirty, ante meridian and it was still the morning dusk. The dark blue, nearly night sky, while the sun is barely kissing our surface.

We were walking until we heard Dante. He must've gotten a letter as well. He quickly caught up to us before we all entered the school. "Damn, I thought today would be a chill day." Dante saying this makes me chuckle a bit, before realizing that we could get expelled. "Guys, it could have something to do with what we did to the PSC two weeks ago. If this is expulsion, we've had it coming." I said this and the other two looked ahead, before seeing that we made it to the headmaster's room.

We walked in, only to see him at his desk and he smiled at our presence before greeting us. "Ahh... Welcome. You three read the note. Well Since you're here, I'm going to keep things simple. You three are going to volunteer for this year's festival. The festival this year is a bit understaffed. Of course, if truly desired, you're all free to refuse my offer, the only consequence will be... Expulsion, of not just you three but also those girls that Tsukune hangs around. Call this a reasonable proposal." The headmaster's saying this so lightly only made me, Dante, and Gideon more nervous.

We walked out and I could spot annoyance within Dante's golden eyes. "Well, there goes my plans for today." As the vampire said this, his Immortal sibling chuckled. "Hey boys, turn the letter to the other side... It's a map." As the Brit made this observation, we saw a map of a building leading to the festival committee and the layout of the festival area, not too far from it. "I guess we should get goin' then..." I said this before we walked out, until we saw the building where the Festival activities committee resides.


"Where's Tsukune?! He would leave at a time when we're the most busy!" I asked this hoping anyone would have a lead to the location of my destined one. "Or at least Gideon or Dante-san..." Yukari adding this made me worried... Mainly about Tsukune, but Gideon made me even more worried. I don't have feelings like that for him, like I do for Tsukune, but he's close enough for me to worry. "From what I've heard, Tsukune-kun's working for the headmaster, along with Gideon and Dante, under the threat of expulsion. They can't really do anything about it, besides go with it." I heard Moka say this and it didn't make things easier for me to pinpoint my destined one...

I walked out, determined to find Tsukune, only to have Ruby fall and land on her feet, in front of me. "I know exactly what you're trying to do, but Master Mikogami has given me strict orders to ensure you don't interfere. There's rumor that an evil group by the name of Anti-Thesis have infiltrated the school grounds. The headmaster is using Tsukune as bait to hopefully attract them and give them the motivation to make their moves. Also, fun fact, even if I were to let you, it'd be pointless. The headmaster left hours ago." Ruby saying this made me worry even more...

"Tsukune-kun being used as bait... I won't allow it!" Mizore said this before she ran from her stalking spot and left. "Wait up you crazy snow bitch, I'm coming with you!!"


After sitting through the long meeting, I've been sent to work on setting up banners, while Dante and Tsukune walk with our president's subordinate, Mizuki Ueshiba. My opinions so far, especially about... Hokuto Kaneshiro... Hmph... I can't say I'm too fond of him. Tsukune and Dante seem to like him though, so I'll refrain from any foolishness... I finished placing the banners, so I decided to quietly tail Tsukune, Mizuki, and Dante, hoping I could scare them.

I snuck behind a wall, only to hear Tsukune's voice. "Hey, Kurumu-chan, did you hear that, it sounded like Tsukune's voice." I could hear Mizore and Kurumu so I revealed myself from the wall. "What are you two doing here?" I asked the girls this and Mizore looked down. "Tsukune's being used as bait to attract a mole within anti-thesis. I'm guessing you and Dante might be a case of cannon fodder." "Like always..." I mumbled this under my breathe after hearing Mizore's statement and I walked through the structure, only to see a crater in the ground, with blood shining on the rocks. I moved closer only to feel my legs get grabbed. I started to materialize my katana and right as I was taken underneath. "I heard you were harder to kill than the other two..." I could hear the voice and I smiled evily. "You're wrong. I can't die, because bad people don't die." I said this before I cut towards a hand reaching for my neck.

I see two pairs of hands pulling this mysterious monster. I held on and as soon as we were resurfaced, I could see Tsukune and Dante. Tsukune was fine, but Dante was bleeding, though he did a good job closing his wounds after getting out of the dirt. I saw that the monster behind it was Mizuki and Tsukune looked me in the face. "I know I stopped you from killing Chopper, so I guess I owe you this... What you do to him is your decision..." The half human boy said this before I grabbed my 1911Colt out of my shoe and looked at Mizuki, who was bleeding from his arm. I drained him of his powers, before shooting two shots... At the ground.

"I know this is going to bite me on the ass later, but leave before the third bullet hits your heart." I said this firmly and he got up and ran away. I went back to Tsukune and the others, to see Tsukune on a cot and everyone else gathered around him. For this to be the festival committee, they got here fairly quickly. Even Hokuto. "Mizuki was the mole, his body won't be found, seeing that Gideon dealt with him." Dante saying that makes me somewhat regret not killing him. 'Damn... Maybe letting him go was truly the wrong choice... But a mole? The headmaster has us in the dark... I don't like this...' I could see Tsukune grab Hokuto's hand and they had said something inaudible to me, as I light a cigarette and let myself heal as I smoked.

As soon as everyone else cleared out, Kurumu walked up to me, so I quickly put out the cigarette by stomping it. "Baka! Those things are bad for you." Her saying this made me laugh sheepishly. "Yeah, I know, but I'm immortal so it won't hurt me... Like at all." I said this and she looked at me, before face palming. "I don't care. Agh... Promise me you'll quit, Gideon-kun?" Kurumu saying this made me look at her before looking back at the walls of the structure. "I don't think I'll be able to..." I said this and Kurumu gave me a more serious, sad look, which I would consider out of place, for it to be her. "Gideon-kun... If you're worried about the withdrawal symptoms, don't. We'll help you. You're our friend after all, my friend." Kurumu said this and something in my head and body made me hug her. I felt her hug me back, so it wasn't bad or awkward. "We've known each other for a month or two and you've done nothing but care for me, somehow." I said this and the succubus gave me another hug. This particular hug involved her lowering me to her height, you can guess where my face went. I wanted to hug her back... but even as an immortal, I need air. "Kurumu-chan, I appreciate the kind gesture and all, but I need to breathe." With those words, she let me go. "Ni totte (Forgive me), Gideon-kun. I just... Can we talk more during the festival?" Kurumu's question made me worried and confident, all at once. "H-Hai... (Y-yes...) Of course." Oh Gideon, what did you just get yourself into?

Third Omniscient

Within the base of the festival committee stood Hokuto and another boy with white hair, and two differently colored eyes. "Well, president... I must say, you're good at making empty promises, president." The voice of the boy with white hair made Hokuto laugh a bit. "So, has Anti-Thesis been established?" Hokuto smiled at the question presented to him, while remembering the praise he was given earlier. "It is Kiria, though the promise I made to the Tsukune boy, was not empty. I said I'll show this school change. I plan on keeping that promise, I'll take them through an unseen path... a path to destruction." As Hokuto said this Kiria nodded.

The next week

Ten days remaining until the School Festival and the newspaper club is as busy as ever. With Ginei being absent, and Tsukune, Gideon, and Dante helping out for the festival, it's been hard on everyone. Especially Kurumu. 'I don't understand... What does Tsukune see in that tall, specs wearing, villainous face, that I can't see? I have no objection with it keeping him away from Moka and the others... but it's not fair that it's keeping him away from me, as well. This has gone on for a week now...' Kurumu's thoughts were interrupted by Moka calling her over. "Kurumu-chan, I need you to work on the illustrations and I'll also need you to work on the interviews. Remember, the illustrations have to be cute! Thank yous." As soon as Moka said this Kurumu gasped... "Why does the festival have to put so much onto our workload as well!?" Kurumu walked out and started looking for people worth interviewing.

Dante and Gideon were placing posters within the school until they stopped not to far from each other. Gideon pulled out a lighter and leaned against the wall and Dante walked up to half brother with a cig in his hand. He reached for his lighter, only to remember that Mizuki fucked it up. "Hey, little brother, you got a light?" Dante asking this made Gideon light Dante's cig before his own. "Hey, maybe it's just me, but I've got a bad feeling about Hokuto... It could be my paranoia but Hokuto let that Mizuki guy work within his ranks, then sent you and Tsukune alone with him, to nearly be killed by him. If that isn't shady, I don't know what is..." Gideon saying this made Dante a bit upset. "Gideon-kun, I feel that Hokuto really wants to pave a path to peace. We can at least help him within his efforts... Not that we have much of a choice. Plus no one knew that Mizuki could've been the mole..." Dante saying this reminded his brother of the predicament they've been thrown into, just a week ago. "Fine, whatever... Don't say I didn't warn you, when you start to see their true colors." Gideon coldly stated this, before leaving.

Kurumu and the others were working on more papers as the day went by and there was a knock on the door. Yukari stopped typing to answer only to see Gideon. "Wait, Gideon-kun!? I thought you were working with the festival committee under the threat of expulsion!" Moka's statement made the immortal boy smile. "Well I was... Until I decided that it'd be better to work with my real friends instead of some randoms I have trouble trusting. Tsukune and Dante can't see the bigger picture... They're in too deep." Gideon saying this was touching, but Moka knew that Tsukune would need both Gideon and Dante if things went wrong. "Gideon-kun... I know you probably hold many objections to this, but I need you to work with Tsukune in festival committee..." Moka saying this made Gideon's calmness break.

"I know you wouldn't want to, but if Tsukune gets into to tight spot, he'll need you. Please... You know how much it would mean to us... I heard Hokuto talking to a delinquent by the name of Yoshii Kiria." Kurumu's words gave Gideon a mix of feelings. On one hand, he felt confliction within his own selfish desires to stay away. On another, he felt mistrust and knew he'd be better away, but his mind and heart both agreed to one thing... They're right. "Heh. I like you girls, because if you were anyone else, I would've said no." The blond-blackette said this before he walked towards the door and paused before leaving out. "I'll do it... Only for you all... Plus it'll prove my point to them." Gideon saying this got the girls to smile as he walked out. Following the British boy's exit, his Japanese-Italia half brother approached.

"Listen, Gideon-kun... I know how you feel about Hokuto-san, but he's asked for you by name. It seems urgent so please... Come with me." Dante's plea got Gideon to look at him and nod. "Fine, take me to him." As they went to Hokuto's last known location, there were members of the Festival committee lined up. "Dante-kun, Gideon-kun... You two made it! Okay, I want you and Dante to follow these guys. They might have another lead on Anti-thesis infiltrating the school, so you all could prevent it." As soon as Hokuto said this, he left the festival committee members to lead Dante and Gideon. Gideon grabbed his half brother by his shoulder and got close enough to whisper distance. "Dante... I don't like this one bit. Stay close to me, got it." Dante could only nod and as much as he hated the feeling, he could feel Gideon's suspicion of this plan to prevent an infiltration. As soon as they were taken to an empty sports equipment storage room, Gideon tried to feel for any sort of additional aura... Though he was unsuccessful.

"Hey, I don't sense any rival aura or energy... What's going on here?" As soon as Gideon asked this question. He felt a knife enter his gut, then Dante grabbed a kunai from his boot and threw it at the kid who stabbed his brother, hitting him in his heart. Dante backed away and Gideon took the knife out and dropped it onto the floor. "I see... Hey Dante-san... Let's stop Anti-thesis...." Gideon saying that got his brother to nod. "I spot nine more..." As the boys said this, Gideon materialized his Trail of Blood and Dante grabbed the gun from Gideon's jacket. The warehouse turned into a bloodbath.

Tsukune - Ten minutes later

I walked the hallways and an extraordinarily handsome boy leapt from the stairs in front of me. "Hey, that's a nice bracelet. Where did you get yours? I want one, too." The boy asking this made me worry a bit... I couldn't just tell him about my holy lock, it's what'll keep me normal... "I'm sorry! I have somewhere to be!" As he said that, I ran off and started to go towards the festival area, in search of Dante and Gideon, in order to let them know that Hokuto said we can go to the newspaper club room, for a bit. I decided to walk to the FC Headquarters, only to see that the building is empty, except Hokuto was inside. "Hm... Hello Tsukune... It's a shame that Gideon and Dante won't live to see this. I have many plans to send this school down a path... One of destruction and havoc." I was confused by hearing Hokuto say this, until he kicked me in the stomach. "Hehe... I guess you haven't caught on yet, so allow me to give you a chance to learn the truth. I'm the Leader of Anti-Thesis." As soon as Hokuto said that, I felt my world shatter.

"But... I trusted you... In belief that there was good intent. You said that we could bring the school to a change, one of peace..." Saying that got me kicked again and he picked up a sharpened wooden stick. "Your trust and hopes for harmony mean nothing. Use the strength that you've used to fight the other members of Anti-Thesis... Or die." The Leader of Anti-Thesis saying this made me stand up to face him. He rushed me and before he could reach me, I saw red energy and a cloud of Darkness, only to be faced with Gideon, Inner Dante, Yukari, Kurumu, and Mizore in front of me. The two boys being covered in blood. Dante laughed before he spoke. "Oh, Hokuto... About the infiltrating Anti-thesis, me and Gideon took care of them. Every. Single. One." As soon as Dante said this, he saw his enemy smiled.

"Ah, your lack of trust towards me was quite justified, Gideon. I'm surprised you and Kurumu were the only ones who caught onto my pl-"

"Quiet, you lanky son of a bitch! After what your underlings did to us, I'm going to break those glasses of yours, then I'll feed you the fucking shards from it. Say your last prayer because this building is about to be your tomb, Kuso yarō! (bastard!)" Gideon said this before his sibling and Hokuto started to fight, Dante having kunai against a broken table leg, used by Hokuto. Gideon managed to give Dante the upper hand, until the door opened, to reveal Ruby, her outfit tattered and cut. "Wait.... Moka's been kidnapped! I'm sorry! I was there, yet I couldn't stop him." As soon as Ruby said that I ran to her. "Kidnapped? Wha- Who!?" I began to panic, so Hokuto throw the stick like a spear, in an attempt to kill me, only to see it be cut in half by The British Ronin, Gideon. "You not only tried to have Gideon and Dante killed off... But you kidnapped Moka as well... I really thought we were similar." I said this and Hokuto started laughing, while Kurumu scratched him, before he grabbed her and kicked Dante before grabbing Gideon by his neck to start choking him. "Ah... Your attacks are strong and sharp, but you both are nothing but little birds when caught. I'll deal with you, later... But Gideon... Your death was long overdue. Don't kid yourself, Tsukune, we could never be alike." As soon he made his speech Gideon smiled and interrupted him. "I can't... Die anymore... Because bad people.... Don't Die...." Gideon said this and kicked Hokuto in his chest and he was easily released. Before he kicked him again, I saw what got him free... His shoe had a blade on it. Dante stood up and he looked at me. "I'll find Moka-chan for you, worry not." Dante vanished after saying this and Hokuto laughed.

Meanwhile - Kiria

Knocking Moka out was... a regrettable course of action, but it was the only way to stop her from resisting. I grabbed her and used a spell to keep her from moving too far from me. She started to wake up, as I sat down onto a tombstone. "Ah you're awake, at last." I said this and she was shocked to see me, so she crawled away, then she tried to run, so I used my magical bond to bring her back. "Just where are you going, Akashiya? Without Tsukune-kun here to pull your rosary, you can't use your power, which will make Hokuto's job easier to get rid of Tsukune." As soon as I tried to approach the vampiress, I saw a dark fog and seven arcane circles form around her. "Not another step, otherwise you'll die." I heard a voice and I saw the figure to the voice reveal himself through the fog, slowly forming to look like... Me. "Mimicry!? What a cheap magic trick! Show me your true self, you wuss!" I screamed this only for this figure to reveal a scythe similar to mine. We started to fight though he had me on the defensive. As soon as I kicked at him, the mimic and it's scythe vanished, only for another figure to form within the fog, this figure being taller and I could see a gleam from his face, as if this figure was wearing spectacles. The figure took a likelihood to Hokuto Kaneshiro. I tried to walk up to him, until I realized something... This isn't real. The real Hokuto is dealing with Tsukune... I ran and tried to slice the foggy phantom and it vanished once again. While nothing appeared, I decided to slash the fog while the red aura formed around it helped it go away. As soon as it cleared, I could see a boy with extremely long hair and red eyes along with a third eye on his head. 'Another vampire? With a yasha mark?' "Hm... I'm impressed... You managed to get here undetected and you made me kill your illusions. Tell me... Was this fog your doing alone?" I asked this curiously and he nodded. "It was. You have something... Well correction, someone that doesn't belong to you. I'll be taking her back. Only question is, will you be dead when I leave with her?" He said this and he removed the arcane circles from Moka's radius. I approached him with my scythe and tried to slice him, only for him to try to block it with his... His wrists... "You're going to guard with your bare wrists!? You truly are a mad man." I said this and he backpedalled before lunging at me and I felt myself get cut. I turned around to look at him and I was met with what cut me... He has a wrist blade.

"Hehe... Not my bare wrists, though I appreciate the thought. I like your scythe, but you know I won't be able to fight here, I'm in a rush, you see... So I'll be leaving with Moka. Maybe next time." The boy said this and a fog, thicker than the last appeared and I saw both the mystic and vampiress vanish. "A good fight... For a meaningless purpose. She can't do anything on her own. Along with Tsukune. Both are better off dead."

Meanwhile - Dante

I managed to get myself and Moka away from Kiria and I knew I couldn't bring her back to Tsukune. "Dante-san... My rosary... You have to remove it... Please..." As Moka said this, I could hear her Inner self. "Omote, you fool! Only Tsukune can remove it... Dante, if you do such a thing, I might not be able to restore Omote later..." Ura Moka saying this made me look down and recite an incantation to a spell of bending metal, before touching a link to Moka's rosary and handing her the cross. "Forgive me Ura, but Tsukune needs you..." I said this only to see eyes similar to mine. "Hmph, that human boy really knows how to get himself in trouble, doesn't he... I refuse to say I care for him... but for the sake of Omote, I'll help him." Moka saying this made me smile a bit, before we started to move back towards the Festival committee HQ. I looked closer to another building to see Mikogami and the others, while Hokuto was in bonds. We advanced closer to the area and made ourselves known. "Dante-san, Moka-chan! Nice of you to join us. We were just about to close the curtains on this bastard's life." After Gideon said that Mikogami trapped Hokuto in a barrier. "Tsukune, I want you, Gideon, and Dante to come with me, You two, take him to the dungeon..." Mikogami saying this made look at the president that I trusted before he started to say something no one could comprehend. After he screamed the phrase enough times, the barrier shattered and Hokuto used what looked liked bone appendages to kill Mikogami's bodyguard and stab him. He was aiming for Gideon's neck, but Kurumu moved him and herself out of the way. Afterwards Hokuto grabbed a rosary that Mikogami was holding earlier... "This... The "Devil" item I've been looking for... The Rosary of Judgement... This is my key to dispel the Great Barrier. I thank you, Tsukune... Capturing me was the only way to obtain this. Because looking at you... I know how it would work. I had Kiria kidnap Moka to put pressure on you. When you're being pressured, you'll seek to your friends for help, then the chairman himself... This showed me that... YOU'RE A WEAKLING UNABLE AND INCAPABLE OF DOING ANYTHING ON YOUR OWN!" Hokuto said this and Yukari was shocked as she said, "Hokuto's true nature... It's so scary!" It was like the end for everything, but Gideon started laughing. "Hahahahahah..... Hahahahaha....." "What's so funny Gideon-chan? You lost..." Hokuto said this as he walked away and Gideon vanished before kicking Hokuto. Then Tsukune ran up and punched him, causing him to fly into a wall. "I don't want to hurt anyone, not even you... But if I have to stop you with violence... I'll do just that." Tsukune saying this made Hokuto scoff and say, "Hmph... Two dogs assuming they still have a chance of biting me... How pointless." The evil man saying this made Hokuto turn around and smile. "Stop me? I heard you correctly, right? Don't think so high of yourself... No trash such as yourselves could stop me even if you tried. You should accept the inevitable while you're still alive to do so." Kurumu looked at me as Hokuto said that and I knew she needed me to interfere between them. Me and Moka moved away from the others and Kurumu tried to rush, only for the tall bastard to hold up the rosary. "Oh you just stay right there... Not that you have a choice!" And after that statement, Kurumu, Mizore, Ruby, and Yukari were trapped within the barrier. "Damn... I'll get you all out... Moka-chan, go with the others... They're going to need your strength more than my magic..." I said this and Mizore looked at me nervously. "Dante-san... Go with them... For the sake of them being safe... We'll be fine." As soon as the snow girl said this I ran towards the others.


"I knew I was right from the start... I could say it was a sixth sense within me... Sorry, but I'm not gonna allow you to remove the barrier... Otherwise the world will be plunged into armageddon." As I said that, Tsukune looked at Hokuto as well. "If we let you remove the barrier, you'll put everyone at risk. We won't allow it." As my friend said this, our adversary smiled. "Okay, Gideon you can back up your talk, but what about you, Tsukune?" It wasn't long before I pulled out my sword and started to fight Hokuto, who used a part of him as a blade of some sort. He kicked me back after knocking Tsukune to the ground, shoving Moka away, and stabbing Dante in the stomach, incapacitating him. I stood back up and began walking towards him, again. "Oh? You're approaching me, instead of running away?" Hokuto's question made me look up and smile. "Hehehe... I can't beat the shit out of you, without getting closer, Hokuto-san." As soon as I said that, he laughed. "Oh ho! Then come as close as you'd like." I granted Hokuto's wish and I rushed him. I fought furiously, going for every opening visable. Eventually I cut him cut, only to be stabbed and kicked away by my opponent. "Face it, Gideon-kun... You're good, but I'm better. Unlike Tsukune, who's weak... You continue without breaking a sweat. Your power is nothing to be trifled with, but you've met your match." Hokuto was praising, yet insulting me. "Fuck... You.... You won't leave this building alive... Not if I have anything to say about it." And with those words, I rose up, again. He backed away and he looked at me, Dante, who had just finished healing himself, Moka, and Tsukune. "Why do you all continue to oppose me? Especially you, Tsukune? You were originally human, so you should have no reason to want to protect this place..." Hokuto said this and pulled out the chairman's rosary and another circle started to form.

"Teleportation magic!?! This bastard thinks he's leaving! Gideon, we're going after him!" Dante said this and instead of cancelling out the spell, he jumped into the circle, so me, Moka, and dangerously, Tsukune followed suit. As soon as I saw a flash, we were nowhere near the others... "It's so dark in here... Where's Hokuto?" Moka asking this made me use my lighter as a source of light. "It's so cold in here... We've been walking around for a while and this place seems endless." Tsukune's observations made me point out a figure standing at three control panel looking devices. This figure was none other than Hokuto. "You four followed me, despite me warning you... You guys are truly foolish. But what you're looking at is the alter of darkness. This was all according to my plan yet you all continue to surprise me. I expected Kiria to be able to keep Moka subdued but I didn't expect you to come down here, Tsukune. I wanted you all to not know the existence of this alter, but I suppose it no longer matters. I'm breaking the barrier, like it or not." Hokuto tried to place the Rosary into It's keyhole but Dante used an ethereal spell to grab the rosary. "As long as I have the power to prevent it... You won't bring harm to this barrier." Dante said this as he stuffed the rosary in his pocket. "You really have a thing for testing my patience, don't you... Give it back, it's in your best interest." Hokuto saying this gave Moka enough time to sneak up on him and kick him. "You monologuing gave me enough time to do that. It looks like you won't be destroying that barrier after all." Moka's statement made Hokuto made and he threw off his jacket to reveal a holy lock similar to Tsukune's. "Wait... You have one too? No it can't be... Why do you..." "I was also human at one point, Tsukune. This school made me into the monster I am, that's why I want to destroy it. No... I have to destroy it. Revenge is the reason I'm doing this, Tsukune..." Hokuto explained himself as he slowly unwrapped his holy lock. Dante stepped closer. "Hokuto-san don't! If you remove that, it'll be a point of no return." Tsukune said this before I also tried to approach, standing in front of Tsukune and Moka. I pulled out my sword and Dante revealed his hidden blades and his aura. "I said you wouldn't leave this building, alive... but now... I'll make sure your body isn't found. Hokuto Kaneshiro, you've not only brought harm to me, but to those around me, as well. You'll die honorably, but you'll die, nonetheless." I said that and Hokuto removed his holy lock, revealing a monster that might be... A bone monstrel... "Tsukune-kun! He's no longer something you can withstand. Leave when I divert his attention." Moka said this as Dante and me started to fight Hokuto. He uses his bone appendages to slash at me, eventually hitting me. When he finally got it off, Dante tried to go for his throat, only for Hokuto to use another claw to stab him in his stomach. Moka approached, trying to kick him and then she was slashed in her leg. I jumped and caught Dante, only for him to boost himself up and pierce his blade into his leg. Moka tried to run up and kick him again so Hokuto laughed. "You want to fight, even with such injuries sustained. How unsightly... And foolish." After Hokuto said that, he smiled before trying to slash, this time going for Moka's neck, but Tsukune caught it. "Moka, Gideon, DO IT!" Right as Tsukune screamed this, I threw my sword at him and watched it pierce his back, before Moka kicked him, finally subduing him. "You thought you could take us alone, know your place." As Moka said that, we could only look at Hokuto. I walked up to him and moved him to take my sword out and he let out a cry of pain. "I missed your heart... I'll fix that." I said this and Moka approached me and said, "Gideon-kun, don't... He was a human at one point, like Tsukune. With him being the only person Tsukune can relate to... I ask that you spare him... No... I'm telling you to spare him." Moka saying this aggravated me, so I sheathe my sword and squared up, only for Dante to grab my shoulder. "Gideon, no. We aren't fighting anymore tonight and we definitely aren't fighting each other." Dante saying this calmed me down and Moka nodded at Dante. I could hear strange noises and rubble started to fall, only to reveal that Hokuto had crawled to the alter and inserted the rosary. "You son of a bitch!" Dante screamed this as the wounded Hokuto laughed. "The sweet sound of destruction... Even if I die right now, I'll be okay. You try growing up, and becoming a monster in this prison like environment... Abused and Hated. All alone... I didn't have friends to back me up, like you all do..." As Hokuto finished his sentence, the girls came down to our location. It surprised me, greatly. Tsukune placed his hand onto a light and Hokuto stood up and looked at him. "Tsukune... Though we fought, I was mistaken about something... You're not too different from me. You're a human, trying to survive this Academy." Hokuto saying this made me lower my sword. He placed his hand onto Tsukune's and the rosary popped out, for Dante to grab it. It wasn't long before Hokuto and Tsukune both lost consciousness. I also died from blood loss, after trying to walk towards the alter to move them.


It's been a few days since we've been working on the festival set up. Everything was complete, though it didn't help that Tsukune and Hokuto both suffered to undo the destruction of the barrier. I had finished the fireworks rig, when Gideon walked up to me. "Hey, Dante-san, I got some bad news. Hokuto escaped. Ruby told me so I'm just relaying." Gideon saying that made me think about the guy I fought, Kiria Yoshii... "Hey Gideon... I might have a feeling I know who helped Hokuto escaped... Kiria" I said this and Gideon smiled as he looked at me before saying, "I could chase him..." "Don't worry about it. Kiria won't be a threat, let alone Hokuto. Let's just have a good time, dude. Also... I got a bit of a connection with the girl in charge of the "teahouse" so I got a gift." I said this to Gideon before pulling out two small bottles of sake. I look a up and Gideon smiled before pouring some onto the ground. I smiled and we did a cheer before drinking. I got a signal from Ruby so I pushed the remote and the fireworks went off. As they went off, I went towards the others who were cheering and smiling. Overall, it was a good day, fading into night.

The festival chapter will be a bit different in all honesty. You'll see why, soon.
Blood × KatherineXwO.

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