Avengers x Reader This univer...

By atlasscrumpit

31.8K 1.2K 285

You are a being trapped between every universe the avengers are in, you travel without meaning and leave ever... More

Author Note
Chapter 1 - Loved not love
Chapter 2 - Familiar
Chapter 4 - Comfort
Chapter 5 - Tony!
Chapter 6 - Each Other
Chapter 7 - Night out
Chapter 8 - No
Chapter 9 - Back and back again
Chapter 10 - Wounded
Chapter 11 - Healing than breaking
Chapter 12 - Another, Another, Another
Chapter 13 - Broken
Chapter 14 - Cracked
Chapter 15 - Escape
Chapter 16 - Castle
Chapter 17 - Horror
Finale Chapter

Chapter 3 - Virus

2.2K 94 25
By atlasscrumpit

Bucky hurried out of the elevator, he couldn't bare to put you in a cell so he placed you onto the ground and bound your hands behind you with magic cuffs they used when Loki was prisoner.

"Bucky? What are you doing down here?" He heard a voice asked as he turned around and saw Bruce.

"Call Tony and Steve." He mumbled without looking at him as Bruce nodded and told JARVIS to send the two. Bucky knelt down to you as he brushed your cheek gently.

"Bucky? What happened?" Steve asked, how would he explained this without talking?

"Her evil self is coming back, she passed out and told me to lock her up." He mumbled as Steve and Tony nodded, you began waking up as Bucky looked at you hopefully. You growled as you saw all of them.

"What the fuck am I doing here?" You growled as Bucky sighed.

"Y/N?" He asked quietly as you flinched away from him.

"How the fuck do you know my name!?" You shouted as Tony leapt towards you and injected you with something as you passed out. Bucky seemed to go back into Winter Soldier mode as he stood and grabbed Tony by the neck and threw him across the room. Steve tried to stop him but ended getting knocked unconscious. He pinned Tony against the floor as he squeezed his hand taking the air from his lungs. Tony began to close his eyes as you woke up again.

"Bucky!" You shouted as he looked around and instantly got off Tony and went to you, still in winter soldier mode.

"The threat has been taken care of." He said as you struggled in the restraints. He came to you and broke them in his hands as you looked up at him.

"Are you hurt pet?" He asked, that name. It was from the universe where you were both in Hydra.

"No Bucky I'm alright." You whispered as you placed your hand on his face.

"Bucky, come back to me." You said as you looked into his dull eyes, he didn't come back to himself as you saw Tony and Steve knocked out on the floor. You moved passed Bucky and ran to Steve as you checked his pulse and sighed knowing he was still alive.

"Check Tony for a pulse please Bucky." You said as you were examining Steve.

"He hurt you, I will not help him." He growled as you turned around and headed for Tony but Bucky grabbed you and threw you back.

"Don't go near him! He tried to hurt you and you want to help him!? Why won't you just let me protect you!" He shouted as you scurried back away from him.

"Leave and let me deal with him." He demanded as he came closer.

"Bucky it's ok, just relax." You muttered as he growled more.

"Stop disobeying me!" He shouted as he went to grab you.

"JARVIS!" You screamed as Hulk came raging though and knocked Bucky out. Your eyes widened as you got your breath back. Hulk transformed back into Bruce as he got his bearings and ran to you.

"Hey are you alright?" He asked as he got you off the floor, Steve began waking up as he looked around.

"I'm alright, just a little shaken up." You replied as Steve grabbed Tony.

"Let's get everyone up to the infirmary." He said as you summoned the shadows to carry Bucky. You followed them up as you shook.

"Y/N, are you ok?" Steve asked as you were frozen just staring forward. Bruce put his hand on your shoulder as you flinched.

"No!" You shouted as you backed away.

"Y/N it's alright you're safe." Bruce said as you took a deep breath.

"Sorry, I just have a lot of bad memories from the winter soldier. I just know he will feel so guilty when he wakes up." You said as the elevator opened, you followed them to the infirmary as you sighed. Steve placed Tony down and hooked him up to an IV, he looked to you as the shadows placed Bucky down.

"He'll be ok." He said softly as you went over to him and sighed looking at his pain faced.

"Wake them both up." You said to the shadows as they nodded and used their power to wake the two men up. Bucky woke up gasping as he looked around then saw you.

"Y/N, I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry." He said as he began to tear up.

"Bucky it's alright, I promise." You whispered as you held his face while he began to sob, you wrapped your arms around him tightly as he buried his face in your neck and clung onto you.

"It's ok. I'm not hurt, everything is alright." You whispered as you ran your hand through his hair.

"Y/N! What the hell are you doing with him!" Tony shouted as you looked over to see him pushing past Steve.

"I thought I warned you about seeing another Alpha!" He shouted as he ran for you but Bucky stopped him, knocking him out. Again.

"What the hell just happened?" Steve muttered as you looked at Tony.

"He said Alpha, and he was angry at me for being with Bucky. That's a Tony from another universe. This has never happened before." You said as you sat down, worried you would pass out.

"First Bucky, and now Tony." You muttered as Bucky sat next to you.

"We need to restrain him, in that universe he was violent and possessive towards me. He almost killed Bucky for protecting me, we can't let him near us." You said as Steve nodded and picked him up placing him back on the bed and cuffing his arms and legs. You felt Bucky touch you shoulder as you looked at him.

"What did he do to you in that universe?" He asked as you looked down slowly.

"I was an omega and he was an alpha, he only had me on the team because he could control me. Steve was the same, they would bite me all the time and hurt me until Bucky came along and helped." You said as Steve looked to you.

"I'm sorry Y/N." He said shamefully.

"It wasn't you Steve, that guy was completely different from this you. But if that Tony is back, I-I'm afraid. One good thing though I'm not omega in this universe so he can't control me." You said as Bucky wrapped an arm around.

"It's ok doll, I won't let him hurt you." He said as he smiled, you rested yourself against him as you closed your eyes. You heard Tony begin to wake up as he groaned. You gripped onto Bucky as Steve stood protectively in front of you both.

"Steve where is Y/N?" He asked as Steve looked at him.

"Tony you need to calm down alright?" He said as Tony glared at him.

"Why the hell am I restrained!?" He shouted as he saw you clinging to Bucky. He struggled as he bared his teeth at you.

"Get away from him now Y/N, do not disobey me!" He shouted as Bucky glared as him and was about to get up before you pulled him back.

"Tony stop! You are in another universe, I know it sounds crazy but it's true." Steve said as Tony laughed bitterly.

"What have you been smoking Steve?" He said sarcastically.

"Maybe we should keep him in a cell while we figure this out." You suggested as Steve nodded.

"A cell! What the hell do you think you're doing!?" He growled as you as you grabbed a needle and shoved in his his neck pressing the liquid into him.

"That's for making me bleed." You growled as he passed out.

"Sorry, anger got the better of me. Let's move him to a cell." You said as Steve undid the restraints and picked him up.

"Maybe I should leave. Me being here is making all of you worse." You muttered as Bucky looked at you.

"No! You can't leave, please." He said as you sighed.

"Y/N you don't need to leave, we will sort this out together." Steve said as you held onto Bucky's hand. Steve placed Tony in the cell and locked him in there as you sat down sighing.

"What's next?" You huffed as you heard someone walking towards you all.

"Y/N?" Loki asked as you looked up at him.

"Hey everything ok?" You asked as he ran up to you.

"We have a situation." He said as you groaned. You all followed him back up the elevator, you stepped out and saw Pietro and Wanda standing there.

"What's going on?" You asked as Pietro ran to you and hugged you.

"Y/N, you're here!" He shouted as Bucky growled at him.

"It's like he doesn't remember anything." Wanda said in a worried tone as you backed away from Pietro.

"There's a lot going on, and it started as soon as she got here." Clint sneered as you looked at him.

"I offered to leave!" You retorted glaring at him.

"What's going on?" Pietro asked as he looked at you.

"This is getting very tiring." You said as you covered your face. You felt Bucky's hand on your back as you took a breath.

"Pietro this is a different universe than the one you think it is." You explained as he looked at you with wide eyes.

"It's already effected Tony and Bucky." You said shamefully. All of a sudden you felt yourself being grabbed around the waist as you squeaked and tried to break free.

"Steve! What are you doing!?" Bucky shouted as he threw you at him, Bucky luckily caught you before you hit the floor.

"What is she doing out! Take her to her cell soldier!" Steve shouted as your eyes widened.

"No Steve, not you too." You whispered. Steve grabbed you by your hair as he threw you to the ground, Bucky threw a punched at Steve but he caught it.

"W-Wanda knock Steve out." You said as she nodded and used her magic. Steve fell to the ground as Bucky ran to you.

"He really treated you like that in another universe?" Bucky asked in shock as you nodded and leant against him.

"He will be angry with Loki as well." You warned as you leant against Bucky.

"I need to leave this universe. I'm making everything much worse." You said as Bucky held you up.

"No you can't leave Y/N." Bucky said sadly as you looked at him.

"Maybe I could help." Wanda suggested as you looked to her.

"How?" You asked desperately.

"I could go into their minds and try to make it all right again. But it will take a while to do it." Wanda said as everyone nodded.

"Please." You begged as she smiled and nodded.

"I think we should do Steve first." Bucky said as Nat picked Steve up and placed him on the couch.

"Why don't you go get some sleep Y/N?" Wanda said as you nodded and Bucky lead you to his room. 

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