Treading Water

By deniseangelwrites

144K 6.1K 1.5K

Mature Content and Sex scenes, recommended for R18+ audiences. Emerson Roy is focused on one goal, nail her... More

1 - Crashing Waves
2 - Shifting of the Tides
3 - Into the Deep
4 - Bubbling beneath the Surface
5 - Uncharted Waters
6 - Ice Breaker
7 - Tip of the Iceberg
8 - White Waters
9 - Smooth Sailing
10 - Distant Shores
11 - Impassioned Voyage
12 - Bleeding Rivers
13 - Ethereal Reflections
14 - Rip Tide
15 - Treacherous Storms
16 - Lost at Sea
17 - Ebbing Waters
18 - Crossing Streams
19 - Resplendent Waterfalls
20 - Ripples in Motion
21 - Deep Oasis
22 - Dreamy Mist
23 - Blissful Currents
24 - Sparkling Pools
25 - Tempestuous Whirlpool
26 - Swept Away
27 - Captivating pools
28 - Intense Downpour
29 - Dormant Seas
30 - Desolate Horizons
31 - Becalmed
32 - A Splash of Sass
33 - Dangerous Rapids
34 - Shimmering Shower
36 - Pool of Tranquility
37 - Deflections in the Stream
38 - Treading Water
39 - Spectacular Springs
40 - Wishing Well

35 - Turbulent Waters

2.2K 118 49
By deniseangelwrites

Emerson's POV

"You what?" I couldn't believe my ears.  Surely they were playing tricks on me, it was a joke or maybe a bad dream.  Could the love of my life have really just said that??

"Emerson, love, I said..."

"Fuck that, Arden.  I heard what you said!  You can't be serious?" I screamed at him, climbing off the bed to retrieve my dress and jacket, "What the hell were you thinking?"

"I was thinking that I wanted you to be safe, Ems.  I was thinking he was an unpredictable junkie who was responsible for the biggest event that changed your life!  It almost cost you your life.  Emerson..."

"No....stop!  I can't hear this right now," I stop dressing to look up at him, his eyes are filled with despair and heartache, no doubt brought on by my reaction, but as my hearts picks up speed, it's beats feeling like it will fly out of my chest at any moment, my 'flight' reaction kicks in and I need room to breathe.  With only one destination in mind, I turn quickly and head for the door.

"Emerson, wait,' he chases me up, grabbing my hand and drawing me nearer to him.  I hastily pull back, staring at his hand like some foreign object.

"Please don't touch me right now," I state as calmly as I can muster, my voice quivering as I hold off on the feelings that are ready to burst through the flood gates like turbulent waters, "I just need some time to myself to process this, Arden, please."

I turn away again, this time he doesn't follow me, which I am grateful for.  My mind is operating in overdrive as I race back up the stairs and through the bar, brushing off Malachi as I make my way out the door to my car.  With silent tears starting to make their way down my place face, I climb into my car, take a quick glance to see Arden standing in the doorway of Clover as I drive away.  I know he's probably panicking, I know I'm hurting him and I don't want that, but I need the distance.  

I make my way to the cemetery, my mother being the only person I can speak to right now.  The gravity of the situation weighing heavily on my shoulders as I make my way to Mum's headstone.  I love Arden with every part of me and killed someone.  Killed someone for me.  What do I do with that?

"Hi Mum.... I'm sorry I don't visit too often, a lot has been happening.  A lot has changed.  I miss you so, so much." 

I feel lost, lonely and confused.  Where do I start?  I sacrificed dancing to fix my relationship.... I developed a relationship with Arden's family in Ireland, only to lose one of them in death.... how about the fact that I can no longer see a future that Arden isn't in.... or do I hit mum hard with the latest bomb, Casey, the man responsible for her death, has finally paid his price?  I sit down, cross my legs and get comfortable, it seems I have a lot to work through.

Arden's POV

Fuck.  That went about as well as I could have expected.  Standing here, watching her drive away has got to be the hardest thing I have ever done, but I could tell, I could see it in her eyes.  I would have done more damage to us if I had tried to stop her, if I had tried to follow her.  I overwhelmed her and I wish i had better prepared both her and myself before sharing this, but I made a promise, one I intend to keep should she let me remain in her life.  Fuck, I hope she does.  I will do whatever it takes to have her allow me to wake up next to her everyday for the rest of my pitiful life if I have too, I wont lose her.  I can't lose her.

"Lost your touch already Boss?" Malachi called out from behind me, chuckling to himself.  Releasing the deep breath I had been holding, secretly waiting for Emerson to turn around and come back, I walk straight past him and out to my office, slamming the door behind me.  It was only minutes later than Kai came into the office, closing the door behind him.

"Alright mate, since that was a pretty sever reaction to a joke I'm going to assume you have fucked up again" Kai stated, sitting up against the desk waiting for me to respond.  I turned to face him before dropping my face into my hands, my elbows resting on my knees.

"I told her, Kai," I muttered, shaking my head in despair.

"What the fuck do you mean you told her?" he snapped back.

"Kai, I couldn't keep it from her...."

"Why the fuck not, you know how serious this is mate, what if she tells someone?"

"She won't"

"Arden mate, you can't possibly know that.  Did you know see her run the fuck out of here.  She looked like she'd seen a bloody ghost man.  What's to say she hasn't gone straight to the dam cops?" There was an enormous amount of panic in his voice, not without reason of course.  His cousins future depends on this information never getting out, ours too. "Why mate, why did you do this?"

"I couldn't lie to her Kai, she is my everything.  It didn't feel right, not with how far we have come. I love her, she deserves to know the truth.  She has been lied to enough..." 

Silence falls over the room as Kai mulls over everything, the stress showing in his eyes as he frowns further.  He's more of a brother than a friend, so I'll always have his back.  This is no different, he needs the reassurance that I haven't just ruined everyone's lives.

"She won't say anything Kai, I'll have a talk to her soon.  I'm just giving her space to process it."

"Wait.... you say you can't lie to her, does that mean you've finally told her about ho.."

"No.  I haven't but I am planning too, mate.  I am just planning the right moment for that."

"Okay Arden.  You've never let me down so I wanna trust ya now mate, but fix this yea...soon," giving me a hard slap on the back, he stands up and leaves the office leaving me alone again.

I need to Find Emerson, I doubt she went home and she sure as hell wouldn't be at my apartment.  She can't go to the studio anymore, so where would she go?  Fuck, I can't think like this.  Without her my mind goes into a panic, she calms my storm like no one else.  Sam, I will call Sam, he knows her better than anyone else.  I need her now, I have to feel her in my arms, I need to know she can forgive me for this.

I take out my phone out and dial Sam, fucking hoping he can shed some insight on where I might find her.

"Arden? Hey, I've been expecting you."

"Sam, hey.  How are you mate? Is she okay?"

"Yeah, look I don't know what happened but I think you need to be here man, she needs you."

"On my way, where are you?  Is she at your place?" 

"No.  We're with her mum.  She came to the cemetery man."

"Thanks Sam, I'll be there soon.  Stay with her till I arrive, will ya?"

"Look Arden, you don't even need to ask.  See you soon."

Shit, of course she went there.  I should have thought of that.

Twenty minutes later - Emerson's POV

I'd heard Sam on the phone so I knew Arden was on his way, in fact would be in a matter of minutes.  I had messaged Sam to meet here after I'd talked to Mum for about half an hour.  My mind was clearer and breathing wasn't a struggle, but I needed the comfort of a friend.  I needed someone who, much to his disappointment, actually reminded me of Mum on more than one occasion.  

Sam has always been, and will always be my best friend, so it felt natural to ask him to come.  What I wasn't prepared for was what I realized once he did arrive... his arms, though strong and welcoming, weren't the arms I needed to be held by, to be comforted by.  The weren't the arms that made me feel safe and at home.  No, that role now belonged to the tall, handsome Irishman that stole my heart away.  I needed to hear his sweet, deep accent call me cailín álainn as he presses me against his masculine, warm chest which I'm sure was carved by god himself as a shelter to my own body.

Hearing his voice greeting Sam, who's been hanging back and keeping watch, I stand from my place at mum's grave and run into his arms, almost knocking him over.  I know he's probably confused, but I just want to be held right now.  

"Emerson, my sweet cailín álainn, I love you," he whispers against my ear, pressing a soft kiss to my forehead as he gazes down at me with a fearful look in his eye.

"Arden, I'm so sorry....I" 

"What the fuck are you sorry for love, I never should have made a move without discussing it with you first," he grabs my chin, lifting my face to look into my puffy, watering eyes, "I can't apologize for doing it though love, I hope you can one day forgive me for that."

"Forgive you? Arden, I can't tell you how happy I am that he's gone.  I panicked, I was worried, but not for him, he doesn't deserve anymore than what he got."

"What are you saying, love?"

"Arden, I can't lose you.  What if this leads back to you?"

"It won't love, it's all taken care of.  His death has been ruled a drug overdose with no reasonable suspicion to consider any other cause or outside influence.  I promise, I will take care of you, my love.  I'm not going anywhere."

He pulls me back into his arms, caressing my back and there's no other place I'd rather be.    With my heart and my soul finally feeling at peace, I know know that it's time for our future together.  

"Shall we go home now love? "

"I have my car..." I reply, nodding towards the small car park, "Shall we head back to my place and I'll leave my car there.  I need to grab some more clothes and personal items anyway."

"Lead the way, cailín álainn, I'll follow you there." He smiled, his gentle, kindness glowing in his winter blue eyes.  It appears the peace has been restored to us both.  Stepping up on my best ballet toes, I press my lips to Arden's, stretching my arms behind his neck to pull myself closer to him.  In one swift motion, he wraps his arms around my waist, spinning me in a full 360 circle.  I giggle softly against his lips , but don't pull away but rather wrap my legs around his waist.

I proceed to kissing my way down Arden's strong jaw, trailing a path of my desires over his neck as he carry's me to the carpark, forcefully pressing my body against the car so he can let his hands roam my welcoming body, still clad in my rose gold sequin dress under open trench coat, his crotch grinding his hardened cock against my sensitive core.  Pulling away, he smirks at me as his hand nears my bare, aching opening.

"Cailín álainn, I love you and can never get enough of you, but here is not the time, nor the place for the things I wanna do to you.  We should head back to your place before I lose all sense of morale."

Giggling again as he sets me down, I smile and nod, turning to unlock the car.

"See you again soon, cailín álainn," he whispers, before smacking my ass hard and fast, eliciting a squeal from me.

"Arden," I call out as he is climbing into his own car, waiting till he turns to look back at me, "I love you too."

Blowing me a kiss, he simply smiles in acknowledgment, as we return to no longer requiring words to explain our feelings for each other.  Setting my car into gear, I make my way home to gather my belongings, sure that he's about to find new and exciting ways to blow my mind.

I grinned the whole way home, like a teenager infected with her first school girl crush, feeling lighter than ever before.  I feel proud of myself, of my newfound ability to work through the issue in a matter of hours rather than days, weeks or months.  The reward is the obvious, stronger and more open relationship we are building upon with every step we take. The drive was quick, relaxing and dare I say almost exciting as I kept a watchful eye on my sexy Irish  beau, following along behind me.  It felt a like a torturous version of foreplay, one I was relishing in.

I smiled all the way..... until I reached the house.  Pulling into my driveway alongside a brand new silver 2019 Lexus RX, I feel my jaw lock into place in a hard line.  Knots of anxiety immediately start to pool in my stomach, my hands shaking, my knuckles white as I grip the steering wheel as if to regain the earlier strength I possessed.  I stare at the unwelcome vehicle, blinking furiously as I hope for the illusion to dissipate.  No such luck though, as the vehicle was, in fact, definitely parked beside me.

I jump as I hear a loud knock on the window, but turning my head slowly learn it is only Arden, waiting for me to exit the car.  I turn off the ignition, remove the keys and take off my seat belt, all in a state of shock.  Arden opens the car door, taking my hand as I step out.

"Emerson, love are you okay.  Speak to me sweetheart, you're as pale ever.  Has something happened?" he holds my face, as if trying to read the answers in my eyes as his need to protect me sets in.  

"It's ummm..., it's..." I stutter, trying to get my bearings back.

"EMERSON!!  IS THAT YOU?" a loud, gruff voice bellowed out from the front door of the house, "It's about time you showed up girl."

"Who the fuck is that, Emerson" Arden asked, looking between me and the front door.

"Hurry up young lady, we have things we need to discuss."

I sigh, looking at the ground in horror as I again try to prepare myself to handle the situation unfolding before me.  Today has not been my day, I'll be praying later for a better one tomorrow.

Reaching out I take Arden's hand in my own, making eye contact with him in the hopes that I could answer his questions with one look.  Though I'm sure I hadn't, I can see that I have achieved one thing....  we are both calm as we turn and make our way up the pathway to the front door.

"Took you long enough, what the hell are you wearing?  And who is this!" he grumbled, as we finally stopped face to face with him.

"Dad, what brings you here?"

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