The Norsemen (Editing)

By BajanBelle

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Disclaimer: This story is NOT based on the MARVEL universe. The Asgardians are based on Norse mythology and e... More

Chapter 1: Midgard
Chapter 2: Not a Myth
Chapter 3: Shopping
Chapter 4: Date
Chapter 5: I'm dating Thor.
Chapter 6: Crush
Chapter 7: Knowing you
Chapter 8: Loki
Chapter 9: Asgard
Chapter 10: Banquet
Minor Update
Chapter 11: Who was she?
Chapter 12: Asgardian Mornings
Chapter 14 - Do I Love Him?
Chapter 15 - Scared?
Chapter 16 - Secrets.
Chapter 17 - A New Day in Asgard
Chapter 18: What If?
Chapter 19: The Return of the King
Chapter 20: Daughter of Ullr.
Chapter 21: Goddess
Chapter 22: Family
Chapter 23: The Son of Nanna and Baldr
Chapter 24: The Five
Chapter 25: The Truth
Chapter 26: Training
Chapter 27: The Prophecy
Chapter 28: Legacy

Chapter 13: Encounters, encounters, encounters.

1.3K 65 5
By BajanBelle

“So Kaylee,” she smiled softly at me, “I don’t believe we’ve been introduced.”

“Not really.” I said nervously not sure how to address her.

“I’m Frig.” She held my arm, “Just call me Frig.”

I nodded smiling back at her.

“I don’t know what Odin talked you about, but I’m the more rational one here.”

“Don’t all women tend to be?” I giggled.

“I like you more already,” she grinned, “are you enjoying your stay here?”

“Yes,” I nodded, “the handmaidens are very kind, thank you.”

“Good.” She hooked her hand through mine as we walked further through the garden.

“I hope my husband didn’t offend you too much last night.” She apologized.

“No,” I said quickly, “not at all. We had a very steady conversation and I think I understand his position.”

“So, then you know about Ragnarok?”

“Yes I do.” I exhaled, “Do you really like humans will cause it come soon?”

“I don’t know.” She shook her head, “But I’d like to think that when that comes that we can at peace and accept our fate as many have before us.”

“Wouldn’t you want to stop it?” I furrowed my brows, “I mean, if you could?”

“Not really. We’ve lived for centuries my dear, I’m not afraid to accept what would be.”

I frowned.

“Don’t be sad my child.” She held my hands, “I think we still have a long while to go before it comes.”

I forced a smile as we started walking again.

“How is your friend?” she shook her head, “I apologize for Loki’s behaviour.”

“She’s good now, thanks,” I chuckled remembering how crazy she was, “she’s making head dresses with the hand maidens.”

“Oh that is good,” she grinned at me, “I’m sorry I interrupted your time with Thor before.”

“It’s fine.”

“Kaylee,” she said in a serious as stopped in front of the fountain, “I know Thor loves you and you care about him.” She looked at me sternly, “Please, only eat the fruit if you’re absolutely certain about your feelings for my son.”

I gaped at her with parted lips but no words fell from my mouth.

She looked deep into my eyes, “If you eat that fruit, you will live forever until Ragnarok. Do not condemn yourself to that fate until you are sure that you love him.”

“Your Majesty?” A guard approached us, “Lord Odin will like to talk with you.”

She nodded to him before looking back at me with a worried look. “Remember, only if you’re certain.”

I nodded still in shock as she walked away.

What the hell did I get myself into?


I can’t believe I slept with Sif last night. How drunk was I? Wait… how drunk was she? Never would I have ever thought that would happen. I didn’t even think I could touch her out of bounds and live to tell the tale about it.

“Stay focused Will!” Sif lunged at me with her sword.

I jumped in shock holding up the heavy blade trying to block her attack.

“Are you trying to kill me?” I fixed my glasses on my face.

She laughed, “Of course not, I’m trying to make a man out of you.”

I gulped.

“Come on,” she took her stance, “hold the blade properly like I showed you let’s try this again.”

I shook my body out, trying to stand in like she thought me as I held up the sword.

“I won’t hold back.” She grinned, “Don’t you dare falter.”

Scratch that. I guess I won’t live long enough to even come to terms with happened if I have to put up with this.

I swallowed hard looking at her as I tried to keep my form. She lunged at me again. This time, I somehow managed to block her attack.

“Good!” she screamed at me, “Again!”

I held up my sword swiped at her as she dodged it grinning at me.

“That’s it William!”

She swung at me as I dodged it and attacked her again. I surprised myself. I was actually getting the hang of it. The sword still felt a bit heavy but it wasn’t as much of a burden as before.

I somehow managed to disarm her and back her against the wall, before dropping my sword to the ground.

She tapped my shoulder and smirked at me.

“Surprised yourself didn’t you?”

I nodded out of breath holding my knees.

“You’re actually pretty good with a sword.”

“I wouldn’t have ever guessed it.” I said out of breath.

“There’s a warrior is all of us.” She handed me a chalice of water.

I took the chalice drinking the water not knowing how to tell her how I feel after the lesson. I took my glasses off and tucked them into my shirt before pouring the rest of the water on my face.

 Sif pulled me to her and kissed me deeply, slapping me on my ass.

I gaped at her as she pulled away.

“No more playing around William.” She held my chin.

My jaw dropped looking at her speechless.

“I like you too.” She smiled kissing me again.

Before I knew it she was taking my clothes off and we were on the ground.


Where the heck is Kaylee? I’m dying to know what Thor said about that woman.

“Are you okay Renee?” Fulla asked looking at me worried.

I nodded, “I’m just wondering where Kay is.”

I got up from my seat looking around.

“Oh there she is.”

I saw her coming across the garden looking like she was deeper in thought than usual. I ran from the gazebo going after her before feeling an arm pulling me back.

“What the hell?” I gaped, “Take your hand off of me!” I shouted pulling away.

“Oh?” He raised a brow at me.

“What do you want?”

“To talk.”

“About what?” I glared at him, “I have nothing to say to you Loki.”

“Oh I believe you do.” He smirked, “Not many people can land a hit on me, my dear. In fact I can only count about one.”

“Dear?” I furrowed my brows at him, “Do you I’m some kind of twat, that will raise my skirt just cause you’re impressed that I slapped you?”

“Why would I ever think that?”

“Don’t antagonize me!”

He smirked at me.

Darn it! I hate this guy. Who does he think he is?

I glared at him frustrated. I even forgot I was scared of the creep.

“I see you’re not ready to talk to me.”

“Will I ever be?” I folded my arms.

He chuckled, “I guess we’ll see.” He smirked and vanished.

Kaylee ran up beside me.

“What the heck was that?”

“The hell do I know?” I scoffed.

What sort of asshole vanishes like that anyway?

“Do you want me to tell Thor?”

“No.” I shook my head. “Weirdly I don’t think he wanted to hurt me. He wants to know how I hit him.”

She sighed relieved, “Still, he is Loki. We have to be careful so we’re ready for him.”

I nodded, “Do you want to go back to the room and talk? You seemed upset when I saw you coming.”

She gaped at me, “It’s nothing really.”

“Didn’t look like nothing? What about him and that woman?” I whispered.

“You were right.” She exhaled.

“So it was an orgy?” I grinned at her.

She shook her head, “Ren!”

“Sorry.” I rubbed her shoulders.

“They did sleep together though.” She frowned.

“Come on, let’s help them finish these head dresses,” I smirked, “it is kind of fun.”

She nodded following me back to the gazebo.


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