Revery of Silence (Doctor Who)

Galing kay TardisGhost

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The Doctor only wants to move on from his past, but it refuses to rest. He is hunted down by the Master, who... Higit pa

I - What was and might become
I - A lost past
I - Running from the future
Bonus - One reason to spare earth
I - The angels' tomb
I - Stone to stone
I - Detective work
I - Perfectly ordinary
I - Silent darkness
I - Blood and fire
I - Night in the TARDIS
I - The wrong place
I - An ordinary vacation
I - Below
II - Finding purpose
II - Unexpected methods
II - Preparations
II - The truth
II - The chase
II - Dancing thoughts
II - A little break
II - Van Gogh
II - Visions
II - Different angles
III - A fairy tale
III - Realities colliding
III - The Pandorica
III - The weight of vanishing
III - Reunion
III - Cookies and mistletoes
III - Separate ways

I - Into the woods

146 15 4
Galing kay TardisGhost

"No, Doctor, it's fine, really."

Rory stood there, slightly raised hands and a look on his face that clearly told what he thought about more adventures.

They had rested for a good day, not doing much. Amy had abused the pause to follow Roka everywhere, asking about everything in the TARDIS and trying to find out more about her adventures with the Doctor.

"You can't have lived here for so long and never had something exciting happen!"

"Never claimed that," Roka sighed, and when Amy probed further, she only told, "It was... different back then. I was. And it was risky to come outside. The glitch, you know."

"So, what did you see when you went outside?"

For a good while Roka had to think about that. There wasn't anything too special she remembered. At least nothing she deemed worthy to be told. And especially nothing quite as exciting as the past days. Actually... back then she had been a lot like she was now. A bit too calm and indifferent. Hollow.

Not at all like the people the Doctor usually took along, and not for the first time Roka wondered if he would have allowed her to stay would he have been able to remember her long enough to learn about her character.

Eventually Amy gave up when she got no proper answers. And a day later the Doctor seemed to have a new plan for his not so secret operation: Creating the perfect date for Amy and Rory.

"But it will be fun!" he objected, glaring intensely at the defensive Rory. "And absolutely, perfectly ordinary and normal! Nothing to go wrong there. Nevokarti is a peaceful planet, no predatory life forms, not even mosquitoes!" The Doctor's waved around excitedly as he went on, "Temperatures are constantly nice for humans, at daytime at least. Never too hot, never too cold. And the forest area is stunningly beautiful!"

"Yes, yes, I get that. But Doctor..." Rory took a breath. "Why do we have to go camping there?"

"Camping?" Amy sounded excited, just strolling in with Roka in tow. "I haven't been camping since I was twelve! That's a cool idea!"

"Not really," Roka grumbled from behind, clutching a coffee mug. "Kinda looses it's magic when you live like that for some decades."

"Only because you did it all alone," Amy lectured. "With us though... it will be soooo much fun!"

She clapped her hands and ran to the Doctor, demanding to know where they would go and when, while Rory made the impression of only wanting to go home. He exchanged a glance with Roka and both sighed and shrugged eventually, when it got clear that Amy was completely taken away by the idea. Of all the companions Roka had learned to know, Amy certainly was the most demanding.

"Where's this Master guy?" Rory eventually asked her.

"No idea." Roka glanced around the room, but he was nowhere to be found.

"Haven't seen him since yesterday," the Doctor chimed in. "But as long as nothing acts weird, he's probably not doing too much harm."

"Well..." Amy beamed at everyone. "He's a creep anyway. Maybe he got bored and left."

"Maybe... he just wasn't in the mood to be swarmed by inferior apes," a sulky voice came from behind them.

The Master wore an expression somewhere between disgust and annoyance when he strode in, letting his eyes wander over the group. He looked even more ill-tempered than usually, leaning with folded arms against a banister.

"Ah, perfect!" the Doctor cheered. "Seems we can go!"

"Without me," the other Time Lord grumbled, tapping a finger against his arm in a steady rhythm of four.

"Good! No one wants you around anyway." Amy poked out her tongue and walked past him in such a provocative manner that Roka actually was a little surprised that she didn't get killed for it. But the Master simply pretended she didn't exist.

Slightly agitated the Doctor raised a hand and coughed a bit. "I err... You're not going to stay in here on your own, Master. Don't look at me like that! You have a pretty impressive track record of betraying my trust!"

That finally let a small, smug smile appear on the Master's face and he chuckled darkly. "Well, why not. A forest is as good as any other place to stir some trouble."

The Doctor had been right. The forests of Nevokarti were truly a sight. Lush and brimming with small wildlife, trees and plants in all shapes and colors everywhere. Most of them green, like on earth, but sometimes there also was a bit of turquoise and even purple. The temperatures were exactly right, so they didn't freeze, but also not sweat too much from all the walking.

Evening was about to draw closer and their trail lead in a wide circle back to the TARDIS. At roughly half of the way there was supposed to be a nice spot to set up camp, according to the Doctor. He almost constantly blabbered on about the different plants and animals here and how this planet used to be a hideout for intergalactic smuggling some millennia ago.

Right now they passed a set of thin waterfalls, crashing down overgrown hills and into a steam-covered turquoise basin far below them. They had to use a definitely too thin path to get the full view, but it was stunning enough to compensate for the balance act.

Rory stretched his arms in the air and soaked in the picture. If all their travels would be like this he actually wouldn't mind them. It also was a delight to see that Amy was also happy with the choice of location.

When she was happy, he was. And that would never change, no matter what. Even though the thought contained some painful possibilities. Since the Doctor had appeared in their life Rory had been in constant doubt if he really was the right man for her. The dangerous parts had, admittedly, also been fun. In a way. But in the long run, Rory would be glad if they wouldn't have to run for the rest of their lives. He was more the type to eventually settle down, get a bunch of kids and have a happy, ordinary everyday life.

Thinking about all that he fell a bit behind, finally realizing that he was now trotting behind everyone. The Doctor, silent for once, even though he'd surely find something new to talk about soon. What a strange man, not even human and nothing but a figment of Amy's imagination... for the longest part of their lives. Now, suddenly, he was very real and did his best to put everything upside down. Even so, Rory trusted him for some reason. It was more like a gut instinct, but he simply knew the Doctor would never let them down when it came to the worst.

Then there was Roka, and Rory really wasn't sure what he should think about that woman, that looked like she was still underage even though counting two hundred years. Somehow his senses were ringing when she was around, and he didn't quite trust her. Maybe because she seemed to have some weird morals, maybe because she was so aloof around everyone. Or maybe it was simply because, in some ways, she reminded him a lot of someone else, even though she at least seemed to lack his tendency for cruelty.

The last member of their mismatched group. This Master. During the day he had done his best to down the mood by being sulky. But here and there he also had played some, surprisingly harmless, pranks. Like vanishing and then jumping out from somewhere, putting a spider on Amy's head or nudging the Doctor into some thorny bushes.

Other than that he was outright disturbing to be around, making Rory's hair stand on end. The few things he had overheard about him were enough to question the Doctor's judgment, and he absolutely didn't like seeing him walking around without... at least handcuffs or something the like. Better yet, bound in chains and secured safely somewhere inside the TARDIS. Or even better, in some dark corner of the universe where no one would ever be able to set him free ever again.

Rory sped up his steps to get closer to Amy and to grow the distance between him, her and the Master.

Finally they reached the spot where they wanted to set up camp for the night. An almost perfectly round clearing spread in front of them, small and overgrown with mostly purple and turquoise plants.

"Aha! That looks lovely! Don't you all think?" the Doctor cheered and was already about to set down his backpack and fish out all sorts of things.

He and Roka had been carrying all the stuff they would need. Tents, sleeping backs, some food and a few other things. When the Doctor had spoken of camping, he obviously had meant it. Roka could imagine he had read about it somewhere and was now eager to try it out. It was the sort of thing he would do.

Rory helped her setting up the tents, while the Doctor and Amy went deeper into the woods to collect wood and stones for a fire. The Master was nowhere to be found, probably hiding from any task anyone could give him. Maybe it was for the better, since there was no way of telling if he wouldn't manipulate things.

"Uh, I think you guys missed something." Rory arched a brow when he couldn't find another tent. There only were two of those and only three sleeping bags.

"No, they don't sleep much," Roka explained and eyed her own area. It was a rather tiny tent, just spacious enough to fit herself inside. It reminded her of the one she had dragged around for almost a century.

"Oh," made Rory, and since the others were still gone, an awkward silence spread between the two. "Uh... you've... been doing this a lot, right?" he finally asked carefully.

Roka shrugged and dragged some bigger logs nearer together. "Guess so. Sounds more exciting than it actually is, honestly."

"Heh, tell that Amy. I think she believes you were stumbling from one adventure to the next."

"That's not too wrong either," she admitted, sat down on one of the logs and stared into the darkening sky, admiring the stars that started to show themselves above their heads. "Depends on what you deem adventurous. Places like this," she waved a hand around, "are definitely exciting in their own way. It looks so familiar and foreign at the same time. There are places that are almost indistinguishable from earth, and others that are so different, that it's like wading through a dream."

"Alright... that actually does sound amazing." Rory sighed and placed himself on another log. "Guess I simply lack the bravery for such a life. Quite in opposite to Amy."

Roka glanced up and gave him a thoughtful look, then she slightly shook her head. "I'm not good with people, you know," she mumbled. "But I sense you wouldn't let her down, no matter what happens. She can be lucky to have you."

"Ah.... uh.... thanks." A bit flustered Rory rubbed his neck.

For a good while they stayed silent. Roka had the feeling he wanted to say a lot more, but didn't trust her enough to tell it. A weird thought somehow, since she had nothing to gain from betraying any of them, nor any reason at all actually.

The silence got broken, when the Doctor came back, loaded with stones that he placed in a wide circle. "We'll have a nice and big fierly sparkingly fire for when it gets colder." It clearly was fun for him to organize all of this. "I got us some marshmallows! Heard humans love to roast those squishy things. Also have some other food items. And after that..." He jumped to his feet and rummaged around in one of the backpacks. "...we can tell each other creepy stories!"

"Isn't that more... what kids do?" Rory blinked puzzled at the Doctor and glanced around. "And where's Amy?"

"Taking in the nice atmosphere of course. And collecting more fire wood. She insisted on doing that part. No worries, Rory! There hardly could be any safer place in this part of the galaxy."

It was a lot more fun than Amy had expected. At first the Doctor's idea had sounded a bit silly, and if she was honest, it still did. But this forest was stunningly beautiful to look at, and she couldn't remember ever having seen such a peaceful place before.

The settling night was calm and cool, the sounds and smells familiar and foreign at the same time, giving everything a... well... alien vibe.

Amy chuckled at the thought and bent down to pick up another twig. As a child this had always been her task, and now she enjoyed letting this old memory surface. She grabbed a few more stray sticks from the ground before straightening, and letting out a small surprised squeak, the wood almost falling back to the ground.

In the shadows stood a figure, clad in black. Only a few seconds later did she recognize it as the Master and relaxed, even though only a little.

"At least someone is scared of me," he mocked with a widening smirk, stepping closer.

Amy retreated a bit, raising her head in a sassy manner. "What do you want?"

"Getting away from those idiots?" He shrugged. "Not going to work my ass off for any of you."

"Work?" Amy snorted. "It's called fun. F. U. N. You should try it. Certainly better than running around, playing pranks and hypnotizing people."

Maybe the last part hadn't been so wise to speak out, she realized when a malevolent grin formed on the Master's face. As smooth and silent as a cat he had suddenly closed the distance between them, now towering above Amy in quite the threatening manner. She gulped and thought about screaming for the Doctor. If only she hadn't walked so far away.

"You humans are so weak against me, it's almost no fun to play with your heads." The Master cocked his own to one side, still grinning and now leaning down to Amy, way too close for her taste. "I could let you do whatever I want. Want to try?"

"The Doctor will throw you out!" she squeaked, frozen in place from a sudden unknown fear.

"As if I'd care." The Master grabbed Amy's collar and glared into her eyes. She could feel a weird tingling sensation in her head. Her hands started to shake and she barely noticed how all the wood fell to the ground. "Don't feel too safe just because the Doctor is around." He chuckled darkly.

Then, suddenly, he let go of Amy and slightly pushed her away. The tingling sensation vanished and relieve flooded her, but she also wondered why she was unscathed. From the things Roka had told her, he wasn't the type to hesitate when it came to doing harm.

Her thoughts got disrupted at the sight of the Master freezing and looking around as if he had sensed something, or someone. Slowly he put a finger to his lips, gesturing her to be silent.

Was that some sort of game now? There was nothing dangerous on this planet after all. But somehow Amy had a feeling that he wasn't fooling her right now, so she didn't move or speak. She couldn't make out anything, beside the slight rustling of leaves that surrounded them all the time.

It also didn't help that it was almost entirely dark now, making Amy curse once more at herself for wandering off so far. The others were roughly half an hour away from her position, but she stubbornly had insisted on staying to take in some more of the peaceful atmosphere, that now changed to being thick and foreboding.

The Master got something out of his jacket that looked like a sonic screwdriver and aimed it around. Here and there Amy thought to see shadows moving now, scurrying around in the darkness, but staying at a good distance as if to mock them. The Master slowly stepped backwards, his screwdriver stretched out.

A second later something materialized right in front of them and Amy could no longer hold in a scream. It was a horrible mass of black smoke and slimey skin, that seemed to be in constant movement, roughly resembling a wolf. The creature had no eyes, but six or more thick legs and a huge snout, that hung open, revealing sharp blinking teeth. It sniffed around in the air and let out a weirdly hoarse shriek towards the Master, moving it's legs in a way that indicated it was still contemplating when and how to attack.

"Walk backwards," the Master whispered, doing exactly that. He held out a hand to keep Amy behind himself, his other hand still aiming the screwdriver at the strange abomination.

"What is that?" she hissed back. "I thought there were no..."

"Shut up. It doesn't hear, but it feels vibrations."

"Don't tell me what to do!" Amy protested and glared at the creepy creature that was slowly approaching them, it's moist shimmering skin glinting in the pale moonlight.

"Oh?" the Master sneered. "Rather want me to feed you to that thing? Maybe I should... would buy me enough time to run."

The monster stalked through the plants, its maw opening and closing. Now it sat on its hind legs, revealing long sharp claws, while more black smoke emanated from its skin.

"Okay, okay... but, what do we do?"

A few dreadful seconds of silence let her heart rate skyrocket, especially as the thing started to crawl closer with unnatural, jerky movements, letting out another of its weird shrieks.

"Stay behind me, idiot!" The Master growled, when Amy leaned past him. "And no sudden movements. If I'm right this thing..."

It's head snapped up and right into their direction. A sickening wet sound came from it, then it suddenly threw its head back, only to shoot it forward, spitting something at the two.

Instinct now took over. The Master pushed Amy out of the way and at the same time shot his laser screwdriver at the nightmarish abomination. Every hit elicited a painful shriek from it, accompanied by a fizzling sound, when its skin got burned. But still it jerked closer, smoke and black blood pooling from its body, evaporating before it dripped to the ground. A second later it tensed all muscles to jump at the Master.

Frantically he moved around to evade the sharp claws, while shooting more laser beams. Almost all of them hit, slowing down the thing more and more until it could barely move at all at last. Only then did it let out another blood curdling shriek, before it finally hobbled away, losing a leg and even more black steaming blood on its way.

Panting the Master stood there, making sure the creature wouldn't return, before he hurled around to look after Amy. Without that bloody human he surely would have gotten away a lot easier. And why in the universe had he hesitated to throw her right into the monster's maw?

"Amy!" a voice called out. "Where are you? We're waiting for you!"

Seconds later Rory stumbled into the scene, followed by Roka. Both froze in place when they found Amy lying on the ground, motionless. Rory had a flashlight with him and shone it into her way too pale face.

"Oh, no no no, what happened here?" He kneeled down next to her.

"A shik'hach," the Master only said. "Spat a poisoned dart at her. But she'll be fine. It just puts their prey to sleep."

"What are you talking about?" Roka squinted her eyes at him, not believing a word. "There's nothing dangerous here. The Doctor wouldn't have left her alone otherwise."

Now Rory shot up, racing towards the Master with fury in his eyes. Roka was surprised that he was able to look like that at all. "What have you done to her?!" he shouted.

"Me?" The Master laughed out. "Well, I was so dumb to not throw her right in the way for that thing to eat her."

"What thing?! There is no danger here!" Rory went on.

Roka took a glance around. Some grass was bent and broken, but that could also stem from Amy rummaging around for fire wood. Actually... that she was asleep could mean only one thing.

"You hypnotized her, right?"

"What? No!" the Master protested. "I just told you..."

"Hypnotized?!" Rory snapped and looked as if he was about to murder his opponent. "What did you force her to do, you monster?! If you laid as much as finger on her, I swear..."

The Master pushed Rory away with a lot more force than would have been necessary, sending the man stumbling back and landing on his bum. It took Rory a surprised second, but then he heaved himself off the ground and strode to Amy, to shove her up his arms and wordlessly carry her away.

"Typical," the Master grumbled. "Do something good just for once, and everyone gets mad at you."

Roka let out a snort and crossed her arms. "And who do you hope is stupid enough to believe that silly story? It's quite obvious what happened."

She shook her head and followed Rory, leaving the Master back on his own. The only thing about this whole ordeal that didn't quite fit into the picture was that he tried to deny his actions instead of bragging with them as usually. But that meant nothing. It was just another one of his dumb games.

"Roka..." he called out, before she was too far away.

She inwardly cursed at herself for halting and turning around. He hadn't moved, just silently stood there, one hand stemmed into his side. But something in his voice just now had alerted her.

"Wait a second," the Master mumbled, just loud enough for her to hear. His voice sounded strained not as it should.

"What is it now?" Roka asked, still irritated.

"I'm not lying."

"Yeah, and I'm actually a Time Lord." She rolled her eyes. "Is that all?"

The Master heavily leaned against a tree, his breath going faster than it should, one hand still pressed against his side and a pained grin curving his lips.

"No, I mean it." He waved her over.

Roka sighed and stepped to him, now realizing that he looked as pale as Amy had before. He clearly wasn't leaning against that tree for comfort. And when he pulled his hand away, Roka sharply sucked in some air.

Illuminated by the now bright moonlight, she could clearly make out two deep cuts, shimmering wet through the cloth of his ripped shirt, obviously stemming from sharp claws of some sort. The wounds were deep and bleeding heavily, red flowing down his side, already forming a puddle at the Master's feet where the earth could no longer take in more liquid.

"Oh shit," Roka mumbled.

"Yah, that's what I thought too." The Master sunk together some more, suddenly no longer able to keep himself upright.

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