I Will Find You Again

By CrzyCatLdy3

2K 89 17

Lucy has been fighting the feeling that she's been stalked for a while now. When she and Natsu go on a job... More

You Came!
Natsu? Lucy?


191 11 0
By CrzyCatLdy3

Lucy pov

"OMG Lucy that was hot! You owned that stage!" I giggle, "Ha, pay up!" I stick my hand out and she hands me 50 jewel. "Hey, a dare's a dare." I'm about to take the 50 jewel when I feel a set of arms in case me around my waist.. "Hmm you were really great up there Lucy." I looked back surprised but as soon as I realized who it was I gave him a disgusted look and shoved his hands off me. The girls curled their lips at him too. James. "What do you want now James." James has been a real creep since I met him. After I moved out of the nice couples house and into my own apartment. I bumped into him as I was bringing my last box in. *Flash back* "Ow!" I hit the floor with the box tipped over and all my books and journals spilled out. "Damn it." "Hey I'm sorry, may I help you with that?" I look up to this really tall young looking kid with glasses and almost greasy black hair sticking his hand out to me.. Right off the bat I got an off vibe about him and I was seriously irritated with him. I mean how do you NOT see a blonde girl struggling with a heavy box?? "No thanks I got it." I give a slight snap. "It's really not a problem for me." He brings his hand away but eyes me up and down as I gather my stuff and stand back up. "So just moving in?" "Yea. My last box right here." He chuckles almost nervously. "That's cool. Look I'm really sorry for running into you like that.." He pauses to run his eyes over me again. I feel my stomach turn. This guy can't stop looking at me like I'm a piece of meat. "Let me make it up to you. May I take you out to dinner tonight? That way you don't have to worry about making dinner tonight and can just focus on unpacking afterwards." Honestly going out to eat instead of having to make something with everything else I had to take care of did sound appealing. And if he pays? "I guess that'll be okay." He lights up and smiles at me, "Perfect. I'll pick you up at 8?" "Sure, that sounds fine."

small time skip

We're at a fairly fancy restaurant and have already placed our orders and was sipping on water as we chatted. He seemed nice enough, but I just got a really creepy vibe from him that I couldn't shake. I'd catch him eyeing me weird, like he was undressing me in his mind and it made me want to hit him. I kept my composure and acted like I didn't notice it any of the SEVERAL times he'd done it through out the night. Finally the food arrived and we'd finished up and he tries to order dessert as well. Look I appreciate the dinner but I'm not trying to spend much more time with this guy than I already have. "Oh, that's okay. I'm pretty full, thank you though." I giggle as I look up at the waiter. "Of course Miss. For you sir?" "Uhh never mind, I guess I'll pass on dessert this evening. Thank you." We pass him our plates and I start to pull out my purse. "Oh don't worry about it. I got the bill tonight." "Are you sure?" "Yea, it's not a problem. I'm the one that bumped into you remember?" I sigh and put my purse around my shoulder and prepare to stand up and excuse myself for the night when he grabs my hand. "No, please don't leave yet. I was hoping we could talk some more." He snakes his other hand into mine while the one that sat on top began to slowly rub its way up my arm. "I was hoping we could get to really know each other and become really close." He says in a husky voice. I rip my hand away and completely stand from my seat. Ew! "Oh, uh I'm sorry, I really can't stay. I still have some things to sort out at my apartment and really need to get that taken care of. "Aw, come on, you have all tomorrow to finish up.. whereas tonight" he gets up to put his hands on my hips, "We have the whooole night tonight to ourselves." He smirks and has lust in his eyes. I move his hands off my hips and step back. "Look, I appreciate the dinner. But that's as far as my appreciation goes. I don't know what kind of girl you think I am, but I'm certainly not what you appear to think I am." I angrily walk away from him. Not caring what he thought or what else he had to say. From that point on, he would find and use any excuse he could to talk to me, try to hang out with me.. even went as far as bothering me at work with "ideas" for an article. The girls knew about him cause with as close as we got they knew and were told everything. They got a nasty vibe from him too so it wasn't just me. *end flash back*

"Aw come on Lucy don't be like that, I just wanted to compliment your moves.. you're such a tease and I like it.""You need to recognize she don't like you like that and back off already. Take a hint loser." Calla said to him with slit eyes. Sia stood beside Calla with her arm on her shoulder going, "MmmmHmmm" and snaps her fingers back and forth with a head roll. He was about to say something back when we hear another voice and a hand grip James arm, "I think you need to remove your hands from her right now." we all look up at the guy that said it.. and omg he's cute. Pink hair, tall muscular build. Slightly tanned skin. I couldn't help but admire his open toned chest. And to top it off he was shewing James off for me? Swoon! He seems familiar to me and I don't know why.

Natsu pov

"I think you need to remove your hands from her right now." I've gripped the arm that has a grip of the blondes. He looks me up and down and then gets a shocked look on his face as if he recognizes me and rips his arm from my grip and lets go of the blondes. "Why the hell are you here! How the hell are you here!" "Because you're clearly bothering this girl and well it's called legs. They're used for walking distances like from my bar stool to your desperate ass." He growls and looks back to Lucy. "I'm not giving up sweety. You'll come to like my charm soon enough." He gives me one last glare before he heads out the door. "You okay? That guy seemed to really be upsetting you." I say to her. She blushes at me, she's even cuter like that than when I first saw her. "Yeaa he was. Thank you. That's nothing new with him though. It's kind of a regular thing unfortunately.." She looks back at her friends who are trading looks between themselves, me and this blonde and giving her smiles and wiggling brows. I can't help but chuckle to myself. She turns back to face me and put her hair behind her ear still blushing, "Um can I get you a drink? It's the least I can do for helping me out with him." Now it's my turn to blush. "Oh um yea sure, you don't have to, it really wasn't a problem getting him out of here, but yea, I'd like that." She smiles brightly at me and says, "Awesome!" She loops her arm into mine and takes me to the bar. I see Gray look at me with surprised eyes. Ha he didn't think I could do it. We sit down, "Pick your poison." she tells me, "Um fire whiskey would be great. Straight please?" "No problem," She puts her hand in the air, "Can I get a straight fire whiskey and a pink cosmo please?" "You got it hunny." the bartender shouts back. She puts her hand down and smiles at me. "Fire whiskey huh? I've never had it but heard it's pretty good. Interesting taste." She laughs. Her laugh is music to my ears. "Ha yea, I like hot food and drink since I'm a fire dragon slayer." Her eyes pop "Oh wow you're a wizard? A dragon slayer! Wow that's pretty cool. I'm a celestial wizard myself!"

"What's a celestial wizard? I've heard of them before from a guy back in my guild but he never explained what they did or what they were." She smiles and laughs, "A celestial wizard is a wizard who make contracts with and can summon spirits with gate keys. Like the zodiacs and other constellation spirits. I've not been practicing my magic lately since I've been busy working. But I love my spirits. They're the only family I have." Our drinks arrive and we start to down them. "You don't have any family around here?" She finishes her cosmo and frowns, "I'm sorry. That's not my business, I didn't mean to upset you." She lightly smiles up at me, "No it's okay. My mom died when I was little. She fell sick and couldn't recover. My dad, wasn't much of a father after she passed so I ran away, our relationship fell through hard when my mom died, and he shortly after got sick and died as well. They were all I had, aside from my spirits." I frown at her, "I'm sorry." She wiped a tear that escaped her eyes away and said, " You have nothing to be sorry for. It's life. Things happen out of our control sometimes." I finish off my whiskey and a song comes on that has her perk up immediately. "Oh I love this song! Do you wanna dance? with me?" "Oh I'm not a good dancer I.." She already has me by the hands and is leading me to the dance floor. "That's okay! You don't have to know how to dance! Just feel the music and move with it and me" She turns away from me and places my hands on her hips, "Now come closer and press yourself against me" I gulp, "Ookay." I step closer without touching her, "Like this?" She giggles, "No," She grabs my arms and pulls me in close till were body to body.. sweat is gathering at my brow. This girl is so hot and confident.. "Like that.. now just sway with me.. feel the music and let it take over." She begins to rock her hips back and forth and I try to stay with her.. I start to relax, just a little.. she seems so relaxed with me. She throws her arms in the air and brings them back down and slides them down her chest and swings her head to the side all while swaying her hips against me.. she's really having fun. I look over at Gray and he's just smirking at me. Probably laughing cause I still look so stiff compared to her. I look around the room for Erza and see her giving me the same look. Do I look that obvious? Then I see James in the corner of the club glaring at us and fuming.. this makes me smirk and nod my head at him.. he bares his teeth at me. I decide to play it up. I take one of her arms and spin her around to face me. She looks surprised at first but then smiles, "There ya go!"

Lucy pov

I'm reeeaaally enjoying dancing with this guy. He still seems so nervous with me though. I'm completely comfortable and safe with him. I feel almost nostalgic with him.. like he's a long lost feeling I suddenly remember. Then I feel him grab my arm and twirl me around and has me face him and is smirking at me, I smile at him, "There ya go!" I put my hands around his neck and he puts one hand on the small of my open back and the other on my hip and we keep dancing.. his touch is so warm. He's brought his hips up to mine touching and he brings his face close to mine and we're both blushing and smiling ear to ear at each other while still swaying with the beat of the music.. then I had a flash of a memory.. something close to what I'm experiencing now.. the touch, the closeness, the euphoria with another person. I can't make out his face or other features.. but feel tremendous bliss and love. He seems to be feeling the same thing I am, I don't wanna worry him or stop the moment we're having so I lean my head back and lean further back as he has a grip on my back and I lift my leg up and bring my knee up his side, he slides his hand up my leg to grab it.. I feel him bring up his face between my breasts and trails the tip of his nose all the way up to my neck.. this sensation brings goosebumps to my skin I lean back up and am face to face with him again and we're smiling, "You sure you don't know how to dance?" I giggle. He leans towards my ear and whispers, "I'm just following your great lead." I blush, "So you're saying I'm an excellent teacher.." I say as a statement and turn my back to him and lean into him as I bring his arms back and completely wrap them around me. He leans his head on my shoulder and whispers again in my ear, "An amazing one."

We keep swaying and dancing till the music starts to die down.. even once the music changed over he kept his grip on me. I had no objections to it. It felt so nice to be in his arms.. I couldn't explain it if I tried. I had the biggest smile on my face.. I look up to see if I can see any of the girls and instead find James sulking angrily in a corner.. I smile even bigger if that's even possible. Like Calla said, take this MAJOR hint, that I am not interested in you James. I turn around to face this pink haired guy and he looks at me a little confused, his arms still wrapped around my waist, I bring my finger to his lips and look at them.. so soft and warm. He looks at me, I see a longing in his eyes.. I move my hand away and bring my lips closer to his and he slowly moves towards me as well.. I feel our lips just graze each other and I'm left feeling tingly and warm from anticipation.. this sensation is familiar too.. We were about to close the short gap between us when the barkeep shouts, "Last call guys. 10 minutes till closing!" I was disappointed when I felt him pulling away without letting me go, he chuckles, "That was fun." I lift my lips back into a smile and agree, "Yea it was.. wanna come back tomorrow?" He frowns in disappointment and I just by his reaction I wonder if he actually wants to, "I really wish I could. But I have to report back to my guild with my team in the morning about our job today. It's pretty far from here." I frown and say in disappointment, "Oh.. that's too bad. I enjoyed my time with you." "But I'll be back." I snap my head up at him. "I wanna see you again... if that's okay with you?" I start giggling like crazy, "That's perfect with me! Yea, that'd be great to see you again." I kiss him on the cheek leaving him stunned. I wink at him and say, "Thanks for everything tonight, I'll see you soon!" I skip off to find the girls. Oh they're going to love this. 

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