I Will Find You Again

By CrzyCatLdy3

2K 89 17

Lucy has been fighting the feeling that she's been stalked for a while now. When she and Natsu go on a job... More

You Came!
Natsu? Lucy?


415 11 2
By CrzyCatLdy3

Lucy pov

You know that feeling you get when it's like someone's watching you? No matter how many times you turn around, check around corners, but you see no one in particular that seems out of place or odd? But you can't shake the feeling? I've been dealing with this feeling for a while now. I don't know what it is. I've not told anyone at the guild or Natsu just because what if I'm just being overly paranoid? I've been kidnapped so many times now that I guess it's just natural to feel this way? I mean between my Dad hiring Phantom Lord to try and get me home, when I was kidnapped for the key to the starry heavens, when someone attempted to kidnap me at the grand magic games but got Wendy instead... I've been kidnapped too many times in my life. I've been pretty jumpy since I've started feeling the way I do.. I just walked into the guild with the feeling someone was watching and following me, again. I felt safer once inside the guild though.. but that eerily feeling never left me. Made my skin crawl. I went to the bar and grabbed a milkshake from Mira and just sat there.

"Heeeyyy Lucy!" Natsu cheerfully says as he throws an arm around my shoulders, forcing me to jump and spit my drink out in surprise. "Jeeze Natsu! You scared me! How about not scaring a person like that while they're sipping on their drink!" "Sorry Lucy.. Didn't mean to scare ya. You know, you've been real jumpy lately.." I don't wanna make him worry or overreact so I play it off, "I've not been getting a lot of sleep lately so I've been a little groggy so when you come up to me from behind me like that it just scared me, okay?" He kinda looks at me accusingly.. "What??" I question. He breaks into a smile, "Okay. You wanna go on a job today? Happy is off with Charla, Wendy and Erza on a job and may not be back for a few days." Going on a job might distract me enough from this eerily feeling of being followed I've been having. Maybe being with Natsu, it'll go away. "Sure. Why not!" I smile up at him. We walk over to the request board. "Man, these all look so boring." Natsu pouts at the board. "Well... maayyybbe this one? 'Help needed. A green Wyvern has been destroying our crops and livestock and injuring our villagers. . 100,000 jewel reward.' That doesn't sound too boring."

"That sounds awesome! Lets take it!" I walk the flier over to Mira, "Hey Mira, can we take this job request?" She takes a glance at, "Yup! No problem guys! Be safe okay?" I smile at her, "We will! Thanks Mira! We'll be back later!"

Natsu pov

Kinda glad Happy wanted to leave with Wendy, Charla and Erza for a few days.. gives me a chance to just hang out with Lucy by myself. I don't know what it is lately but I've just wanted to be right next to her. I can't seem to be away from her for too long before I feel like I need to see her again. "Do you think we should get any camping gear before we go? In case it takes longer than we expect?" She asks me. "Nahh, I'll take that wyvern out no problem!" She just rolls her eyes at me and smiles, her smile is the best. "Yea, okay Natsu. I still think we should just in case. Nothing wrong with being a little over prepared.." "We could always grab a hotel in the town the jobs at if we really need to I mean..." I notice she's stopped walking to look behind her as we were headed up the path to her apartment. "What?" I ask looking in the same direction she is, she takes a moment to respond, "Nothing.. thought I heard something. Guess I'm imagining things since I'm still a little tired. "Well, what'd you hear? I didn't hear anything? And I have dragon hearing remember?" "I'm not sure what it is I thought I heard.. but I guess if even you didn't hear anything I guess I really am just imagining things." "You're so weird Lucy." "Sshut up! I am not!" I chuckle at her.. it's cute how annoyed she gets when I call her weird.

Lucy pov

There's that eery feeling again.. What the hell? I turn around to look around behind me, and I could have sworn I saw someone a few buildings down peeking at us before he ducked his head as I caught a glimpse of him. He's too far to make out any kind of details about him but I couldn't have imagined that.. it could have easily been someone just going into the building as I turned around though.. right? I feel creeped out as I hear Natsu ask me "What?" and looks in the same direction I am.. I don't wanna tell him I think I saw someone cause I'm not even sure if I did and just tell him, "Nothing.. thought I heard something. Guess I'm imagining things since I'm still a little tired." He asks me what I heard and brings up that he didn't hear anything.. I knew he wouldn't cause there wasn't anything to hear.. I admit I could just be imagining things and he replies, "You're so weird Lucy." This makes me blush and stutter out, "Sshut up! I am not!" he just chuckles at me and I frown at him.. We get to my apartment, I decide to pack a few things for just in case.. I'd rather NOT end up like the last job we took. Natsu burned the map we had swearing he knew the direction back and we ended up getting lost for a couple days and had no hotels to go to and no camping gear. Nope. Not doing that again. Even if this job is relatively closer than the last one.. I'm not trying to be unprepared. "Okay all set. Let's go." "Do we have to take the train??" Natsu asks nervously already turning green at the thought. "Yes Natsu.. it's a two hour trip by train so it'd be much longer on foot. If you can take down the wyvern as quickly as you claim, this should be an easy one day job." He gurgles like he's about to puke, "Hey! Don't do that in my room! Out out out! Wait at least till we're outside!" I shout at him practically shoving him out my door.

*time skip to the train*

Natsu has his head hung out of the train window puking his brains out and I can't help but giggle at him. For such a tough and strong dragon slayer and wizard it was amusing to see him be so effected by a train, car or any transportation vehicle. "Aw, come on Lucy, *blargh* it's not funny.." he puts a hand to his mouth, "it sucks.." "Stop being a baby and just lay down.. try to take a nap to pass the time then." He comes back in from the window and lays his head against the seat with his arms crossed. I can hear him groan and struggle to get to sleep but eventually does.. the train curved around the tracks forcing Natsu to lean and land his head in my lap.. I was going to move him when I couldn't help but notice how cute he looked when he slept.. I brushed some hair out of his eyes and he smirked in his sleep.. he sighs, "..lucy.." I blush. He's dreaming about me? He then turns to face me and has his arms wrapped around me. Death grip! Ugh guess I'll be sitting like this the next two hours. I try to rest my head back to get a little sleep myself.

Natsu pov

I peek my eyes open and feel like I'm going to be sick again when I realize I'm in Lucy's lap. I still feel so nauseous but take a moment to admire the sight I had before me. She had her hands around me with her fingers laced.. probably to be sure I didn't roll out of her lap. She looked so relaxed. I'm glad because she really did seem to look exhausted and on edge lately. I don't think it's just lack of sleep that has her so jumpy lately but I didn't want to push her on it. Whatever it was, she wasn't trying to talk about it. I closed my eyes again and pressed my face closer to her.. her scent always relaxes me.. calms me down, but winds me up at the same time. Just something about it I can't really explain.. vanilla and strawberries. I inhale deeply before allowing myself to fall back to sleep.. but a final thought crosses my mind.. Am I falling for Lucy?

*Time skip*

"Natsu? Hey, Natsu.. Natsu?" I feel a light shake on my shoulder and open my eyes and look up, "Sleep okay? We're here. We gotta get off the train." I jump up at those words "FINE BY ME! COME ON!" She grabbed her stuff and I had her by the hand as I ran out the train doors. "Oh sweet solid ground! I'll never ride a train again!" I say through dramatic cries, "You say that every time Natsu and you still end up taking the train for a job." "Nope that was the laaast time! Can we walk back when we're done with the job? Pleease!?" She sighs at me, "Depending on how the job goes.. fine. I guess we can walk back. You're lucky I packed camping gear, otherwise I would have said no." "Yes!" I give her a triumphant smile. "Alright so where to?" "Umm.. the flier says to talk to the mayor at the town hall building at the center of the town. Looks like maybe this way." I let her lead the way..

Lucy pov

My guess about going on a job with Natsu was right.. I didn't have that creepy 'I'm being watched and stalked' feeling since we left Magnolia. Honestly I did feel a lot safer with Natsu around. I know he wouldn't let anything happen to me.. ever since seeing my future self die right in front of him he's been more protective of me and making sure I'm okay. I couldn't help but really love that. I honestly think I'm developing a crush on him.. bad I know, he's my best friend and I know he doesn't feel anything more for me besides being my best friend but how he was so protective over me, and how he cared for me, worried for me, and was always there for me, and how much love he seemed to have for me, it made me feel really good. Special even. I really think I have a slight crush on him. We make it to the town hall building and are greeted by two guards whom ask us to state our business, "We're wizards from Fairy Tail (we show our marks) responding to a job request that was recently sent to our guild." I show them the flier. They nod and allow us to pass.

"Ahh, you must be the wizards responding to my flier! Come in, come in, please, take a seat." A gentleman said as we entered the mayors office. "I gather you're the mayor sir?" I ask. "Yes I am, I'm mayor Adler. I'm so glad someone responded to my request." "I hope you weren't waiting too long?" I ask him. "Oh, no, no not long I'm just thankful someone has come to help us!" "Alright where's this wyvern I'm ready to take it down!" I lightly slap Natsu and give him a 'be patient' look, "Well, my name is Lucy, this is my partner Natsu. Can you give us a little more detail about your current situation?" "Of course." He begins to explain, the town itself has existed where it is for many many years but they recently decided to expand there city's limits and opened up another district north west of the towns center.. shortly after completing the new district the wyvern attacks began. "We're just at a loss as to how to handle this, which was why we sent out job requests to all the guilds hoping someone could come up and help us."

"It sounds like you may have built your new district in the wyverns territory." I say thoughtfully. "How do you mean?" He asks me. "Well wyverns typically don't go out of their way to attack and bother humans unless they feel threatened or that they're on their territory. They can be very territorial. Are you aware of any caves near by in the forest?" "There are a few we're aware of but we've never ventured out to see for sure for ourselves.. a lot of the townspeople were hurt when they tried defending our crops and livestock as well as trying to just chase it off." He says concerned. "Okay, we'll handle the wyvern for you and hopefully that will help your town return to it's normal daily routines." I politely say. "Oh thank you! Thank you!" he cheers. "You bet! Time to roast a wyvern!" Natsu shouts and heads out the door before I even have time to react. I shake my head and giggle at his eagerness, "We'll return once we've dealt with the wyvern." I smile and try to catch up to Natsu.

It didn't take us long to find the wyvern.. it was actually starting to make it's way into the town when we ran into it in the forest. "Alright here we go, OPEN, GATE OF THE SEAGOAT, CAPRICORN!" Capricorn appears in a flash of golden light, "At your service, m'lady. Are you in need of assistance?" "Help Natsu take care of this wyvern please!" "Right." Capricorn joins Natsu and attacks the wyvern.. I had to be right about this area being apart of its territory.. I glance around to see if I could see it's cave.. bingo! It was a few yards away from where we were currently fighting. "Natsu! It's cave is right behind it! Destroy the cave and it'll have to find somewhere else to nest!" Natsu looks at me then looks around the wyvern and sees the cave, "Got it!" Natsu bolts away from the wyvern and heads for it's cave, the wyvern followed closely behind him. It took a swing at Natsu with its claw tipped wings and caught Natsu in the back "AHHH" "NATSU!!" Capricorn flew up towards the wyverns head giving it a swift kick and forcing it on its side, Natsu stands up, "FIRE DRAGON ROOOOOAAAAR!!" The entire cave caved in and closed off its entrance. The wyvern roared in agitation but flew off. "Yea! You did it!" "Told you I'd have this handled!" I giggle. "If that'll be all Miss. Lucy, I will take my leave." "Thanks Capricorn, you were great!" I close the gate and run over to Natsu, "Are you okay? That slash looks really deep." "Eh, I've had worse." His knees begin to buckle underneath him I catch him before he hits the ground and throw his arm over my shoulder and sigh, "Come on, lets get back to town and treat that before it gets worse." As we make our way to town, I suddenly have that we're being watched feeling. I glance around me but can't see anything.. 

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