Mafuyu Kirisu x Liar!M!Reader

Von NagitoKomaeda6

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"Nishishi~ I'm one to be extremely jealous,y'know? But you already know that's a lie~ it?" Mehr

Short Prologue
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 20.5
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Special Chapter!
Chapter 23

Chapter 9

2.8K 73 50
Von NagitoKomaeda6

*3rd Person POV*

"You know I don't like it when you're gone for too long..."

"I know...but we're going to have a meeting,and since you're my student I'm especially needed there"

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

"They just want to know how we're doing,and the sooner I relay some info on our progress the sooner they'll stop trying to stick their nose in our business"

"You're doing all of this....just to prevent them from interfering...?"

"Of course,it's what you'd want too...right?"

Y/N's expression blanked for a good moment before he was back to his regular cheery self.

"Nishishi~ Well,do what you want! I don't really care...but you could atleast not leave me with these bozos"
Y/N pointed and harshly criticized Nariyuki Yuiga and his friends.

"Well,Furuhashi chan may be tolerable,but that doesn't mean things are alright"
He added while crossing his arm,visibly annoyed.

"Y/N kun. Be kind. They're my students too,if you find it hard to be kind,then atleast avoid saying unecessary hurtful things towards them"

"I don't see the difference"

"Ugh...look,I don't have much time,but if you're able to not cause too much trouble then we'll have soda after school,is that alright?"

"Fine. But you better hurry back..."

"You know that I can't stay silent for too long..."

"I will"

And with that she left for the teacher's meeting,she felt uneasy leaving Y/N in Yuiga's hands,but all her focus needs to be on that meeting,so she can't be distracted by uncertainty.

The poor teacher was still unaware of Y/N's hatred for Yuiga,then again,only the two of them know about it.

Yuiga didn't wanna day no to Kirisu since he knows how important meetings are,and knowing that handful student of hers,she won't be able to focus.

But it seems like Furuhashi and him know each other,she's nice enough to chat with him with a carefree smile.

Y/N was still taken aback by how naive and kind this girl is,but he isn't really complaining.

He mostly stuck with her and chatted with her the most,the unwelcomed looks the others were giving are an obvious sign that they don't like him.

"Be careful Furuhashi chan~ those are some pretty intimidating math questions"
Y/N snickered beside the tensed up Furuhashi.

"I-I got this! These are only polynomials after all"
She answered with a squeak.

"Hehehe,well then...go ahead"

He watched with a gleeful smile as Furuhashi answered her work,she'd fumble and think too long over a simple addition which would make Y/N erupt into laughter and Furuhashi to pout at him.

"Stop laughing!"

"I can't help it! You're having a hard time doing the addition of polynomials" he kept giggling before he received a jab on the stomach.


"You'll stop,won't you?"

"Aww,Furuhashi chan's sooo scary~ good thing we're surrounded by people!"

He teased the girl a couple more times,Furuhashi had given up on trying to scare him since he isn't the least bit intimidated.

But soon he left the girl to her own work and is now just sitting back with a bored expression on his face.

"Sensei's really taking her time..."

"It's a meeting Y/N kun,of course it's

"Oh I'm sorry,did I ask you?" Y/N snapped at Yuiga,he wore the same grin,but his words spat with the smallest hint of venom.

Yuiga didn't try to talk to him after that.

If Y/N was to be honest,among the group,Furuhashi is by far the one he liked the most. She's kindhearted but can be scary at times,naive yet intelligent.

She's also the one of the only people who isn't a complete jerk to him. The other being Kirisu Sensei.

"Furuhashiiiii chaaaaan~"


See? She didn't even hold a grudge from earlier..

"Can we do something fuuun~?"

"But it's studying time,Y/N kun"

"Not only for today?"

"Mid terms are almost coming up,and we need to review as much as we can"

"Gosh,you sound like Sensei sometimes..."

Y/N blew on his bangs and crossed his arms,gaining yet another bored expression.

He had his feet up the table which irritated alot of students.

The boy could hear whispers and gosspis about him,but decided to pay no mind.

He still wants his soda,so he better not F-it up. That's the only reason.

"*Yawn*" This is so boring..." Y/N felt himself get sleepy,which isn't really an odd thing to feel considering he hasn't slept in
2 weeks and 3 days.

And sleeping here is one of the most reckless thing he could do,alot of people hate him,so if he shows himself to be vulnerable,people are sure to take advantage,so his guard must be up at all times.

But his eyelids were getting heavy...and it was harder to focus.

As an attempt to fullproof his safety,he moved his chair just beside Furuhashi and bowed his head on the table.

Furuhashi didn't mind since Y/N isn't really messing around so...there's no harm in letting him sit beside her.

Half of Y/N's face was buried in his scarf,his eyes looked contented and his breathing kind of...relaxed.

Soon he began to doze off.

Yuiga,despite being heavily antagonized by Y/N,kept a close eye on him. He's aware of the hatred he received,and has already seen first hand as to why.

But he is not as cold-hearted as the others,he would still stop people who are attempting to hurt him,even if Y/N's attitude is too much for him to bear.

And time went on as usual.

Yuiga helped Furuhashi and Ogata in their works while Takemoto gave moral support since she doesn't really need to be here.

Y/N slept through the whole thing,it was unusually obvious to see how tired he is,then again this is probably the reason why he didn't wanna sleep in the first place.

As soon as their done,Furuhashi felt relief as she popped some chocolate in her mouth. She had lots of them since she had gone shopping for chocolates yesterday.

She gave some to everyone but made sure to save alot for herself.

Yes yes,she knows she's quite the glutton,and she's also aware that she might be putting weight,but she can't really help herself.

They needed a break or two because of how hard they were studying.

Soon they had to depart because of classes,Yuiga stayed behind to make sure Y/N is safe.

Furuhashi insisted that she stayed behind instead since Y/N is less mean to her,but Yuiga declined her offer.

He doesn't know long it has been since they departed for class,all he knows is that Kirisu Sensei's taking too long.

Well,he wouldn't really hold it against her,what she didn't tell Y/N is that the teachers are joining together to finally get him expelled,the headmaster was willing to hear from both sides and Kirisu wanted to fight for his right to learn.

But having been blamed for the incident last month and just being hated in general can do alot in contradicting whatever Kirisu's trying to prove.

His thoughts went over to the incident...oh how destructive it was.


The labratory had just bursted for the 2nd time this month.

Alot of the students have evacuated to the cafeteria as it was the nearest "non-smoking" area.

Yuiga looked to help any who needed help,he saw a teacher holding a flask followed by other students,he assumed that they probably got out together.

What he didn't expect is for someone to pop out of the doorway so suddenly.

A messy haired boy wearing a checkered scarf and a straight jacket-like outfit.

He coughed and wheezed and it looked like he was in pain,but when his eyes met with Yuiga's,a smile stretched across the boy's face.

"I wouldn't go in there if I were you...I also think you better leave" the boy tapped his shoulder as he went on his way to the cafeteria.

Once there,various students began glaring at the boy,he responded with a smug smile and nonchalantly made his way to a table where nobody was sitting at.

And after a few moments,all of the teachers and the headmaster arrived in the cafeteria.

"Is everybody here?"

They all nodded.

"Good,I would like all of you to have 2 days off starting tomorrow because of the incident"

Everyone was glad to hear the news after that.

"But I would like Mr. Y/N,the mastermind of the incident to have a 1 month suspension" the headmaster declared bluntly,while it was obvious he didn't want to suspend anyone,Y/N's supposed crime was far too dangerous to not be given any punishment.

Yuiga turned to look at the boy who's eyes were widened for a split second before returning to his confident look.

"Are you sure you didn't just get lied to?"

"Your lies will not work on me,Mr. Y/N,I have been informed of your deceptive nature"

"I guess I'm not the only one with a deceptive nature,huh?"

Y/N spread his arms in a shrugging manner and he looked down on all of them..

"Look,as much as I want it to be me,it wasn't me! Shocking,right?"

Then that specific teacher butted in and pointed to Y/N.


Y/N seemed to be taken aback by this,but barely.

His lips stretched into an unsettling smile as his iris dilated to the size of beads.


Then he went back to being calm.

"Emotions isn't going to save you,it has no place in a game lile this,but I wonder who are they gonna believe? You...or me...?"

The last part of sentence was devoid of all confidence,it's like he already knew he would lose.

"O-Our teacher of course!" one of many spoke up.

"Yeah! You have been nothing but trouble since the first you came here!"

Then one after one they all began to harshly criticized the boy,even going as far as to throw stuff at him.

Yuiga didn't partake in this,and good thing Furuhashi was absent for the day,she would've cried if she saw this.

"Aha~ I guess there's no convincing these fools..."

He began with a voice that belittled everyone.

"That's right..."

"I'm the one who blew up the laboratory"

He received glares and insults,but the boy embraced this with a smile on his face.

"Yep! It was me...all along! Who could've guessed right? The one who blew up the first lab blew up the second one! Pretty impressive if I do say so myself!"

This display of shamelessness led others to believe him devoid of all remorse and what is left is malice and lies.

"If only you idiots had suspected me then maybe...this would've been avoided..."

Y/N then hopped off the table nonchalantly and walked towards the exit.

"Well...I'll be missing all of you~ make sure you miss me too..."

Before he closed the door,he made one little comment

"See you in a month~"

Starting from then on,everyone's hatred and disgust of Y/N worsen.

Furuhashi is yet to be notified about what happened,but Yuiga is sure to not let her know about it since it would probably affect her to some extent.


He still can't believe someone this petite and thin was able to cause trouble schoolwide.

Upon further investigation of the crime scene,every piece of evidence was found on Y/N's locker,and's like he wanted to be found out.

No. It's like someone manipulated events for it to turn out like this.

Yuiga's thoughts were cut short with a sound of someone stirring awake.

"Nnngnh...." Y/N's eyes slowly fluttered awake

He seemed to stay blank for a good 6m before resuming any movement.

"Ah...Yuiga chan..." his voice was soft and devoid of all childlike tuning.

He stretched and arched his back,letting out a sigh of relief after doing so.

"Where're the others?"


"Then what're you doing here?"

"Watching over you"

"Yuiga chan you pervert~"

"N-Not like that"

"Nishishi~ I know"




"Why are you here? It's not like you just wanted to accompany me out of the goodness of your heart- OH! are you here to kill me?" Y/N tilted his head playfully

"No,I just wanted to finish reading these books" Yuiga gestured to the 4 books he got done reading.

"Wow,even your taste in books are boring"


"Where's Sensei?"

"I don't know,she has yet to comeback"

"Ararara~ this is quite troublesome"

"She'll be back soon"

"I hope so! Because I'm starting to get impatient! The Supreme Leader of Evil shouldn't be kept waiting for too long"

Y/N proceeded to play with his sleeves,he lets it loose then he waves them around,now Yuiga understands the straps' purpose.

This sassy bite-sized chicken nugget's default clothing is too loose for him,and it's kinda adorable.


Y/N whined and he started beating down on the table while flailing his legs childishly.

"I-I'm sure Kirisu Sensei's almost done with the meeting,have more patience"
Yuiga tried his best to keep the boy from going forward with his tantrum.

"Then will you play with me?" Y/N tilted his head innocently urging Yuiga to grant his wishes.


"Great! Let's play hangman!"


"Easy! You tie yourself and stand over the window! Everytime I pronounce a word from a book wrong then you move a step! Once you fall I lose!"

"I'll die if I do that! Besides,even if I agreed to it,you'll purposely kept pronouncing words wrong!"

"Laaaameee,you didn't get tricked"

"Of course I wouldn't get tricked!"

"Well how about....Russian Roulette? With every bullet in the chamber"

"Do you want to kill us both?!"

"I'm not gonna die if you go first~"


"You're no fun,Yuiga chan!"

"Your idea of fun is dangerous!"

"But that's what makes it fun in the first place! Having all the exits closed whilst being cornered is the best kind of fun!"

"Y-You're crazy!"

"I'm the Supreme Leader of Evil! It's obvious that I'm super duper evil and crazy!"

Yuiga honestly has no words for him,he watched as Y/N cackled like the madman he is and felt a tinge of fear sprout from the inside.

Y/N's smile stretched unnaturally,it looked so sadistic and malicious,his eyes looked like it had murdered several others before.

And he was the next victim...

That is until the door swung open.

"I'm sorry I'm late,the teachers were harder to convince than I thought" Kirisu entered the room

"SENSEI~!!!" Y/N ran up to her and gave her a big hug "I missed youuuuu~!!"

Kirisu blushed and attempted to push Y/N away,but said boy isn't allowing her any freedom.

"Y-Y/N kun! Let go!"

"Nyo! You've left me here for so long! And I was bored out of my mind!"

Y/N let himself be pushed by Kirisu,once the teacher was able to compose herself,she turned her attention to Y/N once more who was tearing up at the moment.

"Y/N kun,are you willing to calm down now?

"That depends...will you be leaving me all by my lonesome again?"

"I won't,don't be such a crybaby,Y/N kun"

"That's so mean,Sensei! I just missed you so much!"

"We all know that's a lie"

"Aww,you can't be tricked either~"

Y/N held Kirisu by the hand and smiled.

"Regardless of what you wanna do right now,you promised to have sodas with me!"

"I remember promising to do it after school though"

"Buuuuut you also lied to me about hurrying back,so you also need to spend time with me!"

Yuiga saw the interaction between them and felt the closeness and bond that they had.

"Nishishi~ Now let's go!" he led the way while holding Kirisu's hand delicately.

Kirisu just gave up and let herself be led by the Supreme Leader.

Unaware of the few students and a certain someone watching them..

"This time we go big...a high risk high reward plan"

"But the last few attempts ended in us getting screwed over by that bastard!"

"This will be the last attempt,but it'll have a high chance in succeeding..."

"But what about the risks...?"

"I wouldn't worry about the risk so much. We go by the oldest tricks in the book,and we'll make sure she'll think twice before taking the wrong side"


"It's 4pm already...?"

Kirisu leaned back on her seat in the faculty rooms.

Y/N spent time dragging her around the various places in the school,such as the tree outside,and the newly renovated laboratory.

He also told her stories about his missions which were complete lies,but are entertaining to listen to.

And soon,she found herself missing him when it was After-school before completely smothering that thought.

Being friends with the Leader of Evil is quite exhausting,but she's satisfied that she and Y/N has made so much progress over the past few months.

She sat there thinking before finally deciding to go home.

Kirisu fixed her things and went on her merry way,but upon exiting the room,she tripped on something sticky... was stuck on the foot of the doorway,and it was obviously thickened up with more to provide strength.

She hit her knee on the ground and it made her wince and hold it. Kirisu gently carressed it in an attempt to mellow out the pain,and it soon worked!

But she was slightly limping,it hurt more than expected and it had abit of an impact to her...literally.

She grabbed a band aid from the infirmary and went to the women's restroom since she also needed to fix herself up before actually leaving the school.

"Easy does it..."

And when she was done,Kirisu was about to exit the restroom,but upon opening the slightly opened door which she swore she closed,a trap was triggered,completely dousing her in water.

She could only shiver as the water soaked in her hair,suit,and nylons.

She sighed before returning inside the bathroom,having nothing to change into,she just took off her blazer and nylons,then she squeezed her blazer which removed most of the water,then she tied it to her waist,then she dried her hair with her handkerchief.

After that,she resigned herself into walking home like that...

Upon checking and proving that no more traps are waiting for her,she exited the room.

But she was in for a much more surprise.


She definitely wasn't expecting this to happen...

And judging by his reaction,he didn't expect it either.

"Y/N kun..."

The boy inspected her teacher who just looked away since it was obvious what happened...


"It was an accident,I simply tripped and fell on dirty water."

Lie...that was a huge lie.

And Y/N didn't buy it...not one bit.

"Now,excuse me Y/N kun,I still have to take the last bus home"

She proceeded to walk away,feeling guilty that she just attempted lied to her student,but it's better that way...

Y/N made no moves in calling her back or attempting to stop her,which was unusual.

She was unaware that he could see her limping slightly and that bandage on her no no...

Once she was out of view,Y/N clenched his fists...

"So that's how it's gonna be,huh?"

He felt his clenched fist shake with rage...but instead of frowing,his smile stretched into a very sinister one,and his trembling soon calmed. His eyes spoke of malice and evil,but his intentions...are far more cruel.

"Fine....I'll show you how to play this game"

Hello,it's been awhile...

I think I've been getting a hang of this kind of genre...

But please,feel free to insult me if you want.

-Mod Komaeda


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