Chapter 5

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*3rd Person POV*

"Nishishi~ I see math isn't your greatest subject,huh?"

"Y-Yeah,I get sleepy whenever I see difficult math questions..."

"Good thing you have Yuiga chan as a tutor,right? Furuhashi Chan!?"

"Yup! But I still don't appreciate what you did to him!"

"Oh come on! You have to admit that it's super funny!"

"Drenching someone with water isn't funny Y/N kun."

"For you maybe"

Y/N leaned back his seat,he was in the library with Furuhashi Fumino,Kirisu asked if she could watch over him as she escorted Yuiga back to his home to get clothes since Students can't leave the school without the teacher's permission.

Kirisu didn't wanna put on the burden of watching over Y/N but she didn't really have much of a choice,Yuiga was soaking wet with sweetened water to attract ants,and Y/N also had him trip over the tape trap he set up after he was doused in water

So far Y/N hasn't done anything too mischievous...

And that's what's frightening.

But poor innocent Furuhashi has no idea what kind of boy Y/N is,she just suspects that he's some sort of resident prankster.

"If I remember correctly,there were 2 others,right?" Y/N put his feet up the table to assert dominance within the library.

"Yup! Ogata and Takemoto have to be away for a moment,but they'll be back eventually!"

"Ugh,This is sooo booooriiing!"

"Well,if you try reading some books Kirisu Sensei left behind,maybe it wouldn't be so boring."

"Books are boring and so are you!" Y/N whined and crossed his arms "Kirisu sensei is so mean for leaving me behind!"

"If you hadn't pranked Yuiga kun then maybe none of this would be happening"

"He had it coming,he trusted me too easily and that's where it got him!"

"It's still not nice to do that,y'know?"

Y/N just gave her a dumbfounded look,of freaking course that isn't a nics thing to do,that's the point!

"I am the Supreme Leader of Evil,Furuhashi Chan! I am known to do bad things~" he answered while putting a finger on his lips.

Y/N jumped from his seat and stretched his arms while he also yawned.

"Welp,I'm gonna go kill the headmaster,guess I'll see you later!" he was about to run until he felt someone grab his arm.

"Nononono! You're staying with me! Kirisu Sensei entrusted you to me! And I also can't let you hurt the headmaster!"

"But I'm a liar Furuhashi Chan! I'm just going to go to the bathroom! But it's fine if you wanna come with,I don't mind~" he cooed and winked causing the other to blush in embarrassment

"Th-That isn't what I meant! Just don't do anything too bad!"

"Nishishi~ you're too gullible,now you just done diddily doomed the headmaster's life! But you can still save him~ all you have to do is catch me!"

Y/N began to step back as a grin spread across his face.

"The question is..."


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