
By Sozu_Hiroku

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Just Oneshots from my Quizilla Account. And other random oneshots. More

Oneshots - Honey one-shot ~ Bundle Of Energy
Oneshot - Invisible yet falling apart~ A Death God's Love
Oneshots - Avoiding the question ~ Cheren oneshot (Pokemon White and Black)
Oneshots - Peppermint ~ A N oneshot (Pokemon White and Black)
Oneshots - Seeing you again~Edward Elric oneshot (FMA)
Oneshots - LeeAnn X Hidan Oneshot ~ Give me back my scythe!
Oneshots - Lost Memories ~ Pein Oneshot (More like story)
Oneshot - Irritation ~ An Envy Oneshot (FMA)

Oneshot - First Meeting (A Shino Oneshot)

299 1 2
By Sozu_Hiroku

I have been noticing a lack of Shino oneshots, so i decided to do one. After the exams, I shall do a fanfiction based on the events of Trust by heartbeatangel (with her permission,of course). It would be a story revolving around Kitsune Sora. (And no, I did not create Kitsune Dachi. Heartbeatangel did.) So, enjoy!


My first meeting with him was deep in the forest, a part I have yet to explore finish.

I crept through the undergrowth in my fox form. In my fox form, I hardly trip over tree roots and I could squeeze through small holes that my human body could'nt even put a head through.

My head popped out of the bushes. In front of me was a small clearing, with a patch of sunlight pooling on it. And that warm patch was taken up by a boy, who seemed to be asleep, but I couldn't tell with the dark goggles over his eyes.

I shook myself out of the undergrowth and stared wistfully at the warm patch of sunlight. If that boy wasn't there, I would be dozing under the sun, I thought.

Still, instead of moving on, I crept closer, checking if the boy was an intruder of Konoha or not. I sighed in relief inwardly when I saw the Leaf Village headband tied on his forehead.

A idea struck across my mind. I raced across the clearing, skidding to a stop next to boy. Once up close, I could see his features clearly, I had thought. But no, he had to wear a green jacket with a collar so high that it covered half of his face and a dark goggles that covered the other half of his face. I was annoyed at first, but then my fur felt hot with embarrassment. Despite my classmates telling me that I have quite a sharp tongue, I couldn't help being shy around boys of around my age.

But after sitting a while under the warm sunlight, I relaxed, lying down as I took a swift glance at the boy. I then closed my eyes, letting my fur bathe in the warm light. 


"Hmm? " My ear twitched at the voice. I heard movement beside me. I forced myself to come out of the tempting pull of sleep, which was good, because I was just in time to see the boy sitting up and looking at me confusedly. That expression was so funny that I snorted, almost forgetting that I was in my fox form.

I sat up and gazed at the boy without blinking. Hmm? My ear twitched. What was that buzzing sound? Was the buzzing coming from the boy or was it just me? Curious, I leaped up onto the boy's lap and pressed my ear against his chest. Yes, there was definitely buzzing coming from him. Insects? I felt the boy tensed up, and then remembering my awkward position, I leaped down, with heat radiating from my fur.

Luckily, he didn't comment. Instead, he put his hand over my head and stroked it between the ears. I would've purred if I was a cat, but I wasn't, so I choose to lie down to show my pleasure.

"What's your name?" I wondered out loud by accident. The boy got a shock and withdrew his hand. My eyes widened at my mistake.

"Err...woof woof?" I said weakly. The boy put his hand into the kunai pouch I noticed earlier and took out a kunai. He held the kunai aimed at me, as he considered me as a threat.

I sighed. I should have been more careful. If not I would be dozing off right now.

"I am no talking fox. I am human." I dragged out the word human, looking rather bored. The boy still held his kunai threateningly.

"If I'm not human then I'm an alien. Seriously." I said, feeling that I got my sharp tongue back.

"I'm no intruder. I'm just a fellow Konoha ninja exploring the forest. If you don't believe me that's fine. The last person that didn't believe me was my dinner." I yawned and looked at the boy with boredom.

He didn't say anything and still gripped onto his kunai.

I sighed and focused on the image of my human form. Red chin-length hair, green eyes, black clothes.

Poof! I turned back into my human form, my finger swinging the konoha headband.

"See? I'm an alien." I rolled my eyes.

He visibly relaxed as I tied my headband around my neck.

"So, what's your name?" I grinned at him as he put his kunai away.

"Aburame Shino." He quietly said.

I smiled. "Kitsune Sora."

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