The New Girl

By CrystalHood07

124K 4K 647

Maddison Dent's parents were divorced when she was only 8 years old and she lives with her mother. Her father... More

Chapter 1: Packing
Chapter 2: Trouble
Chapter 3: New home
Chapter 4: Josh
Chapter 5: Oak high school
Chapter 7: I don't know
Chapter 8: Oh no
Chapter 9: A date?
Chapter 10: Drama
Chapter 11: The date ♡
Chapter 12: New hair!
A/N i will continue to write!
Chapter 13: More drama
Chapter 14: Chad
Chapter 15: Heartbroken? I think not
Chapter 16: Luke
Chapter 17: It's on
Chapter 18: Frozen yogurt date fail?
Chapter 19: Mother and daughter time
Chapter 20: Girl talk
Chapter 21: Girl time and Luke
Chapter 22: Hand in Hand
A/N: i need your help!
Chapter 23: Yes
Chapter 24: It's a happy day
Chapter 25: Mixed Feelings
A/N: sorry!
Chapter 26: Glasses
Chapter 27: "Sorry for what?"
A/N: yes or no?
Chapter 28: Awkward
A/N: sorry and thank you for understanding
Chapter 29: News
Chapter 30: Maybe it's not so bad afterall
Chapter 31: "You two don't have a thing right?"
Chapter 32: "Um, of course."
Chapter 33: Telling Kaylee
A/N: Shameless self promo haha
Chapter 34: getting Kaylee ready
Chapter 35: Kaylee and Josh
Chapter 36: Dates

Chapter 6: First day of school

5.2K 162 17
By CrystalHood07

"OMFG, really? Why?? Ughh, kill me know!", is all I could think about.

"Well Ive got to go now. Goodbye and if you have any questions, come to me.", Mrs. Scott says with a huge smile when walking out the class.

I was still in shock so I just nodded.

"Well hello Maddison! I'm Mr. Joe. How we you?", the teacher asks.

"Good. How are you?", faking a smile.

"Please introduce yourself."

"Umm, I'm Maddison", looking at the class,"I just moved here from SC. And I'm a sophomore."

"Oh ok" the class said.

"Great! Please have a seat.", Mr. Joe says.

I quickly walk to the empty seat in the back of the class.

"Hi! I'm Chloe!", a girl who sat in front of me turned around.

I said, "Hi", trying to smile.

"Chloe, please turn around" , mr. Joe said giving her a "stop and pay attention" look. She quickly turned around. "Now please turn to page 664."

I quickly found my math textbook and flipped to that page.

Ughhhh geometry!

"That will be your homework for tonight. Maddison you could maybe find a friend to help you or you could just read the chapter.", Mr. Joe said smiling at me.

I smiled back.

*the bell rings*

Everyone packed up and ran out the door.

Hey, I'll see you around. Maybe at lunch. ", Chloe said with a big smile.


"Babe, let me take you to your next class.", Josh said.

"Don't call me that.", I said while packing up.

"Come on, don't be like that."

Mr. Joe quickly said, "Mr. Marten, stop messing with Maddison.", giving him the stop face. Well I guess Josh's last name is marten.

"Ok ok. I was joking with her.", giving Mr. Joe the im cool face.

What a turd, ugh guys these days.

I quickly got up and walked out the door. Out of no where, I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. I turned around and it was Josh.

"Wait up!", he said.

"Whatever", rolling my eyes.

"So what class do you have next?"

I just handed him my schedule paper.

"Oh ELA class with mrs. Smith.", sounding like he knows every teacher and student in the school.

I guess everyone does since it's already half way through the school year.

We were walking then he suddenly stopped in front of a class, I'm guessing it's Mrs. Smith's class.

"Here is her class, see you later babe.", winking at me.

I just ignored him and walked in.

For the rest of the day at school it was the same as first block. I had to introduce myself and learn boring stuff. Ughhh.

But at lunch, I sat with Chloe and we sat we talked.

"Omg, Josh took you to class!", she said sounding excited.

"Ok, so?"

"Omg he's the most popular guy and he is gorgeous!!", she said almost screaming.

"Well he's not that cute to me."

She said, "Are you ok, you sick?", sounding concerned.

"No. And why are some girls over there staring at me?", sounding confused.

" oh, they're the cheerleaders. They think they're soooo cool. And because Josh took you to your classes. They are like in love with him. And their trying to become his girlfriend. And it's so surprising he's single!", Chloe said.

"Well, he's stuck up. Who would want to date him?!", I said sounding disgusted.

Afterwards we just talked about the school and she gave me her phone number so if I needed help on homework I could just text her.

*end of school day*

I see my mom drive up to the school. I quickly hopped in.

"How was school honey?"

"Eh, it was ok."

For the rest of the ride I just listened to music. When I got home I did my homework and texted Allison.

*texts with allison*

A: Hey how was school gurl?!

M: eh, it was boring. Some popular guy name Josh kept flirting with me. Ugh 😒

A: ooooo. Someone likes you!

M: whatever that's gross. I gtg do hw, ugh. Miss u lots! Bye!❤️

A: bye gurl, miss ya 2! 😘

While doing hw, I got a text from Chad.

C: hey Maddison, don't be surprise to c me at ur school in a few weeks.😏

Ugh, he needs to stop with the jokes.

After homework, I had dinner and went to bed. 😴


Hey lovelies! Comment and vote! Hope u like it! I'll update soon, I'm so excited for chapter 7!! It will be surprising!



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