Who Am I Without You?

Por ThePortugueseWriter

55.9K 1.8K 4.5K

Continuation of season 8- Drogon takes Daenerys to Volantis, Jon Snow is regretted for what he did and can't... Más

The Awakening
A new threat
'First contact'
Trust Issues
Unexplained Actions
The Real War
Not Forgotten
Life or Death
Life or Death (P3)
The Rage of the Dragons
Let it be fear
The Bastard of Winterfell
"Our Little Dragon"

Life or Death (P2)

1.5K 43 681
Por ThePortugueseWriter

<~DRAGONSTONE, Throne Room~>

"I'm afraid there is much we have to discuss, my Qu- daughter." Jorah quietly informed her, and she used her smile as a response, offering also the old bear another passionate hug. How could I not see the importance you had to me. We don't really value what we have until it disappears from the reality we live in, yet our mind will record us until the moment of our death about the painful truth - it will record us how hard is to love someone, who death can touch.

"Unfortunately, and possibly not for the best reasons, am I right father?" Daenerys voice tone, went from a vividly tone to something that could be barely designed as a whisper. You either die as the hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain. A lesson which I only learned with my own death, with the stop of my heart, with the frozen blood in my body, with the halt of my breathing, and the brief relief of hate of my mind. It was mainly, the nonexistent hope back then, which really convinced me of my death, but now that I have hope, the lucid and bloody dreams my eyes used to demonstrate before are once again being reproduced.

Jorah nodded sadly, he didn't want to confront her, but he had to, he had to show her there was still hope for a world without fire. If there was a chance to make her change, then Jorah's obligation was to give his best to make her change.

"Shall we begin then?" She politely asked him, and he nodded again as an agreement. There is no one better to tell me the painful truth, if I do not accept it from him, then I won't accept it from anybody else. She mused while placing herself by his side. They were both standing half a meter away from the pit, with their faces pointed to the chill throne, from where Daenerys once had the potential to rule the world, but had threw it away for an unknown man, who had also taken most of her ambition. He stole me...he stole me the ambition I had for the throne...instead of wanting the throne...he made me yearn for him...he made me choose between love or power...and when I realized that love, that coward and disorienting emotion was prepared with a dagger, it was too late...another reminder for my heart to remember why I should not love, my heart better than anyone should know how painful it feels to be betrayed...yet it still refuses to loathe that man...

"I'm still curious about it, father." Daenerys quietly said, while turning her face to the right, her unshed eyes met the worn and hardened skin of the bear's face. If I only knew that this was what I wanted since the beginning... The Mother of Dragons wanted a family, a person who she could call her father, a person who she could call her child, a person who she could call her...husband. I pleaded for love, but they offered me horror instead, how do they want a lovely Dragon, if the only thing they show him, is sorrow. In the past, with Jorah and Missandei, I saw it, hope. Now, what is this running through my veins...it's the wild pumps of my heart craving for more blood. A family, that was everything the little Dragon I was, asked for.

"About what my docile bear?" Jorah kindly queried her, and she took a step to the right, embracing at the same time with both her arms, Jorah's waist. She leaned her head onto his left shoulder, and slowly closed her eyes, letting only her nostrils control her senses, with the sweet and nostalgic scent of Jorah's fur.

"Why did you kill Drogo, and how can you be so sure that I did not love him?" She calmly asked, with patience and harmony on her voice. She did not want to lose Jorah again without justifications. Jorah's astonishment for her calmness, assured him he had nothing to afraid from her reaction. She will understand.

"Drogo abused you, my daughter." Jorah carefully spoke, the insecurity was noticeable. I must not hesitate, however I must not choose the wrong words as well.

"He loved me, in the same way I loved him." Daenerys confidently assured Jorah, still considering that her point of view was correct. I remember that perfectly well, we had a scorching love, which helped me to be what I am today...

"Forgive me my daughter, but you did not love him, and he did not love you. Rape is not by any mean, a source of love." Jorah eagerly tried once again to resemble her the succeeded. After Jon, Daenerys only believed that the only person capable of healing her wounds was Drogo. But Drogo...he promised me...

"How can you be so certain about that?" Daenerys indignantly asked, and released herself from Jorah. A unfriendly gaze was formed inside her violet eyes. He knows more about the men I loved than I do.

"How did your relationship with Drogo begin if I may ask?" Jorah's question, revolted her mind. She was hardly trying to remember it as a pleasant experience, but only pain, after pain surged. Maybe Jorah is right...yet I didn't know what love was...maybe that was necessary. It was necessary to be raped?! She was slowly attaining her mind to the violent reality...

"It was slightly harsh for me, but it was needed. I did not know what love meant, and he showed it to me." Daenerys argued severely, but the hesitancy and apathy on her stirred tone, proved Jorah he was right. It was on a cliff...and he began to undress me, while I was crying...why I am lying, I did not enjoy it. Unfortunately, I know how loves feels like, and Drogo isn't the man I use for that comparison, as hard as this may cost my mind to admit, it was the wolf, who really touched my heart...

Jorah inched closer to her, and kissed her on the forehead"I wasn't there with you at that moment, but I can still remember your face, a sight that no man should have to contemplate in their lives. The scarred tears your face bared for days, the agony your voice used to tremble with, the fear your little heart used to carry, the suicidal thoughts, your mind was constantly wondering as the best way out...That wasn't love my daughter, that was an unconditional way your mind found to spare yourself some suffering. And Drogo, Drogo...just-" he lingered frightfully. He briefly caught her curious gaze, and knew he had already spoken too much.

"Drogo did what, you don't have to be devious with me, I'm ready to hear the truth." Daenerys gently began to hold his hands.

"Please father, do not hide the truth, I'm no longer a little Dragon, I'm afraid I've become the Feared Dragon, after my latest actions." She amiably reassured him, and he smirked, as his dry mouth jointly with his raucous voice began to prepare the unpleasant words.

"Drogo used you as his whore, nothing else, he wanted to have children, and you my little princess were the perfect person to conceive his plans. I'm sorry for the harsh words, but this was something I couldn't avoid to talk about, you had to know the truth." Jorah's fright was then revealed, the constant delays of his speech, showed her that even the person she was calling father, was in a certain way afraid. This fear, was certainly something I created by myself, Sor Jorah has nothing to fear from me, but after King's Landing it's hard to believe in such thing. Sor Jorah is right, there were times I begged to be killed, my mind can easily forget many things, but sorrow is, without a doubt, something my mind always makes sure to remind me where I can found it. Drogo did not love me, Daario did, but I did not love him back, and then there is the wolf, who I'm uncertain if he loved me in the same way I do-did. Her heart swapped unpredictably, her mind did not want to believe it, but it had really happened. There it is, my heart fooling me once again...saying I still love him, when in reality I...she stopped, before something unexpected could find strengths to manifest his undesirable disapproval about the denial of her feelings for my wolf...my wolf who is going to die screaming... She shook her head, and averted her mind away from Jon, there was still many things arousing her head, planting uncountable question upon her thoughts.

"Thank you father, it's undeniable what you have said, and I'm grateful for your words." She spoke clearly, and wandered her eyes around the throne room, studying attentively the place she was in. How is all of this possible, I was in Meeren the last time I remember...and now here I am, in Dragonstone, the beginning of the end.

"But you said you killed him? How?" Daenerys queried, her voice tone was filled with tenderness and astonishment.

"Aye, Khal Drogo is laid down in this pit. A bit of alcohol, and a convincing speech, can do miracles." The huskily voice from the bear gave her answers, which at long term, reared many more questions.

She kept silent, trying to understand, but her mind kept brooding over and over, yet no answers were acquired. How?

"It's useless to bring swords here, our hearts do not beat, it helps us to stay in our feet as long as we want, but it also recalls us that none of this is actually real." Daenerys mused his words with incomprehension, and stared at her hands. Our hearts do not beat...but I can feel mine...or is this just an illusion?!

"Father, I still feel my heart beating." Jorah suddenly glazed at her, on the corner of his eyes, many tears were being gathered. Daenerys is still alive...there is still hope for her then...

Words were impossible to be spelled, Jorah was immersed on his own happiness, knowing that Dany still had an access to a future, had surprisingly sensitized his heart, the old bear could swear he felt something beating inside his body. She still has a life to live, her second chance, someone gave her the capacity of changing the world, and now I must be there, for her to give her advices that will halt Daenerys to do what she had in mind...

Jorah turned to Daenerys, and hugged her endearingly. She was buried under a soft layer of turmoil, but Jorah's bliss encouraged her to believe there was still hope to accomplish her goals. She wrapped her arms around Jorah's back. What happened?

When Jorah pondered he couldn't be more happier, a forgotten struggle jolted inside him. Jorah's ribs began to do upwards and downwards  movements and Dany noticed it as well. It's impossible...it can't be it...

Jorah's heart was beating.

He freed himself for her, and quickly placed his hands below his armour. It's beating...my own heart is beating, again. Why?

Jorah was breathless, kneeled with both knees, staring at the floor, with a extremely fast breathing. A scared Queen, glazing at him intensely, with her broadened eyes, was supplying a source of radiant light towards Jorah's face. She crouched down, trying to find the man's gaze, but he kept in the same position. I felt it, is he alive?!

Jorah clenched his fists and slammed the scratchy floor. Dany took a step back, and stood immobile, awaiting for Jorah's to persuade the reality he deserved so much. He is alive...thank to the gods...but why?!


It was truthful to say that both were exceeding the known limits of delight, Dany couldn't be more grateful to have her beloved companion near her once again, and Jorah was alive and could now serve her once again.

After ten minutes filled with whines from both parts, Jorah slowly stood up, and hugged Daenerys in an unexpected motion. I will protect you always daughter.

"There is much you still have to know." Jorah resembled Daenerys, and gently placed his left arm around her back. Her smile was incredibly huge, it had been the first time Jorah had seen her so happy. But how can this help us...Jorah is alive...but what use will this have if we don't run away from this place...the after life as Jorah said...

They both approached the pit, and leaned over the stoned wall. The blood whiff that was leaving was so intense that Dany had to back away almost that immediately. Jorah followed her moves with his eyes, and grabbed her sleeves before she stumbled to the floor, due to the shock her nose, alongside her eyes had received when she made contact with such horrible scenario. I can't even see the bottom...

"Does this pit has a symbolism?" She asked staring at the floor, trying to caugh some air, her palms were propped onto the bear's chest plate, allowing her to curve her body forward. Do I really want to know the answer?

"It has." Jorah fairly answered.

"Which is?" She asked, slowly straightening her body at the same time. Her mouth partially opened, as an attempt to let even more air invade her lungs. Jorah plunged his lips into courage, may the gods forgive him for the words he was going to pronounce with his throat. A wrinkle of distaste was formed between Jorah's brows, snapping the Queen for the undesirable speech that was taking place, before long.

"It represents the blood of all the innocents that were either burned or succumbed into the streets. That pit, my daughter...is a pit flooded with the consequences of your acts. Children, women, men...if they were innocent, and if they died, given your acts, then the place of their eternal rest, will be inside that pit...in the unreturnable oblivion." Daenerys gawked, and her heart grasped with melancholy. In her imagination, there was someone squeezing internally her heart, in the same way people squeeze a sponge. Her heart was draining all the fluids it once had, thanks to a mysterious hand. Her mind was crushed with an enormous height of horror, and she toppled before Jorah could aid her.

She let her bum fell above her legs, and slipped her hands onto her face, trying to hide her sleazy sobbing. What have I done...why did I do that...I only wanted to be loved...would it be too much... to ask for a family, to mother a little Dragon, who I could call my son, or to be loved by a wolf, who I could call my husband...a family that's all I beg for...


The sobbing remained as the melody of the entire castle during twenty minutes. Jorah was still staring sadly at his daughter, seeking for ways to comfort her, but nothing popped out. How am I supposed to convince someone that murder by the thousands is a bad act...she had to realise it, alone...

She cleaned her tears with her sleeves, and got up, the scattering and tired mind controlling her body, was purely seen by Jorah, when he firstly met her gaze. Daughter...my sweet bear...

Men. Children. Women. All dead. And I was the reason behind it...they did not deserve their death, but I did not deserve to be disrespected either. Maybe, in the next time, they will reconsider before they start speaking about what they don't know, perhaps then, they will finally recognize, that sometimes the hardest thing to do, is to be quiet. I can rip out their tongues if they refuse to do so...

She slowly stood up, attempting to adopt a dignified stance, but the menaces her legs were swearing, forced Jorah to take action, or otherwise the Queen would once again stumble to the floor. As Jorah' eyes were uneasily searching for Daenerys' gaze, her eyes did not flinch. They were locked onto the dry floor, emotionless, trying to trespass the barriers of loneliness, but without some solace, they would not get there only by their own. The whiffs of air leaving her nostrils, jointly with the almost halted movements of her ribs, made Jorah wrap his arms around her, tugging her closer to his solace. She crossed her arms under his shoulders, and leaned her right ear onto his chest, soothing her mind with the heartbeats of Jorah's weary heart. He stroked her disheveled silver hair, and kissed the top of her head. I'm here daughter...


"Come with me daughter, there is something I've to show you..." Daenerys nodded weakly and raised her red eyes at his face, which had a small confident smile on it. Why is he smiling?

After that, Jorah offered his left hand to be held by her, she glazed at his hand for some brief moments, but swiftly grabbed it. They began to walk outside the throne room, and Dany's eyes focused one last time on the throne before losing the sight of it. Power.

Their short journey was made in silence and the only echos that demonstrated some relevance to their ears, were the echos of Dany's understandable whimper. She couldn't avoid to think about the unfortunate destiny that all of those people had met because of her actions.

<~~DRAGONSTONE, Map Room~~>

As Jorah was entering inside the Map Room without any hesitation, Dany freed herself from his hand, and stood immobile at its entrance, quietly brooding over the memories from that place, and once again, pleasant memories were something her mind did not find.

As a sign of respect, Jorah stood in the same place, intertwined his hands in front of his belly, and lowered his eyes to the floor.

"Take all the time you need." Jorah politely informed her, he knew it was amazingly stressful and difficult for her to be processing so many amounts of informations in such a few spam of time, all he could do, was to give her his support, as the father she had never had.

Daenerys took a step forward, and was finally inside the Map Room. The sound her boots caused when in contact with the stoned floor, annoyed her senses since she was pleading for a deserved silence, and all of those ruinous echos would cause even more disturbances. She took off her boots, and began to tread lightly the cold and dirty stoned floor. Silence, finally...there isn't something more pleasant than silence...

She trailed her right hand above the peculiar map, as she was walking towards the balcony that would hank her eyes with the indistinguishable view of the sea.

As she was reaching the end of the map, the desirable and sweet winds the ocean created, crinkled her nose with the salinity. She closed her eyes, and took a deep breathe. The unplanned memories of her mistakes, crushed her mind, and then drops of her regrettable actions, dripped out from her suicidal eyes. Her sobbing sculptured the walls with pity, but Jorah had chosen to let her face alone the consumptive reality.


"Sister?" The word caused her immediately to panic, if she had paid enough attention, she would realise there was nothing to worry about, since the man behind that word, wasn't who she was expecting to be. It's Viserys...it's Viserys...it's Viserys...I will die in the worst way possible...

"Go away." She pleaded desperately, without taking her eyes out from the sea, her body began to tremble and the tears soaked her dress. Her face was creased with horror and an exhaustive feeling of grief. If I'm going to die, let me die while staring at the sea...

Jorah could not contain his genuine smile while staring at Rhaegar. The violet eyes of the Dragon's Prince were craving for an image of the Dragon's Queen. How does she look like...her hair is already flattering my eyes...but what about her face?

"Sister?" He tried his luck once again, but the only answers he got, was the sincere echos of her whimper. I was not expecting to see the ruthless Dragon everyone spoke so much about, to be this afraid...

"Leave me, please I beg you Viserys..." She pleaded again, and kneeled to the front, leaning her forehead onto the freezing floor. If I throw myself at the sea, Viserys won't touch me...She broke the darkness of her eyelids, and through a small gap, she saw the blue sea, which at that moment seemed to be her best option of survival. If he touches me...I jump...even death is better than this monster...

Rhaegar's smile from an ear to another, his soft hands propped onto his hips and a bright violet beam leaving his eyes, was the best description Jorah could supply about Rhaegar's appearance. Why did I fight against this man...he is without a doubt the most honourable man the seven kingdoms have ever seen in their history. He gave up on a bright future, for love, and even against all the odds, he dared to pick up a sword and fight. If only Rhaegar had conquered the throne...

Rhaegar and Jorah had successfully put aside their differences when in Dragonstone. After his arrival, Jorah had only found a single man in Dragonstone, and that man was Rhaegar. After a brief dueling and a brief explanation, Jorah agreed to create a friendship alongside Rhaegar, which still remained strong and unbreakable until that day.

Rhaegar was carefully analysing all the outputs of his own actions, and unfortunately most of them, included disastrous consequences. Daenerys has no reasons at all to trust me...she never saw me before in her life...

"How should I do this...she won't believe me if I say I'm Rhaegar." Rhaegar mumbled so only Jorah could hear him. I couldn't have prepared myself to this moment...

"You can sing." Jorah soughed, raised his eyesbrows, and smiled. This will be good.

"A song?" Rhaegar murmured. The Bear is full with good ideas... Rhaegar brooded ironically.

"People loved your voice, Daenerys is not different, she will love it, trust me." Jorah reassured him quietly, and shrugged his shoulders.

"A song it will be then." Rhaegar beamed cheerfully and prepared his throat for the upcoming song. I hope this goes well...

{Jenny of Oldstones}

As Rhaegar began to sing, not as tuneful as he once was, he began to slowly walk in Daenerys' direction. Jorah closed his eyes, leaned his back onto the closest wall, and let himself enjoy the music, while his hands were tucked onto his belt. It's as enjoyable as everyone claimed...

With the sound of the first words, Daenerys interrupted completely the whimper, and swiftly earned a perception of the person who could be standing behind her. Can it be him...Sor Barristan told me he was a great singer...should I look...her mouth gawked with the thought, and her eyes  became wider with the enthusiasm. The sweet words flowering out from Rhaegar's mouth fed her with enough curiosity and enjoyment to look back. And if it's really him...what if...it's Rhaegar...my brother.

Rhaegar halted half a meter away from his sister, having his eyes catching her body with some sadness, and sympathy. Sweet sister...I should've been there when you needed me the most, but I cannot deny that you've completely exceeded all of my expectations. Alone, a Targaryen conquered the world...

"Sweet sister?" Rhaegar vividly called her, and she turned her face to his. I never saw him before...

The flickering hair hindered his face for some seconds, but then, when the wind stopped to blow, Daenerys collided against a fragile wall of astonishment, constituted by the amazement her eyes had received in relation to the recent sight she had just acquired about her brother. It's Rhaegar Targaryen...my brother. The brother I used as an inspiration to accomplish my objectives...is now standing before my eyes.

"Rhaegar?!" She weakly evinced her wonderment. Rhaegar presented a friendly smile, and offered his hand, in order to help her to stand up. She studied the features of his face for some seconds, clearly astounded by what she was visualizing. Rhaegar...it's really him, how can he be so young...he is almost my age...

"It's me, my sweet sister...Rhaegar Targaryen." he carefully helped her to leave the ground, and when they were both looking right into each others' eyes, Daenerys took the first step and wrapped her arms below Rhaegar's armpits, leaning at the same time her head onto his smelly chest.

"Brother..." Daenerys apologetically murmured. Rhaegar looked at Jorah with his eyes widely opened, lingering for the Bear's advices due the unexpected situation. Jorah snickered and simply nodded. She wept above his chest, and Rhaegar's tears did not take long to be shown as well.

"You're her brother, you have nothing to  fear...it would be a lot worse if you were her nephew." Jorah quietly whispered a joke to himself, but unexpectedly the sonorous walls, waged his words louder than he was expecting.


Both the Targaryens launched against the bear's face a deadly stare, but in a matter of three seconds, Rhaegar broke the hostile silence with a loud laughter. Seeing Rhaegar laughing genuinely, twinkled Daenerys' eyes with delight, and not even her was able to restrain a small smile to appear on her lips. The unwishable joke, was fortunately interpreted by the Dragons in a good way and not even Daenerys seemed to have a problem with it at first sight.

"You could have kept that one to yourself grandpa." Rhaegar exclaimed mockingly, while tugging Daenerys for another hug. She is so pretty...she truly is a Targaryen.

Daenerys broke the hug and glared at Rhaegar's eyes with shock.

"Did you call him grandpa?" Daenerys queried, while alternating stares between Jorah and Rhaegar. What happened between these two?

"It's a nickname I have for him." Rhaegar blinked while looking at Jorah.

"There will be someone who will call him that, and won't be because of his nickname." Daenerys added and blankly locked her eyes onto Jorah's face. The unimaginable dreams of a happy life developed protagonism inside Jorah's and Daenerys' mind. I can already imagine it...my old bear cradling my little Dragon...

Amidst all those pure smiles, only Rhaegar seemed to be unconnected with the correlation Daenerys had just made.

"What do you mean sister?" He asked concernaly, he was still in front of Daenerys, but averted his eyes to Jorah, in a suspicious glare. What happened...

"I'm pregnant." Daenerys admitted joyfully. Rhaegar widened his eyes until the utmost limit, tackled his sister and lifted her up on the air giving at the same time a spin still with her being held by his arms. Her sleek hair, bumped against his face, but that did not stop Rhaegar to commemorate with his sister her pregnancy. After taking some more spins, he gently put her on the floor once again. This doesn't look like a girl who destroyed a city without a reason, this looks like a girl who was only searching for love in the wrong place...

Rhaegar then, placed her head between his palms, and kissed her forehead, making her giggle with bliss. He did not have to die...he is the type of men this world need...like him...there is only other person I can remember who has such personality...


"How are you here?" Daenerys firmly asked her brother. He sighed deeply, and rubbed his fingers over her palms.

"After the Battle of The Trident, Robert Baratheon burned my body...and now here I am...in the unknown after life...awaiting for absolutely nothing..." Rhaegar sincerely stated, and wandered around the map room. Should I speak about Lyanna...

"All these years...you have been here... alone?" She felt pity for asking him such a severe question, since his death many years had already passed...and she couldn't even imagine the pain he had already went through thanks to love. It happened with him as well, it's always love who's hidden behind the actual reasons of our mistakes. Rhaegar loved a wolf...and paid the price. I loved a wolf...and here I am...two Dragons committed the same mistake...Rhaegar has every reason to be ashamed of a sister like me...

The Dragon's prince eyes shifted into a darker tone, his dry mouth slowly preparing itself for the sorrowful words that were going to exit his body, and his mind was successfully sustaining his tears inside his heart. Lyanna Stark, I'm yours...now and always. It was unavoidable to think about the woman who made him choose love over duty, it was impossible to not think about the woman, whose smile made him start a war for her. More than everything, he had only wanted a family with Lyanna there, but unfortunately the war took everything from him, including his own life...

"After my death, I reached this place...Dragonstone...but the silence which may sound comforting to you now, becomes a deadly poison in long-term. I wondered many times, if there was still something after this reality, I spent days looking for the endless pit for the same reason, but I never found the courage to do it, not because of myself...but mostly because I feared to not see ever again Lyanna Stark pictured in my eyes. Without any guarantees that after the jump I would still remember the sweet wolf by who I had fallen in love...I had decided to not risk it. Many years passed, and loneliness was still be the only companion I could find. Glimpses were given to me, but not even those softened my pain." Rhaegar sadly resumed his story, his words had been pressed with grief before coming out, his eyes were giving their best to hold the drops inside and he could not even stare at them properly. I only wanted to love her...

Daenerys was attentively hearing to each detail of Rhaegar's story, she was amazed by his strength, by the self belief he had on his own actions, but most than all, the importance love had represented in the taking of his decisions. Lyanna was the reason why he had not decide to put an end to his own life...or and end to illusion...I wish I could say the same...Jon is also one of the two reasons I have to keep living...but it's not for the best reasons...

"So you and Jorah are alone here?" Daenerys concernaly asked, feeling pity and admiration, since they had both placed their differences aside for the discovery of an unknown territory. Two good men, who did not deserve this destiny...maybe the etternal death would have been a better path...

"No, there is also a group of wildlings settled on the island as well. Their leader is a redhead woman, and many claim she is the best archer the world has ever seen, even so, that won't help her here, given our nature." Rhaegar explained clearly, considering that Jorah and Daenerys had their hearts halted as well. Dany and Jorah looked at each other, pondering if the best decision was to tell the truth, neither knew Rhaegar well, and that puissant revelation could bring an unseen Rhaegar to the top. If my brother discovers it...will he feel jealous about it and kill us...I would let father decide, but not even him seems to know what we should do...

The silence after his explanation, made it obvious that both had something to add about Rhaegar's statements, but right before Dany or Jorah could say a word, Rhaegar saw their eyes and quickly noticed the incredulous truth. Their chests...their hearts are still beating...there is a chance for both...

Rhaegar took a defensive attitude and approached the door, with alarmism in his eyes. If the wildlings discover they are alive...we are going to have huge issues...and I won't will let Dany die...even if that means to forget my wolf...I won't lose another member of my family because of my arrogance...

"Do not tell anyone about your hearts..." Rhaegar quietly ordered both, while peaking his eyes out the room, to check if there was anyone nearby. If the wildlings discover about this...they will pursuit them until their death...and it only takes one arrow to stop a heart...one arrow and my lovely sister dies, again...



There will be a part 3, that means Jon won't appear until the other chapter, sorry. ( He will be mentioned though)

Tell me your opinion about this chapter, I would love to hear it!

Guacamole gang 🥑--> Writers.


Guacamole gang --> Not a writer, "just" amazing flefiti

Sorry for the boring chapter...the next one will be a bit different...

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