What Happen to ME?! - (OC x L...

By HeartPirateHoshi12

3K 28 0

This story about an young girl who had an wish and ended up in her favorite anime series. Little dose she hav... More

The New World
Fishman Island
Ryugu Kingdom
Kingdom Problems
Punk Hazard and White Crystal
Going Home & Trapped in Real World
Adventure in the Real World
Sora's Wish and Returning to One Piece World
The Party
New Adventure
Dressrosa and Kidnapping
Part of this World
Wanted Poster - Final Part 1
In love with you - Final pt2
We Are! - Final Pt3
Sora's Little Sister - Final Pt4
My life with you - Final (The End)

Welcome to the Crew

256 4 0
By HeartPirateHoshi12

A/N : Sorry My first story is not great! I'm still trying get into character with everyone. You have to forgive me! I'm trying my best here! <3

After one game she was tried out she wanted rest for while before dinner. As Robin pulled out an lawn chair there empty one next to her. "Take a seat." Robin said as Sora walked over to the empty chair then sat down. Sora signed as she watched Chopper and Luffy even Usopp was still playing their little game.

It's only been few hours since she was taken onto this ship everyone was lively as she watches the guys play their game. Sora's thoughts was on that devil fruit she ate she wanted to know what type of power it had. She felt like the fruit was an fake she sighed with that thought on her mind.  "Something wrong?" Robin asked as Sora stared at the blue eyed women then shake her head with an smile. "I'm fine. I just thinking to myself." As Robin returned to her book she was reading.

As Sora was in deep thought she did not notice Luffy standing next to her poking her trying to get her stare back at him. "Your still not upset about what happen?" He asked his voice snapped her out of her thoughts as she stared at the strawhat who face was close to hers. Her face turned light pink for moment. "N-No.. I just thinking to myself.. What is it?" She asked. Luffy grinned before sitting down next to her "Before you taken away go into Chopper's offers. I saw this strange fruit in your hands.. Is that devil fruit?" He spoke up as Robin gotten interesting herself. "Ummm.. Yeah it was.. I'm not sure what type or what it dose.. I did ate it.." She explained.

As Sora stood up as the Ship started to pull down an sea current it's was hard to hold on to anything. The raven haired female started to lose her footing as she fallen onto the ground. She started to fall down as she knocked out an watering can that was use for Robin's gardening. Soaking herself. Sudden she transformed into an beautiful aqua blue mermaid. This shocked everyone but Robin she was pretty much amused.

"OMG AN MERMAID!" Luffy shouted with stars in his eyes.

Chopper's jaw dropped in shocked when Sora transformed into an mermaid. That her devil fruit powers?! "YOUR JOKING!" He was pretty shocked. Even know he haven't forgotten about Cami.

Nami did not know what to say beside the point that Ship was being pulled down into an underwater waterfall. "GUYS! We need worried about the ship! I'll deal with Sora's new powers later!" She shouted.

Once everyone gotten the ship under control Luffy was over poking Sora's tail fin. "Are you from fishman island?! If you are you can take us there!" He was getting hyper. Sora blush as she shake her head. "This must be my devil fruit powers.." She still felt wet under her tail fin the water huh? It's wasn't long before Sanji came out of the kitchen to see what was going on. When he landed his eyes on the  very pretty  mermaid. Hearts formed in his eyes. "I'M DREAMING?! Or that REAL MERMAID!" He was soo happy that blood started to come out his nose.

Sora swatdropped have they forgotten about Cami? she glazed at her new form it felt real. "You have to join my crew!" Luffy asked in very happy voice Sora's eyes got huge at his offer. She wasn't from this world she wasn't sure how long she would stay here. "I'm not sure..." In low voice this cause Luffy to get sad. "PLEASE!" He begged. "I'll think about it.." With that Luffy smiled

After while she transformed back to her human self. The water that was spilled on her dried. She wonder if water had anything do with her transformation?  As he ship slow down it's was on the right path. Sora stood up from her spot she notices Sanj was passed out from an nosebleed as Chopper was helping him.

They had go little deeper to get to fishman island if she remember right. That large giant octopus would appear soon. Sora did not want be one to fight that thing. As she glazed out through the bubble that was wrapped around the Sunny. The deep sea wasn't anything different then it was back home.


After while an large orange tentacle attacking the ship. Sora started to scream as she fallen on to her butt. The rest of the crew look up in stock to see an large octopus. Beside Luffy who wanted trained it. "We don't need an large creature like that Luffy!" Nami shouted at him as Zoro and Sanji stared at the large octopus. "This thing is huge!" Zoro was very much in shock himself. As the crew and Sora notices there was an large ship in between it  tentacle crushing it. "We need get away before that things crushes ours next!" Nami shouted.

As Sora gotten an idea "I doubt that Luffy don't want to run away.. He going fight it anyway.. I have an idea." With that she coated the three in three bubbles. "There you can use that to fight it." She explained as Luffy was touching the bubble with an grin. "Thank you Sora!" As Luffy and Sanji even Zoro went out without the ropes that Nami told them to use. "WAIT you forgot to use the safely rope!" Nami shouted.

Sora stood there for moment as she watches the three man fought the large  Surume Zoro cut off one of his tentacles. As Sanji left the bubble to use his new moves on the large octopus. It's wasn't long before Luffy his new move on him causing it to go flying. Sora was very amused as she was watching for the first time. *This better then the series!* " What type of training did they go through!?" Nami was shocked.

The crew watches as the ship started to fall once more through another sea current losing the three that was in the bubble. "GUYS!" Nami shouted as Sora jumped through the bubble as she transformed into her mermaid form. Even know she was an mermaid she was still an devil fruit user the sea water wasn't helping her "I'll bring them back!" With that Sora started to swim after the fallen bubbles to the deep deep part of the sea.

As she swam after them they kept fallen into darkness of the sea. She can't see under here it's was too dark for her to see them. Where did they go? As she watches the scary looking sea creatures swim passed her as they can't see her. The blue mermaid kept swimming deeper and deeper she hope the bubbles did not break.

After while she founded them she went to check them out to see if they're alright. They seem like they're all in one bubble. This wasn't good. She notices the large orange octopus again. "I'm guessing you're on our side?" She asked as Surume nodded after Luffy beaten the crap out him he had no other way.

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