Finding Love

By Kay2Mist

54.7K 2.1K 147

Myles is comfortable happy where he is, a family who loved him and a best friend who accepts him. After his b... More

CHAPTER 1 - Myles Anderson
CHAPTER 2 - Inconspicuous
CHAPTER 3 - Shattered
CHAPTER 4 - A Moving Truck
CHAPTER 5 - Nosy Allen
CHAPTER 6 - The Green Eyed Boy
CHAPTER 7 - Consented Desires
CHAPTER 9 - Harrowing
CHAPTER 10 - See
CHAPTER 11 - The Easy Way Out
CHAPTER 12 - Budding Seed
CHAPTER 13 - Reorient
CHAPTER 14 - Broken Hope
CHAPTER 15 - Ruefulness
CHAPTER 16 - All i could do
CHAPTER 17 - Just A Friend
CHAPTER 18 - Way Beyond Me
CHAPTER 19 - The First Touch
CHAPTER 20 - I am Cupid
CHAPTER 21 - How You Make Me Feel
CHAPTER 22 - The First Step To Forever
CHAPTER 23 - What The Cat Dragged In
CHAPTER 24 - Six Feet Under
CHAPTER 25 - The Third Touch - Intoxicated
CHAPTER 26 - A Skinny Gourmand
CHAPTER 27 - Hitler?
CHAPTER 28 - More Like It
CHAPTER 29 - Clouds
CHAPTER 30 - Call Me Beatrice
CHAPTER 31 - My Heart Will Go On
Epilogue - Candles and Rosemary
Epilogue II - Together With Me

CHAPTER 8 - Slender Boy

1.4K 63 2
By Kay2Mist

The slender boy, skin mirroring the dim lights.

Party kegs were being rolled into the house, filling up the kitchen store, a bunch of party cups on the counter, bottles of beers stacked up in the refrigerator. The breakable and valuable items being shipped away into closets, no one wanted to have a destroyed house after a party.

Christian had woken up to the noise and chatter downstairs, he groaned, slightly annoyed that his sleep cut short. He rubbed his eyes, put on his slides and groggily stepped out of his room, halting at the start of the banister as he watched Hitler and the crew he had carried along turn his house to a replica of a night club. Party lights hung around the corners of the living room, with a disco ball hanging above the living room right in the middle.

"Dude, is that a fog machine??.....thought you said this was gonna be a low key party" Christian questioned, turning to Hitler who was watching the guy setting up the DJ stand.

"Yea, it is, it's a low key party. A birthday bash, go get ready!" Hitler said brushing off Christian with his hand.

Christian checked the wall clock , it was almost nine, he wanted a party but also remembered that himself and Hitler had two completely and very opposite meanings of a party. He turned and headed back to his room to get ready for later, locking the door behind him, he fanned his breath against his hand, scrunching his face after inhaling his own breath. In his monochrome room, he took off his clothes, went into the bathroom and showered, coming back out completely dry and naked. And his teeth brushed.

The few droplets of water from his hair glistening on his skin, his chiseled body emitting lust.

He searched through his closet, pulling out a pair of dark blue jeans and a black shirt. He dropped them on the bed, rubbing on his deodorant, messed up his hair a little, combed his brows, put on his briefs, his socks, his guy trousers, his shirt and then a pair white and black nike Air Force 1.

He picked up his phone and saw that it was already 9:48pm. Replied a few messages before his phone started ringing. Smiling at the caller ID he picked up.

"I knew you'd like it," the voice on the other end spoke, raspy and low but clear enough.

"You left me no choice, thanks man," Christian smiled.

"Happy birthday Christian," he said.

"Thanks Destiny, Hitler's throwing a party," Christian stated, lifting his brows up.

"You mean Hitler's throwing a concert?" Destiny shot back the question.

They both laughed.

"Will talk to you later," Christian said after his laugh had died down.

"Have fun!" destiny stated before hanging up. Christian dropped his phone in a drawer in his night stand beside his bed.

He could already hear the music blaring within his closed door, he sighed. Walking to the door, he turned the knob and stopped on his heels when the sound of the music was almost deafening, the sounds of people downstairs filling his ears, the alcohol embracing his nostrils. He could even smell smoke already. He started his journey down the stairs in search of Hitler, Rex and Allen.

"Happy birthday man," a guy holding a red beer cup said, tapping his shoulder.

"Yea thanks," Christian replied dumbfounded, not knowing who the other person was, but, it was his birthday anyways. And Hitler threw the party, what could he not expect.

He could see people still coming in, he spotted Allen by the door, with someone else. 'Oh you again, i get to see you again' he remembered him, Allen's roommate.

I never did catch your name though, he thought to himself.

He found himself going towards them, getting to where everyone had been dancing he got obstructed by a girl who was obviously really drunk.

"Hey, Casey right?" She said, he scrunched his face, she already drakes of alcohol an hour into the party.

"No, Christian and you're drunk," he said blankly catching her as she slumped on him. He knew her, but never really knew her name, he did know her friends and hoped they would be here also.

"Oh! The birthday boy," she giggled, letting her weight fall on him completely.

"You need to get home... or a room," he started carrying her to one of the rooms, hoping to find someone who would later take her home. He couldn't possibly leave her wondering around in this condition.

"Take me home Christian," she sang, smiling at him like she was in a fairytale.

He held her, and sighed. Looking back, he could not longer find Allen and his roommate wishing sight. He but his bottom lip defeatedly as he led the girl down the hall, getting to an empty room, he spotted someone he knew.

"Jessica!" He called after her.

"Christian?..... Amber?.....What on.... what on earth is she on," she said laughing looking at her friend.

"Hi," he have her a close lipped smile.

"Hi," she said still laughing.

"I don't know what she took or what she's on," he said looking at her.

"Leave her alone for a minute and she goes crazy," Jessica hung her purse on her shoulder.

She walked towards them, checking her friend. "I'm sorry," she looked at Christian.

"No, really,  it's nothing," he told her, helloing her take her friend into the room.

"La la land," Amber chimed softly, cooking her self on impact with the bed.

Jessica opened her mouth to say something but shut it back, she laughed.

She turned back to Christian who was straightening up his clothes, "thank you."

"You're welcome." He smiled at her, leaving the room.

She ran to the door and shouted a happy birthday to Christian to which he turned back smiling giving her a thumbs up.

"Let's get you sobered," She said, closing the door behind her.

By the time he got back, he still couldn't find any trace of Allen and his roommate or even Hitler and Rex. He thought he could use a drink and headed to the kitchen where he met Rex, filling up two red cups.

"Hey man, happy birthday," Rex said, handing one of the red cups to him and pulling him into a bro hug.

"Thanks," he sipped his drink, looking around and then back at Rex. "you seen Hitler or Allen?"

"Naah, not recently, Hitler went off with a blonde chick, Allen with Alyssa. They were just here few minutes ago, Allen, Alyssa and Myles."

"Who's Myles?" Christian looked at him.

"Allen's roommate," Rex supped from his cup.

"Oh!" Christian nodded.


Christian took another sip from his cup, thinking a little bit too much about the name Myles, he shrugged off the thought when he noticed he'd been pondering on the name for too long. He stood just at the entrance of the kitchen, looking around and sipping his alcohol. He stopped, wiping the beer off his lips with the back of his arm when he saw him.


Christian watched as his body moved so swiftly with the music, in perfect sync and rhythm. Myles' skin reflecting the disco lights above him, his dance moves making him look like a floating dance guru on the fog.

His eyes trailed down to the skinny jeans Myles has on, the gold bracelet on his left wrist that swayed swiftly in the air, the blue shirt that was a little bit loose but now sticking to his body from the sweat forming.

Christian smiled to himself when he saw Myles chug down his whole cup, it was clear he was obviously influenced by the alcohol with the way he now moved.

Christian thought of him as slender.

He kept on watching the blonde boy dance, the more he kept looking, the harder it became to take his eyes away from him, it was like he has seen an artifact he could look at for almost ever. A smile crept up his face, one that wasn't dying down anytime soon, he could feel his leg tapping against the floor as he also felt himself getting hard.

He shook his head, shrugging off the feeling or thoughts that almost crept into his mind, blaming the alcohol for attempted awakening of the beast within and below.

Christian now knew his name, now knew who he was, he chortled as he thought of how he never had to think of him as 'the guy from the other night'.  His pants became tighter, he looked down, seeing a tent forming already, he punched himself off his position and headed outside to cool off, trying his possible best to ignore the tent his bulge now created.

The further he walked out to the yard, the more his body reacted to its situation. He couldn't understand why his body reacted like this, reacted to him.

His bones were literally begging him to go back there and dance with him, hold him, claim him, have him but he battled his will.

He wasn't ignorant, he was just confused, it wasn't knew to him knowledge wise, but it was a whole new feeling for him from experience. He just never saw himself with another guy until now.

When his tent died down, he let out a thankful sigh, and headed back into the house, back to where he had been standing hoping to continue watching Myles dance. But a scowl flashed through his face when he saw another guy dancing with him.

His hands were in Myles waist, they danced in sync. He watched him sink his head low, whispering things to Myles who smiled and giggled. He watched them grow each other as they danced along with the song.

His morale fallen, when his eyes trailed them walking away from the crowd of sweaty dancing people. His mood reshaped, jealousy stirring up within him.

Why the fuck am I feeling jealous, he battled with himself mentally.

it's not like I'm gay or something. He gritted his teeth, hardening his jaw.

The guy might already be his boyfriend anyways. He's obviously gay, the way they're dancing together. Fuck! Why am I still on this. I'll go get a drink.

He went back to the kitchen to get himself another drink. Pouring it into a red cup and downing it immediately.

"Whoa take it easy there bro," Allen said taking the second cup away from him.

"Tell that to your roommate and his boyfriend," he spat.

His eyes widened, shocked at his choice of words, it just came out of him, he didn't even think he meant to say that. He didn't know what or why, but he just didn't like the idea of myles with another person at the moment.

"Myles has a new boyfriend?... I doubt that... why do you care anyways?" Allen laughed.

He thought about it for a while and simply shrugged it off, "oh nothing... saw him going to get some ya know?" He said tilting his head sideways.

"And the guy was literally fucking him already with his eyes," he said sounding annoying, not that he meant to sound that way.

Allen just mouthed an 'okay' before walking away, assuming his friend was already on the drunk train.

Christian downed the rest of the liquid in his cup and slammed it on the counter, squeezing the plastic cup in the process. He moved out of the kitchen, following the same path myles and the other boy had followed earlier on.

He still didn't have an answer as to why he was looking for myles but he just wanted to, considering that wasn't his boyfriend, actually his intention was to halt the supposed hook up, it was his house anyways, he could simply walk into any room.

He crept the halls queitly, questioning why he would be creeping on his own hallways. He moved to one door and pressed his ears against the door.

All he could hear were moans and grunts from the other side of the door, he didn't need a billboard to tell him what kind of action was taking course behind the closed doors and that it was a girl making all the noise form the other end.

He moved further up two more doors and pressed his ears against the door.

"No!" he heard.

"Hey it's okay," a voice cooed. Almost like a spell, Christian presses his ears against the door.

"Hmm hmm"

"I said it's okay" the other voice said aggressively followed by a thud. "I'm gonna make you feel good."

Christian yet again didn't need to see to know what was happening, he forced the door open.

"Get away from him!" he boomed, now seeing it was Myles and the other guy from earlier too.

"Who the fuck are you, can't you see we're busy here" the other boy spat back, holding one of myles hand way too tight.

Myles' discomforted face gave him away, Christian looked him up, noticed the hand being held too tight, his discomforted face, his undone belt, his fearful face.

Christian's anger flared up, he turned to the other boy pouncing on him, throwing punches. He kept on hitting, cursing the boy beneath him.

He got up, scowling at the boy beneath him, looking between his hands and the bloody nose he had given the boy who now pushed himself against the wall by the corner.

He looked at myles who simply stood dazed at the events unfolding before him. He watched as his face scrunched up in discomfort.

"Hey, you okay?" he asked Myles.

Myles raised up his head to look at him and said nothing, flashing him a grin before puking and then passing out.

Christian cursed, he didn't not only have a party scattered house to worry about but also puke in one of his guest rooms. He picked the drunk boy up, took him to his own room through the back. He placed him on his bed and went to the bathroom. He came out holding a wet cloth, he bent down beside his bed, using the wet cloth to clean Myles' face.

He couldn't help but notice the enticing paleness of Myles' skin, the soft flesh against his when his hand brushed over them. The curves on his face, he also noticed the bruises marks the other boy had left on him.

He sighed as he took off his shoes and placed them beside the bed. He covered myles with his blanket and dropped himself on the couch beside his bed next to his window, simply staring at the sleeping boy, watching his chest rise and fall as his own eyes became droopy and he drifted off, falling sleep.

Soooooo sorry guys for the late update, school go caught up.
Really hope you guys are enjoying this books
There are a lotta mistakes I guess and errors, please bring em to my notice.
Remember to vote vote and vote.... love ya plenty.
Xoxo KAY

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