Escapism (Sean x reader)

By Meloncoly

13.7K 299 62

In which a girl and boy are running from the law whist caring for a boy with some unusual abilities. ... More



999 27 5
By Meloncoly

(A/N: This is the song that is playing in the car in lis2. I love whoever chooses the music, this bops. Also thank you so much for 1k reads, here's a long as fuck chapter!!)

"Jesus, and I thought I had a shit day." Brody says, raising one hand off the wheel to fix his glasses.

"I hope this trip keeps the racist assholes to a minimum. Or I'm gonna have to start working out to protect you guys." I raise one of my arms, in a flexing position and squeeze my almost non-existent bicep.

"Yeah, yeah. I hate to say it, but you're about as intimidating as a small dog." Sean laughs and puts his hand over his eyes.

It's then a small bark comes from Daniel, which he covers it up with a very unconvincing cough. Me and Sean look back to see the puppy at the gas station wrapped in a blanket. I turn forward to Sean and I raise my eyebrows. He groans.

"Seriously, dude? How are we going to take care of it?"

"I had to save her!" Daniel pets the dog's head.

"Uhh okay. But since it's you're dog, you're gonna have to name her." Sean relents.

Pick a good name please Daniel this dog is too cute.

"What about...Mushroom!" He lifts the puppy up.


"You certainly get originality points Daniel." I scratch the back of my head.

He nods, yawns and falls back into the back of the car, out cold.

The chatter of Brody and Sean soon goes silent. Before Sean goes to sleep as well I tap him on the shoulder and rest my chin on the back of his seat.

"Sean?" I poke again. He opens one eye.

"Y'know I'm trying to sleep right?" He groans.

"Yeah, I just wanted to say something before you do." I whisper out, he starts to sit up and I reach over the seat and gently push him back.

"Don't get up it's going to make me feel guilty." I awkwardly try to bring my arm back from the front. He rolls his eyes.

"Say what you want to say, I'm tired." He rubs his eyes.

"I just wanted to... say sorry. It's because of me that asshole caused you even more pain. And the last thing I wanted you to feel as if I betrayed you, just left you to rot." I whisper. This makes Sean sit up instantly and painfully try to turn around in his seat to face me. I open my mouth to object but he cuts me off before I have the chance to say anything.

"Are you being serious? I'd be lying if I didn't say I was scared but I knew you wouldn't leave me there. I'm glad you kept my brother safe." Sean stares into my eyes, which makes me let out some sobs. 

"I *hic*... was so scared we wouldn't be able to save you, that it would be too late and you would never forgive me." I lean my head against the back of his seat. Sean gently pats my back for a few minutes until I calm down. I wipe my eyes and let out a weak smile.

"I'm a mess." I let out a laugh. Sean shakes his head.

"You were just worried, it's okay. Get some rest." He returns to his spot and soon falls asleep along with his brother. I stare out into the night, accepting that I probably won't be falling asleep soon. A silence falls over me and Brody. Until he looks at me through the mirror. He clears his throat.

"Uh, we never really had an introduction. I'm Brody."  He nods.

"I'm (Y/N), thank you for helping us." He waves his hand dismissively.

"Who would I be if I didn't help you guys? Kids running in the rain trying to escape an asshole who works at the gas station, if I didn't help you I'd be as bad as he is." I nod.

"I'm assuming you aren't going to sleep?" He says, eyes trained on the road. I shrug.

"I probably will but I have trouble sleeping in cars, so I'll have to wait until I'm really tired.
Plus I'm still running on adrenaline right now." I look down at my hands. Brody nods in understanding.

"Well, I completely get it. You thought you almost lost your boyfriend-" Brody continues to speak, but I can't focus on his words.

Boyfriend? Why does he think that?

"Um, he's not my boyfriend." I turn bright red and scratch behind my neck. Brody lets out a laugh before looking at me through the mirror again.

"You know, you have all the time you need out on the road to say how you feel to him. But I wouldn't wait forever." I nod.

"I understand. But relationships are so hard, and I don't want to make things weird for Daniel. And, I don't even know if I like Sean." I sigh.

"I'm not pressuring you into doing anything, just go with your gut, whatever makes you the most comfortable." I close my eyes and yawn.

Looking to the night sky outside the window, I see the faint view of my reflection.

Jesus I look exhausted.

"Brody, I think I'm going to try sleeping." I lie back with Daniel.

"Go ahead, you look like you need it." I let out a small laugh in back before my eyes soon fall shut and I drift asleep.


I wake up to someone gently shaking me awake. Groaning I stretch my arms before letting my eyes flutter open, only to see Sean staring intently into my eyes. I scan his face. He looks as tired and serious as I did before I took a nap. I reach out and touch his nose.

"Boop." He smiles and I start laughing.

"Come on, it's the end of the road." He motions to get out, I comply and step out of the car.

The satisfying pop of my back welcomes me in our new terrain. I look around us until my eyes land back in Sean. I furrow my brows in confusion. A beach on one side of the road, in which Daniel and Mushroom are playing. A motel on the other.

"Hey Sean, quick question. Uh, where are we?" This causes him to raise his brows in realization and stuff his hands in his pockets.

"Oh shit I forgot to tell you. We are in Oregon, I'm not sure where exactly but uh, you get it." I let out a tired 'okay' before looking out to the beach.

Holy shit I'm tired.

I yawn and poorly try to rest my head on Sean's shoulder. Though, being shorter than him, my head only reaches his bicep. He looks down at me, lets out a small laugh and wraps his arm around my shoulders. My face quickly feels hot to the touch and to conceal my blushed face I try to bury it into Sean's side. Only to turn away and cough when I realize that neither of us had used deodorant in days. Sean's face starts to flush as well. This makes me let out a laugh, which turns into both of us into laughing manics. Only ending when Brody walks over.

"Okay, c'mon dudes. Time for Santa Brody to give out some gifts. And don't even try to say no." Brody take out a bag and raises it up to Sean. This makes him raise his hands and open his mouth to argue, only to be cut off by Brody.

"Oh-no. If you say no I'm just going to leave it here." Sean laughs.

"Okay, I'll take it." Sean grabs the backpack, this makes me look in Brody's car for my bag. Only to not find it were I was sitting.

Fuck. I probably left it at the gas station when we ran.

I bring my palm to my face.

"What's wrong?" Brody says after handing Daniel a bandana.

"I left my bag at the station while running away."

Sean tries to hand me his new bag. I shake my head.

"I'll take your old one." Sean hesitates but after a second finally nods. Brody clears his throat.

"And Y/N, I know this isn't much, but I don't want you to get sick when the weather gets colder." Brody opens the back and gets something from one of the small boxes.

I look down at my clothes, maybe a tank top isn't the warmest option.

Brody's body comes out of the car only to hold out a Brody-sized sweatshirt with "A Tribe Called West on it."

"I sold merch awhile ago, and the producer sent me some." I run up and give Brody a big hug.

"Thank you so much Brody!" He lets out a laugh. I then remember hugging a stranger is weird and I take a few steps backwards before putting on my sweatshirt. It reaches mid thigh, and my hands don't reach the ends of the sleeves, but it's cozy and warm.

Before Brody takes his leave, he gives us bus tickets and a letter, and then his face becomes stern.

"You have to be extra careful now, I'd suggest getting rid of your phone." Sean nods.

I turn around to get Sean's bag, or now my bag. And call Daniel over.

"Daniel, I think Brody's leaving soon!" Daniel's eyes widen as he scoops Mushroom and stomps over to Brody.

"Are you really leaving?" Daniel pouts.

"Afraid so buddy." Brody ruffles his hair.

"Why can't you stay with us?" Daniel whines.

"Well, I have to see my family." Daniel grumbles as Brody opens his car door.

"Stay safe. All of you, I hope our paths will cross again someday."

We wave as he shuts his door and drives off.

Walking to the motel in front of us I take into a deep breath.

Holy shit I get to take a shower.

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