Loving You!~ [ErrorFresh FanF...

By G4wkin

30K 862 1.1K

This story has NSFW and bad language, if you do not like it please do not read, I will give a warning out whe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5🍋
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8🍋
Chapter 9

Chapter 3

2.3K 92 105
By G4wkin

3 months into the college went by as fresh was in class, a lot of the monsters were sick and sneezing because of the cold coming in, it was snowing pretty hard as the teacher kept talking. The bell rang as fresh went to his next class walking with outer putting his book in his locker "I've been wondering, which class is your favorite?" Outer asked and fresh looked at him smiling "this one because error is in it broski!" He said as outer giggled "you really like him huh?" Outer said as they started walking "as a friend of course my dude!!" Fresh said as outer sighed shaking his head "you'll learn" he mumbled chuckling as they went into the class they went down the steps and sat down, Fresh being on the edge of the long seat. Class had started as the teacher spoke, 3 minutes later error came in slamming the door open "late again error? That's the third time. Where were you." The teacher asked "chill dude I missed my alarm" he said walking down the stairs passed fresh "well sit down." The teacher said as he sat next to nightmare somewhere around the class.

As class got dismissed cross caught up with fresh as the teacher asked them up "fresh and cross. There is a new student coming and he's supposedly scared of the dark. Being a baby so can one of you be his roommate?" The teacher asked, cross nodded "I'll do it, if, my pal fresh here can take my place!" Cross said smirking, fresh raised a brow smiling, the teacher shrugged "if he wants." He said as they nodded and left the class, fresh smiled and went to go to error but ink was with error, that made fresh a bit, hurt.

Ink giggled around him and error just looked at him "dude I'm pretty sure I'm not gonna get an A, since you're such a, smart, guy, can ya just give me the answers?" He asked as ink giggled again "okay! Just for you glitchy!" Ink smiled and gave him the sheet as he nodded "you're weird" error smiled as ink nodded smiling and leaving as fresh went up to him "guess what glitchy, me and cross are switching places broski!" Fresh smiled "so we'll be sharing a dorm room together!" Fresh said smiling, error nodded "chill, but uh don't make it too bright in there." Error said as he coughed, clearly being sick "and don't get too close I'm sick" he said getting on his phone texting nightmare, fresh smiled.

Time Skip to night cuz hm

Fresh finally got his stuff settled as he of course cleaned the bed out knowing what cross did, ew. Fresh sat on the bed without his shoes on and jacket on, leaving his sweater on and pants.

Error was wearing no shoes, no jacket, no sweater, just a white tank top on and some shorts.

Error was doing some last minute homework as fresh took his hat off and glasses, turning his side of the lamp off as he turned facing the wall, error looked at him "tired?" He asked as fresh nodded, error smiled "if you stay up my group of pals are sneaking out tonight, wanna come? We're gonna have drinks, candy, some snacks, etc." Error said smiling as fresh sat up and turned his lamp on "bruh count me in broski!" He said as error turned wide eyed as his jaw fell "y-your eyes are beautiful-" he said accidentally outloud, fresh smiled blushing "they're nothing special it's just a dumb upside down heart" he said smiling, as error shook his head "I mean yeah but your eyes are pink and glowing they're still really unique" error said "you're unique broski!" Fresh replied as error smiled at him.

Also yeh I'm totally forgetting his 80s talk

Error loved it when he got compliments from fresh, ink would compliment him too but error felt extra special when fresh did it. Error and Fresh got ready in there normal outfits and as lights went out, they snuck out of the dorm as they were wearing black cloats so that no one would notice fresh's obnoxious neon clothing.

Once they got outside and got to the skate park, nightmare and the gang greeted them "also cross just had to invite my brother over and my brother of course just had to bring blue and ink." Nightmare rolled his eyes "how lovely." Error said unenthusiastic "so, You don't like ink?" Fresh asked, hoping for a no "no I don't like ink, He just tells me how much I did on a test and how much I should start studying more and shit, he's such a push over." Error said as fresh smiled "that's uncool broski, he should totes back off" He said "see? You get it" error smiled.

Ink and blue came over to fresh, error, and nightmare as ink greeted error with extra enthusiastic voice as nightmare noticed and got disgusted, in errors mind he was disgusted but obligated to greet back in a good tone, so he wouldn't be on anyone's bad side and be the schools lamest kid, cause everyone likes ink.

Ink then went away with the group as everyone started walking to an old abandoned lemon factory "that's where the party is?" Blue asked, a bit freaked out "don't worry little dude, once we get in we'll turn on the lights" dust said comforting blue as blue relaxed a bit, cross had an arm around dream as ink wanted to get close with error but fresh was always with him, they seemed to like eachother a lot which made ink jealous, so ink came between them "so error! What job do you hope you wanna get?" Ink asked, Error hates these stupid questions, the questions got asked in highschool as well "I dunno, any job with good pay I guess" he was getting irritated so he left the two and started walking with killer and horror, nightmare was up front in the lead, walking a bit faster.

Fresh smiled looking at error as error noticed him staring as he tilted his head as fresh gave him a thumbs up and looked forward and error then looked forward as well, soon getting to the factory as the lights turned on as nightmare put everything together as they all sat on beanbag chairs that were on a carpet with snacks in the middle.

Fresh sat next to error of course as they talked.

Will put the convo in next chapter my dudes

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