𝔟𝔲𝔫𝔤𝔬𝔲 𝔰𝔱𝔯𝔞𝔶 𝔡𝔬�...

By osamuschan

12.7K 317 96

• Request rules are on the first page! • DM me requests • Please, no arguing or any type of discrimination to... More

ᴀᴛsᴜsʜɪ x ғᴇᴍ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ [ғʟᴜғғ]
ᴅᴀᴢᴀɪ x ғᴇᴍ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ [ʟᴇᴍᴏɴ]
ᴅᴀᴢᴀɪ x ᴄʜᴜᴜʏᴀ [ᴀ/ʟ/ғ]
Dᴀᴢᴀɪ x Cʜᴜᴜʏᴀ [Lᴇᴍᴏɴ]
ᴅᴀᴢᴀɪ ᴏsᴀᴍᴜ ᴀ-ᴢ
ᴍᴀғɪᴀ!ʀᴀɴᴘᴏ x ғᴇᴍ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ [ᴀɴɢsᴛ]
ʜɪɢᴜᴄʜɪ x ᴄʜᴜᴜʏᴀ [ᴀɴɢsᴛ/ғʟᴜғғ]
ᴄʜᴜᴜʏᴀ x ᴅᴀᴢᴀɪ [ʟᴇᴍᴏɴ]
ᴋʏᴏᴜᴋᴀ x ᴀᴋᴜᴛᴀɢᴀᴡᴀ [ᴀɴɢsᴛ/ғʟᴜғғ]
ᴅᴀᴢᴀɪ x ᴄʜᴜᴜʏᴀ [ᴀɴɢsᴛ]

ᴅᴀᴢᴀɪ x ғᴇᴍ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ [ғʟᴜғғ]

1K 36 15
By osamuschan

Thank you for the request!! I hope you enjoy this, Anon ツ

The warm sun shone brightly throughout the streets of Yokohama, the sky colored with a rosé pink and subtle orange hues. The star illuminating the sky slowly hid behind the horizon line, the heat radiating from it fading into a comfortable chill as night began to fall, all signs of the suns rays reflecting against the buildings in the heart of the city dimming.

Dazai walked calmy throughout the streets, not a care in the world as he tucked his slender hands in the depths of his coat pockets. The brunet breathed in the crisp breeze as it flew past his chocolate locks, the corners of his lips twitching into a benign smile. 

"Hmm... I can't wait to see my lovely wife," Dazai sighed softly as he strolled past a couple displaying their affection towards each other by holding their hands together tightly, his heart twinging from the exchange as he longed for just that. 

The walk home turned from soothing into depressing with the blink of an eye as he had missed you, his legs picking up the pace to get home faster. Oh, how he had longed for you the whole day, his body craving yours from the lack of warm embraces and kisses against his cheek or your blinding white smile displayed for him and him only as the two of you laid together on the couch. Just the thought of it sent his heart racing and cheeks flushing to a deep red. 

As if the universe was listening, his phone buzzed against his hand which resided in his pocket, flinching from the sudden vibration and pulling himself out of his thoughts. He fished for his phone, looking at the caller ID and not wasting a single breath and answered immediately. 

"H-Hah... Dazai, are you almost home?"

"(Y/N)...? Are you alright?"

The instant Dazai heard your panting from the phone, his heart sunk in his chest, his pace picking up once more to get home as he already knew something was wrong. 

"N-No... I've thrown up th-three times now.... god, I feel so sick," you wheezed against the phone, your sharp breaths stinging Dazai, goosebumps being sent across his skin. 

"I'll be home in 5 minutes, my love... hang in there," the brunet hurriedly assured you, almost beginning to sprint as he was walking so fast. 

There was no need to respond as you had hung up, Dazai pocketed his phone and hastened to get home to you as soon as possible. Thoughts sped into his mind and were to no avail in assuring himself. You were sick and you needed him. 

He didn't care anymore as he began to run, eyes of passerby's all on him, murmurs escaping their lips as he sprinted by, dodging walking citizens while he rushed through the crowd. A few "watch it!"'s and "hey!"'s were here and there as Dazai accidentally bumped into a few people along the way, a short "sorry" and apologetic smile directed their way. 

It wasn't long until Dazai had reached your shared apartment with him, running up the stairs and shuffling with his keys to unlock the door. 

He turned the key, the door unlocking with a click. Dazai immediately shoved the door open, his eyes darting from left to right in search for you, walking aimlessly around the apartment. 

The brunets heart skipped a beat as he heard you throwing up, jogging to the bathroom where he then spotted you sitting on the tiled floor, head leaning against the toilet bowl as you panted, tears rolling down your blaring red cheeks. 

Dazai dropped to the floor with you, hand running through your hair comfortingly, kissing your forehead to check your temperature, 

"You're blazing hot, (Y/N)..."

You only let out a grunt in response; all of the energy had come out along with your bodily fluids and right into the toilet, far too tired to even try to speak or move at the moment. 

Dazai wound his fingers around your (H/C) locks, gripping it firmly in his fist to move it from constructing your view. His other hand brushed across your flushed face, tucking stray hairs behind your ear as he studied you softly. 

You panted and swallowed hard while you lied on the cold floor, eyelids fluttering closed from exhaustion once you concluded you were done throwing up heaps. Silence flowed into the small bathroom, gasping coming to a stop and shaky breaths replacing it. 

Dazai looked down at your now calm expression calculatingly, mind swarming with thoughts of why you were so sick, what happened, just why? He couldn't figure it out despite the fact that he is probably one of the smartest men alive when it came to these kinds of things. 

"I'm sorry you had to see that," you apologized quietly with a hint of a rasp in your voice, a small whimper escaping your throat after. 

"Don't apologize," Dazai smiled, thumb brushing your cheek lightly.

"Do you know why you got sick?" The brunet questioned after a little bit of silence just to have a break between the soft comment and getting more serious. 

You opened your eyes slowly, looking up into your husband's chocolate-brown globes which glowed with curiosity and a sliver of sadness, presumedly from the state you're in. 

"I... think I might know," you answered rather reluctantly, heart racing from the idea that popped into your head.

Dazai's head turned dumbly like a confused puppy who didn't understand anything. You chuckled from the reaction, lifting yourself up and playfully pushing him out of the bathroom, giving him a reassuring smile when his expression flashed into worry and closed the door. 

You took a deep breath in, praying to the universe that your idea was wrong, that you were only throwing up because of food poisoning or perhaps a violent fever... something other than what you were thinking. You weren't ready yet. 

You bent down to the cabinets below the sink, quickly spotting the box you had in mind, then taking hold of it and opening the cardboard. Your heart pounded wildly inside of your chest, feeling its beat in the veins of your neck. 

You took one of the many sticks out, reading the directions on the back of the box and laughing nervously, hands already beginning to shake as you pulled down your pants and sat on the toilet. 

"At least I already had to pee before," you thought jokingly to ease your anxiety. 

You followed the directions accordingly, constantly rechecking the numbered instructions to be positive you were doing everything correctly and not practically peeing on your hand for no reason. 

You could hear Dazai's nervous tapping of his foot from outside the bathroom, the tapping synchronizing with your speeding heart rate. 

It was over when you thought you had just started, removing the stick and placing it on the counter, flushing the toilet and then very harshly scrubbing your hands with soap and water. 

Please... please, please, please, please, please, please–


Your body froze from pacing around the bathroom, stopped in front of the test results with goosebumps coating your skin. You thought your heart stopped, gasping a bit too loudly to make sure your heart still worked, Dazai immediately knocking on the door with an anxious call of your name. 

You opened the door soon after, the stick held between your fingers to the point where it almost fell out of your hands. 

Dazai's eyes widened, looking down at your hand.


This was it... Dazai was going to leave you because you're pregnant. It's all your fault. He was going to leave you forever. Your husband, the love of your life, was going to walk out of that door and never come back. 

Tears welled up in your eyes just from the thought, the stick dropping from your grip and hitting the floor with a minute clack, snapping Dazai from his stupor and to your terrified face.

Arms wrapped around your body in a flash, fingers digging into the small of your back, one of his hands rambunctiously flying to the back of your head as he pulled you in flush against his chest, your face smushed between him. Dazai dug his head into the crevice of your neck, kissing it softly and pecking his lips on every inch of skin he could reach. 

The tears you were trying to hold back flowed, salty wetness drifting across your cheeks as you cried helplessly in utter joy, embracing your husband back with a tight squeeze. 

"I love you... I love you so much, (Y/N)"

"I love you too, Osamu," you choked out, breaking the hug and stepping back slightly to get a good look at him. 

Dazai's eyes trailed to your stomach, huffing a small chuckle with a genuine smile tracing his lips. Your own eyes followed his body as it dropped to the floor, his hands gently reaching out as he looked up at you, smile only expanding more while he watched your expression soften. 

"I'm so happy," Dazai beamed, thumbs brushing over your bellybutton, the touch causing you to shiver ever so slightly. The action tugged a smile on your lips, your hand reaching to his chestnut locks and petting it softly as he worshipped your stomach where a baby would begin to grow. 

"I'm glad..." You started, Dazai's eyes looking back up to meet yours as he waited for you to finish speaking.

"Osamu.... if you want a child, I will gleefully raise it with you. But... I can't do this by myself. I wasn't even ready to raise a whole human being– I'm still not!"

"(Y/N)... what makes you think I would leave you?" Dazai locked eyes with yours, his lips pouting minutely with sadness from how you were thinking, lifting himself up from the floor to hold your hands in his own. 

"I...I don't know.... I'm just so scared,"

"I know I'm always strong but I'm going.... we're going to be raising a child..... are we ready for that kind of commitment? That kind of time and effort?"

"(Y/N), I will throw away everything just to raise this baby with you. I will be here every step of the way and I will never leave you. Please... you have to trust me when I say this," the brunet tightened his hold on your palms, taking a step closer as he closed the distance between you two while his forehead gently fell to yours. Your soft pink lips were centimeters from connecting, the tips of your noses skimming across each other.

"I love you too much to ever leave you."

The moment those words left his lips, you couldn't help but fall in love with the man even harder than you had before– if it was even possible. The urge to kiss him was so overwhelming that you just gave in to it, your wet lips crashing against his desperately. 

Dazai didn't waste a second to be in shock from the sudden press on his lips and simply kissed back, hands needily finding their way to your face as he held it gracefully. 

You stopped yourself rather quickly before it went too far, breaking the kiss firmly with a push against his chest, panting softly with a smile. 

"Now.... how about we go book an appointment with the doctor to make sure I didn't just worship your stomach for no apparent reason," Dazai laughed, you nodded in return with a pure giggle and pulled out your phone.

The two of you made your way to the black leather couch in the living room, sitting on it softly as you both did research on making an appointment with your local Obstetrician-gynecologist. 

Dazai rested his hand upon your stomach lovingly as you both discussed scheduling appointments, later talking on the phone with the doctor's office and writing down the time for your now upcoming appointment. 


A week had passed since the OB-GYN visit which confirmed your pregnancy. You remember very vividly how childishly Dazai jumped around the office, shouting at random people you both walked past about how you were pregnant. It was extremely embarrassing but you couldn't blame the man... deep down you felt grateful that he was so genuinely happy for you. 

A few months had passed and your stomach quickly expanded, Dazai not failing to caress it with every chance he had gotten. Your job at the Armed Detective Agency was revoked by Fukuzawa seeing as how you were only getting more pregnant and incable of fufilling any kind of mission, especially when it put the unborn child at risk. However, your annoying (but lovely) husband still brought you up to the ADA office, showing off your growing stomach to everyone. 

Atsushi definitely was the most excited, petting your stomach cordially and beaming with zest whenever he felt a small kick from the depths of your womb. 

Yosano made sure you were okay around the clock and gave you an assortment of different vitamins to help the baby grow strong and healthy.

Kunikida never truly showed it, but you could positively see the rush of avidity to help raise a child alongside you, Dazai, and the rest of the ADA. His longing for his own child was put aside as he was looking forward to the one you were preparing to have, fantasizing of the many years to come where he would teach him or her life lessons and perhaps help with their math homework when they struggled. Although, the man would laugh to himself from the thought when he remembers just how much of a genius Dazai is– the child would most likely obtain that gene. 

Least to say, the entirety of the Armed Detective Agency was over the top supportive of you and Dazai. Not to mention that even the Port Mafia had sent their own excitement towards you and Osamu's unborn child with a bouquet of flowers and elegant note laced with pure gold. Dazai didn't seem all so grateful from their regards but instead on edge that they might try to steal the baby. You quickly reassured him that they would never as long as you, him, and the ADA are alive and breathing. 

Surprisingly, The Guild had also sent their respects. Dazai seemed a little less on edge because he trusted them a bit more due to his past alliance with their leader, Francis. This didn't stop him from being on guard 24/7 and extra precautious that you were safe though. 

Perhaps raising a child wouldn't be so scary after all.

Thank you so much for reading! 

I got really into this one... it was so exciting to write! Perhaps I should write fluff more often since it's so comforting and soothing, especially with how things have been for me as of lately. 

But anyways, don't forget to like, comment, vote, and share with your friends that you think might like this oneshot collection! <3

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