
By casey151

147K 4.6K 1.3K

Naruto was never born in the hidden leaf village. He's been in prison for 5 years, he's 19 now. He has a hidd... More

Chapter 1 - set free
Chapter 2- Deal
Chapter 3 - inn & hot springs
Chapter 4 - meeting new people
chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
new chapter coming soon
Chapter 9

Chapter 8

6.9K 222 185
By casey151

Naruto's POV

"Next up Choji, Neji, Kiba, Hinata, Sasuke and Sakura" I call out to them. They all start to walk up to the field. Sakura clinging to Sasuke and Sasuke ignoring her. Choji munching on a bag of chips, Neji blank face, Hinata was looking nervous and stuttering to herself and Kiba was shouting about how it was finally his turn and that he'll kick my ass.

"Don't be cocky that could get you killed" I say and Kiba pales. "Relax I'm not threatening you, I'm just trying to protect you for future battles to come... besides I couldn't kill you even if I wanted too" I say pointing to my chest where all the seals are.

"Can we get on with it" Sasuke speaks up

"I agree with Sasuke, we are here to fight after all" Neji says

"That's true" I say "I hope you learnt something from the previous fight, I haven't had a decent fight for a few years now. So I hope you guys put up a good fight, no offence to you guys who just fought"

"HOW IS THAT NOT OFFENSIVE" Yelled Ino who was the last to wake up.

"Sorry but if you stopped worrying about boys and fashion you wouldn't be so useless in battle, I mean seriously from what I gathered from watching you guys is that you and Sakura like Sasuke but if you paid more attention to Sasuke besides his looks and fighting ability you'll know he doesn't care about all that, he likes strong people so if you trained more and became strong then he'll take more interest in you. Well that's what I think, it's up to you on  what you decide to do with that information... now back to business" I say gesturing back to start the fight. Everyone just looked shocked at what I just said.

Once we were all on the field Kakashi yelled 'BEGIN to start the fight. The boys of the group come at me first, they are obviously more confident in short distance combat unlike the other group who were mainly long distance combat.

"FIRE BALL JUTSU" yelled Sasuke as a big fire ball comes at me. I dodge the attack only to come face to face with Neji, he says something about gentle fist. At first I thought he was randomly attacking me but then I noticed he was striking my chakra points, not that he has gotten any hits on me yet.

I gain some distance and conjure some shadow clones, not many just 1 each for each person. I watch my shadow clones and see that they can hold their own, I manage to put the right amount of chakra in them. I watch the Konoha team fight them. Me doing my job analysing them, I see some have been taught right but others seem like they are struggling. I felt a shadow clone come back into me sharing it's memories.

"Well I see there are some who are stronger then I anticipated" they all gave me a look like they wanted to kill me, especially Sasuke. I couldn't linger anymore as Neji who destroyed my shadow clone came charging at me. I get ready to fight Neji only for him to stop in his track, generally in battle me or anyone would use this to our advantage but I've gotta see everything through, I just hope he's thinking of something good to beat me.

I heard a few POOFS knowing the others have finally managed to get past my shadow clones, all the memories came rushing into my head, it made me dizzy for a few seconds. That's the only down side to the shadow clone jutsu. I quickly gather my thoughts and create double the shadow clones previously and let them fight the rest while I fight Neji. Neji after a minute finally strikes, he attacks similar like before but he makes two strikes to my chakra points, followed by four strikes, then sequentially eight, sixteen, thirty-two, he keeps coming at me but I dodge all. I decide I should end this and move onto someone else. I wanted to use the Rasengan but I knew that it would take up too much of my chakra like when Shino used that insect sphere on me, I hate to admit it but it did take some of my chakra. I could already feel my chakra lowering from using to many shadow clones, I mean I can create hundreds at a time but with this seal on me I can't make a lot. So I decide to just use taijutsu in my fights... not like I haven't already been doing that but until these seals come off and I can do as many high ranked jutsu I want I will stick to taijutsu.

Neji strikes at me again, I step in 45 degrees, hit his hand away from me, grab him by his shoulders, pulled his upper body down and raised my knee to his face. He falls backwards holding his face as blood rubs from his nose he tries to get back up but I'm already on him, I'm punching and kicking him from all over, he falls over again laying flat on the ground he's breathing heavily, he tries getting up but fails, he's cursing himself for being weak and unable to get back up.

"hey I wouldn't call you weak in fact you're pretty strong you were able to beat my shadow clone pretty quickly and I put a lot of chakra into all of them" I say to him.

"Yeah but you also have chakra restraint seals on you and yet you still beat me with the small amount of chakra you have left." Neji says in breaths

"You just can't take a compliment can you?" I question but don't hear a reply as some of my shadow clones disperse making me again feel dizzy with all the memories coming at me at once.

In a moment of weakness Sasuke punches me in the face, hard enough for me to stagger backwards and for me to taste blood in my mouth.

"Well finally a hit" I yell, wiping the blood from my mouth, not at least bit upset that I got hit.

"Yeah I figured it out from when the last time we beat your clones, you had a look of discomfort on your face. That's when I figured out that you gain memories from your clones, I remember reading about shadow clones in a scroll, only jonin level can safely use it, that's why in the academy we are only taught the basic illusion clone. I would much rather learn the one you and Kakashi can use but it's now forbidden from the leaf village" Sasuke says

"What really the shadow clone jutsu is forbidden now?" I question aloud.

"Yes if you ain't strong enough it can ruin your chakra reserves, that's why it's forbidden now." Kakashi says back.

"I guess I understand that, I was born with large reserves so I never had a problem with that jutsu, as well it's only a B-rank jutsu." I say back. While I was talking to Kakashi, Sasuke comes punching at me, I grab his hand and swing it back behind him, he was now leaning over in pain as I keep pulling  his arm further up.

"Nice attacking me while I'm off guard. I would say it's rude to attack when the adults are talking but we were in a battle so really I'm the rude one for talking first." I let go of his arm and kick him from behind, he rolls over onto his back when I punch him hard in the gut, he withers in pain.

"2 down 4 to go" I say as Sasuke groans in pain.

"HEY HOW DARE YOU HURT SASUKE" Sakura shouts, charging at me.

"It is a fight ya know, pain is apart of it" I say back. I really want to knock her unconscious but I need more Intel on her, from what I got from my shadow clone was that she is a close combat fighter, seems to have good chakra control but lacks any jutsu, even her taijutsu is bad, just randomly throwing punches and seems to use the substitution jutsu a lot.

Back to the fight with Sakura, I cringe every time she's tries to throw a punch or kick at me. With 5 or so minutes of dodging her attacks I finally go on the offensive and attack her, even her defence is weak, I want to know what the academy is doing? I mean in my village we are taught very young to fight, the elders never took it easy on us, didn't want weakness in their village. Well turns out they made a monster that ended up blowing up their village, with everyone in it. Not that i meant to blow it up but they had it coming I suppose.

I was cut out of my thoughts when I hit Sakura in the face, there was a POOF and in her place was a log. About time she did something but is this her signature move or something? I used my senses to find her, she was above me with having enough Intel on her I grab her by the throat as she was coming down and smash her to the ground. She passed out.

Before I had time to even get my hand of off her throat  a big ball comes at me. I back kick the ball, turns out it was Choji, he spins back and comes at me again, as I was getting ready for the attack, Kiba comes at me.

"FANG WOLF FANG" yells Kiba. He comes at me with such speed I can't see where he will go next but with Choji still charging at me it isn't good for the both of them. Just to get at me he's willing to put his team member in danger.

"You really are an idiot aren't you Kiba" they are both heading for each other and with both going a fast speed it won't be good for them cause they could seriously hurt each other coming at each other with that speed.

"Raiton no shushin" (lightning release body flicker) I shout and lightning surrounds my body. I disappear not a second later and appear right in front of Kiba and Choji before they clash.

"Mokuton wood release" I shout. Wood comes out of the ground, stopping both Kiba and Choji in their tracks.

"HEY LET ME OUT" Kiba yells from the wood cage I made to stop them both. The wood slowly draining their chakra.

"You're really an idiot aren't ya, do you know what could have happened if I didn't intervene? You could have seriously hurt your teammate"

"I-I-I was just" I cut Kiba off

"Trying to beat me? Yeah I understand that but when fighting together with your team you have to be aware of your surroundings, not just for your teammates but for civilians and the people you are suppose to protect for your missions" not that I should talk, in my village you work alone and could easily get portrayed by your so called people.

"Ah if you don't mind the interruption... it was a very good pep talk but—" Kakashi was cut of by Gai.


"GAI" "LEE" both kept yelling their names at each other.

"Not that we don't have a choice giving away our teams" Asuma says.

"Look I ain't taking your team's away I'm helping you. And this goes against everything I was taught but we are working together to a some what similar goal... stopping this war. Now Kakashi what were you going to say before you were so rudely interrupted?" I ask looking from Asuma to Kakashi.

"Right. I was curious as to how you learnt the wood style jutsu? for what we know it was only used by Hashirama Senju the first hokage" asks Kakashi.

"Huh really? About 2 people in my village knew how to do it and that's not including me, but to the question as to how I learnt it, it was from my sensei, I didn't question how he knew it I just did what I was told and didn't complain on what I was learning as he was making me stronger, don't know if you know this but in my village the weak die so we are trained since young to survive. Now back to where we were... Hinata why didn't you attack me? I'm sure I had plenty of openings so why?" I ask getting to the point, I need to finish this soon, I'm feeling my chakra getting way low after using those two jutsu. I'm starting to feel a burning sensation from the seal on my chest. Lucky Kiba and Choji are out as I sucked their chakra out with the wood style jutsu. I could just use taijutsu with her without chakra, if she's like her cousin she is close range attacker.

"I-I saw no openings e-e-even when you were just talking I-I-I tried to go for an attack once but when I made a move you looked at me for a brief second, t-the look you gave me was if I attacked I would be d-dead a-a-at least that's what I felt" Hinata finally manage to get out.

"Ah I see... I didn't even realise. You have good instincts.... Well let's continue, I want to get this done." I say and turn my attention all to Hinata, my last opponent.

To be continued.

So sorry for yet again updating late even when I said I would update soon. I hope you forgive me. 😭 and I hope you liked it, I know the story hasn't really progressed that far yet but hopefully it'll get there and hey we learnt a bit about naruto's village.

Thanks for reading.

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