My little neko

By militarybb

268K 4.7K 1.5K

Harry Potter comes into an early creature inheritance before his 11th birthday to discover he has a family... More

True Family
Meeting My Mate
Authors note
Authors note 2.0
Troubling Secrets Revealed
Authors note 3.0
Trouble in paradise
Im going to update soon (I hope)
It's Okay to Not Be Okay
Princess of Darknes
A princess and her letter
I need help please help
The talk and the sorting
Oh god they are worse than the marauders
(Actual Chapter) Going to Far
Quick question
Actual Chapter!

Dumbledore you buttmunch

6.7K 171 46
By militarybb

Okay so first I want to apologize for not updating as regularly, I just started my senior year of high school and it's been stressful... my first day of physics we had to get 20 fettuccine noodles and a meter of masking tape to hold a textbook so yeah. Anyway here is an update hope y'all enjoy:) by the way that's a picture of my project 😂

Natalia's pov

The great thing about being at home is I can wake up at whatever time I want to... which means Hogwarts sucks because at 0700 a prefect walks in waking me up to go downstairs and meet before breakfast. Yay, note the sarcasm. I threw on my school uniform and brushed my teeth... I didn't even bother brushing my hair this morning because my curls were just too wild, and then I headed downstairs where I met up with Tonks.
"Alright Puffs we are all going to head to the great hall together for the first week so that everyone can get back into the swing of a school year schedule. Also don't worry first years for the first week or so I or another prefect will escort you to your classes so you are not late." Gabriel spoke and then we were all off to the hall. I hate breakfast, it's the worst meal of the day if you ask me. Not because the food, the food is great, I just have problems eating in the morning without feeling sick. It's just too early. As we sat for breakfast food appeared in front of us so I just grabbed a simple breakfast of some granola and a glass of milk... not the best but it's better than nothing. I looked up to the head table searching for my grandma Minnie when all of a sudden I felt someone try to enter my mind. I quickly redirected all thoughts and left my mind blank, putting up my occlumency barriers of a burning meadow. This sent the intruder out of my mind and I looked up in just enough time to see the oh so great headmaster almost fall out his chair.
"HOW DARE YOU!" My hair turned a fiery red and began to float around me. "YOU DARE TRY TO ENTER MY MIND! LEGIMENCY IS ILLEGAL TO USE ON CHILDREN HEADMASTER!" My breathing was labored and I was practically hissing, how dare this old coot enter my mind? "I AM A PRINCESS! THE PRINCESS OF THIS SCHOOL! I WILL BECOME LADY HOGWARTS UPON MY COMING OF AGE AND YOU DARE TO WNTER MY MIND!" Gasps could be heard around the hall at this announcement and then the whispers began. My eyes flashed gold then back to red then finally stayed a glowing hue of gold. All of a sudden I felt arms wrap around me and I turned to see Hermione. I sighed in contempt before turning back to the Headmaster. "I, Princess of Hogwarts, Natalia Salazar Gaunt, hereby remove the current Headmaster, Albus Perceval Wulfric Brian Dumbledores, ability to perform legilmency and occulmency while he resides on the property of my four ancestors. So mote it be." A wave of magic rolled over the castle leaving the students and even some teachers to watch on in awe. I sat back down my hair returning to its deep black color, but my eyes remained the glowing gold. I nibbled on my granola and waited for Professor Sprout to hand out my schedule.

First year Hufflepuff Schedule

Double potions with Ravenclaw
Defense Against the Dark Arts with Ravenclaw
Transfiguration with Ravenclaw

Potions with Slytherin
History of Magic with Slytherin
Double Transfiguration with Slytherin

Double DADA with Gryffindor
Charms with Gryffindor
Astronomy with all houses

Double charms with Slytherin
Astronomy with Ravenclaw
Elective trials with Ravenclaw

Double History of Magic
Study Hall

I smiled widely... my first class today is with my very own dungeon bat. I reached into my book bag and pulled out a piece of my good parchment and a quill that never runs out of ink. With my gathered materials I began to draft a letter home to my parents.

I attached my letter to Alvara's back and watched her fly off. With all that done I stood and followed the rest of my first year classmates to Sevys classroom.

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