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By arya4letifer

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The snake and the devil wonders through the corridors of an abandoned school, searching for their old allies... More

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381 8 3
By arya4letifer

"...And this kids, is how I met your mother..."


Walking out of the meeting room, Byakuya Togami was finally done with his work. Restoring a multi-billion worldwide company from scratch was no easy task. It took a lot of time, and a huge amount of money, just to established the bases of the corporation.

As he was walking back to his office, he decided to check his phone for messages. The last time he turned on his phone was two hours ago, before the meeting started. When the title screen comes up, he was met with ten missed emergency calls and text messages over 50. All of them were from Kirigiri-san.

Byakuya was extremely worried and confused at the same time. He quickly unlocked his phone, and went to check all of her messages first. All of them seemed to talk about an attack that happened to Makoto. He apparently was locked inside his office, and by the looks of the texts, he seemed to be held hostage.

Byakuya could feel his anxiety rising and he started to panic. But before he could call Kyoko, Makoto called him first. Byakuya answered it at once.

"Makoto are you okay, what happene-?" he started to ask in a panicked voice.

"Woah Byakuya! Relax! I accidentally locked myself inside the office. Look, I'm fine, I'm fine. I'm still here. Kirigiri-san was just panicking. I'm really fine," Makoto cut him off.

From the distance, Byakuya could hear Kyoko's muffled voice, trying to defend herself. "Look, it was nothing okay." Makoto reassured him. But, Byakuya Togami is not a daft man. He knew he was lying.

Then Byakuya got a message from Kirigiri, saying, "He's lying. There was someone with him."

Byakuya finally spoke up. "Who was with you Makoto?"

"No one Byakuya. I was alone. Why don't you believe me?" Makoto was getting defensive, and Byakuya was getting more skeptical by the minute.

"No, it's just... it's just... a really foolish act, even for someone like you." He carefully replied.

"Jeez, thanks Byakuya." Byakuya could almost see the small smile that was forming on his fiancee's lips.

"On another note, you are feeling well, correct?"

"Of course I am! Why wouldn't I be?"

"Considering how you are always attracting danger to yourself, there was a possibility that you might get hurt, and... I was... worried about you."

"What? The Great Byakuya Togami is worried about me, a lowly plebeian? How shocking!"

"Shut up you blundering peasant." Now it was Byakuya's turn to smile.

"Anyway, I'm really okay. Kirigiri-chan is with me right now, and you know how she is. By the way, I'm gonna head home now, see you there. Love you Byakuya."

"Love you too Makoto."

The call ended. Byakuya immediately called Kyoko as he entered his office. It was 7 PM, he should've been packing his bag and heading home, but he intended to find out the truth before he could reunite with his lover once again.

"What exactly happened Kirigiri-san?"

"Well, you know that Naegi-kun usually would've been packing up his things as soon as our shifts are over, and knowing Naegi-kun, he would pack up really noisily-"

"Not surprised."

"But this time, it was different. It was silent. I decided to go to his office to see what's wrong, but when I tried to open his door, it was locked, from the inside. Only Makoto has the key."

"Maybe Makoto accidentally lock himself?" Byakuya knew it was stupid belief, but he can't erase the possibility that Makoto was just being stupid.

"I did thought of that possibility, until I peaked in through the little window on the door. The room was pitch black."

"How can you be sure there was someone with him. it was too dark, as you said before."

"I knocked on his door, called his name, and asked him if he's alright. There was no answer. I knocked harder, and I yelled to ask if he was okay. There was still no answer."

Byakuya was silent.

"I slammed my fists to the door, tried to smashed the little window, kicked the damn door down, trying to break the handle. But it was no use, the door was locked shut and the window was bulletproof. After my 3rd try, I called for security and you- Wait where were you? Why didn't you answer my calls?"

"I was in a meeting, I had to turn off my phone." Byakuya shamefully responded.

"Even though it was an emergency? Even though your fiancee's life could be on the line?"

"I didn't know Kirigiri-san, and believe me I'll never do it again. I will never forgive myself if Makoto gets hurt."

"But you decided to ignore my calls anyway."

Byakuya knew this was his fault. He ignored her calls and it was an emergency. She was right, he was the real ignorant fool now. Guilt started to eat him. How can he be so stupid? After all they've been through, he should've known that these type of situations are something he can't simply disregard. Especially if this is concerning his soulmate's life. A single man tear™ escaped from his eyes and went down his face.

Hearing no response from Byakuya, Kyoko decided she kind of went too far. She sighed and said in a monotone voice.

"The important thing is, Naegi-kun is safe and right now he's heading home, so you better hurry up. I offered to come with him, but he refused and said he can take care of himself. And if you are asking, I did see someone in there. When he finally comes out, right before security breaks down the door, I saw someone climbing up the vents. It was just a siluet, but judging from the figure, it was a man."


"Relax Togami-kun, he didn't cheat on you or anything, I've been his best friend since we escaped the killing game. He is too in love with you to cheat on someone else."

"Okay." That was all Byakuya could let out.

"The point is, you should really hurry up, so you can catch up on him and see for yourself if he's really okay or not. You know him better than I do."

"Of course, thank you for the information Kirigiri-san."

"You're welcome Togami-kun. Goodbye."


Finishing his call, Byakuya started to pack up and was ready to head home, hoping that his Makoto is really okay.


Kyoko accompanied Makoto to the basement, where the parking lot is. As they were walking, Kyoko noticed that Makoto was quieter than usual. Usually, he would talk about work, the new students that they have scouted, his personal life, Byakuya, etc. He would also ask about how she was doing, was she feeling okay, does she need him to go with her so she won't be lonely, even though the answer is always the same. Kyoko honestly enjoy his small talks, because all of his small talks showed how Makoto was still the same cheerful boy back before the Tragedy.

When they stepped into the lift, she tried to get a glimpse at Makoto's face. Seeing him being so quiet, pained her. His face was stone-cold and his eyes didn't shine with his usual gleam of hope. Then, he turned his head a little, and caught her staring at him. He gave her a small, reassuring smile and for a second, she could see the lively hope returning to his eyes, but it was only for a mere second. He was back to his gloomy self and continued walking as the door opened.

Before she could say anything to him, Makoto stopped walking and she realized that they're standing in front of Makoto's car.

"We're here," he said. "Do you want a ride home or...?"

"No need Naegi-kun. Just stay safe and please send my regards to Togami-kun."

"Sure. Oh and umm... Thank you for being concerned about me. I'm sorry for holding you up in the office, I know you've had a tiring day, and I'm sorry if I made it worse-"

Kyoko cut him off by holding his hand.

"Relax, Naegi-kun. It's alright. I'm more worried about you. Now, drive safely. You do want to meet your sister and fiancee right?"

"Hah, you are- OH SHIP (PG-13) I FORGOT ABOUT KOMARU." Realization hit him like a brick (Brason anyone?) and he quickly unlocked his car, opened the door, and hopped in.

Kyoko instantly moved to avoid being turned into Enoshima-san. "Sorry about that Kirigiri-chan. See you next week!" and with one last wave, he drove his car out of the basement to the lobby and then out of Hope Peak's High School.

Kyoko watched as the car climbed out of the basement. She let out an exasperated sigh, before turning around and making her way to her own car. Her expression changed as she continue to walk, now with a small, fond smile on her lips and less worried eyes. 'Naegi-kun would be fine,' She thought to herself, as she finally reached her car and took out her keys.

Unbeknownst to her, there was someone with Makoto in the car. If she looked more closely, she would have noticed a pair of mercury-copper eyes, watching carefully from the window of the backseat.

"STAY AWAY FROM HER YOU SICK PERVERT!" Genocider Syo swung her scissors to his head.

Nagisa quickly dodged it by ducking his head. "Wo-AH, l-look, it was all just a huge misunderstandi-"

"A MISUNDERSTANDING? YOU WERE TRYING TO KILL HER YOU CRAZY BASTARD!" she swung her scissors again, aiming for the abdomen this time.

Nagisa barely dodged it, he moved his body to the left, only missing an inch before his stomach would turn into a bloody mess. "Naegi-chan please-!"

"DON'T YOU DARE TALK TO HER YOU FREAK!!" she rotated her hand to get a better grip on her murder weapon, and lurched forward, the sharp edge was aiming straight to his neck.

Nagisa miraculously survived that attack, and deciding it was enough, attacked back with his green knife. Though, it was clear he didn't meant to seriously injured her. He targeted her wrist so she would drop her weapon.

But of course, she dodged it, being a pretty experienced serial killer, she knew exactly what to do with this nut-job. Like any other victim of hers, she pinned him to the wall, readying her scissors to pierced the bluenette's hands up the wall. He would be dangling off the ground, in a crucified position. Most of the time, she would give her victims a fast death, but this one deserves a more painful end. She would let him suffer from his injuries, and when she thought his groans were boring her, she would slowly tortures him by slicing his body and tearing it apart piece by piece.

However, before she even get the chance to touch a single hair on him, she felt a hand, grabbing harshly on her wrist. She knew who it was, but the grip felt different, it was stronger than she expected from a normal school girl. Hell, that grip was strong enough to rotate her body and forced her to face the green haired girl. It was her turn to be slammed into the wall. Because of the impact from the slam and the shock that came with it, caused Touko to dropped her genocide scissors.

At first she was stunned, not just from the sudden movement of her green-haired companion, but because Komaru's eyes were filled with determination and her position was giving away the sense that he was protecting the short boy.

She looked at her with disbelief as she turned back to her socially-awkward self. Her irises shrink in fear and with quivering lips, she uttered, "Komaru, wha-"

"Stop Touko." Her voice was clear and firm.

Awkward tension filled the room. Komaru was still staring down on the calmer murderess, while Touko can only bow down her head in shame. Touko hated this. She hated everytime Komaru gave her the stare. But what's the reason for this time? She didn't do anything wrong! She was just defending herself and protecting Komaru. Why was she the one who was given the stare?!

The bluenette was in the corner, trying to stabilize his breath after his little encounter with the Ultimate Murderous Fiend. After a couple more deep breaths, he finally looked up to the sight in front of him. With another sigh, he put his hand on Komaru's tense shoulder. Touko almost lose it right then and there.

Komaru turned her head with a blank expression, same goes to Nagisa. Both of them look like they were having a silent argument about the fate of Touko's life. Then they nodded as if they can communicate telepathically with each other. Touko could only stay quiet, letting this... creeper, (AW MAN) and her best friend decide whether they should let her go from Komaru's grip, or if they should send her to a mental hospital.

After another moment of silence, Komaru finally let go. Touko's wrist ached. Man, that was a strong grip. She hold out her wrist with her hands as she stood up straight again. Her hair is now messy, and she was kind of sweating from the assault she just did. She watched as Komaru walked toward the short boy. They exchanged some words too quiet for her to hear. Then, Komaru raised her hand and put it on his shoulder. To return the gesture, Nagisa smiled, which was returned by the younger girl. Touko almost turned back into Genocider Syo. When Komaru suddenly restrained her, she immediately turn back into Touko. Now, Touko cold feel Genocider Syo's raging building up in her.

But before she explode, Komaru turned her body toward her, skipped away to her direction, then calmly hold her hands to calm her down. They always joke around about Komaru having a sixth sense everytime Touko was about to change to her split personality. Komaru then continue to give her the lovely smile that she secretly love so much. Touko couldn't help herself. Her face burned red.

This didn't stop her from giving another glare towards the blue pervert, who raised his hands to surrender and silently stepped back and giving her partner an "I need answers" look. Komaru sighed, and with another look to The Blue Cobra, she relaxed her posture and readied herself to declare the answer that should clear up the misunderstanding, and enough to not expose all the truth. She closed her eyes, and with a soothing voice, she answered,

"He's an old friend of mine..."


"Stop laughing Karma-kun." A man who was driving a black Lexus car spoke in annoyance as his red-haired companion continued to laugh.

"You're asking me no to laugh after your forgetfulness? My, my, Naegi-kun, has it been that long? Has it been that long that you have forgotten about me and your own sister? Is Naegi-kun that old already?"

"Oh shut up." Makoto rolled his eyes.

After awhile, the laughter finally died down, replaced with a sound of awkward silence. The only sound that could be heard was the sound of the engine, running the car through the empty streets of the abandoned part of town. The burned ruins were purely reminders of little destruction and despair The Tragedy has caused, but, for the Future Foundations, it's a reminder of how they must continue to fight on, to restore the world order and spread hope once more. This really optimistic thought is what always runs through Makoto's mind everytime he drove home from work. After all the world have been through, the people deserves to be happy.

Smiling from his overly positive thinking, Makoto let out the large intake of breath he didn't realized he'd been holding and prepares himself to break the defeaning quietness of the car ride. He asked the million dollar question he'd been meaning to ask him.

"What are you doing here Karma-kun?"

The devil looked up from the back seat. He'd been spacing out, remembering the old times, back when they were innocent and truly happy, before they walked the path of blood. Even when they were still together, it was never genuine happiness, not since their first kill. His trains of thought was interrupted with the question, and after realizing he's been spacing out, he turned his lips into his signature devilish grin. With a carefree tone, he answered,

"Is it so wrong to visit an old friend Naegi-kun?"

"Where's Nagisa-kun?

"Nagisa-chan? He's with Naegi-chan right now. You don't have to worry about him. What about you Naegi-kun? How've you been huh? I heard you have a boyfriend now..."

Makoto rolled his eyes once again.

"Fiancee Karma-kun. And why should I tell you? You haven't answered my first question. If it's really because you just want to see me and Komaru, you could just go to my house and visit us like normal people."

"But we're not normal people. Besides, it's way more entertaining to see your shock faces!"

Makoto gave him a deadpanned look.

"So Nagisa-kun is with my sister right now?"

"Yup! So hurry up before I decide to kill you!"

Makoto rolled his eyes for the third time during this whole car ride. The mood stayed like this for the rest of the car ride, with Karma annoying Makoto and Makoto's whole mental and physic self being totally done of the Red-head's shenanigans.


Byakuya parked his car right behind another black Lexus car, which can only meant one thing. He'd finally arrived at Makoto's house. He practically jumped out of the car, which is something a Byakuya should never do. He almost ran straight into the front door, which again, a Byakuya should never do, and he finally realizes this. He quickly composed himself and started walking, even though it was a fast walk, he still thought it as walking. When he arrived at the front door, he took some deep breaths to calm his beating heart before he inspected once again if his hair was neat enough, or if his tie qas untied, or maybe if his suit has wrinkles. This only happens when Byakuya was nervous, and a Byakuya should never, ever, show his weaknesses to another soul. Only Makoto has ever seen him in this state.

He slowly grabbed the doorknob, trying to calm his shaking hand. With meticulousness, he gently, turned the doorknob, hearing an audible click of the door opening. Trying to steady his hand, he pushed the door opened and carefully set foot on the room hidden beyond the door. He peeked his head inside to see a shocking sight before him. There were CRACKS ON THE WALL.

Nah, there was just two strangers in the house


I apologize for all the reference.

The last paragraph was written when I was on a friend's house, and she gave me the idea to make it very dramatic, and so I did.

If you guys get at least one reference, here's a slice of pizza for you 🍕

The next update would probably be in 2-3 weeks, because I have to write other stuff for school and life.

Thank you again to my proofreader for proofreading this long ass chapter and fixing my dumb mistakes.

See you soon.

Proofreader: AlithiaBrayleigh

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