an exorcist hero (a bnha blue...

By human-phone-charger

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when 3 exorcists are given a mission to investigate the strange paranormal activity at ua high school. they s... More

welcome to UA
is it really her
I remember who I am now
you probably thought it was a chapter
a bigger family
my birthday in bnha
explaining everything

date time

64 2 0
By human-phone-charger

hero pov

i was in my room staring at the outfit everyone( ururaka momo ayoma mina and jiro) help pick out for me. (pic above) 

"hiro you look so good" uhh ururaka said. i pressed my lips together and puffed my cheeks out. i mean don't get me wrong but i don't really think this will be appropriate for what kacchan has in mind. even though i don't really know what he's planning

"my baby's all grown up" momo said placing a hand over her heart (momo is a fucking mom fight me)

"guys this looks incredible and all but knowing kacchan i don't really think this will be appropriate for what he planned. can we try something a little more sporty?" i asked looking over my shoulder at them. jiro looked up from her phone with a look that read 'i tried to tell you'. they all began ransaking my room again and eventually pulled together a new outfit (mostly thanks to jiro)

the new outfit

"you are beautiful darling" ayoma said placing his hands on my shoulders. i smiled and laughed honestly was starting to feel like i belonged here.   

"ok i need to get going so i'll see yall later." i walked out of my room and to the common room seeing everyone else already there. kacchan turned around and smiled at me his cheeks a light pink. he walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my small waist and nuzzled his face into my neck. i took in a deep breath through my nose and felt my fangs come out a little. 'fuck im gonna have to go get some blood from the order so i dont hurt anyone' i thought and pulled away from kacchan and shot yuki the 'i-need-more-blood look' 

"ok let's head out"  izu said and held  todor-err shoto's hand. i pulled out my phone and took a picture of them. 

"thanks for the new lockscreen boys this is fucking adorable" i said and held up my phone.

"bakugou i blame you for hiroko cursing" 

"oh shes been cursing even before we got here......probably picked it up from the old man" rin said walking towards the kitchen his tail swaying side to side. i frowned at the mention of our dad and stared at the ground. 

"are we gonna go or what fuck faces" i flicked kacchans head and walked off heading towards the door.

"im not a fuck face..... unless you want to" i said with a small smirk. i could hear the whistles and 'damns' as i walked out of the dorm building.


When we finally got to our destination i was not all that suprised. i mean i did let kacchan pick what we were gonna be doing for our double date.


i grabbed rokos hand and dragged her into the laser tag building. i looked over at the deku and icy-hot. deku was on icy-thots back and a blushing mess meanwhile icy hot had on a smirk he leaned back and whispered something in his ear and the nerd buried his head into icy-hots shoulder. i looked back over at roko and she had a faint blush on her cheeks with her eyes on the ground. 'payback time' i thought. i went behind her and wrapped both arms around her small ass waist. i slowly tracied my hands up and down her sides.

roko stopped moving and looked back at me her face a perfect scarlet red. i smirked at her and she stuck out her tounge.

"stop being cute shit head" i muttered and let go of her waist and instead grabbed her hand and walked to the line. 

"kacchan please don't do that in public" roko said with her eyes on the floor. i noticed how a few people stared at us and i glared at them. just then a small girl with dark spikey green hair, light green eyes, and a very nervous look on her face walked over to us. roko knelt down and asked what was wrong. 

"uhhmm i was wondering if i could get your autographs i saw you at the sports festival and i-i wanna be just like you when i grow up" she said and stared at the ground clearly embaressed. roko looked up at us and gave us a 'please-guys' look. i groaned before kneeling down to the girl.

"so what's your name greeny" 

"my names alla" she said and looked up at me. i then noticed how she had pointed ears and small fairy wings on her back, clutched in her hands was something that looked like playing card. the nerd and icy-hot were also kneeling on the floor. she handed each of us a card even roko, we were doth kinda shocked. roko reached into her bag, pulled out some sharpies and handed each of us one. i quickly signed my name then inspected the card and saw it was a hero playing card like what we would all get as little kids. i smiled to myself and went to hand the card to greeny but noticed she looked nervous and i glanced over my shoulder to see a couple of kids looking at us.

"are they bothering you" deku asked and she shook her head.

"no there my friends i just got lucky enough to get a limited edition exorcist card in my packet" roko froze at that. 

"i didnt know that they made exorcist cards thats kinda cool" she said and handed the girl her card, the nerd and icy-hot did the same.


'exorcist aren't those the people that get rid of me. wait i never thought about this before if im part...demon then is hiroko. no that wouldn't make sense why would the people in charge let someone who's part demon become an exorcist. unless their using her or something to try and make pe-'

"izu im gonna need to talk to you once we get back to the dorms but for now how about we show our boyfriends what us midoriya's are made of" sis said and wrapped her arm around my shoulder. i looked around to see that we were already in the gear-up room. i walked over to the green vests and grabbed one then pulled a gun off the wall. i looked over to see sho smirking at me, but my sis soon blocked the view. 

"man thats halarious" i heard someone say. i turned around to see a girl with dark brown hair with red streaks, brown eyes and lightly tanned skin. she was next to two girls with long black hair tanned skin and brown eyes. (im adding me and my friends)

"whats so funny" i asked confused on why she was laughing.

"its just you and your sister have green hair and your on the green team." she said and her friends face palmed. i thought about it and laughed 

"lyss be nice. im so sorry about her" the one in purple said

"uh hi i guess in nat thats my twin val and thats our friend lyss"  the one in yellow said and i nodded.

we chatted for the rest of the gear-up time and they were all pretty cool. after gearing up me and hiro headed to our side and our boyfriends headed to theirs. the alarm sounded and everyone took off running.


everyone walked out and we looked at the leader bored to see that the 

green team won

blue came in a close second 

 red came in last

those of us on green cheered and i saw nat,val and lyss high-five. some other kids walked over to them and i recognised them as the kids on sho's and kacchan's team. i felt arms circle my waist and i looked up to see sho smiling at me.

"GAYYYYYY" someone yelled and i looked over to see val slap lyss over the head. which must have been hard since lyss was the tallest of their group

"shut up you bisexual badger" she yelled and another girl in all black came up and hugged her

"hey wanna come hang out with us" a girly with a curly mow-hawk asked.

"sure why not"

"val how dare you hurt your mother" lyss said and placed a hand over her heart.

"wait why are you the mom friend again" a girl with puff ball hair asked.

"because i carry a first-aid kit, sonic defineres, and i'm older then all of you by a im the tallest." she said and snickered when her friends started hitting her.

I grabbed sho and dragged him over to the group. What I really wanted to hang out with them, they seemed cool. Once they all stopped hitting lyss. We started playing a bunch of arcade games.


I'm ending is here cause I'm all out of ideas

Also the other kids are me and my friends I'm probably going to make a second book just for us where we get teleported into the world of our favorite fandoms

Catch you in the funny pages

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