Jaggedstar's Choice {COMPLETE}

By DawnfireOfSkyClan

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The most important choices sometimes hurt the most Jaggedkit has everything he could possibly want in live, a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45

Chapter 44

620 26 50
By DawnfireOfSkyClan

"I've done everything I can for you, Jaggedtail." Barkclaw mewed. "It's your turn now." Jaggedtail sighed, it was the day after Elmstar had been driven out and Jaggedtail had barely slept. His wounds had been treated and he had been given herbs for strength but nothing could give him the mental strength it would need to kill his friend, he just had to hope that when the time finally came, he would be able to do it.

Jaggedtail walked out of the medicine cat den, he saw that Mossleaf, Maplepool and Cherrypool were all waiting for him. Jaggedtail took a deep breath. "Mossleaf...Maplepool, I'm so sorry that I have to do this."

"Don't apologize, Jaggedtail." Maplepool's eyes were overflowed with sadness. "Elmstar isn't the cat I used to know, he's not my mate and he's not Mossleaf's father anymore. We both understand what has to be done, it just hurts."

"Jaggedtail I'm so sorry for the things that I said to you." Mossleaf whimpered. "I don't want to lose my father but...he almost ruined the Clan." Mossleaf was overcome with sadness and fell into Maplepool who began to comfort her.

Cherrypool stepped forward. "Jaggedtail," She breathed out. "I know how hard this is for you, but please...please come back to me." Cherrypool pressed her nose into Jaggedtail's, and her fears were justified. Elmstar had eight lives, Jaggedtail only had one. This would be a hard fight, and if Jaggedtail lost then LichenClan was doomed to fall. I can't lose. Jaggedtail told himself over and over.

"I need to go." Jaggedtail mewed. "I have to find Elmstar." He didn't want to move, he wanted to stay in camp and forget about everything that had happened but he couldn't. He had to do this, no matter what. Jaggedtail didn't announce his departure, he just set out into the forest, following the blood trail that Elmstar had left behind.

As Jaggedtail followed the trail, his mind wandered to the past. He thought about when they were all kits, before Robinkit had died. Everything was so easy, so simple. All they had to worry about was playing and having fun. Then Robinkit died and they became apprentices, Jaggedtail had been so excited to train. Even though he broke his tail, he had so much fun as an apprentice. Elmstar didn't. Jaggedtail thought, he had been an apprentice when he killed Blacksky, and changed so much for LichenClan.

They became warriors, and everything seemed so perfect. Jaggedtail, Elmstar and Maplepool all fought side by side to earn their warrior names and served their Clan happily. Rowanfang left and became a kittypet, Elmstar had been severely hurt by that and then he had lost his mother. Jaggedtail had been worried about him back then, but then he fell in love with Maplepool and they had Mossleaf. Jaggedtail painfully realized that that was the last time he had seen Elmstar genuinely happy. What happened to him?

Jaggedtail didn't believe that Elmstar was evil, he never wanted to do this to LichenClan but some kind of darkness had consumed him, something had turned him into the violent, bloodthirsty leader that he was now. I won't remember him as Elmstar, but as Elmheart, a wonderful warrior, a dedicated father and mate and my best friend.

As Jaggedtail followed the blood trail, he noticed it got bigger, not smaller. Then he came across a large stain of crimson in the snow. In the snow was the shape of a cat who had fallen. Elmstar lost a life from the wound I gave him. Jaggedtail thought painfully. He had clearly gotten back up and Jaggedtail could follow his scent and paw prints from here on, they were leading to the twolegplace. If he ran off in there, I don't know if I will be able to find him. Jaggedtail thought with worry.

With a sigh, Jaggedtail pressed on. He noticed that Elmstar's paw prints were shaky and unstable and he had stumbled several times. The prints didn't go directly to the twolegplace, but veered off as he grew closer. The edge of the twolegplace wasn't far, but it was so close to a thunderpath. He's weak. Jaggedtail thought. But he still has seven lives to lose.

Jaggedtail saw something through the trees, he was out of LichenClan territory by now and noticed a strange stone ledge that dropped off into a small clearing that led to the thunderpath. The thunderpath wasn't busy, but Jaggedtail prayed he didn't have to cross it, and was certain that he wouldn't have to.

The air smelled strongly of Elmstar, also of fear. "Elmstar!" Jaggedtail called out, he knew that his friend was near. Jaggedtail heard shuffled movement and then saw the ear tips of Elmstar, he was beneath the stone ledge. Elmstar jumped up onto the ledge, nearly losing his balance.

Elmstar's pelt was rugged and his belly fur was matted with blood. "So you came after me." Elmstar lashed his tail. "Going to finish me off? And I thought we were friends." He spat the final word, Jaggedtail couldn't help but flinch.

"We are friends, Elmstar." Jaggedtail spoke. "And it doesn't have to be this way," I'll give him one final chance. "But you can't lead LichenClan anymore, you have to step down."

"You already chased me out." Elmstar growled. "Why don't you just get your own nine lives, oh wait--" Elmstar sneered. "I have them, don't I?" He let out a fury filled hiss. "Too bad, Jaggedtail, you'll have to rip these lives from my body!" Elmstar charged forward Jaggedtail. Guess not. Jaggedtail yowled and faced Elmstar.

Elmstar tackled Jaggedtail to the ground and began slashing violently at Jaggedtail's chest. "You were supposed to be by my side!" Elmstar cried.

"I was!" Jaggedtail gripped Elmstar's shoulders and shoved his hind legs into Elmstar's already injured belly. Elmstar yowled in pain and stumbled backwards. "Then you tried to destroy my Clan!" Jaggedtail jumped onto Elmstar's back, raking claws down his back. Elmstar flipped onto his back, crushing Jaggedtail underneath his weight.

"You don't know what I've seen!" Elmstar hissed, jumping up and pinning Jaggedtail to the ground, his claws ripping down Jaggedtail's flank. The pain was intense, his vision began to blur from the pain. "I did everything I could to save our Clan!"

This doesn't end here. Jaggedtail forced through the pain and craned his neck, sinking his teeth into Elmstar's hind leg. Elmstar ripped his leg away and hissed loudly, he loosened his grip just enough for Jaggedtail to break free. "Those weren't visions from StarClan!" Jaggedtail shouted. "Those were nightmares! You let them take control of your life and it ruined you!"
"Shut up!" Elmstar lashed out with more strength and fury than Jaggedtail expected and he was shoved to the ground, Jaggedtail's head cracked against the edge of the stone ledge. "You don't know anything! No one does!" Jaggedtail could see into Elmstar's eyes, he was truly disturbed. Nightmares and fears had turned what was once a noble warrior into a paranoid battle hungry ruler.

Elmstar raised his paw to deliver a killing blow. No! Jaggedtail placed his paws on Elmstar's side, sinking his claws into his brown pelt. Jaggedtail lifted his backside and pushed his hind paws into Elmstar's belly once again, Elmstar kicked up and both he and Jaggedtail went over the ledge.

They landed on the ground below in a tangle of limbs. Jaggedtail pulled away first, but Elmstar attacked faster. He slammed Jaggedtail up against the stone wall. "We could've ruled this forest together! You made the wrong choice!" If he didn't act soon, then Elmstar would bite into his throat and kill him, but somehow, Jaggedtail's world seemed to slow down. It always comes down to my choice. Jaggedtail thought. I didn't make the wrong choice. He realized. It was always going to come down to this. The true choice I had to make was killing Elmstar. I've made my choice, and Sagefeather was right, it's going to change the Clan.

Something bright caught Jaggedtail's eyes and he saw the piercing eyes of a monster. He had never seen one up close before, but in this moment, Jaggedtail knew what he had to do. I'm sorry, my friend.

With all of his strength, Jaggedtail broke through Elmstar's grip and shoved his paws into Elmstar's chest. Elmstar hadn't been expecting the sudden attack and Jaggedtail had all the power. It took all of his strength, both mental and physical, but Jaggedtail shoved Elmstar onto the thunderpath, into the direct path of the monster.

The sound of the impact made Jaggedtail sick to his stomach, the monster raced away without a second though and Jaggedtail was left with what he had done. Elmstar was in the thunderpath, his body unmoving and blood pooling underneath him. Jaggedtail couldn't leave him there, he limped over to the thunderpath and secured his teeth into Elmstar's scruff, dragging him off of the hard surface and back into the snow.

Elmstar was unmoving, already losing a life. Jaggedtail looked at his friend, his hind legs were twisted unnaturally behind him and blood poured from wounds on his head and chest. Even seven lives can't save him from that. Jaggedtail thought painfully, but he didn't leave. He sat down beside Elmstar and waited.

Elmstar's body twitched and he opened his eyes slowly, they were dull and filled with pain. "I'm so sorry." Jaggedtail breathed out, he really couldn't comprehend what he had just done.

"D-don't be sorry..." Elmstar's voice trembled and for a moment, he sounded like the old Elmstar. Jaggedtail looked down at his friend. "I deserved this." Jaggedtail's eyes widened. This really can't be where he realizes what he's done is wrong? Why couldn't he realize this sooner!

"Elmstar--I--I tried to convince you." Jaggedtail's voice cracked. "I tried to help!" He wailed.

"I know, Jaggedtail--" Elmstar's voice faded and his eyes closed once more as he lost another life. Jaggedtail waited in painful silence for Elmstar to come back again. "I wouldn't have realized it if you didn't do this..." Elmstar's voice was weak and so quiet. "For the first time in moons...I can finally see." Elmstar turned his head weakly to look at Jaggedtail. "I've been dealing with these...nightmares for so long. I tried to ignore them when I was younger, but I let them consume me.

"I always knew something was wrong with me, something dark was inside my head I could never get it out...but you did." Blood trickled slowly out of Elmstar's mouth but his eyes were no longer filled with pain, but with love.

"Elmstar..." Jaggedtail breathed out his friend's name, curling up beside his broken body. Elmstar slipped away once again and Jaggedtail buried his nose into his pelt. "I didn't want it to be this way."

"Neither did I." Elmstar mewed,. "But I made so many, countless mistakes. I caused the death of Redpaw and so many others. LichenClan deserves a better leader, they deserve you, Jaggedtail."

Jaggedtail lifted his head, his entire body shaking. I can't handle this. "I've lived my whole life with you by side, how can I go on without you?"

"You'll be fine..." Elmstar nudged Jaggedtail's chin. "You all will. Just...do me a favor when you become leader."

"Anything." Jaggedtail mewed, he felt like a helpless kit. He wanted to turn back time, he wanted to do all it again, He wanted to help Elmstar before his nightmares took over.

"Please, tell the Clan how sorry am I...tell Maplepool that I love her more than anything and Mossleaf too..." His voice choked. "Please...bring that kittypet into the Clan." Jaggedtail stared in shock. "Let her be happy without me..." Once again, Elmstar faded away into losing a life. He has four left Jaggedtail thought painfully.

Once Elmstar was back Jaggedtail pulled him closer. "I'll do all of that, Elmstar." He whimpered. "I'm going to make sure that you're remembered for all the things you did for LichenClan, we'll all know you as the cat we loved and respected."

"Thank you..." Elmstar went quiet once again, he was losing his lives faster and faster. Jaggedtail's time with Elmstar was limited, he had to tell him everything racing through his head. Once Elmstar's breath returned, Jaggedtail began.

"Elmstar, I'm so sorry I had to do this. I don't want to lose my best friend, my brother. You helped me become who I am today, I wish I could go back and change everything. I don't want to lose you!" Jaggedtail couldn't contain his emotions any longer. "I want my brother!"

"I don't want to leave either..." Elmstar choked out. "But you have to live on...without me...for me. For LichenClan. Return to our family, to our Clan and show them a leader that they deserve." Elmstar's breathing stopped again. Two left.

Elmstar opened his eyes. "When you see Crowsky," Jaggedtail thought to the MoonClan warrior, out of nowhere the apprentice had returned. Cloudstar's explanation had been that he had been on a mission for the Clan. "Tell him I'm sorry about Blacksky...and apologize to all the Clans for me, please."

"I will." Jaggedtail promised and Elmstar lost his eighth life. This is his final life, the last time I'll ever be able to speak to him alive. Jaggedtail didn't waste any time once Elmstar showed signs of life, even if they were weak. "Elmstar, I love you my brother. I'm going to miss you so much, I'm so, so sorry."

"I love you to brother..." Elmstar mewed, his eyes already closing again. "One more thing..." Jaggedtail nodded slowly. "Don't let them forget about me..." Elmstar spoke his final words and his ninth and final life slipped away.

Jaggedtail tilted his head back and let out a mournful wail, his brother was dead. They had done everything together, and now he was gone. Jaggedtail opened his eyes and looked up towards the cloudy sky. "Please, StarClan." He began. "Please, welcome him into your ranks. Let me see him again some day! Mosswing, Fawnsky, Redpaw, Robinkit, take care of him!" Jaggedtail cried.

He collapsed beside his best friend, feeling empty and endless pain at the same time, how could Elmstar be dead? How could he go on without him? Jaggedtail laid by his Elmstar's body for a long time, he knew he had to return to LichenClan eventually, but for now he just wanted to feel the last of Elmstar's warmth, the last of his scent. The final things that Elmstar who he was.

Countless memories flowed through Jaggedtail's head of his friend, he would hold onto these memories forever. I'll never forget you, Elmstar. I promise. At long last, as small snowflakes began to fall onto their pelts, Jaggedtail knew he needed to leave.

He buried Elmstar himself, not too far from the camp and he began the long walk back to his camp. By the time he reached the camp, it was sunset and he could see his Clanmates were anxious about his return. Maplepool, Mossleaf, Cherrypool and Brackenheart were all sitting outside the leader's den, looking panicked and pained. Our family. Jaggedtail stepped into the camp, getting the attention of Brackenheart first.

"You're back!" He called and sprinted across camp with the rest on his tail.

"Oh, Jaggedtail." Cherrypool swarmed Jaggedtail, rubbing all over him. Her sweet scent calmed him, but it didn't take away from the pain.

"Is Elmstar--" Maplepool's voice cracked. Jaggedtail nodded slowly and Maplepool's legs gave out. "I know you had to I just--" He voice broke off and she buried her nose into Mossleaf who did the same to her mother. Jaggedtail stumbled towards his sister and he fell against her, the pain taking over once again.

"He wanted me to tell you how much he loved you, as he died he was finally free from the darkness. He loved us all so much." Maplepool wailed in pain at Jaggedtail's words and they shared a very long, very painful moment as a family.

The Clan had seen Jaggedtail's return and looked to him expecting answers. Jaggedtail lifted his head. "I have to talk to them." He mewed and stood up, despite the pain that filled his entire body. He jumped onto the High Stump for the first time, but also the last time as Jaggedtail. "Cats of LichenClan! Elmstar is dead, but I ask of you one thing." Jaggedtail couldn't keep his voice from trembling. "Don't remember Elmstar as the violent leader, please remember him as wonderful, dedicated warrior we knew him as before. I buried his body, but today I lost my best friend, we lost a father, a mate and a brother."

The cats of LichenClan held a final, long moment of silence for Elmstar. Jaggedtail knew that this pain would never go away, but as of now, LichenClan was without a leader. "Tonight I will travel to the Moonstone, and I will return as your leader. I hope that I can be the leader that you all deserve."

"You'll be perfect." Cherrypool spoke up from the crowd.

"Jaggedtail! Jaggedtail!" The Clan cheered his name, but he didn't feel like he deserved it. Sagefeather was right, my choice changed the Clan. I've seen three leaders in my lifetime and now, it's my turn.

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