Stay Away From The Bad Boy

By California_xx

15.6K 355 104

Zoe Bryant is a regular girl heading into her senior year of high school. She wants to spend her senior year... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Author's Note (Do not have to read)
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 30

259 6 0
By California_xx

Zoe's POV


"What color did you guys have in mind?" I look at Kara, Autumn, and our other friend Hailey.

"Maybe a dark blue." Autumn looks back at me sipping on her Starbucks.

We make our way through the huge mall, trying to find stores that sell prom dresses.

"Let's go to Bedazzled the Bridal and Formalwear store!" I point to the huge store with prom dresses and wedding gowns on display in the window.

"Let's go." Autumn agrees. We all rush over to the dress store and walk in.

Thewhole store is filled with girls looking at prom dresses.

"Oh shit." I groan.

I knew girls would be looking for dresses this weekend,I just didn't know this many girls would be looking.

Alex's POV


I feel stupid. I expected slicking my hair down, and wearing a tux would make me look classy, but I just look dumb. I look like someone poured a whole bottle of oil in my hair honestly. But Nate, Seth, Kyle, Kenny, and Jason all say I look fine so I guess I'll go off their judgement.

We all decided to go to prom together because.. well why the hell not. The girls are all suppose to be at Kara's house getting ready and we'll pick them up there. I understand you're suppose to go to their individual house and pick them up, but we all agreed we should only stop at one person's house, and then go take pictures, then too prom.

"Guys the limo is here." Seth looks out his bedroom window.

"Alright let's go." Jason claps his hands together obviously excited about tonight.

We all walk down the steps of Seth's house, and towards the front door.

"Bye mom, I'll see you at the park." Seth calls out.

"Alright honey, I'll meet you there." His mom calls from the kitchen.

We all walk out of the house, piling into the limo. Which was huge by the way.

"Damn, how much did this cost?" I look at Nate.

"I don't know, my mom rented it." He shrugs grabbing the complimentary wine in the ice bucket.

We all get a glass, and chug down it in no time. We choose to be sober during prom for the sake of our dates, so we put the rest of the wine away until after prom.

It takes around 10 minutes to get to Kara's house, and when we do we all tumble out of the limo and stand in a straight line infront of it.

Suddenly, all the girls come out of the front door, and I barley see Zoe come out but when I do, my eyes don't leave her. They don't leaver her to look at Kara's dress, or Autumn's dress. All I do is look at her.

She has on a light peach dress with the back cut out, and a little bit of the side cut out, but not too much to where it looks trashy. Her beautiful dirty blonde hair, is a little bit lighter now, and It's curled and pulled to the side. Her make up is natural looking which I'm thankful for. Her silver heels sparkle from under her, and her skin is slightly darker but not too dark.

I smile at her appearance, and take in all her beauty. I must be the luckiest guy in the world to have this girl.

I'm the first to make a move out of all the boys. I walk up to Zoe slowly with my hands behind my back. I bring my hands to the front of me, showing her the box with the little wrist thing. I think It's called a corsage. She holds her hand out to me, and I carefully slide it on her small wrist.

I look at her in amazement. "You look beautiful."

She flashes her white smile slowly, and I can see her cheeks heat up, or maybe that's just her blush.

I lean my head towards her to give her a kiss, trying not to mess up her makeup. She turns her cheek, so I can kiss it. I conclude that, that is better than nothing so I lightly kiss her on the cheek.

I look over to my right, and I see the rest of the boy's doing what I did a minute ago. I grab Zoe's hand and lead her to the limo. She gets in first and I squeeze in beside her. Soon the rest of our group comes into the large car, and we head to the park to take some pictures.


"Mom, we're gonna be late." Zoe groans.

"One more Zoe, now smile." Her mom puts her face to the camera.

I look at Zoe as she smiles for one last picture annoyed. I smile at how she is so irratated but she looks so cute.

"Aw, that one was good." Zoe's mom looks at the camera screen.

"Can I see?" I ask Mrs. Bryant as I walk up to her.

She nods her head yes, and tilts the camera towards me. The picture is of Zoe and I obviously, but Zoe is looking pouty and cute while I'm beside her laughing.

"I like that one too." I smirk.

"Okay, can we go now?" Zoe begs.

Mrs. Bryant pursed her lips and took a deep breath getting annoyed with Zoe's complaining.

"So, after prom you're going to eat dinner, and then to a party?" Mrs. Bryant double-checks.

"Yes, I'll be home at around 1:30 or 2:00" Zoe nods her head.

"Okay, then yes go. Have fun at prom." Mrs. Bryant smiles.

"Have fun baby sis." Andy smirks at Zoe.

I see Zoe's dad walk up to her and give her a big hug and whisper something in her ear.

I'm sure if my dad was here, he would hug me and congradulate me for going to prom, my mom would be here taking pictures of us, and Chloe would be telling me good luck. But instead, my dad is dead, my mom is a crazy alcoholic, and Chloe is at a friends house while I go to prom.

But that's how life is. Nothing is ever perfect, and rarley anything goes right.

"Ready?" Zoe nudges me.

I snap out of my trance and see her and all my friends looking at me. "Yeah, let's go." I smile.

We all walk towards the limo, and pack inside again.

"Bye guys have fun!" A couple of parents shout after the limo.

We all cheer and drink wine on the way to the country club where our prom was being held. Once we arrived we got out one by one, and walked in together. The theme for the prom was Enchanted Garden. Which was dumb as hell but whatever. The whole room ceiling was filled with stars, there was a stone pathway leading you in, and the whole place looked like a huge garden except for the dance floor, and the stage, where the band was set up.

Zoe looked around the whole room in Awe, while holding my hand. I pull her closer to me.

"I'll go get us drinks." I look at her.

She smiles at me still looking at the room. "Alright."

I let go of her hand and walk over to the punch bowl, with Nate, Seth, and Kenny following close behind. I get two paper cups and fill them up with punch.

"Do you have any alcohol? I don't think I can make it through the night sober." Nate rubs his head.

I chuckle at his attitude about the Enchanted Garden prom and pull out my flask from the inside of my jacket pocket. I quickly unscrew the top, and pour some wiskey into their drinks, and into mine.

I put the cap back on and screw it tightly.

I pick up Zoe's drink and carry it over to her.

"Here you go baby.' I put it in her hand gently so it doesn't spill.

"So," I sip on my drink. "What do you want to do?" I look around the room filled with people.

"Would you want to get pictures from a photo booth?" She looks towards the corner towards the picture booth.

"Yeah." I say happily. I wasn't really that interested in taking pictures considering we already took a million of them, but what Zoe wants, Zoe gets.

We head to the booth and wait our turn before sliding into the little seat.

"This is way to small for us." I complain. "Sit on my lap." I suggest. Zoe chuckles and sits on my lap as she presses the button to start the photos. I didn't really know what to do, because I've never been in one of these so for the first two pictures I put a huge cheesy smile on my face. When Zoe turns to look at me and laugh, I laugh along with her. She leans down and kisses me, and I pull her down to me, so I can feel closer to her.

When the booth start beeping we realize that we've taken all of our pictures.

We step out of the booth and wait at the end of it to recieve our pictures.

Once they slide out, I grab them first so I can see how stupid I look, and just like I thought I look ridiculous. I goran and hand the pictures to Zoe. She stands beside me laughing hysterically at my face in the first two pictures.

"Oh shut up." I nudge her chuckling.

"Oh my gosh, sorry that was just so funny." She tries to contain her laughter.

I link my arm in her's and pull her away from the booth, and towards the dance floor where I see all of our friends.

"Let's dance." I suggest.

She looks at me like I've lost my mind. "You want to dance?" She tries to fight a smile.

"Yeah why not." I grin.

She shrugs her shoulders and walks out onto the dance floor with me hand in hers.

We dance to slow, and fast music for about a hour with eachother and are friends. Until finally they start to announce prom king and queen.

All the girls rush to the front of the stage in excitement, and the nominees go on the stage.

I smile as Zoe and Kara walk up on the stage. Apperantly Kara has wanted to be prom queen since she was young and she wanted Zoe to run with her so she did. I didn't run for prom king because I think it's a load of bullshit, but I'm still happy to see a couple of my friends from the lacrosse team on stage.

"Alright, is everyone ready to see who the 2013-2014 senior prom king and queen are?!" Mrs. Turner shouts from the stage.

Everyone cheers and claps and waits for the winners to be announced.

"And you're prom king this year is, Lenny Young!" Mrs. Turner exclaims. The whole crowd applauds and screams for Lenny.

Once everyone settles she recives another piece of paper probably with the prom queens name on it.

"And your prom queen this year is, Courtney Hamilton!" She smiles.

I look at Zoe and I see her smiling happily, like she could care less, but when I look at Kara I see her with a fake smile on her face and the anger boiling underneath her skin.

"Everyone enjoy the rest of prom!" Mrs. Turner turns to exit the stage.

What happened to the king and queen dance or whatever. In every movie they always have a king an queen dance.

"I am furious." Kara stomps up to all of us boys.

"It's okay baby, you did good." Seth takes Kara under his arm trying to comfort her.

She takes a deep breath and leans into him. "I really wanted to win."

"I know you did, but you did good. Courtney didn't deserve to win. You did." He kiss her softly on ther head.

"I know I did." She intertwines their fingers and walks out to the dance floor.

I turn to Zoe who I realized is beside me. "Are you okay with not winning?"

She chuckles. "More than fine with it."

"Okay, good." I pull her into a hug.

"This is the best night ever. Thank you so much for asking me." She whispers in my ear.

"No problem at all." I kiss her hair.

"Well, you look amazing Zoe."

We deatch to see who the voice belongs to, and we see Bailey standing in front of us.

Zoe scoffs, "What do you want?" She snaps.

Bailey chuckles and holds her hands in a surrendering position. "I just wanted to compliment you. But now that you ask, I want something more." She smirks.

I look to my left and I see Kara, Autumn, Seth, and Nate beside us staring at Bailey.

Bailey's eyes switch to Kara for a second before continuing with Zoe, "Kara, that's too bad that you didn't win. I know you've wanted to win all your life.' She giggles.

Kara rolls her eyes in annoyance.

"Leave me alone." Zoe speaks up.

"It's not you that I even want to talk to Zoe. It's Alex." She looks at me.

"Alex, you know.. I told you before I don't like keeping secrets." She starts.

Holy fucking shit.

"So, I think we need to be honest." She smiles.

"Bailey stop." I warn her.

Zoe looks at me in confusion. "What is she talking about?"

I ignore Zoe and keep my eyes on Bailey.

"So go ahead and tell her." Bailey instructs me.

I narrow my eyes at her trying to get her to shut up.

"Or do I have to? " She taunts. "Fine, I will." She speaks.

"Bailey don't you dare." I warn her one more time.

"Zoe, your perfect little boyfriend isn't so perfect. He's been a bad boy."

Zoe's eyes begin to get worried, and scared.

"You see, when you and Alex with to Colorado and went to the party together. He met up with his ex-girlfriend once you left." She begins.

Zoe looks at me in disbelief.

"And they had sex." She speaks while trying to contain a laugh.

Zoe doesn't reply, as she listens to Bailey. I look at her to see her emotion, and I see no tears, just her mouth open in disbelief.

"Oh, and he had sex two other times, with yours truly." Bailey points to herself.

I look at Zoe with my mouth wide open, and I see tears rolling down her cheeks in shock about what she was just told.

"Zoe, come here." I try to explain.

She backs away from me slowly and I can see the hurt in her eyes. "Alex, please tell me she's just crazy, and she's lying!" She says through tears.

I can't even lie anymore. It all out there now, there's no way to get around or out of this one.

I shake my head. "I'm so sorry Zoe."

She coughs out a cry. She catches her breath and runs up to me pushing on my chest.

"I fucking hate you, you asshole! I should have known not to trust you! Once a player always a fucking player. I should've known you wouldn't change for me." She chokes. "I should have never became friends with you! You and your low life family don't belong here! Your crack head of a mother, you and your dead father can all rot in hell!" She screams in front of everyone. By now everyone is looking at us in shock but I don't even care.

She's mad, she doesn't mean what she's saying I remind myself. Usually by now I would be punching the shit out of someone if they talked about my dad like that, but she's just saying the first thing that comes to her mind. She doesn't mean it.

"Zoe, I" I start.

She shakes her head in disbelief, and runs out of the room. I stand in the middle of the dance floor about to chase after her.

I start to walk out of the room, to go after Zoe when I turn to look at Seth and Nate. They obviously knew about Bailey and I the first time because they were the first and only guys I told at the beginning of the year, but they had no idea about Madison and Bailey the second time.

When I meet their eye's they shook their heads in disgust.

"Guys, you know I would never hurt her." I try to convince them.

"You fucked up dude. Zoe's a nice girl, you're lucky to have her." Nate says angrily.

"I know I am." I shake my head, my eyes start to water. What have I done.

I look to Seth, he doesn't even have words for me, all he does is look at me like he doesn't even know me.

I clench my fist in anger and walk out of the country club and I walk to the bus stop.

I fucked up so bad.

So, so bad.


Zoe's POV


I can't believe he would do this to me. I'm shaking with fury, my make-up is running, my feet hurt from walking. This night couldn't have gone worst. I don't know what to even think about this whole situation. We haven't even been dating long, and he's already cheating. Apperantly I wasn't giving him enough of what he wanted so he had to get it from other girls. And the other girl was Bailey!

I finally turn onto my road, after walking for 45 minutes. I come up my driveway, I run to my front door and stumble inside slamming the door behind me. I try to run up to my room quickly, but I get stopped halfway up the steps.

"Hey why are you back so early?" I hear Andy call from the couch.

I try to hide my face from him, because I know if he heard me crying or saw my makeup running he'd ask questions.

"Um, I wasn't feeling prom." I try to sound casual.

"Zoe?" He questions.


I hear him get up from the couch and walk up the steps to where I am.

He taps on my shoulder and I turn around to face him.

"What happened?" He whispers.

As soon as he says that I break down into tears and pull my brother into a hug, and cry into his shoulder.

Soon my mom and dad are running out of their room and are standing at the top of the steps.

"What's wrong sweetie?" My mom looks at me.

"Alex." I manage to croak out.

"Alex, had sex with two girls while we we're dating." I cry.

It takes a minute for everyone to proccess what I said, but Andy spoke up first.

"What the fuck.." Andy spits. I pull away from Andy and look at my mom and dad. I can see the sympathy in my moms eyes and I can see the anger in my fathers.

"I'm gonna kill him." Andy looks at me.

Suddenly there is a knock at the door. "If this is him, I swear." Andy walks down the steps quickly.

He swings open the door, and Alex walks in the house. He immediately finds me at the steps.

He walks over to the steps but Andy stops him. "Don't go near her." He warns.

"I just want to talk Zoe." I can see the tears on his cheeks.

"There is nothing to talk about." Andy answers for me. "You need to leave and never come back."

"Zoe I just want to-" He walks up the first step towards me, and Andy grabs the back of his tux jacket and slings him backwards so he falls on the ground.

Andy sits on top of Alex, and start punching him. "You son of a bitch! If you ever come near her again!" Andy doesn't finish his sentence because he continues to hit Alex's face with all of his strength. I look at Alex being battered on the ground in horror, but I don't do anything to stop Andy.

My mom rushes down the steps trying to get Andy off of Alex, but Andy doesn't budge. Andy keeps throwing punches to Alex's face until there is blood all over the wooden floor.

"Andy get off of him right now!" My mom screams. Andy finally jumps off of him, and my mom pulls him back from doing anymore damage.

"Get out Alex." My dad finally says calmly.

Alex stands up, and wipes his face. He looks at me one last time with one more tear rolling down his cheek. "I'm so sorry Zoe." He turns and runs to the front door holding his bloody face, and rushs out of my house.

I know I should feel bad for him getting beat up. But right now, I don't feel anything for him.


Double update? Whaaaaat? I felt like the last chapter was soooo sucky I should write you guys another one. So here you go! Please, VOTE, COMMENT, AND SHARE THIS WITH YOUR FRIENDS! I love yall! Thanks xx!


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