The Lost Huntsman (Male Reade...

By Crashbexpert

55.1K 798 963

A mission that went horribly wrong sent F/N L/N from his home world of Remnant to an unknown hostile world. H... More

Mission Gone Wrong
One falls, One rises.
Queen Mother
Earth 2031
Lady Seitenshi


1.5K 31 9
By Crashbexpert

Midori and I stood there in awe at the young ruler, though I was snapped out of it after I felt some killing intent radiate off of Kisara. I glanced at Midori who had her eyes fixed on the old man next to Lady Seitenshi. Is that who Kisara is aiming at? But why? I questioned as I felt very out of place, I could tell so did Midori. Lady Seitenshi mentioned the job and how not only were we to kill the Gastrea that invaded the Tokyo area but we are expected to retrieve a case that it has somewhere in it's body. Though the thing that caught everyone's eye was the reward. A reward of 1 billion yen, which sounded absurd, even the cool and collected Midori was surprised. Though Kisara raised her hand gaining the attention of the young ruler.

"If I may ask, just what is inside the case?" She stated.

"You are?" The ruler asked.

"I'm Tendou Kisara." She said. Lady Seitenshi gave a look of surprise, but quickly hid it.

"I have heard of you. Even so that is a very interesting question Tendou Company president." She stated, "That is the privacy of the requestor. I cannot answer that question."

"I cannot accept that." Kisara protested, "It's known that infected humans inherit the abilities of the gastrea that infected them. That means the original Gastrea is a spider type. If that is the case then our promoter can handle it alone."

"You understand any of this?" I asked Midori.

"... M-aybe?" She said.

"The question is, why would such a simple request come with such an abnormally high reward?" Kisara asked.

"I see..." Midori said, "Such a simple job, high reward, and... All these civ sec companies... The contents seems to be the main thing."

"Hmm." I replied. Seitenshi still denied revealing the contents of the case. Kisara was about to walk out, despite the fact there would be a penalty. Kisara was prepared, she didn't want to send her employees out and endanger ourselves with such an unclear explanation. As she began to walk away someone began to laugh. Everyone turned to see a masked man sitting on a chair his feet on the table.

Everyone began to question him and Rentaro began to sweat. The man stood on the table and bowed to Seitenshi.

"It's our first time meeting useless country ruler. I am Hiruko, Kagetane Hiroku. I'll be frank... I am your enemy."

"You!" Rentaro yelled.

"Oh? Are you doing well Satomi?" Kagetane asked.

"How did you get in here?" Rentaro asked pulling his gun out and aiming it at him.

"I walked through the front door. Though some flies began running after me so I had help from someone to kill a few." He said. I glanced at Midori who was wide eyed.

"That name... Does that mean?" She mumbled.

"Oh let's use this chance to introduce you all to my daughter. Come here Kohina." He said.

"Yes papa." A girl said and I glanced behind Rentaro but the girl was already walking past him, "Here I go..." The girl said as she got up on the table, "Kohina Hiruko, ten years old." She said doing a little curtsey.

"She is my daughter and also my initiator." Kagetane said. I glanced at Midori and she stared at the girl.

"Sis?" She asked.

"Hey papa that man is pointing his gun at us. Can I cut him?" She asked.

"Alright Alright. But not yet, bear with it." He replied. She seemed upset about it.

"Midori?" I asked reaching for her shoulder. She grabbed my wrist.

"I'm fine... Just... Give me a moment." She said. Kagetane explained the object in the box we are searching for is something called, The Inheritance of the Seven Stars. He called this a race and if he wins we lose our lives. That's when Shougen leaped onto action and attacked Kagetane. Though his massive sword was forced back and out if his hands.

"Kayo!" He yelled.

"Don't yell so loudly." The girl from earlier said as she ran up a wall, "I know." She kicked his sword back down towards him and using the force he grabbed it and tried to stab Kagetane. Key word try as he seemed to have a force field protecting him.

"Step away Shougen." His employer yelled as everyone took out their guns and fired upon him. Though every bullet was stopped and held just inches from him. The bullets were launched back, Midori and I didn't get hurt due to our auras' protection. They just felt like paintballs hitting my flesh.

"Allow me to reintroduce myself. I am from the Former Japanese Self-defense Force Eastern Corps number 787 Mechanized Special Forces, New Human Creation Plan's Kagetane Hiroku." He exclaimed, "Back at the house I wasn't serious and to make up for that here is a present." He said summoning a wrapped gift. He placed it on the table, "Be afraid, Civil Security. The day of Despair is upon us." The two walked towards the shattered windows, Well then... Have a good day." He said and left.

"Is this some kind of joke?" Midori began, "I have to fight my little sister?"

"Midori?" I asked. She began to walk off.

"Hey where is she?" Kisara began.

"I'll follow her... Fill us in later." I replied and ran after Midori.


"I'm gonna kill him... I'm gonna kick that fucking Librarian's ass and then I'm going to kill him." Midori began.

"Hey wait up." I said catching up to her.

"My sister! Well... Adopted sister, but still my sister!" She began to yelled, "I can't fight her."

"Then don't..." I said.

"But if we don't you heard him. Everyone dies." She said.

"Midori!" I shouted, "Calm down and let's think about this."

"Okay... I'm calming down... I'm calming down..." She took a deep breath, "Why can't I be fucking happy!" She shouted and punched a wall creating a small crater.

"Midori..." I began.

"I haven't been happy for eight years... Eight Fucking Years." She said, "And I'm sick of it!"

"Hear me out. Maybe we don't have to fight her. Is it possible to get her on our side?" I asked.

"Yeah and let's ask her daddy and see if he'll turn himself in." She glared at me.

"Listen I'm trying to give you options here." I said.

"I need to get my mind off of this... Let's buy some new clothes so we don't stand out." She said walking away.

"Damn just how rough was her life." I sighed.

We bought some casual clothes and much to my amazement she looked really good in them.

"Ignore God arc wrist bands."

"This should do nicely." She said, "We should get that eye checked."

"Ah... Right... I forget about it." I said touching the bandages.

"Let's go see Kisara and see if they know a doctor." She said and we walked to the company office.

"Midori what happened?" Kisara asked as we walked in.

"Needed some air." She said, "You know a doctor? We need to check his eye." She said pointing at me.

"We were hoping you'd bring that up... We didn't think it was polite to ask ourselves." She said sighing, "What happened?"

"Oh you know... Got in a fight. Dude got my eye... Basic first aid... All that good stuff." I said.

"We have a doctor in mind... Let me call Rentaro so he can lead you to her." She said.

"Lovely." Midori said.


"Alright here we are." Rentaro said as he lead us into some shady looking building. Though the room itself was more so.

"You sure this doc is reliable?" Midori asked, "Don't want him to keel over and die." Midori said.

"Very reliable, trust me." He replied, "Sensei... Are you here?"

"What is it this time Satomi?" A woman spoke.

"F/N, Midori. This is Muroto Sumire." He said motioning to her.

"And who are these two?" She asked.

"New employees of Kendo Civil Security." He replied.

"Why sis you bring them here? Not that I'm against meeting new assistants." She asked.

"We'd like to see if you can check on his eye." Midori said pointing to me.

"Rentaro... I'm a forensic scientist. Not a doctor." She said.

"You and I both know you know how to treat patients." He said. She gave a heavy sigh.

"Fine... Remove the bandages." She said. I complied and showed her my injury, "Oh boy... That's pretty bad." She said.

"Yeah..." Midori replied.

"I think I lost my lunch." Rentaro said.

"How bad is it?" I asked.

"On a scale from one to ten... You ain't gonna have an eye." She said.

"Figures..." I sighed.

"Can't really do much but patch you up." She said.

"That's all we need." Midori replied.

"Alright sit down and try not to think about it." She said.

"This is gonna hurt isn't it?" I asked.

"Most likely." She said pulling out some tongs.

"Great..." I sighed.


"Alright come here." Midori said. We returned to our apartment and I sat down next to her. Doc had to remove what remained of my eye and that was a very painful experience. She gave me a lotion to keep it from getting infected.

Midori removed my bandages and began to gently apply the ointment, "How's it feel?" She asked.

"Painful. Like I just got stabbed in the eye... Again." I said.

"Pity... You have nice eyes." She said.

"I mean... Your silver eye reminds me of Ruby. You know Ruby?" I asked.

"Half sister... Ish..." She said.

"How so?" I asked.

"I was made in a lab. They somehow stole Ruby's mom's DNA and used it to make me. So technically I'm her half sister." She said.

"You were made in a lab?" I asked.

"I'm also Blake's sister, Weiss's cousin, and that's about it." She said.

"Man... And your dad?" I asked.

"They stole his DNA as well. The only male DNA in me." She said.

"Freaky, but also cool." I said as she wrapped my eye with new bandages.

"Yeah... I miss them." She said, "But I have things to do... Like get Kohina on our side."

"You like the idea?" I asked.

"Better than fighting her... Or worse." She said.

"Hey... You aren't alone remember." I said.

"Yeah... I guess you're right." She smiled. Her smile was actually very lovely. Though it was short lived as she quickly looked away and cleared her throat, "Well I'm done for the day... I'm going to sleep. See you tomorrow we have a Gastrea to hunt."

"Yeah... Good night." I said. I sat alone thinking about her words.

"I haven't been happy for eight years... eight Fucking years! And I'm sick of it!"

"I hope I can change that." I sighed. I wonder what she was like happy? I mean that smile was beautiful and made me want to hug her... I want to see how she is when she's happy, "A problem for another time... And I'll work hard to make that day come."

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