
By HyunnieBun__

3.6K 188 48

DISCONTINUED โŒฒ Yoongi and Hoseok two newlyweds, just celebrating their wedding. It just so happened that they... More

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78 7 1
By HyunnieBun__

December/02 / 2020
12:34 pm

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It's already December that's means it's time for Christmas everybody's favourite time of year , all about spending time with family or if your religious , the birth of Jesus Christ.

While it was frosty outside Yoonseok were inside in the toasty warm house snuggled up together while the fire blazed in their fireplace as they watched TV and Yoongi was going to turn 3 months pregnant soon as well and he thought that he has it bad right now

"Hoseok! Stop touching my stomach or I will punch you Last warning"

Yoongi grumbled clenching his fist at Hoseok before the younger male kissed him

"What's wrong now Yoonie , you need to use the bathroom? , are you cramping? , do you want more snacks?"

Hoseok ask he completely ignores Yoongi's warning and continues to caress Yoongi's small bump , it made Hoseok excited when he noticed yoongi was getting one so he became more touchy-feely with him.

On the other hand Yoongi likes it when he has feelings for it , but He's been getting moody and pretty violent towards Anybody who gets on his nerves really bad temper.

"I don't want any of that! But I do want you to stop touching me! I mean it I will punch you right in your mouth and try speaking with swollen lips"

Yoongi says moving Hoseok's hand to His own lap before Hoseok makes a annoyed sigh and then latch's to yoongi like koala.

"Sorry , That your moody and I'm trying to Communicate with our baby"

Hoseok says now actually trying to annoy Yoongi knowing he won't hurt him

"MoOdY? I'm fine. Okay Hoseok your getting on my got damn nerves and I'm really about to clock your flat ass"

Yoongi says shoving his elbow into Hoseok face to push him away but his hands don't budge

"Your bluffing..you won't hurt me I know it"

Hoseok says slipping his head under Yoongi's arm on to his his chest , but Yoongi wasn't playing and popped him in the eye making Hoseok squeak "ow".

"I see you can't understand verbally so I have you help physically! When I say stop I mean Hobi and if I throw hands don't act surprised Cause I warned you multiple time , and if you start crying I give you something to cry about"

Yoongi fussed as Hoseok held he eye that will probably start to bruise later

"Okay I'm sorry I'll leave you alone!"

Hoseok frowned still a bit surprised

"But have you been lifting Yoonie Cause I didn't know you hit That hard"

Hoseok teased testing Yoongi's patients

"Hoseok I swear the god..play with me one more time And you will see this baby born with not father!"

Yoongi says getting ready to throw another punch

"Okay okay! Please don't kill me I'm going to go get a ice pack"

Hoseok says with a scared crinkled smile as Yoongi Hugs an pillow ignoring him.

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Hoseok comes back with a ice pack on his eye to see Yoongi crying into the pillow from earlier.

"Yoonie What's wrong?"

Hoseok asked sitting by him not so close to him , he looks up from the pillow with his lip quivering

"Why are you so far from me!?"

Yoongi sobs hugging the pillow when literally Hoseok is a inch away from him

"Do you hate me? Now are you planning out divorce!?"

Yoongi cry's some more making Hoseok chuckle he scotches closer but not touching him just in case Yoongi is still going through what he was earlier

"I don't hate you Babe , and never in a million years would I ever want to divorce you Yoonie , I just don't wanna get smacked again"

Hoseok says being honest

"H..Hobi I'm sorry..."

Yoongi says with his lips crinkled

( Oof! Sorry if that turned a bit sad )

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( Jimin did take Jungkook to the hospital This little Group chat is to make up for the only 700 words I wrote )

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Word Count: 706

( spelling errors fixed later :P )



( oh yeah and thanks AnniTrancy 7th grade isn't as bad As I thought from some reason your comment got reported 🤷‍♀️ )

Okay Okay this time I'm leaving...

Caption this Lol

Okay For real this time


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