Memory Lane

By B_Rabbit14

3K 77 35

Tails has had a rough past before he met Sonic, though everybody already knows that. What they don't know is... More

First Stop: Remembering
Stop Two: Explaining
Stop Three: Struggling
Stop Four: Helping
Stop Five: Coming
Stop Six: Reuniting
Stop Seven: Waking Up
Stop Eight: Discovering
Stop Ten: Results of Pain
Stop Eleven: Happy Times
Stop Twelve: Lost Memories
Stop Thirteen: Returning
Untitled Part 15

Stop Nine: Nightmares

137 4 6
By B_Rabbit14

Trigger warning for gore and violence

Y/N stood in the middle of a sea of fire, thousands of screams echoed around her.

In her hand was a knife covered in the blood of her many victims, hundreds upon hundreds of dead bodies lay below her feet.

She couldn't stop herself...

I didn't want to do this....

She looked at the body directly in front of her, it empty eyes staring back into her tear filled ones. She crouched down besides it and cradled the body in her arms, ignoring the blood staining her fur. She kept repeating two words, "I'm sorry.... I'm sorry...." She sobbed clutching the dead body closer to her body.

Around her the bodies began to rise dragging their broken bodies towards her, she looked at them with fearful eyes as they got closer, and closer. "H-how could you.... D-do this to me...?" A voiced moaned out, and Y/N turned to see a cat whose eyes had been gouged out and throat was slit, blood was still leaking from the gaping wound.

Y/N backed away still holding the body close to her, "I didn't want t-to, h-he made me!" She stuttered out. One by one more bodies began to cry and moan out in pain, and each and everyone of them blaming Y/N for their suffering.


"What did I do to deserve this?!"

"Mommy, it hurts!"

"How could you?!"

"It's your fault!"

Y/N froze hearing the last voice, she looked down at the body in her arms. The once dead eyes now looked back at her full of rage. "You said you'd always protect me!" It shouted at her, causing her to drop it and try back away. She couldn't though she was surrounded, she stared at the figure in front of her and looked into the eyes of her beloved baby brother. "You said you would never leave me!" He screamed.

"I didn't want any of this! Why won't listen to me?!" Y/N cried tears were streaming down her face, she fell to her knees and covered her ears attempting to block out the noise but to no avail.

"Because all the words you say are nothing but lies!" Tails screamed back.

"No! I would never lie to you, I love you!" She said trying to reason with the corpse of her brother.


Y/N glanced at the gaping hole in his chest where his heart should be, then looked down in her hands and saw a heart-his heart in her hands still pumping and writhing in her right palm.


Y/N bolted upright in her bed panting and sweating like crazy, she tired to calm down by reminding herself that it was a dream and only that. She uncovered herself and began to take deep breaths, I'm okay... I'm okay.... She repeated that thought in her head but still couldn't calm down. She walked to her door and opened it slowly before peering out into the hallway, it was dark and empty. Y/N doubted anyone was up, she certainly wasn't going back to sleep anytime soon so she slipped into the hallway closing the door behind her. She silently went down the hallway and made her way to the door, Maybe some fresh air will do me some good. Before she made it to the door she noticed that a light was on in the garage where Tails worked most of the time, after they did a few more tests he decided that she would stay with him. She peeked through the crack and saw Tails sleeping at his desk, she shook her head. Of course her fell asleep working again... She thought, though she was relieved to see he was alright and alive ... She pointed at a blanket near the chair he was sitting in a mentally moved it and covered Tails up, she smiled before turning and going back to the front door and walking outside.

Earlier that day she had practiced trying to use her power to fly, like Cream told her Silver could. It had been pretty easy once she was focused, she closed her eyes a drew in a deep breath then lifted herself into the air and took off and a fairly fast pace. She flew until her head began to throb lightly signaling that she needed to give her brain a rest, she had only went to bed a few hours ago so she hadn't exactly given her brain time to rest fully. She landed gently in a clearing deep within a forest which turned out to be a chao garden, Y/N sat down near the small pond trying to gather her thoughts. She noticed most of the chao were keeping their distance as much as possible, but an angel chao decided to be brave and approach her. Y/N kept still as to not scare the small creature, soon enough the little chao nudged her hand indicating it wanted attention so Y/N rubbed it's head affectionately. It crawled into her lap, seeing this the other chao began to relax.

Y/N stared up at the stars thinking about the events that happened throughout her dream, she continued to pet the chao in her lap and it made happy noises. She sat there for a while but couldn't shake away the feeling of dread that had been there ever since she had woken up, her ear twitched towards the sound of a twig snapping. She turned around and saw Sonic crouched down petting a chao, "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." He said with a tired smile.

"Its okay, I thought I was alone.... I can leave if you want." Y/N said as she stood up.

"No, you're okay. I just got here, I didn't realize someone already beat me here." He chuckled, then walked over to her and sat down. He patted the ground next to him, "You sit down, you look exhausted." He said and Y/N sat down by him, "Couldn't sleep?" Sonic asked breaking the silence, Y/N looked down at the chao in her arms and nodded. Sonic sighed, he could relate, ever since Y/n woke up it seemed as if those old memories kept coming back to haunt him. "Was it a nightmare?" He asked softly, Y/N looked up and nodded again. Sonic wanted to ask what it was about but he had strong feeling that he already knew what it was about.

"I thought I was back there." Y/N said quietly, Sonic glanced at her from the corner of his eyes he decided to stay silent in case she wanted to continue. "I thought... I was back there with Infinite. There were so many bodies... a-and I had knife in my hand- There was s-so m-much blood..." She buried her face in her hands and began to sob softly, Sonic frowned he knew she went through a lot of torture when Infinite messed with her using his illusions but he hadn't know he made her kill people in them. "I killed so many people when I was there and I didn't even know...." She said.

"Those were just illusions, you didn't kill anyone." He put a hand on her shoulder to comfort her, Y/N shook her head.

"No, they were all real people. I had thought at first they were all illusions but when...." She fell silent unsure if it was okay to bring up the fact that she almost had to kill him.

"But when....?" Sonic asked leaning in slightly waiting for her to continue.

Y/N hesitated before going on, she looked back down at the angel chao who was blinking up at her worried. "When I was ordered to kill you..." She hesitated again and began to pet the chao.

Sonic patted her back, "Hey it's okay if you don't want to tell me, but I'm here for you if you need me." He said with a small smile to show that he meant it.

Y/N sighed. "When I was ordered to kill you back on the Death Egg, I refused telling the doctor that I will never kill an innocent being..." She looked up to the sky with a haunted look in her eyes. "When I said that he laughed before saying, 'You should be used to it by now, you've done it so many times by now.'" She whispered and hugged the chao a little tighter, it 'chaoed' sadly when it noticed her sullen expression had worsen and small tears were gathering in the corners of her eyes. "He tricked me into thinking that they were only illusions, I should've known though.... It all felt way too real..." She said softly, she could care less about all of this being awkward so she let herself cry freely and leaned on Sonic as her small frame racked with heart wrenching sobs. And Sonic let her, he knew how hard it was holding all of those emotions in just so people wouldn't be worried about him.

"I'm a monster..." Y/N said between hiccups, Sonic's eyes widened.

"No, you're just someone who's been broken. It wasn't your fault." He replied. "You may be broken but if you let them, others can help put you back together. And I'm sure Tails does not see you as a monster."

Y/N only nodded before sighing and fully leaning on him relishing the comfort Sonic was giving her.

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