Man of My Dreams βœ”οΈ

By Writer_by_Chance99

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Hmmmm what to tell πŸ€”πŸ€” Totally confused πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ It's better if you read it for yourself 😁 Cover Credits: @... More

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By Writer_by_Chance99

Hey guyss,

Here is the next chapter ......

Do read it & let me know how's it !!

Note: You might feel this is chapter is boring & am sorry for that in advance !


Continuation from previous chapter


Rohan was tied to a chair with all the ropes, he was trying very hard to get rid of that ropes but his bad luck it was no use. He was shouting for help but he couldn't find anyone. After sometime he heard footsteps, he was trying see his face but it was invisible due to darkness...... that is when he heard some voice ....

So how are you Mr. Rohan Mehra ?

Who are you, why did you kidnap me, what do you want ? ...... Rohan asked in a loud voice

Arey these many questions in a go, have some patience Mr. Mehra ....... Rohan heard him say

I don't have time listen to your stupid answers , just let me go. Today is my wedding day & my bride is waiting for me ...... Rohan said while struggling to open the ropes

Oh is it ? I didn't knew that you were so serious about this wedding ..... Rohan heard him say while chuckling

See Mister who ever you're I just don't give a damn, just untie these ropes & let me go ....... Rohan said in a loud voice

Unfortunately that's not possible Mr.Mehra ...... Rohan heard him say

Rohan was still struggling to untie the ropes but no use .... he was trying to see the man's face but no use ..... that is when he heard that man's voice

Mr. Mehra I've a surprise for you ..... Rohan heard him say

Rohan was about to say something but couldn't, as some recording started playing ...

Recording :

Guy : Rohan are you seriously in love with Avni Mehta ?

Rohan : Are you mad Vikram, Who said I love her ?

Vikram : What do you mean who said, whole college knows that you both are in love & if am not wrong you're the one who proposed her right ? then ...

Rohan : Oh common dude, how can I love a girl like Avni ... I mean look at her man she doesn't have a family, she doesn't have property then how can someone love her truly ? I'm just faking to be in love with her, that's it .....

Vikram : But why are you doing this ?

Rohan : I'm just doing all this to gain trust from her, I mean I want her to surrender herself to me completely for one night .... that's it, once it is done I'll leave her.

Vikram : But this is wrong dude, I mean ...... he couldn't continue further as he was interrupted by rohan

Rohan : Oh common bro, no one will get to know about this & even she doesn't have a family to support her in this, So just chill. Since the day I saw her in the college I so wanted to get her but that was not possible as she was very tough nut to crack. So I made this plan, but even after confessing she didn't allowed me to kiss her ....... then I proposed her for marriage & she agreed. Now I just have to wait for some more time & then she'll be mine .....

Vikram : But what if she knows this plan before the marriage ?

Rohan : It's highly impossible man cause she trusts me blindly .... he said while laughing evilly

End of the Recording

So what do you want say about this recording Mr. Mehra ..... Rohan heard him say

Who are you & how did you record this ..... Rohan asked tensed voice

Do you really want to know who am I ? ...... Rohan heard him say

Yes ..... Rohan replied in tensed voice

Okay .... Saying this he switched on the lights & Rohan eyes were widened in shock

Vikram ..... this is the only name escaped his mouth

Why did you do this Vikram, I've trusted you the most & you betrayed me ...... Rohan yelled

No response

Answer me dammit, why did you kidnap me, why did you record our conversation ...... Rohan yelled again

No response

Rohan was about to say something but couldn't as he heard someone talking .......

So Mr. Mehra how are you feeling after tasting your own medicine ? ....... Rohan heard that man say

Medicine ? What are you talking about & who the hell are you ........ Rohan asked loudly

Yes medicine, "Betrayal" ...... Avni trusted you so much & you planned to betray her right, So how did it feel when ur friend Vikram betrayed you ..... Rohan heard him say

Look I don't who you're & what do you want from me, as of now just let me go my bride is waiting for me & we can discuss all these things later ....... Rohan said calmly

No that's not gonna happen I'll never all you to marry Avni ...... Rohan heard him say sternly

Who the hell are you to stop me from marrying her, if you're so concerned about her just come infront of me ........ Rohan yelled

I guess many of you guessed who is the man ..... yes it's our very own Neil Khanna ......

Neil ....... it came as a mere whisper from Rohan due to shock

Yes it's me, now tell me why did you do all these ...... he asked looking at Rohan with anger

Why do you think I'll tell you ....... Rohan asked while raising his eyebrows

You don't have any choice rather than spilling out the truth ...... Neil said in loud voice

Okay Neil calm down ...... will have a deal, I'll marry her & make her mine then later you can also have fun with her, I don't have any problem ...... Trust me Neil you won't regret that ...... so what say ...... Rohan asked looking at him

Neil was looking at him with anger, he just wanted to rip his head off ..... but he controlled himself coz he has to know the Rohan's real motive behind this plan ....... he came out of trance when he heard Rohan's voice

So Neil is the deal okay for you ....... Rohan asked while raising his eyebrows

That's it Neil couldn't control himself & ended up slapping Rohan not once but thrice, all this while he was looking at Neil with shocked expressions .....

Neil I ...... Rohan couldn't continue further as he was interrupted by Neil

Don't speak a word about Her or I swear I'll just kill you right here ....... Neil yelled in top his voice while wrapping his hand around his neck

Neil leave him, please calm down ..... saying this Ahaan dragged him aside

Composing himself Neil turned towards Rohan .....

I assume whatever I heard in that recording is not the complete truth, So now tell me what is it ..... Neil asked him

What if I won't tell you ...... Rohan asked while looking at him

Well if you don't want to tell it to me you can tell it to police & I guess you know what happens after that ....... Neil said while keeping his hands in his pocket

Please don't call police, I'll tell you ...... it's true that I had my eyes on her since I saw her but she was not interested in me, So I decided to make her fall for me & I started following her everywhere without her notice ...... then one day I saw her with a lady in mall, I thought she was her mom but later I got to know that she is her Bua ( Diya's Mother) & then I started following them, there I saw her bua talking to someone about Avni's marriage proposal. I was just standing there listening to the conversation, that is when I heard that this is a fake marriage ..... I was shocked to hear that  ...... just to get the property which belongs to Avni they are planning this fake marriage & that is when I decided to get that property.

Somehow I found Avni's bua number & called her to meet me, first she didn't agree but later she agreed as I threatened her to kill Diya. Next day I met her bua in a cafe, I told her that I will marry Avni & give them the property ...... her bua was okay with this but then I asked share in that property to which she refused & then I threatened to show the video ( conversation in mall), that is when she agreed to give me the share.

So everything was going perfect as per my plan & finally Avni fell in love with me ....... I promised her that I'll marry her once we get settled after the college to which she agreed. Poor girl didn't knew my intentions behind this marriage, well I cannot blame her coz she was craving for love & care which she got from me, so it was easy to trap her.

Thud .....

Rohan's cheeks were welcomed by slaps one after the other ..... Neil was fuming in anger he was taking out his frustration by slapping but still he wasn't satisfied he just want to rip his head off, but he was stopped by Ahaan.

I'll not leave you Rohan until & unless I teach you a lesson, So that you don't play with the feelings of any other girl ...... Neil said in loud voice

Well I see that you're so concerned about Avni, So let me tell you one thing ..... no one respects her in the society, no one treats her like a person ..... everyone accuses her, even though she has not done anything wrong ..... you know about our society right, how they treats a girl whose marriage has been broken on mandap ..... just imagine how Avni's life will be in this society, she will be not having any other option rather than ending her life ....... Neil heard him say

You basta** shut your filthy mouth ...... saying this Neil was about hit him but Ahaan dragged him aside

What ? Am telling the truth bro, who will marry her after knowing that her groom left her on the wedding day itself . They will think that she might be having some problem & ...... he couldn't continue further as Neil's voice interrupted

I'll marry her ....... yes I'll ....... not because of sympathy ...... it's because I Love her, she need to be treated as a princess & I'm ready to do that till my last breath ........ Neil said loudly

Rohan's eyes widened in shock ...... he was unable to believe his ears ......

Just don't let him go anywhere & keep a eye on him ....... Neil ordered some of his men & left the place with Ahaan !!!

End of flashback

Neil was shocked to hear all these, the truth which he hid from Avni till now is out now ....... he came out of trance when he felt her body against him

That is when he saw her, she was hugging him so tightly that even air cannot be passed ....... keeping a halt for his thoughts he hugged her tightly ....... they stayed in same position for quite sometime ..... suddenly he felt his shirt getting wet, realising it was her tears he immediately lifted her head up ..... He cupped her cheeks & made her look into his eyes ....

Avi please don't cry I cannot see you like this, I just can't take this ...... please Avi please ..... you're my strength & you're my weakness, please don't cry ..... he said having tears in his eyes

Cupping his cheeks she started kissing all over his face ( except lips ), shocked would be an understatement for him ....... he just sat there like a statute ....... he was not responding to anything

Later she rested her forehead against his ...... words were not required at this moment, as their hearts started having silent conversation !

"Saying nothing Sometimes says the Most"

Realising what she has done about minutes back, she broke the moment & sat quietly while looking in different directions ....... & he was busy in observing her expressions ...... unable to bear the silence he decided to break it .......

Avi ....... she heard him calling her name

Haan ....... she said while turning towards him slowly

I already said, You've all the rights on me & no need to be embarrassed ...... she heard him say

Yeah ..... he heard her say

But one thing is not fair ...... he said while looking at her

And what is that ....... she asked while looking at him

You've claimed your rights on my whole face but what about here ( while pointing towards his lips ) ...... he said while winking at her

For that you've to wait for some more time Mr. Khanna ...... saying this she blushed

Haayee ..... your blush ...... mein marjawan ..... he said while keeping his hand on his heart

Neil ..... saying this she hid her face in her palms

Mrs. Khanna if you can't stop blushing, then am sorry I won't be able to control myself ...... she heard him say

What ? ...... composing herself she said Okay

Don't you want to hear my side of the story ...... she heard him say

I know you've fallen in love with me since the day you saw me in college but couldn't propose as you got to know that I was in relation with Rohan ..... he heard her say

Yes but how did you know ...... she heard him say

I'll tell that later, but first tell me about our divorce, about Niti & all that ...... he heard her say

Okay madam, your wish is my command ...... she heard him say

Dramebaaz ...... she murmured under breath but unfortunately it was heard by her husband

I heard that ...... she heard him say

Well that name suits you ...... he heard her say

Okay as you say Mrs. Dramebaaz ...... he said while laughing

Oh hello am not Dramebaaz, okay ...... she said while pointing a finger towards him

Acha tell me one thing, you're married to me & am your husband .... right ? ..... she heard him say

Yes ...... she replied

Then whatever name is given to me is reciprocated to you as well, it's as simple as that ...... he replied while throwing his hands in air

Whatever ..... she said while rolling her eyes

Yeah ...... he said while rolling his eyes

Now tell me ...... he heard her say

Okay ..... she heard him say

When I was out of country I met one of my friend who is from Delhi, we were discussing about the properties in Delhi, as I was thinking to buy one there. He told me about a land which was registered on your name, that is when I've realised that this the property Rohan was talking about.

So I called up my lawyer to discuss about this, then he told me that I've to go to Delhi to meet your lawyer, so I said okay. Then I got to know that your lawyer was out of town, and once he was back he contacted me & asked me to meet him, I said okay & went to Delhi . There he asked me show our marriage certificate & photos related to our marriage, which I showed him.

After that he gave me some papers asking me to sign them, so I simply took them & signed on them..... then he explained that the half property belongs to me & half belongs to you ..... then he said that these clause's were included as per your parents advice. But I've told him that this property should be on your name, so he said that I can transfer from my name to yours ..... & for that your signatures were needed.

That is when I made this divorce plan, coz I know you will never sign if you get to know these are property papers. So everything went as per my plan except one thing ..... you leaving me ...... I've never expected this from you but it happened .....

I've searched for you at every possible place I know but couldn't find you. I was broken, I was unable to imagine my life without you .... I became all alone once again ...... I thought of confessing my love to you ...... but you left me ......

I've started dreaming of having a bright future with you, a perfect family ....... but my dreams were shattered ....... I was shattered ...... my life became a mess once again ...... there's no meaning of my life without you, then I decided to end my life ..... & that is when I found a ray of hope

I've seen your pic along with Niti ( my sister ) in her what's app ....... without wasting much time I booked a flight ticket for Rajasthan ..... I ..... he couldn't continue further as she interrupted him

That means you came to college in Rajasthan on our Annual day ..... he heard her say

Yes I was there ....... she heard him say

I thought it was my hallucination but it was reality, then why didn't you met me, you could've just slapped me for leaving you & could've taken me with you ..... I'd have come happily with you ..... you stupid, idiot .... I hate you ...... saying this she started hitting him

Avi .... Avi ..... stop it am sorry, I thought you were not interested in ..... he couldn't continue further as he interrupted by her

How can you think like that, didn't you know that I've started falling for you ..... how can someone not fall in love with you ...... he heard her say

Am sorry ...... he replied while looking into her yes

Okay now continue ..... & yeah don't think I'm leaving that topic, it will be dealt later ....... do you understand ...... she said while glaring at him

Okay lady don ...... he replied while crossing his arms against his chest

Good ..... & now continue ..... he heard her say

Okay so without wasting time I met Niti on that day & told her everything ...... about our marriage, about you leaving me & all, she said that she will take care of you & will inform me if anything needed. Since that day she started giving me all the updates about you ...... one day she told me that you broke down infront of her, you told her that you love me & you want to see me happy & that is the reason you left me. Then I decided to get you back but I wasn't understanding how to, then I made a plan .......

I sent Rohan to you, as per my plan he showed the video to you ...... I know you'll come back to Mumbai for confronting me ..... & see it happened. But I never thought that you'll sneak to our house & find out the truth in beforehand.

I'm smart ...... she said raising her Kurti collars

Yeah you're ...... she heard him say

Avi but seriously I was very happy to see you proposing me infront of everyone & at the same time I was shocked to see this side of yours ..... she heard him say

Well I agree that am a shy person but when it comes to you, I automatically become very bold person I mean I don't know how but it happens ...... he heard her say

Hmmm to be frank I like this side of yours ..... she heard him say

Thank you ..... she said while smiling

Acha tell me, what would've you done if you got to know that I was getting married or married to someone else ........ he asked looking at her

I would've killed ...... she said while glaring at him

Who ? that girl ...... he asked while raising his eye brows

No ..... I'd have killed you ....... she said while looking at him in anger

Acha calm down ..... calm down my lady don ..... he said while patting her back in response she just glanced at him while rolling her eyes

Waise ..... is your boldness comes out only if you've to claim your rights on me in public or will it come out when we are in bed as well ....... he said in a husky voice

Realising what he said, her eyes widened in shock ..... Neil ..... saying this she was about to hit him but he went inside the room

She was chasing him since 10 mins but no luck, the pillows, the bed sheets were scattered across the room ...... as both were breathing heavily she sat on bed while he was standing at a distance ...... he saw her eyes closed so he just tip toed towards her, but his bad luck she opened her eyes & in nick of time she caught him & pulled him towards her ......

He fell on top her while she was lying flat on her back ...... their eyes were locked ..... his breath was fanning against her lips ...... their noses were against each other ....... slowly her heart started racing & so was his ...... he tucked her hair strands behind her ear ...... she just closed her eyes feeling his fingers against her skin .......

Wifey we've to clean our room by tomorrow morning , if not hotel staff will think that we were having very wild s** ......... you know what I mean right ...... he whispered into her ears in husky voice

She immediately opened her eyes & saw him winking at her ...... understanding what he said she was about to hit him but he got up ......

Neil, you're becoming shameless ....... saying this she threw a pillow towards him

Only infront you wifey ...... he said while throwing a pillow towards her

You were not like this before ....... he heard her say

Haan at that time I didn't knew about your feelings for me, so I was behaving like a sharif insaan ..... she heard him say

I won't leave you Neil ...... saying this she threw another pillow towards him

Well who asked you to leave me, you can just hold me & lock me in your embrace ...... I won't mind being your arms 24*7 ..... he replied while winking at her while she was looking at him having shocked expressions !!

Oh gosh how much they will fight, let's leave them & will meet them in next chapter. Hope they will stop fighting by that time !!!

                    ** End of chapter 11**

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Note : this is the longest chapter I've ever wrote ..... 3602 words !!

Guys if you liked the chapter please do click on the ⭐️ symbol at left bottom of your page

Much love 💖

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