
By sparrowskye

9.4K 113 90

Is it possible for Skul to get Val pregnant???!! More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
final chapter

chapter 11

557 9 0
By sparrowskye

Valkyrie awoke to see Skulduggery pacing back and forth in front of her, talking on the phone, his pants pulled up in a haste, the button and zipper not even done yet due perhaps to the phone call. Valkyrie groaned as she stretched her limbs and pointed to the shirt on the floor.

"Skul, could you hand me that please?" she muttered. He picked it up and tossed it to her, continuing to pace about the floor.

"Thanks," she said, slipping it over her head as she sat and rubbed her eyes. She heard Skulduggery end his call, then felt him sit down next to her.

"Good morning," he said, slipping his arm around her waist and kissing her forehead gently.

"Morning," she replied groggily, nestling up his chest in an attempt to fall back asleep.

"Come on, you need to wake up," Skulduggery said gently shaking her, "Your parents are arriving today."

A look of horror and despair came across her face that only Skulduggery could detect.

"Don't worry, everything is going to be alright," he said, hugging her.

"No it's not," she pouted, "They will be freaking out on me and asking me lots of questions and I'm already stressed with the whole wedding being so soon and have no idea what I'm supposed to do and-" Skulduggery kissed her on the lips, interrupting her rant.

"Everything is going to be fine," he said with a slight smirk. Valkyrie glared at him.

"Don't," she said sharply.

'Don't what?" he asked with the smirk getting bigger at the sight of Valkyrie's face turning from despair to annoyed anger.

"Don't smile at me like that! Why are you not freaking out with me?" Skulduggery couldn't help but to laugh. Valkyrie got so mad she started gritting her teeth.

"Calm down," he said after he regained himself and hugged her close again, "It's going to be ok. I took care of everything." Valkyrie just stared at him.

"You did?" Skulduggery nodded.

"Yes. I called everyone and set everything up."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes I'm completely serious."

"Wow," Valkyrie breathed, "How? When?"

"Don't worry about it; everything has been taken care of. Everyone will be here Thursday."

"You really have everything taken care of, don't you?"

"Yes I do, don't worry about anything. All you need to worry about is you."

"Alright Skul," she said, leaning into him, "I believe you. But what if I want some input in this wedding?" Skulduggery smiled.

"You can input whatever you like but I think I have you covered."

He then kissed her neck, pushing her gently back down on her back. She smiled, and then laughed as Skulduggery leaned over top of her, pinning her down. She let a soft moan pass through her lips, her arms slipping up around his neck.

She then heard the sound of a carriage coming up the stone path.

"Maybe that's my parents," she said, pushing Skulduggery off her. She slipped her underwear on then stood up to look out the window to see her parents stepping out of the carriage that had just arrived.

"They're here!" she yelled, bustling about the room trying to dress herself, then ran downstairs to meet her parents at the front door.

"Oh Stephanie!" her mother exclaimed as she spotted her daughter, hugging her tightly, "I'm so happy for you!"

"Thanks mum," Valkyrie said, pulling away from her mother.

"Can I see the ring?" her mother asked. Valkyrie showed her mother her hand with the slender diamond ring on it. "Oh dear it's beautiful!" she said as tears welled up in her eyes. She hugged Valkyrie again then turned to help Desmond with the bags.

Valkyrie went to help unload the bags as Skulduggery came down to greet them. Melissa hugged him and Valkyrie bit back a laugh as Skulduggery awkwardly hugged her back.

"I'm so happy for you both!"

"Thank you," Skulduggery said politely, trying to keep his own excitement slightly contained. Desmond and Valkyrie came over with the bags.

"Oh let me give you a hand," Skulduggery said as he grabbed the bags from Valkyrie. She smirked, and then kissed him lightly on the lips.

"Thank you...dear," she said smartly. Skulduggery smiled.

"Anything for you...sweetheart." Valkyrie made a face at the ridiculous pet name, making Skulduggery laugh. Desmond walked inside to the desk to check in.

"So your father and I were thinking that we should have dinner together tonight," Melissa said as she followed her husband inside.

Valkyrie looked horror struck.

"Mum, I don't think-"

"We could refuse!" Skulduggery interrupted. Valkyrie shot him a quick glare.

"That's wonderful!" Melissa exclaimed as she glanced over at Desmond who seemed like he was having a hard time with the check-in.

"Excuse me I have to go help your father," she said, walking over to him. Valkyrie turned to Skulduggery.

"I don't want to have dinner with my parents!" she whined, "We still have things to do!"

"Just relax Valkyrie," he said, setting the bags down," I told you everything is taken care of, a little dinner won't hurt. Besides, it will be a chance for your parents to get to know me." Valkyrie just looked at him with agitation, her arms folded across her chest.

"I love you?" he tried. Valkyrie sighed then hugged him.

"You're lucky I love you," she muttered into his shirt. Skulduggery smiled as he lifted her head up to face him.

"I am lucky," he mumbled lovingly into her ear then kissed her lips softly.

"Aw! You two are so adorable!" Melissa squealed as she walked back over to them. Valkyrie blushed and tried to hide her face in Skulduggery's shirt.

'Well we have our rooms all set so I guess all we need to do is get settled in," Melissa said.

"Right, I'll help you carry your stuff," Skulduggery said, letting go of Valkyrie and picking the bags back up.

"Oh thank you Lorcan," she said, walking up the stairs after Desmond. Valkyrie pulled Skulduggery back over to her.

"You owe me," she whispered in his ear. Skulduggery just smirked and kissed her red cheek.

"I don't think I'll have a problem repaying it," he said, winking at her, then took off up the stairs. Valkyrie rolled her eyes and walked up the stairs after him.

"Skul, I don't want to do this!"

"Oh come on Valkyrie, it won't be that bad. We've done this before and I don't see why this is such a big deal."

"Because I don't want them to find out!" Skulduggery stopped and turned to face the scouring Valkyrie.

"They won't find out Valkyrie and if they do then we can handle it." Valkyrie hung her head in defeat.

"I suppose so," she muttered.

"It will be fine Valkyrie, I promise you. Come on, let's get going. We don't want to keep them waiting."


They continued down the path to the Woods Restaurant. Melissa and Desmond were already there, waiting for them. Valkyrie sat down across from them, trying to keep her distance from her mother.

"We already ordered a bottle of wine if you two would like a glass," Melissa said.

"No thank you mum, I'm alright," Valkyrie replied.

"Oh?" her mom asked, surprised, "Ok, are you sure you're feeling alright?"

"Yeah mum, I'm fine really, I'll just have water."

"Same here," Skulduggery said, "Water will suit me just fine."

"Alright then," Melissa said, taking a last glance at them from over her menu.

The waiter soon came and took their orders. Valkyrie sat in her seat, fidgeting with her ring the whole time. Skulduggery must have been watching her because he soon too her hand in his, intertwining his fingers and gave her a reassuring smile.

Valkyrie felt her tense muscles relax and felt herself smile back at him.

"I still can't believe my little girl is getting married," her mother sighed, "It seems like only yesterday I was trying to pry you off my legs as you were crying because you didn't want to go to your first day of school."

"Mum!" Valkyrie whined, blushing madly. She shot Skulduggery a glare as he started laughing.

"You think that's bad? I've got loads more dear, believe me, you were quite the child." Valkyrie's face remained beet red.

"Please mum, don't. You're embarrassing me."

"Oh relax Stephanie. He's going to be your husband. So what if he hears a few embarrassing childhood memories? I'm sure he has his own." Skulduggery nodded.

"I'm certain I do. Sadly though I don't remember them."

"Oh?" Melissa said surprised, "How come may I ask?"

'Probably because he's over four hundred years old,' Valkyrie thought to herself.

"Well my parents died when I was very young so I don't remember too much of them or my childhood. I grew up pretty much on my own."

Valkyrie felt her heart drop as she wondered whether or not there was any truth to what he was saying. She didn't know anything about his childhood, he had never told her.

"Oh I'm so sorry, that's awful."

"It's quite alright actually. I believe the experience really helped me to become a strong person."

"Well it's good that you don't let it bring you down."

Their food came soon after and it stayed silent for a while after that.

"So do you have your wedding dress picked out?" Valkyrie paused in her assault of her spaghetti.


"I have a friend bringing it up tomorrow," Skulduggery interrupted.

"Really?" Melissa asked, turning her attention to Skulduggery, "Have you seen the dress?"

"No I haven't. In fact, no one has seen it."

"Oh really? And you're ok with this Stephanie?"

"Of course! It's perfectly fine with me."

'It would have been nice if he told me beforehand,' she thought. She didn't know he had made arrangements for a wedding dress, nor for that matter who was taking care of it.

"As long as you're ok with it dear," her mother replied, "What about everything else?"

"He has everything taken care of," Valkyrie said, picking at her spaghetti again, "All the decorations, the cake, the dresses...everything. Don't you?"

"Yes I do, I had everything taken care of before we arrived, it's all set."

"Oh that's good, I can't believe you two have everything set so fast." It was silent again as everyone continued eating.

"So," Melissa said as she pushed her empty plate from her, "Have you two talked about having children?" Valkyrie choked on the water she had been drinking.

'Oh no!' her brain cried as she started coughing. Her mother looked shocked.

"Are you ok Stephanie? Was it something I said?"

"Of course it was!" Desmond interrupted, "They are not even married yet and you're talking about children!"

"I didn't think it was a big deal, I believe it's a very important issue to discuss before marrying someone. I know we discussed it before we got married."

"No mum," Valkyrie choked out, "You're fine, just…didn't expect it." Valkyrie took in a couple deep breaths as Skulduggery rubbed her back.

"Oh I'm sorry dear; we don't have to talk about it if you don't want."

"No, its ok Mrs. Edgerly," Skulduggery said, "We actually have discussed this before ourselves."

'Skulduggery?' Valkyrie's brain screamed, 'What are you doing?'

"Yeah," he continued, "We decided that we would like a child someday."

"Oh exciting!" Melissa exclaimed, "I've always wanted grandchildren!"

"How long do you plan to wait 'til you even try to have a child?" Valkyrie's father asked.

"We don't have a set time really, just whenever we are blessed with one."

"I think you are right dear," Melissa said gleefully, "Whenever you two think you're ready to be parents I think is good." Skulduggery nodded in agreement.

"I suppose so," Desmond mumbled as he continued eating his dinner.

"Stephanie? Do you think you could come with me for a second?" Skulduggery asked.

"I guess," she answered as she stood up and followed Skulduggery to a secluded part of the restaurant.

"Is anybody coming?" he asked, looking around.



He slid down the wall and sat on the ground as his skin began to fade away to reveal the smiling skeleton Valkyrie had grown to know and love.

"Skulduggery you shouldn't do that, someone might see you," Valkyrie hissed.

"That's why you're here to keep watch. Sorry, you have no idea how weird it is to have all that food just sitting in the bottom of your stomach." He shivered. "How about you? How are you feeling?"

"Fine, except for what just happened. What the hell were you thinking?"

"I just thought it would be nice to see what your parents thought of the idea us having children." Valkyrie sighed.

"I guess it's a good thing that they are so keen to the idea, well, my mother anyway, but whether they did or didn't, I'm still having a child."

"Well now you don't have to strain yourself so much about it." Valkyrie nodded as she saw someone walking their way.

"Skulduggery! Somebody's coming!" she hissed.

She watched as his pale skin began to creep back over his white bones, completely covering him as a tall, skinny man walked by, nodding at them politely as he passed.

"Come on; let's go back to the table before your parents think something happened to us."

"Or think we went to go conceive a child," Valkyrie grumbled.

Skulduggery rolled his eyes as he slipped an arm around her waist as he led her back to the table.

"Is everything alright?" Melissa asked worriedly.

"Yes mum, everything's fine, don't worry about it. Just had to take care of some matters." Valkyrie gave her a smile to assure her everything was indeed fine.

"Alright then," Melissa replied, "So…what are everyone's plans for tomorrow?"

"Well," Skulduggery started, "I think we were going to help start decorating and setting up."

"Oh sounds good!" Melissa exclaimed, "Lot's of things to do before the wedding. Everyone else will be here tomorrow, correct?"
"Yeah mum."

"Perfect! It will be nice to see everyone together."

'Yeah,' Valkyrie though, 'I can't wait to see how we pull this one off."

Valkyrie and Skulduggery left soon after, leaving Valkyrie's parents there to let them enjoy some time to themselves.

Valkyrie moaned as she plopped face first down on the bed the instant Skulduggery unlocked the door to their room.

"Skul, how are we going to pull this off?" she mumbled into the bed sheets. Skulduggery walked over and sat down besides her.

"I told you not to worry about it Valkyrie, everything will be fine, it's all taken care of."

Valkyrie moaned again as she sat up, then felt a wave of nausea wash over her, making her stomach churn.

"I'm going to be sick," she mumbled, then darted into the bathroom, throwing up violently in the toilet. Skulduggery chuckled.

"It seems your morning sickness has finally caught up with you."

He got up and walked over to her, finding her kneeling down, her head hung over the toilet with her hair cascaded over her shoulders, hiding her face from view. He pulled back her hair, holding it out of her face as she threw up again.

"Skul," she droned out, sitting up and leaning back into Skulduggery as he gently rubbed her back.

"It doesn't last forever Valkyrie, just a few weeks, you can handle that." Valkyrie cuddled up to Skulduggery as she felt the nausea subsiding.

"It's ok Skul, it's worth it," she mumbled, hugging him tight. She felt him smile and hold her closer.

"Thank you Valkyrie," he murmured. He kissed her head, and then helped her to her feet.

"Come on, perhaps a warm shower will help you feel better." Valkyrie smiled.

"It will if you take one with me, besides, you owe me anyways," she smirked, wrapping her arms around his neck. Skulduggery shot a smile back at her.

"You're right, I do," he said, kissing her neck sweetly, "So I suppose I'll help you get ready."

Skulduggery continued his kisses down Valkyrie's neck until he reached the collar of her shirt, in which he pulled up over her head, discarding it on the floor, and continued down her neck.

"Stop it Skulduggery," Valkyrie giggled, gently pushing him away from her. She walked over to the sink and swished a cup of water around in her mouth, ridding it of the taste of vomit.

"I don't want you to have all the fun," she said as she spit the water out, turning around to smile at him, "besides, it's my turn now."

With that she grabbed Skulduggery's tie, pulling him into a deep kiss as she kicked the bathroom door shut.

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