Under the Stars

By smgurlz

119 10 5

"Chloe Winters. Two words that form the name of the most unique, crazy, amazing person, I've ever met. Well... More

2. Outfits & Parents
3. Skating, Male Models, & Evan
4. Walking Home in the Dark: An Adventure
5. Waking Up

1. Blue Shoes

49 4 1
By smgurlz

(Chloe's POV)

"Chloe! Hello?! Are you even listening to me? God, I swear sometimes, you are impossible to talk to."

"S-sorry Savannah..." I apologize to my best friend, returning back to reality.

"NO, no, it's fine... I just wish you would pay attention to me when I'm talking to you," Savannah interrupts me in a sarcastic tone of voice.

"Would you calm down okay? I just zoned out for like half a second..." I say with a hint of irritation in my voice.

"Uh-huh yeah whatever," Savannah rolls her eyes.

"Plus what are you even worried about. You're my best friend. Nothing is going to change that," I say with a small reassuring smile on my face.

"So you say, but all you ever do these days is daydream about Adrian Parks," she says slyly with a smirk on her face.

It was true. I was daydreaming about Adrian Parks. Which seemed to happen more and more these days. You see, it was kind of becoming a problem. Like I would be doing trigonometry homework and all of a sudden. BAM! An image of Adrian Parks would pop into my head and I would completely lose my focus. It was getting quite out of hand and I knew that I would have to do something about it soon.

"No I do not!!" I could feel my face turning a bright shade of red.

"Well, your face tells a different story princessa," Savannah says with a smirk on her face.

"S-shut up! Anyways did you study for the physics exam today?" I say desperately trying to change the subject.

"Wait what? WHAT? You better not be playing with me Chloe. We did not have a physics exam today? Did we?" she says as her eyes go wide.

"Yeah you might wanna start studying instead of getting yourself invovled in my love life princessa," I say with a sassy tone of voice.

"Ugh. You know I'm just playing with ya, but seriously do we have a physics exam?" Savannah slowly says the words, scared of the answer.

"Yup, here's my study guide. I'll meet you at the cafeteria for lunch?" I say with a smiling spreading across my face.

"Sure, that is if I don't die during my physics exam which I didn't know I had," she says calmly. But I can tell she is freaking out.

"Good luck butt head. I'll see you soon," I say with a chuckle.

Walking down the hallway, I could hear Savannah utter, "Yeah bye," as she was frantically flipping through the pages in my study guide.

You could see that was the type of relationship that Savannah and I had. We were the bestest of friends. Yes I realize bestest isn't a word. Okay, moving on. Anyways the rest of the day went on pretty smoothly. No food fights, no lock downs, no crazy maniac shooting up the school. It was a pretty normal day. Then lunch came around. Okay so there is something you should know about Lincoln High. Lunch is sort of like a tradition here. I honestly don't even know why but for some reason lunch is very important here. It never made sense to me, but whatever. Like I had promised Savannah earlier, I was going to meet her at the cafeteria to grab some lunch and chat. But then all of a sudden, out storms Principal Sanders and he pulls me into his office. I step into his office. His face is all scrunched up and he looks very angry. He motions for me to sit at the chair on the other side of his desk.

I take a seat in the chair in front of his desk. "What do you want?" I say in a rude tone, not in any mood to talk to him.

I didn't particularly like Mr. Sanders. You see, it always felt like he was always singling me out, getting me in trouble for no reason. He was always out to get me. And I honestly hated him. So the fact that he interrupted my lunch with this made me even more infuriated. My mind raced with thoughts. Why am I here? I didn't do anything wrong. Great, Savannah is gonna blame me for ditching her at lunch.

"Hello Savannah," he says in a deep voice interrupting my train of thought, "I am sorry that I had to pull you out of lunch. But there is something I need you to do for me."

Ugh. What is it now? I don't even like you... Why are you asking me for a favor?

I manage to get out, "Umm.. W-what is it?"

"Don't worry. It's nothing bad," he says while obviously faking a smile.

Under my breath I say, "Yeah that's what they always say..."

Mr. Sanders proceeds to clear his throat multiple times and then hands me a folder. I cautiously slide the folder across the desk to my side and pick it up. I look him directly in the eyes. What are you up to old man? What's in this folder? I very slowly open the folder, and look inside. I look at Principal Sanders, who has a devilish smile on face. I glance back to the folder.

"I finally got your community service situation figured out," he says with smirk on his face. I looked back down at the folder. My assignment was so ridiculously horrendous. I would rather stab out my eyes with spoons, then do my community service.

"You can't be serious, Mr. Sanders," my voice is laced with anger.

"I am quite serious. And it's Principal Sanders to you," he says with irritation in his voice.

"You're bullshitting me. I c-" I am rudely by interrupted by Principal Sanders.

"Watch your language Miss Winters. You don't want detention, do you?"

"I can say whatever I want Mr. Sanders. I don't need to listen to you," I say in the sassiest tone ever.

"I have told you again and again, it's Principal Sanders to you," he interrupts me and his eyes go dark.

"Oh I know. I just like pissing you off...." I pause for a second and continue with, "Mr. Sanders." I look him dead straight in the eyes and return the devilish smirk.

"That's it!" He stands up and slams his hands on the desk. "You will take your damn assignment and be happy with it. And the next time you call me Mr. Sanders I will personally see to it that you get detention. Okay? Now get out."

"Wow what's up your ass? Mr. Sanders. I-"

"GET OUT NOW!" His face had turned completely red and the veins in his neck and forehead were sticking out. His eyes were bulging out of his head. I think this was the most furious I've ever seen him. It was beautiful; I had successfully pissed him off.

"Okay sheesh. All you had to do was ask nicely," I say exiting the room still smiling. I check my phone. It read 1:23pm. Lunch had ended quite a while ago, and the campus look deserted. Everyone was in class. I continue wander the campus aimlessly. The entire day had been ruined. Thanks Mr. Sanders. It feels like the entire world is just out to get me today. I have no clue what I'm doing but my legs are still moving so I just go with it. I am so unaware of my surroundings I run right into Adrian Parks, drop all my books and trip over his blue shoes.

Quickly I apologize, "Oh my gosh. I am so sorry." God Chloe, you're such a clutz.

"Oh don't be. Are you okay? Do you need help with that?" He bends down to my level and looks me in the eyes.

I look away immediately; I can feel my face turning red. "No I g-got it." I say while picking up my folder and spilling all of my papers. Adrian lets out a small chuckle. My mind is going crazy. I couldn't stop thinking. I was getting all flustered but who could blame me? The cutest guy of the school, the guy I've had a crush on since like elementary school, is helping me pick up my books and papers. That is a pretty big deal for someone like me. After a while of fumbling around, I had managed to pick up all of my stuff.

And as I was standing up, Adrian smiled and said, "You know, you're kind of cute."

"Um thanks?" I smile and brush my hair behind my ear. I knew for a fact that my cheeks were blushing, I could feel the warmth emanating from my face. I bite my lip and quietly say, "Well I should be heading off to class. Bye"

"Uhh wait!" He grabs my arm lightly. I turn my head; he looks so good right now. My entire arm lights up. I can feel the adrenaline rushing through my body. My entire body was actually on fire. The electricity from the spot where Adrian was holding my arm was almost unbearable.

"Are you busy later? If not. Wanna hang out at the skate park? It's gonna be me and a couple of my buddies. You skate right? I think I've seen you there before..."

"Yeah actually I do. Sure that sounds great. S-see you then."

He walked away and I exhaled. Wow he even smelt good. God I was weird. He smelt like a evergreen forest collided with the smell of fresh made apple pie. It was simply amazing. My mind was going crazy. I kept imagining cute scenes of Adrian and me hanging out. Holding hands, cuddling, forehead kisses, adventurous dates, kisses. That's when my inner negative voice decides to chime in. She was always ruining things for me. Will you wake up Chloe? Be real, you don't stand a chance with him. You really think he would fall for you? You're not even cute. He probably just felt sorry for you. Plus he's like 4000x better looking than you. But it was true, I was just me and he was Adrian Parks, the star of the school, what was I even thinking?

//author's note//
Hey guys! So how did you like Chapter 1? Make sure to vote, and leave comments. I love you all so much, have a great day. I am going to be updating this book every Friday. So until then, XOXO –Sarah

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